December 22, 1913.

The Winter Veil Festival celebration was successfully held.

The song and dance parade that started in the afternoon ignited the passion of the city.

The grand parade lined up in a long line, starting from the Civic Center in the central city and moving slowly along the main roads of each city.

Colorful ribbons were flying all over the sky in the wind, and joyful and loud festive music resounded throughout the city. People lined the streets and waited for the performance team to pass by.

The 800-meter-long parade is enough for every spectator to stand and watch for more than half an hour without having to chase the parade to watch the show.

While the crowd was noisy, the city's guardians remained vigilant, with action teams scattered in every corner of the city on standby.

Their tasks at this time of year are much lighter than before, and they are just like fishing in water.

It's all because the cost of the Strange Demon Church's plundering target is far beyond imagination.

Not only did they consume all the people in Machina State, they also drew away the hybrid mages and shadow demons lurking in other states of the federation.

As a result, the Silver Moon Federation entered a very rare "peace period."

The worst thing for the Church of Strange Demons is that the Hidden-tailed Snake Types VI and VII were intercepted by the Mage Temple.

It will be extremely difficult to send a large number of mixed-race mages into the territory of the Mage Temple in the future.

The Mage Temple cracked it as soon as it got the Alchemy Breeding Equipment of the Hidden Tail Snake.

According to Rexall, the entire territory is now searching for people wearing these two types of alchemy equipment, and many illegal alchemy equipment have also been found.

After the sinister blood demon Ufaris returned to the Church of Strange Demons, Xia Zuo quietly activated [Blood Curse] and wanted to check its location...


Goldfinger reminded:

"Affected by an unknown effect, [Blood Curse] failed to activate."

It seems that the place where the Strange Demon Church is located is a little special.

Xia Zuo couldn't help but feel lucky that his blood element servant did not follow the elemental puppet into the huge black hole in the purple sky, otherwise it would be difficult to predict the outcome...

He exhaled a stream of white mist into the sky and looked at the two figures walking in front.

Anruer and Janice put on festive red velvet coats.

They held hands and walked briskly on the streets, planning to visit the busy shopping malls today.

The little girl Janice lives at home in the St. York community these days.

The small room at the end of the corridor on the second floor is her current bedroom.

Anruer helped her decorate the bedroom in a style that the little girl liked. She also placed a washing machine in the separate bathroom opposite the bedroom.

The little girl liked Anruer very much. Except for sleeping time, the two of them talked about various topics together all the time.

Xia Zuo put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker and followed them, not feeling that Janice had taken his seat.

Anruer did not tell Janice about the blood mark for the time being.

She came up with an idea:

After Janice becomes a mage apprentice, tell her how to use the blood mark.

Xia Zuo had no objection to this.

Janice can definitely become a mage apprentice, there is no need to worry about that.

She passed the Black Eyes Trial on the first day she entered the academy. If she hadn't been too young, she would have been studying poison alchemy instead of oil alchemy.

Anruer also suggested that Janice should be encouraged to apply for graduation after studying a branch of the Alchemy of Strange Objects, instead of being like other students who only learn a free subject and rush to find a job after graduation.

Xia Zuo fully agreed, and it was even okay for Janice to learn four alchemy subjects.

He understood that the tuition fees were not very high, and if he lived a normal life and saved up for about two years, he could pay for Janice to complete all four alchemy courses.

With this small amount of money, you can help a blood relative complete further education, which is definitely worth it!

Because Xia Zuo discovered a little secret of [Blood Relative Management].


Its attribute sharing is bidirectional.

Xia Zuo can share his [vitality] with Anruer and Janice.

The two of them can also share their [Charm] with Xia Zuo.

This operation does not require their consent or so-called sacrifice. Xia Zuo can complete it with just a thought.

Anru'er's [charm] at this time reached double digits!


10+2 (Affected by [Blood Sister], Charm +2)

[Blood sisters]:

You and your blood relative Janice become good sisters who treat each other sincerely. Your charm attribute value will be temporarily increased by 30% of the sister's charm attribute value.

