"Dang Dang Dang"

The bone dagger and the steel glove touched several times in more than ten seconds, and the crisp impact sound spread throughout the venue.

Muscular man Ogu's performance is quite satisfactory.

Fabien's offensive method is a bit strange.

The bones throughout his body bent and stretched in unnatural ways.

It looked like he was confronting Ogu head-on. In fact, every time the bone dagger was about to collide with the steel glove, his right arm would suddenly bend out of a corner, extend several centimeters at the same time, and then stab the dagger into Ogu's face. The waist, crotch and other vital parts.

Xia Zuo watched the game from the ceiling through the perspective of Servant No. 1, thinking about how he should deal with such an attack. It's impossible to completely avoid it. In the end, you can only rely on high blood recovery and armor to resist. At the same time, use the Curse of Slowness to weaken the enemy, and then find an opportunity to counterattack.

The audience in the audience looked at Fabien's actions, some were happy, and some were nervous.

"Hahaha! Fortunately, I didn't resell the lottery tickets! The snake-tearer might win!"

"Where's the person who took the lead in calling for money back!? Have you seen him? Damn it, liar!"

"Come on, come on, bet, bet, bet~" The lottery ticket seller walked towards the few spectators with regretful faces, "Would you like to make up a few tickets? The odds have changed now~"

"Hmph." The man who was tricked into selling the lottery tickets stared at the conductor with a sullen face, took out a handful of bills from his pocket and slapped them on the tray in front of him, "Two more, Fabien wins."

Someone in the audience seemed to know a lot about bone magic.

A man with short golden-gray hair crossed his arms and said:

"Fabien is very skilled. Has he undergone bone grafting many times? If he completes the bone sac reconstruction, Ogu will be uncomfortable."

"Bone capsule transformation? Is it him?" An audience member seemed to have placed a heavy bet on Ogu, and shouted with a red face:

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Even a stone can't bear the pain of bone sac transformation. The snake-tearer looks like he's only grown up, there's absolutely no way he can withstand it."

An audience member next to him took over the conversation and said angrily:

"Tch...have you forgotten that he killed 10 black iron pythons in the Mogus Mountains? If it wasn't to collect poison glands, why did he do this? Some people...can't grasp the opportunity to make money even if they are given to them. ..hehe."

Many people in the audience looked at the people selling lottery tickets... as if they wanted to buy a few to expand their profits or hedge their risks.

Xia Zuo has no interest in placing bets... No matter how much money he wins, Servant No. 1 may not be able to bring it back for him.

He did have some ideas about bone magic and bone grafting.

In the field of elemental representation, there is a term called [structural value].

It can be understood as the [blood volume] of a living creature.

The structure value represents the maximum damage that the elemental servants and elemental bodies can withstand before being completely destroyed. Of course, these data-based statements are summarized by Xia Zuo himself. The statements in the book are rather general, and more are in Introduces conceptual and theoretical knowledge.

A newly created elemental servant is very fragile.

Alchemy items need to be added to it to strengthen it, that is, to increase its structural value.

When Xia Zuo heard the words bone grafting, a novel idea came to his mind...

Is it possible to add bones to the hemonic servants? Let it gain something like structural value while having blood volume.

Just when he was thinking about how to combine bone magic with blood magic, the situation on the playing field changed.

Ogu seemed to have adapted to his opponent's fighting style, grasped the rhythm of the Snake Tearer's attack, and began to try to counterattack.

His style suddenly changed, from tight defense to fierce attack.

The wrist of the steel glove sprayed out white airflow, adding a push to the waving right arm. The metal surface collided with the bone dagger, making a scratchy friction sound.

Xia Zuo's teeth were sore. He remembered the sound of the chalk tip slipping on the blackboard in his previous life.

Fabien fought head-on with his opponent for a few more rounds. He made a mistake in his steps and retreated violently. His chest heaved violently, and it looked like he was losing his energy quickly.

Augu followed with a sinister smile, and threw a large piece of caltrops on the ground around Fabien with his left hand. A sharp spike popped out of the steel iron fist on his right hand, and white air flow spurted out from his wrist. , Iron Fist closely followed the opponent's dodging figure to adjust its direction.

Ogu is tall and has an advantage in close combat. He is extremely threatening with a casual sweep of his arm.

