Early the next morning, Thursday, December 4, there were 12 days left before Winter Veil.

Xia Zuo has to stay on duty today and won't be back until tomorrow morning.

Before going out, he and Anru'er were affectionate for a few minutes, repeatedly promising to arrive home on time, and then got on the public carriage and set off.

The first time he woke up in the morning, he put the Curse of Decay on the idiot Ufakas.

When walking into the large laboratory on the 7th floor underground, the [Blood Curse] was still there.

In more than 2 hours last night, I earned 155 experience points.

Today I have to earn 1,600 experience points without saying anything.

Rexor lay comfortably on the recliner. When he saw Xia Zuo coming, he waved his arm as a greeting and then began to meditate.

Xia Zuo felt completely relieved when he saw that the bald man didn't realize that he was casting a spell.

As usual, he used poison induction to monitor the blood demon in the culture tank.

The research on the Blood Demon Body is progressing faster than expected.

Among the 9 blood demons, one has been soaked in the antidote. The red sand is covered with bubbles and is gradually dissolved by the antidote.

Xia Zuo chatted with Anna and learned that if the current progress continued, the first blood demon whose body would be released would appear in 11 days, and 9 blood demons could be released in up to 3 months.

11 days later? That is December 15th?

The point when Ufakas entered the binge eating phase was December 14th.

Is this a coincidence?

This is the city of Poseidon, and Ufakas is in a town more than 40 kilometers away...

Xia Zuo scratched his head, aimed at the blood demon soaked in the antidote and released the detection technique, confirmed that its name was Iboyk, and then activated [Blood Sensing] in his mind to select its blood mark.

There was no sound in my ears.

Xia Zuo maintained his sense of blood connection and returned to his seat to sit down.

About half an hour later, the door opened.

Vickers walked in, followed by a middle-aged man carrying a metal box.

After Vickers and Xia Zuo nodded in greeting, they approached Anna who was directing the cutting of the Blood Demon's body, pointed at the middle-aged man behind them and said:

"The pharmaceutical team has produced an improved antidote. Let's put it in."

"Yes, supervisor." Anna took the box from the middle-aged man and walked to the console.

Vickers waited for her to finish the operation, confirmed that the new antidote was effective, and then left the laboratory with the middle-aged man.

As the door closed, a familiar voice came to Xia Zuo's ears. It was still the blood demon who commanded the idiot Ufakas. It seemed that this blood demon's status was not low.

"Iboike, don't rush me! I know your body is being corroded. We identified the target last night and are waiting to take action..."

What goals have been determined? Question marks appeared in Xia Zuo's mind.

"What? The corrosion rate has accelerated?"

"Iboike, you asked for this. I can only follow orders. No, don't say it. It's impossible... Okay, okay I'll go find them to discuss it."

In just a few words, Blood Demon's tone changed.

Xia Zuo felt something was wrong. The Strange Demon Church seemed to have a way to interfere with the process of breaking the blood demon's body.

"Iboike, for the sake of the information you provide, we will bring your transformers, and you can let them sacrifice themselves to you.

"Thank me? Hahaha...Then you have to show your sincerity. I happened to find out last night that one of my subordinates had become an inferior product...

"Okay~ Very good~ Tell us the names of the four of them. As long as we get their blood marks, we can guarantee that your sacrifices will arrive here intact, hehehehe."

Good guy, the black eats the black, and Knaka wants it?

Taking advantage of Iboike’s life hanging by a thread to rip him off?

Xia Zuo labeled this talking blood demon as a villain.

About 1 hour later.

The black-bellied blood demon said in his ear, "Iboike, your sacrifice has arrived. In 1 minute, we will remove the blood cage. You can let them sacrifice to you as soon as possible. If a sloppy dog ​​sniffs this place, don't blame us." Eat your sacrifice.”

Xia Zuo quietly adjusted his sitting posture, and his eyes fell inadvertently to the far left side of the culture tank, where Iboike was.

A minute passed, and there were more whispers in the ears, murmurs, sticky and wet, as if someone was sticking out their tongue to lick the ears.

Xia Zuodun felt uncomfortable, frowned, and temporarily turned off [Blood Sensing].

At this very moment.

Iboike's blood demon body swelled a bit visibly to the naked eye.

The monitoring instrument immediately turned on a yellow light.

Xia Zuo also took out the secret message ring and reported the abnormal situation to Vickers.

Rexor, who was lying on the recliner, raised his eyelids, glanced at the culture tank, and continued to meditate.

