My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 147 The impact of twenty-five thousand points


The white left arm began to beat like a heart, and the things under the skin were hitting the outer shell of the armor.

The elemental puppet pulled out its needle and hid behind the guardian's protective barrier.

"Seal the windows." The captain said to the scout, then raised his pistol and asked everyone to come to the corridor. "Be prepared to listen to my command and use the blazing ray to attack that arm."

The scout created a solid stone wall in front of the window and ran to the door.

"3, 2, 1." The captain counted down a few times, and when his companions were ready, he shouted: "Fire!"

"Buzz~~" Five blazing rays condensed into a straight line fell on the strange left arm at the same time.

The beam of light emitted by the elemental puppet raised its hand was extremely hot, and the golden-white firelight was hotter and stronger than the fiery red beams of the other four people.

The combatants use elemental firearms, while the elemental golems use shallow meditation to cast.

However, the different ways of casting spells are not the source of the difference in spell power.

Xia Zuo noticed that when the elemental puppet was casting a spell, a bright blood pattern appeared in each of its left and right pupils, as if it was deliberately showing that it was using blood magic to enhance the effect of the spell.

The intention of doing this is very obvious. Using blood magic blatantly is telling the Church of Strange Demons: I am a pure-blood mage, come and catch me~

Xia Zuoma shook his head with a smile and looked into the bedroom.

The white left arm was instantly ignited by the blazing ray and turned into a fireball, burning with black arm bones twisting in the flames.

"Roar!" In the roar, the black arm bones exploded, and a blood shadow tore through the flames and rushed towards the stone wall blocking the window against the blazing rays.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The blood shadow failed to smash the wall, turned around and rushed towards the door, carrying the thick blood around it and colliding with the protective barrier.

The barrier shook violently, the light of the spell flickered, light and dark intertwined.

"Maintain the barrier and don't let it escape." The elemental puppet raised its left hand and released another blazing ray, with a scarlet light bursting out of its eyes.

Two golden-white rays pushed the blood shadow two meters away, pressing the opponent to the floor and nailing him firmly in place.

The guardian stopped shooting and raised his hands to pour energy into the spell barrier, while the other three continued to attack the enemy.

Xia Zuo took a few glances at the blood addict who was squatting on the ground and using a blood shield to resist the rays.

It seems to be a relatively advanced existence among the blood addicts.

The body is made of pure blood. Even if it is attacked, its appearance is intact. The blood shield it summons is very stable in the golden-white rays and shows no signs of shrinking. It has enough power to launch a counterattack.

At this time, he was squatting on the ground, more like he was preparing for an attack.

The elemental puppet also noticed this, "Be careful! This is an adult blood addict who is about to transform!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the blood addict pointed at the stone wall with his right hand hidden behind his back, and a thick dark red ray instantly penetrated the wall, leaving a circular gap.

In the next second, like a rolled up carpet, the blood addict turned into a long blood shadow and got into the round hole with a hiss. He was so fast that he left the blazing ray behind.

Scouts lifted the stone wall.

Everyone ran to the window and took a look. Bloody shadows were flowing towards the suburbs. The sickle-shaped bloody weapons killed several police officers and innocent passers-by who blocked the road. Their bodies jumped up and down on the road a few times before disappearing at the end of the street. .

Without saying a word, the elemental puppet turned into a bright red blood mist and chased after him.

"Captain, he..." The scout stared dumbly at the blood mist flying faster than a car.

"Don't ask any more questions. Let him go." The captain waved his hand, turned around and looked at the bed, "Check the scene and take away all the poisons."

Servant No. 1 floated out from under the scarf of the female team member and flew slowly and leisurely in the direction of the blood mist.

Xia Zuo was lying on the bed controlling his servants, with a very complicated look on his face.

He probably figured out why the Church of Strange Demons regarded him as an elemental puppet and the elemental puppets in Polis City as him...

Flying speed in blood mist form = [blood magic power] = [blood pattern quality/3]

If this formula could also be applied to elemental puppets...

The flying speed of the blood mist is nearly 30 kilometers per hour, which means that the elemental puppet's blood pattern quality is at least 90 or above.