Fabien stepped on the iron caltrops with an expressionless face, fighting with Ogu, and gradually retreated to the edge of the iron net, with no way out.

"Kill him! Ogu!"

"Smash his brains out!"

"Take off his left arm! That might be a treasure!"

The audience seemed to have witnessed the blood-soaked scene, with bloodthirsty light flowing in their eyes, and the atmosphere at the scene instantly rose.

Several people who had invested heavily in Fabien gritted their teeth, clenched their fists, their eyes widened, and roared:

"Fight back! Idiot! Fight back! Is that all you can do!?"

Fabien gasped and leaned against the barbed wire fence. The soles of his feet were pierced by several caltrops, but strangely no blood flowed out.

Ogu walked up to his opponent like a victor.

Inside the glass of the VIP seats on the second floor, the fat man with black skin raised his right hand and waved it casually in front of him.

Ogu understood, raised his arms and shouted: "Die! You bastard!"

"Ho ho ho~" the audience cheered in unison.

Augu swung his steel iron fist horizontally, drawing an arc on his side, and struck with a fierce punch that was about to explode blood on Fabien's body.

Right now.

Xia Zuo suddenly noticed that Fabien had a palm-sized triangular bone spur on his left hand.

The snake-tearer raised his right arm and used all his strength to separate his fist with the bone dagger. His right arm was instantly folded in half, and the three-edged bone spur on his left hand inserted into Ogu's lower ribs very insidiously.

"Bang!!" The steel iron fist hit the iron net, and the iron wire kept shaking.

However, Ogu seemed to be frozen and did not retract his fist.

Fabien pulled out the three-edged bone spur and stabbed it into Ogu's neck.

"Pfft~~" Blood flowed like pillars, covering the playing field and dyeing the barbed wire red.

Ogu fell to the ground stiffly.

Fabien opened his hands and closed his eyes in the blood.

The whole place was silent.

Most viewers seemed not to expect this twist.

The spectators who had placed bets on Fabien were stunned for several seconds before they reacted.

"Hahahaha! I won money! I won money! Ten times! Ten times!"

"Fabien! Fabien!"

"Ogu is dead..."

"It's unbelievable...why didn't he move in the end?"

Xia Zuo knew the reason for not moving.

In the few seconds just now, he released his detection technique and found that Ogu was poisoned by some kind of toxin with a powerful stiffening effect.

Obviously, the three-sided bone spur contained poison.

Bones are poisonous...could this be related to the bone sac?

Xia Zuo looked at the audience member who mentioned the bone sac. This person stared at Fabien, his eyes flickering, and there was an inexplicable meaning flowing in his eyes.

Spectators who lost money balled up their lottery tickets and threw them onto the playing field, while those who won money cheered and ran to the prize exchange table to exchange the lottery tickets into banknotes according to their face value.

The spectators at the competition venue were all gone.

The fat, dark-skinned man in the VIP table on the 2nd floor laughed proudly, patted his belly, rubbed his bejeweled right hand a few times on the maid next to him, stood up contentedly, hugged her waist and left the room.

It's all a trap, don't gamble.

Those who win are confused and think that it is due to their own strength and luck.

Those who lose lose completely and think it is because they are not strong enough or lucky enough.

In fact... it has been clearly arranged by the game planner.

Xia Zuo clicked his tongue silently.

The barbed wire surrounding the game sheet was retracted into the ceiling.

Staff came on stage to clean up the caltrops.

A thug with a head full of scars and wearing a black vest came to Ogu's body, leaned down and groped for a while on the steel glove, and pressed a button on the inside.

With the sound of the air valve deflating, the glove split in half, revealing a bare right hand bowl.

The thug took out a dagger, cut open Ogu's body, picked out some bloody things from various parts and put them into a metal box. Then he picked up the gloves and metal box, made eye contact with the host, and left the game. field.

Fabien limped off the stage, pulled out the caltrops from the soles of his feet, and fell to the ground like mud. He kept coughing and green juice spurted out of his mouth.

The host with an exaggerated goatee walked over, took out a handkerchief and threw it on the ground, "Good job, Fabien. Go backstage to receive the reward later. Come back at this time tomorrow."

He glanced at the figure on the ground and nudged him with the toes of his leather shoes, "Hey, did you hear that?"

"It's cough cough... I heard it" Fabien said while coughing.

