December 14, 9 am.

Xia Zuo woke up from meditation and immediately called up the perspective of Servant No. 2.

About 40 military airships appeared over the city of Poseidon, with the federal army's insignia on the airbags.

Five of them are suspended over various urban areas.

Tweeters hung from their pods repeatedly broadcast the same message to the city below:

【Notice! Fellow citizens. The city of Poseidon has entered alert level 2. All citizens stop going out. Living supplies will be uniformly distributed by the federal army. Citizens, please comply with the Federal Vigilance and Discipline Act and accept inspections in accordance with the law. 】

There are different models of military airships in the sky.

The five airships responsible for broadcasting were suspended in motion.

The remaining airships are divided into 7 groups.

One of the groups is a material transport team, consisting of 5 airships - 4 high-speed airships escorting 1 material airship to distribute living supplies.

The other group is a patrol mobile team, with five high-speed airships patrolling the entire city in the sky.

The remaining 5 groups are citizen inspection teams.

Each group is responsible for a city area, and four high-speed airships escort a particularly large aircraft carrier airship.

From the pod of the aircraft carrier airship, a large group of elemental servants wrapped in spherical metal shells flew out and inspected the residents door to door.

The army directed residents to undergo inspections through microphones on metal casings.

The Category 3 Disaster Emergency Response Department responded quite quickly.

It is estimated that after consolidating data overnight and working overtime for meetings last night, they discovered that the number of mixed-race mages killed was far from expected. They realized that there were more mixed-race mages lurking in the city, so they raised the alert level again and launched a city-wide search.

In the final analysis, the information previously given to Rexor played a role.

The main credit goes to Xia Zuo for directly conveying the number of people mentioned by Nuk'alofa, the deacon of spirit and flesh, without any disguise or modification.

Xia Zuo saw how efficient the army was, and most of his worries were relieved.

The results of today's search must be remarkable. From pickpockets to serious absconding criminals, basically no criminal can escape such a search.

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 2, carefully avoiding those elemental servants in the shape of glass balls.

It is recorded in "Comprehensive Solution to Elemental Shells" that glass is a very good container for elements.

Hollow glass spheres, ideal for carrying powerful elemental servants - providing clear vision without impeding spellcasting.

Specially made hard glass has become the first line of defense to protect this type of elemental servants.

In the territory of the Mage Temple, this type of elemental servant can only be used by high-level mages and above.

When the blood servants saw them, they would definitely stay away from them.

Xia Zuo quietly came to the St. York community, found his house, drilled into the sewer near the house, and observed the situation at home through the small crack in the manhole cover.

The doors, windows, and curtains of the house were closed, and there was no sign of human or elemental puppet activity.

If the assumption is correct, there should be an elemental puppet replacing Xia Zuo at this time, performing tasks with the 17th Action Team.

Xia Zuo thought for a moment and did not control Servant No. 2 to search for traces of the 17th Action Team.

In contrast, it is more important to use Servant No. 1 to cooperate with the elemental puppets in Polis City.

With a thought in his mind, he switched to the perspective of Servant No. 1.

The picture is very dark.

Tucked minion 1 into the hat last night.

I can barely see my hair now...

It is probably the elemental puppet from Poseidon City wearing a hat.

Xia Zuo let Servant No. 1 attach to the elemental puppet's hair, and then placed the perspectives of the two Hematin Servants side by side, while he lay on the bed with his eyes closed and fell asleep.

He activated [Blood Induction] and wanted to see the reaction of the Strange Demon Church...

If there is a city-wide search, will the three teaching teams still be able to hide...

Then admire, admire.

"Lord Ufaris, the Blood Plague Cult requests your instructions. The converts carrying the Blood Plague Vials are still sleeping, but the sloppy dogs are about to search their homes."

The voice paused for a few seconds, listened to the instructions of Blood Demon Ufaris, and continued:

"Sir, we have already tried the method you mentioned... The guards of the Demon Palace intervened in this round of searches. They acted together with the sloppy dogs. The troubled converts were detected by powerful detection spells, and the sloppy dogs were imprisoned on the spot. Got them."

Another voice chimed in, "My lord! My lord! The slovenly dogs have surrounded the town! The leader is the witcher! As soon as we took action, they appeared! It's as if... it's as if they knew we were lurking here!"

Although Xia Zuo couldn't hear what Ufaris was saying, he was sure that this sinister blood demon must be very anxious at this time.

People will make mistakes when they are anxious, especially when they bear heavy responsibilities...

The Blood Demon is not a human being, but he retains human nature. When planning the next steps, he will inevitably bring emotional factors.

There is movement in the blood mark of Uskas. This adult blood addict who escaped from the elemental puppet yesterday received orders from Ufaris.

"Uskas, I want you to follow the raiding cult, and after receiving my order, take away our target by force. Blood will coexist with you, and I will give it to the loser when I receive it. Your great power!"

Ufalis's words seemed to greatly encourage Uskas.

The adult blood addict immediately rushed towards the city of Polis at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour.