The quality of the blood pattern is determined by the three attributes with the lowest attribute values.

In other words, the vitality attribute of this elemental puppet may exceed imagination.

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 1 to follow the blood mist. Before it floated 20 meters away, he completely lost track of the elemental puppet and the blood addict.

Super high blood pattern quality, complete elemental body, and blood pattern eyes that appear when using blood magic...

When these three factors appear in the same person, it's hard not to think that he is a pure-blood mage...

Look at the blazing ray he released earlier

A conservative estimate is that the basic power that is not increased by blood magic is at least 60 points, which means that there are as many as 60 small fire elements in the elemental puppet's body.

If the consumption of the condensed elemental body is also included.

The temple invested nearly 300 well-behaved elements in this elemental puppet.

On the other hand, Xia Zuo, the real owner

The blood pattern quality is less than 30 points, the elemental body has not even a hair on it, the eyes have no change when using blood magic, and the pitiful spell power is 24 points...

Living like a salted fish, and having to hand over the surplus food every night, there is no trace of the demeanor of someone who has awakened the power of blood.

Even if he was thrown directly in front of the Strange Demon Church, he probably wouldn't be regarded as a pure-blood mage.

Xia Zuo suddenly slapped his forehead and thought of something!

[If I hadn’t helped Anruer exchange the master-level element bottle...he would be almost at the level of an elemental puppet now! 】

The Strange Demon Church probably doesn't know about Anru'er's affairs, because it all happened in Xingye Academy, and Anru'er has never had direct contact with the strange demon...

So it was because of the master-level elemental bottle that reduced his sense of existence, causing the Strange Demon Church to make an error in its judgment?

I can't figure it out and leave it alone.

Xia Zuo covered his forehead and shook his head in confusion.

He is actually quite curious about alchemy products like elemental puppets now.

It not only has completely independent intelligence, but also can be loaded with the power of elements and blood. It feels like a highly expandable humanoid weapon.

Then here comes the problem.

Since elemental puppets are so good, why not promote their use on a large scale and replace the police, action teams, and even the army?

There must be a fatal flaw that Xia Zuo is currently unaware of.'s not like I don't know at all.

At least [element dissipation] is a problem that the orthodox mage school cannot avoid.

Perhaps, the probability of elemental puppets dissipating elements is much higher than expected.

Servant No. 1 was on the roof of the building, looking towards the suburbs for a long time. Xia Zuo finally came to his senses, ended the thoughts in his head, and controlled Servant No. 1 to fly towards the location of the action team.

Servant No. 1 came to the door on the first floor of the building, floated above everyone's heads, and eavesdropped on the conversation below.

Xia Zuo roughly understood the current situation.

In Polis, there are a total of 55 targets that meet the filtering conditions. They are tourists or residents who have arrived or returned to the city within 7 days.

Tonight, the Category 3 Disaster Emergency Response Department launched a unified investigation.

Among the 55 targets, 15 were found to be equipped with alchemy equipment. Transformers or blood addicts were hidden in the equipment.

Thirteen of the 15 enemies were eliminated on the spot, and only two escaped. The adult blood addict just now was one of them, and the other was also an adult blood addict.

Xia Zuo thought for a moment, then controlled Servant No. 1 to float back to the scene of the crime, and activated the toxin sensor to check every corner...

If only the remnants of Blood Addict could be found...



The action team turned the bedroom upside down, even lifting the bed boards, but a few extremely tiny blood-colored powders still fell into the cracks in the floor.

If there is no toxin sensor, their existence cannot be detected.

From the perspective of Servant No. 1, the toxicity of these blood-colored powders is quickly dissipating, and they will become the same as ordinary dust in a few minutes at most.

Xia Zuo cast a detection technique on the blood-colored powder, and the feedback showed that it was a small piece of body debris from the blood addict, which should have been scattered when he was attacked by the blazing ray.

He thought for a while, and asked Servant No. 1 to contain one of the body fragments, and then activated [Flesh Control] to try to get Servant No. 1 to digest it.

The poisonous effect was on Servant No. 1, and Xia Zuo didn't feel any discomfort.

Have you successfully tested the poison?