What does this mean?

This shows that a vase is no longer just a vase!

She can shine and make a difference!

Regardless of appearance, figure, education, mage class, or citizen level, the charm attribute value can be increased.

What Xia Zuo has to do now is to make them more and more beautiful, more and more attractive, and their charm attribute value is getting higher and higher...


If possible, recruit a few more female blood relatives to increase the bonus effect of [Blood Sisters]...

This requires An Ruer's consent.

The effect description of [Blood Sisters] clearly states: [Good sisters who treat each other sincerely].

Therefore, if Anruer doesn't like it, there is no way to improve her charm through this special effect, and Xia Zuo cannot use this to improve her [charm].

With the help of [Blood Relative Management] and [Blood Relative Sisters], you no longer have to worry about obtaining charm attribute values ​​in a short time.

This is a great thing!

Saved a lot of free attribute points.

Xia Zuo walked behind them, and he really liked them more and more.

Anruer wears his favorite bun hairstyle, is tall, smart and charming, and is gradually developing into a mature woman.

Janice's twin ponytails are tied with small bows with white spots on a red background. They are bouncing, lively and cute.

All pretty good.


Xia Zuo wiped the saliva from his mouth.

A small piece of snowflake floated down from the sky, swirling down to the ground in the air current caused by the crowd.

This snowflake seemed to be a signal of snowfall. Within a minute, it started to snow lightly on the street.

Seeing that it was getting late, Xia Zuo walked a few steps to An Ruer's side and said, "Let's find a restaurant to have dinner and go back directly after eating."

"Hmm~" Anruer stretched out her left hand to hold her lover, "There is a seafood restaurant nearby. How about we go there to eat?"

Xia Zuo nodded.

"Yeah~" Janice hugged Anruer's arm and cheered, her little face flushed with happiness, and there were some tears in her eyes for no reason, "Thank you for accepting me...I..."

Anru'er didn't wait for her to finish her words, and pinched the other person's face gently, "Don't think about the unhappy things. From now on, you should study hard and listen to your instructors in school. I will go to the school to see you every Saturday. We will Let’s take a class on elemental representation together. You have a lot of things to do, so look forward, the days will get better and better.”

"Yeah!" Janice nodded and leaned affectionately on Anruer's arm.

That day at 8pm.

The three of them returned home after eating and drinking.

Xia Zuo took a shower and came to the study to sit alone.

Now he has developed the habit of reading and thinking in the study every night. Apart from Anru'er coming to deliver fruits, he will not be disturbed.

Janice will also consciously wash up in her bathroom, and then sit at the table in the small bedroom and read a book.

There are no TVs, computers, or mobile phones in this place, so there is no need to worry about children watching TV, playing games, doing homework, or reading books.

Xia Zuo sat at the desk and called up the perspective of Servant No. 1.

He recently made sure of one thing.

Servant No. 1's eyes were completely dark, caused by the simple lack of light.

In fact, there are a lot of weird things around it.

This was discovered by Xia Zuo by chance through the detection technique released by Servant No. 1.

He took out a wad of paper from the drawer.

This stack of paper has been glued and consists of more than a dozen pieces of white paper glued together end to end. When spread out, it is a plan view of a sphere.

Each page of paper corresponds to an observation angle of Servant No. 1. The predicted effects of various unknown things are recorded on the paper and marked with serial numbers from 1 to 130.

A dozen or so spheres standing on the table can reflect the things that exist around Servant No. 1.

This is what Xia Zuo has gained over the past few days and nights.

He used the [Boxing Doll] he saw when he released the detection technique as the origin of the coordinates, rotated the route according to the conceived perspective, and detected and recorded a total of 130 things.

The way to get Servant No. 1 out of trouble is hidden in these 130 things.

These things are not always there, they occasionally disappear for a while and then reappear.

Xia Zuo gradually realized that the dark space where Servant No. 1 was at this time seemed to be some kind of storage space.

The things that disappear are taken to the outside world for use, and then put back after use.