Xia Zuo's expression suddenly became strange.

Uskas actually came directly to Servant No. 1...

Could it be said that the elemental puppets are now under the surveillance of the Plundering Cult?

Xia Zuo suddenly regretted hiding in the hat. Maybe he could see the environment around the elemental puppet in another place...

He thought for a few seconds and turned his attention to Servant No. 2.

If nothing unexpected happens, the teaching team ambushing in Poseidon City and Hakanson City is ready to take action forcefully.

Only when enough blood is obtained can the altar placed in Hakanson City take effect.

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 2 to go to the roof of the building near the St. York community and looked around the city of Poseidon.

Want to harvest a lot of blood in a short period of time.

You must find a crowded place to kill.

Where are there more people?

Xia Zuodun feels bad

The most densely populated place is undoubtedly the old Beicheng District, where there are a large number of round-shaped apartment buildings...

Is the little girl Janice going home at this time?

Probably not... the school is so safe.

Xia Zuo frowned and felt that he had to go and take a look.

Janice is not an acquaintance to Xia Zuo, she has only met a few times.

But to be honest, Janice held a special position in his heart, otherwise he would not have given away the weak recovery potion that he had treasured for 10 years.

If you analyze it in depth, it may be the psychology of "vicarious gratification" that drives him to worry about Janice.

Ten years ago, in the Starry Night Kingdom's Rosak City, it was Thales Meso who guided Xia Zuo on the road to becoming a mage.

I never had the chance to repay this kindness.

So I can only fill the gap in my heart by doing something similar.

For example, guiding a boy or girl who has acquired affinity conditions to enter a school.

If such a little girl who had a good relationship was killed or injured due to the strange demon church...

Xia Zuo will definitely be very sad.

There are not many people he is willing to pour his affection into.

Audrey, Janice, everyone from the circus, Professor Kurov, Head Beatrice, Bald Rexall...these are ranked in the second order.

Anru'er is the first sequence.

Xia Zuo hopes that they can all live a good life, live and die normally, and not die due to accidents.

Servant No. 2 walks through the streets.

The huge shadows of several airships passed by him. The five airships of the Patrol Mobile Team flew toward Beicheng District together.

Xia Zuo's heart tightened, and he controlled Servant No. 2 to go to the top of the tallest building nearby and look to the north.

There was a riot in the zigzag buildings in Beicheng District.

A large group of spherical elemental servants circled around two of the buildings. The gun barrel on the metal shell shot out a beam of light. In the light of the elements, the bloody light of blood magic shone.

The Cult of Slaughter took action and was fighting the army.

Xia Zuo found the building where he met Janice for the first time, and his route happened to pass by the place where the battle took place.

Servant No. 2 walked around the battlefield in an arc, flew on the roof of the building, and watched the battlefield from a distance...

The fighting power of blood demons is indeed extraordinary, especially when there are a large number of living people around, the power of their blood magic is doubled.

The red sand is the body of the Blood Demon, which is equivalent to a fruit that has been peeled off to reveal its flesh.

Heavily armed gorefiends have their own blood magic equipment.

There are two blood demons on the battlefield currently fighting against the army.

They look like spellcasters wearing blood-colored robes. They are over 8 meters tall, about the same height as a three-story building. Their faces resemble skulls, with two swirling bloody vortexes in their eye sockets. Their fingers are as thin as wood, and between them Drops of blood.

The two blood demons were standing next to two zigzag buildings.

They raised their hands high and cast a bloody spell barrier to cover the building in front of them. The skeleton palms passed back and forth, drawing out streams of blood from the building.

The converts and blood addicts belonging to the Slaughter Cult slaughtered lives in the room. Thick blood mist filled the corridors of the building. The scene inside the room was miserable, with severed limbs and remains and bright red blood everywhere.

The attacks of the elemental servants never stopped.

The beams they shot fell on the blood demon, but were blocked by the bloody light on the opponent's robe.

Xia Zuo discovered that whenever he was attacked by a ray, the blood-red pendant hanging around the Blood Demon's neck would flash with blood. It was obviously some kind of powerful protective prop that was protecting the Blood Demon.

If you want to stop the blood demon from collecting blood, you must break through this layer of protection.

The military has long thought of this.

At this time a new attack is about to arrive.

Xia Zuo looked up at the airship in the sky. He could still clearly feel that powerful magic energy was gathering in the pod even though it was hundreds of meters away.

Two gun barrels protrude from the bottom of the pod.

The silver barrel is wrapped with a spiral glass tube.

A cyan-blue light bloomed from the root of the glass tube, spreading in circles along the glass tube to the mouth of the gun barrel.

The two blood demons immediately retracted their hands, and the pendants covering their chests were condensed into several layers of raised shields with their blood.


"Buzz~" A thick and loud roar sounded.

Two blue blazing rays fell on the blood magic shield, penetrating the shield like sharp knives piercing white paper, inserting into the blood demon's skeletal palm, and hitting the blood pendant in the middle.

Sharp wails spread throughout Beicheng District.

The dust should have settled.

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