Xia Zuo looked at the status bar of Servant No. 1 with confusion. As soon as he saw the long list of negative effects appearing on it, he immediately stopped digesting, and the body flakes fell off from Servant No. 1's body.

In just two seconds, servant No. 1 lost 200 blood points.

Fortunately, we stopped in time

Goldfinger's message came to mind.

Xia Zuo got the blood mark of an adult blood addict-Uskas as he wished.

He activated [Blood Sensing] and selected all existing blood marks to see how the Strange Demon Church would react to tonight's arrest.

The sinister blood demon Ufakars shouted in his ear:

"Damn you scumbag, what went wrong? Why would they check outsiders?"

"Master!" This was the voice of Uskas, an adult blood addict who escaped. "I know the reason! That pure-blood mage is chasing me! I know what went wrong!"

"Say! Ufakas," Ufakas growled.

"That pure-blood mage knows about the Alchemy Plant! I heard his conversation with Sloppy Dog. He knows the Alchemy Plant very well, and even knows how to remove it. He also knows the narcotic poison of the Alchemy Plant that transported me."

Uskas added, "Master... I need help..."

Unfortunately, Ufakas ignored him and seemed to be thinking about his own affairs, "Oh~ that pure-blood mage actually knows the effect of the Submersible VI type alchemy breeding equipment. This is an alchemy breeding equipment that our church has not disclosed yet, and it is only as good as Type VII is only 10% or 20% worse, he has the innate spell to identify alchemy equipment!!"

"This is really great!" Ufakas shouted excitedly, regardless of his subordinates asking for help:

"I'm going to capture him and take him back to give birth to a large group of children! Wow haha~ The talent spell for identifying alchemy equipment~ Master Nuk'alofa will definitely like it!"

Ufakas laughed for a few seconds, and gradually returned to his normal tone, "Ufakas, tell me, does he have any special talent spells? Not to mention the blood magic of controlling fire, we all know this. He can Can’t you cast a curse from the air?”

Xia Zuo was stunned for a moment, then broke into a cold sweat!

He never expected that there might be a flaw here, and he almost ended up in a big disaster!

If that elemental puppet can't cast a curse through the air, then the strange demon teachings will definitely doubt the authenticity of the elemental puppet being a pure-blood mage! !

so far so good

Fortunately, I got the blood mark of Uskas...

"Master... I need help. I don't know if he can cast a curse from the air. He has been chasing me and is about to catch up..."

Xia Zuo quietly activated [Blood Curse] and cast a slow curse on Uskas that slowed down his movement speed, using 12 points of maximum power.

"No! Master, he will cast a curse from the air! I can't move! Help me!" Uskas was wailing.

Ufaris said as if talking to himself, "It's really a curse cast from a distance. I can't even trace the source of the curse. Sure enough, it's him!"

"Master..." I don't know what the elemental puppet did to Uskas, but this adult blood addict actually started crying.

"Shut up! Uskas. I'm thinking." Ufaris realized that he could no longer lose his men, so he changed his tone and said, "You have done some good, let me help you once."

Xia Zuo thought for a while and stopped casting the curse at the right time.

He did not turn off [Blood Curse] and could clearly sense that Uskas' position instantly shifted by nearly 5 kilometers.

As soon as Uskas was out of trouble, he began to compliment his master with great joy.

Xia Zuo felt numb after hearing this, but he resisted the discomfort and did not turn off the [Blood Sensing] to avoid missing important information.

"Uskas, you find a place to hide and wait for my call. I will wake you up tomorrow night at the latest."

"Yes~ my master." Uskas' flattering tone was disgusting.

Ufaris has long been accustomed to the flattery of his subordinates. He said to the blood demon who was sealed in the Bosin Building:

"Iboike, prepare to sacrifice yourself. You will be taken to the Demon Palace during the day the day after tomorrow. I wanted to see you off, but now we don't have enough manpower, so forget it."

"Humph, Ufaris, I don't need your pity." Iboike's voice sounded haggard. Knowing that his fate could not be changed, he became tough when he spoke, "You scum. If you were in Bose that day Dun, we won’t be caught by the demon palace guards and demon hunters.”

