Xia Zuo was kidnapped by the evil old man to test the medicine, so he avoided the bandits looting the village and did not turn into black coal like his hometown.

He was the only one who escaped from the evil old man alive.

Wilson thought for a moment and understood what the boy meant, with a bitter smile on his face:

"Yes, little one. You are indeed the only survivor of several villages to the south."

Xia Zuo looked at Audrey and got a "continue talking" look from her.

"Uncle Wilson, were there any children missing in the suffering villages before they were plundered?"

This statement simply connects the evil old man with the bandits.

The order in which the two appear before and after may be just a coincidence and lacks many examples to support it.

It is difficult to use it as a basis for judging that they must be a group.

Xia Zuo stared at the thoughtful Wilson and added a few words:

“Their parents may not think their children are missing, so they may not put a reward on the notice board to find the children.

"My roommate in the cave, Little Nose, said that he came here to learn alchemy. He wanted to gain the approval of the evil old man by testing the medicine and become his alchemy apprentice."

The three burnt black corpses flashed through his mind.

If I had moved faster before the crucible exploded and dragged my little nose into the aisle, maybe...

Xia Zuo lowered his eyes and sighed silently:

"The friends I met underground, even before they died, felt that drinking the potion was just a test for themselves by the evil old man, and they were extremely obedient to the damn villain alchemist.

“They never thought they would lose their lives underground.

"Little Nose naively thought that if he could no longer withstand the poison of the potion, the evil old man would send him back to his parents..."

Audrey held the boy's hand under the table, comforting the other person's sadness, and mouthed silently:

"Stop for a moment. Be quiet."

Xia Zuo immediately closed his mouth and looked at Wilson again.

The uncle fell into a strange state of calm, his eyes were unfocused, and he stared blankly at the dishes on the table as if in a daze.

In the quiet private room, there was only the faint sound of breathing.

Xia Zuo and Audrey sat on chairs, not daring to make the slightest sound.

About two minutes later, Wilson took a deep breath, and his old-fashioned look returned to his face. The dullness between his brows was gone, and his eyes were shining.

"I recalled all the casualty reports and compared their death tolls with the village rosters in the fortress archives. There were some children's bodies missing from each ruin. Their parents had never reported to the fortress guarding the villages. Soldiers asking for help.”

Wilson looked at the boy with burning eyes, "Little guy, can you tell me the specific situation of that evil old man in detail?"


Xia Zuo leaned forward on the edge of the table, dipped a spoon in tea, drew a rough layout of the cave on the table, and listed everything there in detail.

Since being digitally transformed by Golden Finger, all the information he has memorized has been deeply ingrained in his mind and entered into the knowledge reserve.

The memory of the underground alchemy room is still intact and fresh.

"Are the evil old man's crutches and the three silver coins still around?" Wilson said solemnly.

"The crutches are in the suitcase at the residence, and the silver coins are in the eldest sister's head." Xia Zuo looked at Audrey beside him.

"Xia Zuo's coins are all stored separately. They are all lying in the mezzanine of the suitcase." Audrey nodded.

A look of joy flashed across Wilson's face, he put his hands together on the table and asked again:

"Audrey, do you still remember the place where you met Xia Zuo?"

"Of course. I roughly found the location of the cave on the circus map. Xia Zuo said that he walked north for two days. In this case, the cave is in the woods northwest of Piek Fortress."

When Audrey saw the expression of her old comrade, she understood that the information provided by Xia Zuo was very important, so she naturally told her everything she knew.

Wilson clapped his hands heavily, and the smile on his face could no longer be suppressed, "Ha, I finally caught the tail of these cunning bastards."

He stood up and held his chest with his right hand:

"Audrey, Xia Zuo, Piek Castle needs your help. Enter the castle with me. I will take you to see the resident mage."

"It's my honor." Audrey stood up and bent slightly.

As soon as Xia Zuo heard the word "mage", his eyes widened with longing.

Audrey returned to the hotel and put on a leather armor, while Xia Zuo took the silver coins and severed crutches.

The two boarded the carriage at the entrance of the hotel and entered the castle accompanied by Wilson.

Piek Fortress is divided into two areas.

One is an urban area where ordinary people live.

The other is the castle area, which is a combination of military camp and fortress.

The two areas are separated by low walls, moats and large iron gates.

A pass or invitation is required to enter the castle area.

Wilson's carriage is inspected by the castle guards at the drawbridge.

The soldiers in gray chain mail knew Wilson's identity, but still stopped the carriage with their halberds.

Under the steel-colored helmet, the soldier's poker face forced out a smile, checked Wilson's pass, and looked at the tall Audrey and the simple-looking Xia Zuo with scrutinizing eyes.

"Open the door! Mr. Wilson is back!"

