"Wilson, what do you want from me?"

The fat mage sat next to the alchemy table and waved. A cup of strong tea floated from the coffee table not far away. After he drank it, it floated back to its original place.

Xia Zuo's eyes followed the teacup floating around, and he quietly threw out the detection technique.

"Discovering unknown things, unable to obtain more detailed information due to low spirit and perception."

Wilson took out the evil old man's three silver coins and a broken crutch, briefly introduced the identities of Audrey and the two, and then recounted the information provided by Xia Zuo and Wilson's own inference.

The fat mage picked up the silver coin, smelled it, and shook his head, "The smell is too mixed, and there is no special smell left."

He put the broken crutch on the alchemy table, worked it with a wrench and a screwdriver, and took out a telescopic rod from the crutch with some small gears and long parts on it.

The fat mage picked up the magnifying glass and inspected the telescopic rod. After a few seconds, he shook his head and said:

"The number and place of origin of the alchemy products have been erased. Are there any obvious features around the cave?"

Xia Zuo felt the questioning gazes of Audrey and Fares, rolled his eyes and said:

"About twenty or thirty meters south of the cave, there is a pit that has not been filled in much. Inside are the bodies of two boys."

"Oh~ it will be much easier to handle if there is a corpse. The smell of decay must be strong. Even if it is picked up or eaten by a wild beast, there will be some smell left."

The fat mage walked back to where he was before, turned his back to everyone and rubbed the things in his sleeves again, mumbling some inaudible words as if talking to himself.

About half an hour later.

The fat mage exclaimed in surprise, "Found it! Let me take a look. There are three big black carbons in the hole. There is an unlucky guy who was stabbed to death by a glass bottle. Is this here? Little brat."

"That's right."

"It's not bad~ You can escape from a place like this."

The fat mage turned to Xia Zuo and winked, then continued to play with the things in his hands.

"The props in the alchemy room were all blown to pieces...well...there are no clues on the bodies of these three children...the old man's body is completely clean and has no identity badges."

The fat mage scratched the back of his head, seeming to find something difficult.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally raised his head and took a big breath of air. "The smell in the underground alchemy room is better than I thought. The smell of decay is not very strong..."

He continuously flapped his nostrils to inhale the air, just like he was in a cave, carefully identifying the sources of various smells.

"Hey, I found it. It was hidden in the trash."

The fat mage let out a mean laugh, lowered his head and sniffed his hands, "Hmm~ It's a very high-quality strong solvent, no wonder it caused an explosion. This thing is hard to buy, and even the raw materials are not cheap."

"Okay~ I know how to find these rats hiding in the holes."

The fat mage grinned and turned to look at the three Wilsons:

"I originally wanted to chat with you for a while, but now I have something to do. Wilson, help me see these two friends off."

A small reception room on the second floor of the castle.

Audrey and Xia Zuo rested here, waiting for Wilson's return.

The value of the information provided by Xia Zuo is currently difficult to estimate.

The identity of the evil old man can be determined by investigating the source of high-quality strong solvents.

If the investigation results show that there are many villain alchemists like the evil old man who abduct children from the village, and are closely related to the bandits burning down the village...

Then Xia Zuo has made a great contribution.

"I kept you waiting."

Wilson entered the room with a bucket of scrolls.

"I have issued a reward order to search for the rural alchemist who abducted children. Anyone who provides information will be rewarded by the Piek Fortress military according to the importance of the information."

He handed the scroll to Audrey, "This is your and Xia Zuo's share. I took it directly. It saves you from having to go to the established notice board again."

"Thank you, Wilson." Audrey nodded, poured out the books in the bucket and took a look.

"When there is new information, I will ask the messenger guard to tell you."

Wilson took out a money bag from his pocket and handed it to Xia Zuo:

"Little guy, leave your severed crutch and those three silver coins to us. This is the reward you deserve."

In the purse were silver coins worth 20 silver dollars.

Just enough to buy a potion that instantly restores 20 points of blood!

Without further ado, pick up a bottle for backup on the way back.

More than 20 days after arriving at Piek Fortress.



The circus's performances for the soldiers were drawing to a close.

In the past ten days or so, Xia Zuo has devoted every moment to gaining experience.

When he goes on stage to warm up, he performs a fire-breathing performance. During the rest of the time, he reads, practices fire-breathing, and holds elastic balls, all in order to upgrade as early as possible and get free attribute points.

at dusk.

Xia Zuo sat in the guest room, staring blankly at the book open in front of him.

He had maintained this posture since returning to his room after dinner.

In the early hours of yesterday morning, Audrey came here and told Xia Zuo, Poppy and Snake a piece of news that could not be said to be good or bad:

Fares left the circus alone without saying goodbye. In the last performance, Xia Zuo will officially take the stage to perform a fire-breathing performance.

The reaction from Poppy and Snake was mixed.

They were happy that drug addicts were leaving the group, but they were also worried that the circus' income and reputation would be hit.

The important task of revitalizing Audrey Circus suddenly fell on Xia Zuo's shoulders.

This means that he has to add 1 to 2 points of free attribute points to his vitality before the flames he spits can be considered a qualified performance.