"That's because you are incompetent, Iboike. All 10 of you are undisciplined waste." Ufaris said disdainfully:

"Besides, I also contributed. Utholeus and I exposed our traces. The only blame is that you gang of losers showed up too early and failed to allow Utholeus and I to attract the witcher. "

"Shut up, Ufaris. 'Infected people will be taken to the Bosin Building for treatment.' This is what you said yourself. You are a bastard, Ufaris, despicable and shameless. You have already calculated it." You wanted to take away our blood patterns from the beginning." Iboike cursed angrily.

"Whatever you say, you are a bastard who is destined to be unable to stand up. I won't waste my efforts with you." Ufaris stopped talking.

There was no more sound in my ears.

Xia Zuo rubbed his brow and turned off [Blood Sensing].

The intrigue in the Strange Demon it so serious?

I don’t know... and I’m not interested in knowing.

Xia Zuo turned his attention to servant No. 1.

Now that the Strange Demon Church has determined that the elemental puppets have the talent to cast curses through the air, Xia Zuo plans to use this trick to help them deepen their impression.

The most important thing right now is to find the elemental puppet, stay with him at all times, and assist it with [Blood Curse].

Xia Zuo asked servant No. 1 to come to the action team. After waiting for about 5 minutes, the elemental puppet flew back in the form of a gas cloud to join the team.

Even Tivanas can really perform a full set of tricks...

Xia Zuo twitched the corner of his mouth and controlled the No. 1 servant to hide in the scarf of the female team member.

Inside the jeep.

The scout drove back to the Bolles Towers.

The atmosphere was a bit solemn and no one spoke.

The captain, who knew part of the inside story, chose to remain silent.

The elemental puppet chose to take the initiative to break the silence, "Everyone, I will not be able to act with you in the next few days. The headquarters has arranged other tasks for me."

"My identity... you don't need to know." The elemental puppet's voice did not change, but it sounded like it was saying goodbye, "The days working with you are very fulfilling. Thank you for introducing me to Polis and the action team. I will have the opportunity in the future. See you again."

The female team member seemed a little touched and quietly wiped the corners of her eyes with her scarf.

The jeep came to Nancheng District and put down the elemental puppet at the gate of a low-rise community. The action team members said goodbye to him before driving to the Bolles Building.

The elemental puppet walked into the community expressionlessly and entered one of the houses.

Xia Zuo was surprised to find that there was a female human in this low house...

No, wait, she seems to be an elemental puppet too.

Xia Zuo turned sideways and looked at An Ru'er beside him. After careful observation, he discovered an inevitable difference between the elemental puppet and the real person:

Elemental puppets must have elemental bodies, but real people may not.

Just like Anru'er who was in deep meditation at this time, she had not yet condensed the elemental body, and there were 32 small light spots floating out of her body, which corresponded to the total resistance of the four series of detection feedback.

As for the elemental puppets... If Xia Zuo guessed correctly, the elemental puppets' method of preventing the elements from dissipating is the elemental body. The elemental body is a must for every elemental puppet.

Xia Zuo gently touched An Ruer's face, lay down and looked from the perspective of Servant No. 1.

After the elemental puppet couple met, they exchanged a few words in a dull and mechanical manner, then tightened the curtains and walked into the dark bedroom.

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 1 to pass through the crack in the door and looked at the scene in the bedroom.

The two elemental puppets lay motionless on the double bed, eyes closed, as if in deep meditation.

Xia Zuo walked around the small room, and then asked Servant No. 1 to get into the hat of the male element puppet and stay there.

"Well, let me think about it." Xia Zuo sat up from the bed in the safe house, bent his arms and put them on his thighs, resting his chin on the back of his hands as he thought in the dark.

Judging from Ufaris's tone, the loss of the Strange Demon Church in Polis is definitely not small.

Maybe there won't be a decent team of strange demons formed near Polis City for the time being.

This further strengthens the possibility that the elemental puppet is the pureblood mage himself.

So...what's the situation with Poseidon?

I was busy tracking the elemental puppets tonight, but I failed to monitor Ufaris' bloodline information in time, so I had no way of knowing Poseidon's current situation.