The soldier stepped back to get out of the way and waved his arms to the figure above the wall.

Behind the gate is a low hillside with a gentle slope.

The castle sits at the end of a hill.

With a height of five floors and the topography of the place, Piek Castle is the tallest building in the entire city.

Soldiers on patrol filed past the bustling training ground.

In front of the low shed of the military camp, resting soldiers gathered together in twos and threes, playing with the chessboard and chess pieces playfully.

Wilson and his party went straight to the castle hall.

The floor here is covered with a luxurious deep red carpet. The texture is soft and can absorb the sound of footsteps, making the castle quiet and solemn.

The candlesticks on the wall glowed with gentle firelight, and the guards in the corner were as silent as sculptures.

The three of them walked up the spiral staircase and stopped for a moment on the fourth floor.

Wilson walked into the corridor and went into the house to talk to the fortress commander for a while.

A minute or two later, he took Xia Zuo and Audrey to the fifth floor of the castle.

The space on this floor is very spacious, but there are many things piled up, making it seem extremely crowded.

Except for a few load-bearing columns, there are no corridors or room walls, and it is a completely open floor space.

Oil paintings with mysterious contents and complex lines hang on the walls.

Xia Zuo threw the detection spells at the picture frame one by one and received the exact same reply:

"Unknown prop formula deduction diagram. Due to insufficient knowledge reserve and perception, more detailed information cannot be obtained."

Underneath the oil painting is a bookcase filled with books, the spines of which are all written in incomprehensible languages.

"Unknown alchemical classics. Due to insufficient knowledge reserves and perception, more detailed information cannot be obtained."

Xia Zuo curled his lips in dissatisfaction. There was nothing he could understand here.

There are still quite a few.

In a small area surrounded by curtains, there were soft couches and wardrobes.

The bathroom is covered by a wooden panel.

There is a complex alchemy table in the central area. Two common crucibles gently heat the liquid with the help of automatic stirring arms.

The shelves on the side are filled with metal parts of different styles.

The real owner of this floor was facing away from everyone, rubbing something in front of him obscenely, and laughing excitedly from time to time:

"Ah~ I found another rogue stronghold. Let's bring a few more so that I can deliver my mission. Wow~ The ladies in Starry Night City are still waiting for me."

"Ahem." Wales coughed awkwardly.

The wretched figure waved his hands back without looking back, and said casually:

"Welsh, just find a place to sit. I'll be fine in a minute.

"Plump lady, what would you like to drink? There are dried fruits and drinks on the coffee table.

"And that little kid with sneaky eyes looking around.

"I smell the smell of fire solvent on you. Can you tell me later how you, such a small person, control this ferocious potion?"

The robe of the wretched figure was full of oil stains, and every time he rubbed his hands, a sheen of oil would be reflected on his body.

Why is this resident mage dressed more stretched out than me? I thought that the so-called resident mage should be an old man with a long beard who looked like a worldly expert...

Xia Zuo cursed secretly, stood there expressionlessly, and used the detection technique on the opponent.

【name】? ?

[Identity] Resident mage of Piek Castle

【HP】? ? ? (healthy)


[Agility] 6







[Character Specialty]? ? ?

Spirit 15 points!

What does this mean?

The mental attributes are described as follows:

Spirituality affects your receptivity to elements and energies. When you control elements and energy, the higher the spirit, the less consumption and the lower the difficulty.

As long as your spirit reaches 15 points, you can definitely become a mage!

When Goldfinger's vitality attribute reaches 5 points, he unlocks [blood recovery speed].

When the mental attribute reaches 5 points, 10 points, and 15 points, will there be new things unlocked?

5 points of spirit to unlock mana? Magic value? Blue bar?

Based on the data of the resident mage in front of us, there is a high probability that the specialties related to elemental affinity will be unlocked when the spirit reaches 10 points.

Xia Zuo glanced at his character template.


I gained 0.2 points of spirit from reading the book, and now I still have 3 free attribute points in my hand.

When you have saved enough, count up to 10 points at once!

"Little brat, you seem to be envious of me."

The wretched figure shook its buttocks and said proudly:

"I can become a mage only because of my own talent~"

What a bullshit talent, it’s not just having elemental affinities from birth. When I turn my energy up to 10 o'clock, it will be gone...

Xia Zuo rolled his eyes at the wretched figure.

The wretched figure suddenly accelerated and rubbed the object in his hand, making a "hohoho" sound:

"Don't run, don't run. Once this bandit gets on his horse, I won't be able to catch up. It's really uncomfortable...forget it. I'll look for him in the afternoon."

The wretched figure shook his sleeves and retracted his hands into his sleeves.

He turned around, revealing a face as young as Xia Zuo.

There is a lot of fat on his cheeks and his eyes are big and bright. He looks like an honest and honest fat mage.

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