So if you want to get out of here, you have to find out the usage patterns and habits of the owner of the storage space.

For this purpose, Xia Zuo recorded many points in time and things that should disappear at that point in a blank page on his notepad.

There's a chance to try and escape tonight.

Xia Zuo held the paper model of the sphere in his hand. While turning the sphere, he simultaneously moved the perspective of Servant No. 1 and found something like a fist glove.

The information fed back by the detection technique shows that it seems to be some kind of detachable mechanical prosthetic limb. When needed, just take it out from the storage space and put it on the hand.

Based on this characteristic, Xia Zuo asked Servant No. 1 to adhere to the surface of the glove in the dark, so that he could leave the glove as soon as he got out of here.

"Eat some fruit~" An Ru'er put down the fruit platter on the table, glanced curiously at the paper model of the human body, and her lover who looked attentive. She put an apple slice into her mouth and quietly left the study.

Xia Zuo looked at the clock on his desk and silently counted the time... If nothing else happened, in a short while, the gloves would be taken out of the storage space.

5 minutes later.

I'm coming.

The perspective of Servant No. 1 suddenly turned purple-black, and then the scene changed to a brightly lit scene, and enthusiastic shouts suddenly rang in his ears.




Xia Zuo hurriedly controlled the No. 1 servant to leave the glove, looked around, and saw the cheering audience.

The five rows of circular seats were packed and lined up around the circular playing field. The audience seemed to be in a frenzy and chanted the name "Ogu" in unison.

Where is this?

Xia Zuo glanced around the auditorium, and saw that everyone was wearing everything, dirty robes, open leather windbreakers, short robes with cuffs tightened, shirts and vests... It was like a hodgepodge.

Servant No. 1 flew up to the ten-meter-high ceiling and stopped on the chandelier.

The [Dismiss] button is now available.

But Xia Zuo was not in a hurry to dismiss Servant No. 1, because he found that the location of Servant No. 1 was extremely far to the east, so far away that he could not estimate the distance.

From such a long distance, there is no feeling of delay or malfunction when controlling the hemogen servant.

Doesn’t this just suit his wish?

We arrived directly deep in the interior of the Eastern Continent, saving us the time of traveling.

Xia Zuo turned the perspective of Servant No. 1 and looked at the circular playing field below.

The shirtless man wearing metal gloves must be Ogu. His opponent has not yet come on stage, and the surrounding audience is still chanting his name. It seems that he has a good reputation.

Xia Zuo looked at Ogu's legs. The thick leg hair extended from his ankles to his knees.

In this case, the previous storage space may not be unique to one person.

Xia Zuo drew a circle on his notepad and circled "Special shaver for women's leg hair." Aogu, a grown man, would definitely not need this thing.

"Audiences, guys! An unrestricted life and death competition is about to take place!" A high-pitched voice came from the side of the playing field.

The host has an exaggerated goatee under his nose, and the thick beard covers most of his face. He is wearing a tight brown checkered suit with a dark red tie at the collar.

"The contestant on the stage needs no introduction! He is an old acquaintance of ours, Steel Fist~Ogu~. Look at his big fist. Although it is only a steel type I mechanical prosthetic limb, it has a single function. The structure is simple, but powerful! If our venue hadn’t been specially designed, we would have smashed a hole in it!”

While the goatee host was talking, he raised his right hand and made a fist to make a punching motion.

"Ogu! Ogu!"

Amidst the shouts of the audience, the host raised his arms and shouted to the audience:

"Now! Let us welcome another contestant! He is a big newcomer! He competes on the stage for the first time today! It is said that he once tore ten black iron pythons apart in the Morgus Mountains! He is~~Tear Snake! Fabien!"

The audience was silent. They seemed to have little interest in the Snake Tearer, or in other words, they were a little unfamiliar with the newcomer.

When Fabien's thin figure walked in from the entrance, there was even more contempt in the audience.


"Little guy, you haven't weaned yourself yet? Go back to your mother!"

"Tear him to pieces! Ogu! Tear him to pieces!"