In addition, all secret message rings have been temporarily taken away

Xia Zuo touched his alchemy pocket and found that it was much empty. Basically, except for his personal clothes, the alchemy stone of life and the scarlet emblem, there was nothing else left. Even the books were not left...

Then there is only one way now.

Xia Zuo lay down on the bed gently, once again called up the perspective of Servant No. 1, and controlled it to go to the sewer pipe not far outside the house, where he condensed the second Hematin Servant.

Hemonic servant No. 2 spent 100 of the upper limit of blood volume and 1 point of mental attribute value of servant No. 1, occupying 10% of the main body's basic blood recovery speed.

Xia Zuo put servant No. 1 back into the hat of the elemental puppet and controlled servant No. 2 to come to Polis Train Station.

In my impression, the latest train every day leaves at 9:50 pm.

It's 9:20 now.

If there is no control, the train should start normally...


The train will not depart.

The gate of the train station was surrounded by fences and barbed wire, and police were on duty in makeshift guard boxes.

Xia Zuo glanced at the alternating red and blue lights from a distance, then controlled Servant No. 2 to fly slowly in the direction of Poseidon.

After leaving the city area, the desert was filled with bright moonlight. The stars and moon illuminated the road, and the direction of the road could barely be seen clearly.

During the day today, Xia Zuo came to the safe house early and felt idle, so he meditated deeply for several hours.

It's almost late at night and I'm still energetic.

Controlling the No. 2 servant on the road is no problem.

But it's a little boring.

Xia Zuo scratched his head, activated [Blood Sensing], selected a few blood marks to monitor, and treated them like a midnight radio station...

Then there were many muttering sounds in my ears.

It was quite lively at night, especially because Ufalis, the blood demon's bloodline imprint, kept receiving bloodline messages from various voices.

Xia Zuo listened carefully for a few minutes, and then became very interested.

It turned out to be the converts and blood addicts lurking in Machina State, reporting the status of their respective teams to Ufaris.

"Dear Master, your most devout servant Uchilos has been summoned to wake up. The blood plague cult in Hakanson City is all normal, the blood plague bottles are intact, and the converts are all sleeping. They will be waiting for your call at any time."

"Master, you are a noble symbol. Usauk was summoned to wake up. The Slaughter Cult in Poseidon City suffered an unexpected setback. We lost 14 quasi-cultists. Fortunately, the main force of the Cult was not affected, and they are Gathering strength while sleeping, Lord Utholeus personally guards the stronghold, and we will follow him to the city of Hakanson."

"Supreme Master, your humble servant is here, Ufusk was summoned to wake up. An accident occurred in the raiding cult team in Polis City. The quasi-cultivator you prepared for us disappeared, and only 2 instructors survived. Robbery There are still 13 official members of the cult who are guarding the entrance to the dark room established by Lord Shadow Demon Lord. We will obey your call."

Xia Zuo frowned when he heard this. He didn't expect that the converts and blood addicts killed today were only a small part of the Strange Demon Church lurking in Machina State, and they had no impact on the Strange Demon Church's future plans at all.

The Blood Plague Cult in Hakanson City, the Slaughter Cult in Poseidon City, and the Plunder Cult in Polis City...where are these three teams hiding?

Have these three teams been noticed by the resident mage?

Or could it be said that the Foreign Demon Church invested a huge amount in this operation? Big enough for the resident mage to not notice?

Xia Zuo remembered the two alchemy farming equipment models mentioned by Ufaris:

Hypodermic snakes types VI and VII.

According to the Black-bellied Blood Demon, Type VI's performance is 10 to 20% worse than Type VII.

Does it mean that the teaching team uses Type VII, which can accommodate mixed-blood mages for a long time without damage, so that it can hide without being discovered until now?

It's possible.

what should I do?

Xia Zuo thought about it, but there was no good way. He could only maintain the [Blood Sensing], hoping to hear useful information.

Unfortunately, until the early hours of the morning, when the sun rose from the horizon, there was no more sound in my ears.

Xia Zuo saw the bright outline of Poseidon City in the morning sun through the perspective of Servant No. 2, and suddenly felt a little tired.

He asked Servant No. 2 to hide in a building in the suburbs, and then entered deep meditation.

My head hurts a bit, I'll correct the typos later.

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