Half a minute later, Vickers walked in.

He pushed up his glasses, walked around the culture tank, exchanged a few words with Xia Zuo and the members of the research team, and came to a conclusion:

"It should be that this blood demon has a successor in the city. It asked the inheritor to sacrifice the blood pattern and repair his own blood demon body. This is a good thing for us. Most of the sacrifice power is blocked by the defensive barrier. Yes, it has only received a small part."

Vickers glanced at the researchers, waved his hand and said:

"Everyone, let's continue working. Anna, put a 10-fold diluted universal antidote into the culture tank. Let's see how many inheritors of this blood demon are hiding in the city."

Haha Vickers is so sinister... Xia Zuo almost laughed out loud.

Anna fiddled with the operation table a few times, set the dosage and dilution factor, and pressed the button.

The diluted universal antidote entered the tank, and many fist-sized bubbles immediately appeared on Iboyk's body, and Hong Sha, who had just enlarged, lost weight again.

Vickers, Anna and Xia Zuo gave some instructions and left the laboratory.

Xia Zuo sat back on the chair and activated [Blood Sensing].

"Oh~ Iboike, how about the sacrifices we sent?"

"They poured in the universal antidote? Hahahaha, you are so unlucky."

After ten seconds of silence, the voice of the sinister blood demon sounded again, his words extremely arrogant.

"I'm listening to Iboike, you have to understand your situation. We really want to rescue you, but who makes you unlucky to be the first to find the vital parts of the body. There will always be casualties. At least we tried our best. , it’s just that you yourself are unwilling to pay for the transformer.”

"One price, Iboike, 8 blood addicts. I am not helping you alone, it is the four of us who are transporting the transformers for you. Don't think that I don't know that you are in contact with the three of them, the four of us Just sitting at a table, you are as funny as a clown, hahahaha!”

"Okay ~ deal done. Iboike, around 0 o'clock tonight, we will ask the converted guy to sacrifice himself. He will bring my blood patterns to the laboratory. It is heavily defended and there are not many blood patterns that can be brought in. , how much you can absorb depends on your own ability."

What is this? Is it the night I'm on duty that causes trouble again? ...Xia Zuo twitched the corner of his mouth and resisted the urge to press his forehead.

According to the dark blood demon, is there an undercover agent from the Church of Strange Demons in this building? It's still the kind that can enter the laboratory.

"Haha. He is the last convert in the Posin Building. Iboike, isn't it an honor? If we hadn't determined that the target was in Polis City, how could we let him sacrifice...just wait."

My ears were quiet.

What exactly is the target set by the Blood Demon?

Xia Zuo rubbed his brows a few times, wondering...

At 6 o'clock that evening.

Xia Zuo chatted with Anruer for a while using the secret message ring in the restaurant, then picked up his briefcase and walked to the elevator.

When he entered the large laboratory on the 7th floor underground, he activated his toxin sensor, and his hidden gaze swept over the researchers on the night shift one by one.

No one carries poison, they are all mage apprentices, and their expressions and behaviors are normal.

Xia Zuo sat down with a calm expression, activated [Blood Sensing], monitored the culture tank, and listened to the conversation between the black-bellied blood demon and Iboyk.

There was nothing unusual in this laboratory until 23:50 in the evening.

"Iboike, get ready." The voice of the dark blood demon rang in his ears.

Xia Zuo's heart beat a little faster, he raised his head and twisted his neck, and his eyes naturally focused on the culture tank.

"Team leader, the antidote is almost reaching the critical value." said the researcher who was monitoring the solution in the culture tank.

Anna stood up from the closed operating table and looked at the solution mark on tank No. 1. "Have you notified the pharmaceutical team to deliver the antidote?"

"I've been notified, but no one responded."

Anna took out the secret message ring and asked, "How long ago were you notified?"

"It was notified half an hour ago when the third warning line was reached."

"No one has come for so long." Anna frowned and flipped the ring pick, "Let me talk to the supervisor."

Before she finished sending her message, the door to the laboratory opened.

A middle-aged man with an ordinary face walked in carrying a metal box and said apologetically, "Sorry, I didn't get a good rest at noon. Something went wrong while making the antidote."

Anna stopped what she was doing, reset the ring, and then flicked it a few more times while saying, "Pour in the antidote quickly."

"Okay." The middle-aged man stared at tank No. 1 and walked to the operating table.

Xia Zuo recognized this middle-aged man. He and Director Vickers delivered an improved antidote in the morning.