"Damn it! I actually believed that bastard host's nonsense! Refund the money! Give me back the bet!"

"Refund! Refund! There is a shady story! This is different from what is advertised!"

Some people seemed to specialize in recycling lottery tickets. They approached the guys who were yelling about returning money, took out some colorful banknotes and bought lottery tickets from them.

The host was unmoved by the situation in the audience and raised his head to look at the window of the VIP seat.

Xia Zuo followed his gaze and adjusted the perspective of Servant No. 1.

In the glass window of a VIP seat on the second floor, a fat, dark-skinned man with jeweled rings on his hands was sitting on a luxurious throne.

He held a thick cigar in his left hand, and a wisp of smoke rose from the red end of the cigarette. He made a few vague gestures towards the host with his right hand, then stepped back and leaned lazily on the back of the chair. Enjoy the service of the maid wearing a slit skirt.

"Everyone! Everyone! Don't be fooled by the appearance of a snake-tearer!" The host glanced at the audience, waved his hands and shouted:

"The game is about to begin! Let's wait and see!"

A three-layer iron net lowered from the ceiling, surrounding the circular playing field, leaving the contestants inside with no way to escape.

Fabien's body shape is so different from Ogu's. It only reaches the other's chest. He is as thin as a bean sprout. He is wearing a worn-out gray round collar and long sleeves, and his hair is neglected. , the ends of the hair hang down to the cheeks.

On the other hand, Ogu looked like a muscular man, especially the steel glove on his right hand, which was bigger than Fabien's head.

Fabien stood motionless on the stage with empty hands. He seemed to have the confidence to fight, and he looked at his opponent without fear.

Xia Zuo looked at Aogu and was surprised to find that the muscular man had a solemn expression.

Is there anything special about Fabien?

Xia Zuo scratched his head and released the detection technique through Servant No. 1.


[Agility] 5+7





(Affected by unknown effects, some attribute values ​​are increased, and the spirit is -5)

Xia Zuo lightly hammered his chest.

What kind of thing has so many attribute values?

Except for the lack of charm and perception, and the deduction of 5 points of spirit, nothing else fell behind...

It's really crazy.

Do people in the deep interior have so many tricks...

"Get ready!" The host flexed his finger, put it to his mouth and blew a loud whistle.


Neither contestant wore decent protective gear, and almost all vital parts of their bodies were exposed.

Ogu raised his right hand with a steel fist to protect his chest, covering his heart. His left hand reached into the leather pocket on his belt, grabbed a handful of caltrops and threw them at his opponent.

It's hard to tell that this tall man is quite sinister. Taking advantage of the thick calluses on the soles of his feet, he chose something like caltrops that can pierce the soles of his feet to use as a hidden weapon.

Fabien turned sideways to avoid the thorns, held his left palm with his right hand, and pulled out a long dagger made of bone from his left arm like a sharp sword.

There are sharp barbs on the blade of the bone dagger. Although the white edge does not reflect the cold light, you can tell by intuition that this bone dagger is extremely sharp.

"Look! It's bone magic! This guy is so lucky! He actually got the qualification for bone grafting!"

"No wonder it can tear into pieces ten giant black iron pythons!"

"So what about bone magic? That dagger is no longer than my arm and looks as fragile as a fish bone!" the audience who had previously resold the lottery tickets shouted.

Within seconds, he was slapped in the face.

Fabien moved quickly and very flexibly. When he took a step, his hips seemed to have no joint restrictions. His legs stretched out in a straight line contrary to common sense. He only took two steps to arrive in front of Ogu. He raised his hand and stabbed out the bone dagger.


The steel glove blocked the attack. The bone dagger did not break into several pieces as expected, but instead left a gouge mark on the surface of the glove.

Thanks to my classmate Tianzhen for the 100 points.

Thanks to Jiu Dian for the 500 points.

Thanks to Millennium My Neighbor Totoro for the 1500 points.

Thanks to book friend 16228190610484 for the 1500 points.

Thanks to many book friends for their monthly votes and recommendation votes!

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