It is still far away from the goal of reaching 10 points in mental attributes.

After learning that Vers had left yesterday, Xia Zuo walked out of the hotel and walked around the city for two days in a row, trying to find a more efficient way to gain experience.

Go into the stable and brush the horses, help the farmer carry the pole, help the salesman carry the cart, repair clothes in the tailor shop, carry fresh chickens to the slaughter shop to borrow the space to slaughter them yourself...

He had done all the jobs he could find in the city, except for carrying a weapon and patrolling the streets, or finding Wilson and asking to join the army.

Unsurprisingly, only the fire-breathing act had the most experience and was the most efficient.

Xia Zuo picked up a pen and wrote down many numbers on the paper whose meanings only he knew, and listed unknown numbers and formulas for calculation.

Half an hour later, he lit the paper on fire and watched it turn to ashes in the bathroom basin.

The result of the calculation is...

Xia Zuo felt that he was a big fool. He should have calmed down and calculated carefully.

Goldfinger's character template seems to be based on attributes, but in fact level is the core.

Goldfinger made it clear before that the higher the level, the more free attribute points you will get when upgrading.

In other words, the higher the efficiency of experience acquisition, the faster the acquisition of free attribute points.

Instead of worrying about which attribute to add free attribute points to, do everything you can to increase your leveling speed.

Whenever an upgrade gives two or more free attribute points, the attribute points wasted in the early stage to improve efficiency will be earned back immediately!

Xia Zuo focused his attention and looked at the plus sign next to the vitality attribute.



[blood return speed]

[[Basic blood return speed]

1.11+0.18→1.29 points/hour

He prepared a bottle of mixed fire-breathing agent, using intermediate fire-breathing agent as the base material.

"Audrey-style intermediate mixed fire-breathing agent, 7 blood points will be deducted every hour when held in the mouth."

The relationship between the blood deduction speed on the panel and the blood deduction speed during the performance is about 5:1.

The blood return speed of 1.38 points/hour just covers the blood deduction speed during performances.

It is very easy to spit out a small flame (0.5 meters) and can last for more than ten seconds.

If you add a few drops of fire solvent to increase the power of the flame, it is not impossible to maintain a medium flame (1 meter) for about 10 seconds.

Xia Zuo picked up the potion bottle and torch and went to the backyard of the hotel to try.

With a higher blood recovery speed, the self-healing effect of [Immortal Body] becomes more and more obvious.

Breathing flames for a short period of time will not cause throat discomfort.

The success rate of medium flame reaches 100%.

Oh my god, why didn’t I understand it earlier! ?

Xia Zuo patted his head, regret written on his face.

Turn up the energy early and greatly enhance the excitement of the fire-breathing performance. The experience you can get in the past ten days will definitely exceed 31 points!

Why bother worrying about how to add some points?

Efficiency in gaining experience is crucial.

"Goldfinger, add it to me!"

Xia Zuo shouted in his heart and added the remaining 2 free attribute points to vitality.



[blood return speed]

[[Basic blood return speed]

1.29+0.33→1.62 points/hour

The blood return rate is 2.09 points/hour, which corresponds to the fire-breathing agent's panel blood deduction of 10 points/hour.

Xia Zuo added 3 drops of fire solvent to the intermediate mixed fire-breathing agent.

The flame instantly reaches a length of about 1.6 meters. With a little force, it becomes a strong flame (at least 2 meters). It can easily maintain a strong flame for 5 seconds in one breath.

[Real-time blood return speed]

1.62-16→-14.38 points/hour

[Average blood return speed]

1.62-1.33→0.29 points/hour

Xia Zuo returned to the room and prepared 2 bottles of secondary potions for warm-up, 2 bottles of intermediate potions for the first stage, 1 bottle of intermediate potions for the emotional stage, and 1 bottle for the climax of the performance. Powerful potion.

He carried the fire-breathing agent in his luggage, carried the torch to the tipi tent, and put on the special overalls for fire-breathing performances left by Vers.




Xia Zuo was rehearsing alone at the performance venue, facing the empty auditorium with a bright smile, as if it was full of spectators cheering for him.

Six bottles of mixed fire-breathing agents were used alternately and sprayed continuously. It took a full 10 minutes to consume them all.


24/28 (mild poisoning)

[Average blood return speed]


2.2 points/hour

This is the ultimate intensity of Xia Zuo's fire-breathing performance.

If you forcefully spit out the water, the pain in your mouth will affect the smoothness of the spitting. At worst, you may fail to spit out the fire, or at worst, you may accidentally swallow the medicine and enter a state of poisoning.

After Xia Zuo stopped spitting, the [Average Blood Recovery Speed] on the character template was returning to normal. The tingling sensation in my mouth is slowly disappearing.

The fire-breathing performance supported by high energy has no other adverse reactions except blood loss caused by mild poisoning.

On the other hand, Vers needed analgesics to suppress the discomfort in his mouth when he was spitting continuously at high intensity.

Which one is better and which one is worse is clear at a glance.

Vitality and fire breathing are a perfect match.

Xia Zuo opened his arms and immersed himself in the air full of the burnt smell of medicine.

The white smoke caused by the flames swirled around him, as if praising his wonderful performance.

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