Xia Zuo pretended to stretch and stretched out his arms. When he lowered his arms, he vaguely patted the meditating Rexor with his right hand.

The first time the bald man woke up, he saw Xia Zuo's "alert" gesture behind him. He rubbed his eyes without changing his expression and looked at the middle-aged man with half-squinted eyes.

The middle-aged man seemed to be deliberately stalling for time, checking the glass bottles in the box over and over again.

When a small piece of Iboyk's body emerged from the liquid surface, he stuffed his left finger into his mouth, bit it hard, and then inserted his bloody left hand into the infusion tube.

"Ah!" The female researcher who was close was covered in blood and she screamed and ran away.

The other researchers in the large laboratory were relatively calm.

Being far away is one reason.

The main reason is that the people who can come here to do research have received training and know how to deal with emergencies. They all worked together to cast a spell barrier to block the middle-aged man from the operating table.

The female researcher with blood on her face was comforted by her companions, and she hid behind the crowd and used water to clean her face.

Anna quickly walked towards the alarm button on the wall, but was stopped by a thin spell barrier.

Rexor sat up from the recliner, waved his hand towards Anna to signal her not to call the police, and dispersed the magic barrier blocking the way.

"You all get out." Rexor said in a low voice, looking down at Xia Zuo who was sitting on his side, "You stay here."

The bald man cast a thick barrier to protect Xia Zuo. After all the researchers left, he slowly walked towards the middle-aged man.

The liquid in culture tank No. 1 has turned blood red, and there are many dark red pieces of meat flowing inside.

The light emitted by the crystal is no longer effective.

The blood demon Iboyk is sucking blood and flesh, and the red sand is opening and closing like an insect's mouthparts.

Rexall pressed a few times on the operating table to close the infusion pipe and remove the liquid in the tank.

The blood flowed away and the crystal light regained its effect. Iboike was frozen and maintained his final movements.

The middle-aged man showed no reaction, his eyes had no eyeballs, and the whites of his eyes were swollen with bloodshot eyes.

Rexor raised his hand, outlined the seal, and released a beam of light.

The middle-aged man shook his head from side to side as if he had been hit in the head by a hammer, and stood crookedly on the spot.

"Do you have any companions in the Posing Building?" Rexall asked in a steady voice.

"I don't know" the middle-aged man murmured

"How many times have you undergone transformation rituals?"

"Three times" a lump bulged out on the middle-aged man's head, like a big blister. Two seconds later, another big bump bulged out, and his head gradually became deformed.

Rexor raised his hand and cast an ellipsoid barrier, completely surrounding the opponent, "Do you still remember who you are?"


When Rexor heard the other party say an inhuman name, his calm eyes showed a hint of lamentation.

He pressed the palm of his right hand onto the ellipsoid barrier and released surging golden-white flames.

The middle-aged man standing in the flames knelt down devoutly like a converted believer, but what he faced was not the master demon hunter, but the blood demon in the cultivation tank...

The flames swept through the middle-aged man's body, turning his hair and flesh into ashes. His bones cracked, turned black, and finally turned into waste and fell to the ground.

Rexor removed the magic barrier and flames, waved to Xia Zuo and said:

"His blood still remains in this infusion line. I speculate that there are blood patterns of a blood demon or blood addict in the blood. You ask Vickers to send someone to take it for identification, and give me a blood sample by the way. .”

"Okay, Master." Xia Zuo took out the secret message ring and lowered his head to send the message.

Rexall opened the metal box containing the antidote and carefully inspected the liquid inside and the corners of the box.

Then, he walked to the culture tank and stared at the blood demon Iboyk inside.

"You're stalling for time, Blood Demon. Do you think I'm a fool?" Rexor laughed sarcastically:

"Haha, the glass of this culture tank is one-way. You can't see outside. Do you think there are only researchers here?"

Xia Zuo glanced at the bald man talking to himself and put down the secret message ring in his hand.

He has always maintained [Blood Sensing]. Ever since Iboike sucked the blood pattern, the Black-bellied Blood Demon has not spoken. It seems that Iboike is very satisfied with tonight's harvest and has not spoken to the Black-bellied Blood Demon again. Make a request.

Rexall took out a yellow-brown medicine bottle from his medicine belt and poured the medicine into his mouth. Thick blue blood vessels appeared on his face, looking a little ferocious.

He raised his hands and cast a powerful curse of decay, and the brand covered the entire red sand.

I have to go out for a day today, and I am afraid that I will forget to post it at noon, so I will post it in advance.

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