Seeing that something was wrong with him, Xia Zuo released his detection technique.





(Affected by unknown effects, attribute values ​​have been reduced)

Hmm...this bone magic has sequelae.

The average attribute value temporarily increased is about 6 points.

The average attribute value reduced after use is about 3 points.

The decrease is quite acceptable.

It would be better if the negative effects didn't last too long.

Xia Zuo scratched his head and asked Servant No. 1 to quietly make a blood spot that did not contain the spiritual ocean as a marker for tracking the target.

He put the hematin marker on Fabien and tried to sense the marker.

Very good~

Both the main body and Servant No. 1 can clearly sense the location of the marker.

Fabien slowly got up from the ground and walked unsteadily towards the large iron door leading to the backstage.

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 1 and floated towards the audience passage.

It's a hallway lined with posters.

Overhead alchemical light fixtures illuminate the posters on the walls.

Some of them include a scantily clad girl posing and a few lines of seductive slogans, telling the audience where there are hotels and other places with good services.

Advertisements promoting addictive drugs are no longer rare.

You can even see more than a dozen small advertisements selling gunpowder firearms and alchemy equipment.

Xia Zuo was amazed along the way.

The cultural traditions, social structure and order system here are completely different from those of the Silver Moon Federation.

If the Silver Moon Federation were compared to a civilized country, then this place would be a primitive forest with only a shell of civilization, relying on the inefficient and high-waste social operation method of the weak and the strong.

Xia Zuo found a blank notepad from the desk drawer and recorded the locations mentioned on the poster.

After finally making a trip to the deep interior, I have to conduct a thorough on-the-spot investigation into these gray areas before I can make sense of it.

Servant No. 1 wandered in the corridor for a while, passed by the doors of several competition venues crowded with people, and came to the outside of the building.

smoggy weather.

The sky was obscured by gray clouds, and three- or four-story buildings were lined up next to the streets. There were chimneys on the roofs that stretched into the sky, and gray smoke floated high into the sky from the chimneys.

Pedestrians carried weapons, such as one-handed axes, long swords, or revolvers on their waists. Some simply hung double-barreled shotguns with thick barrels and ammunition belts on their shoulders.

Their attire is similar. They use a stain-resistant hard leather windbreaker as a coat and a hat with a wide brim so that they don't need to hold an umbrella when it rains.

Several four-wheel motorcycles with black smoke on their backs passed by, and the smoke floated into the sky, blending with the gray clouds.

The man driving the motorcycle was uniformly dressed and carried a shotgun. He glanced at the passers-by and vendors on both sides, like a security officer here.

Passers-by seemed to be used to the black smoke coming out of the rear of the car. They fanned themselves away, coughed a few times, and then moved on.

Xia Zuo walked around the street for a while and saw a large metal sign with the name of a place in front of a dry fountain:

【Jingshui Town】

"Hmm...Should I go to Rexor and ask for a map of the inland area? And some information on the forces in the inland area, as well as textbooks on the Split Limb Arms, and knowledge on bone magic..."

Xia Zuo rubbed his chin and fell into thought.

I will take 6 consecutive days off in the future.

Anjou will study at home with Janice.

Originally, he, a poison researcher, should have been on duty in the Posin Building...

But when the strange demon church took away the elemental puppets, it also sacrificed all the strange demons in the laboratory...

This directly caused all the researchers in the Posin Building to become "unemployed"! It can be called the most leisurely holiday in the past ten years, and there is no need to even be on duty.

Vickers symbolically arranged for a few people to take turns on duty and gave the rest a day off.

Xia Zuo plans to use this time for training to improve the [blood pattern quality] as soon as possible. This is a major event that is directly related to his own strength.

It would be great if we could take this opportunity to get all the knowledge and information we want.

Anruer opened the door a little, poked her head in and whispered, "Janice is sleeping."

"Yeah, I'll be right away." Xia Zuo nodded with a smile.

He controlled Servant No. 1 to retrace his steps and return to the ceiling of the arena.

I may not be free to control Servant No. 1 throughout the day tomorrow.

So just park it here and you can go straight to the game tomorrow night.

December 23, 1913.

In the early morning, the house was covered with snow, and a night of snowfall turned the city white.

After Xia Zuo finished breakfast at home, he greeted Anru'er and Janice who were studying reading at home, and then used the wind movement to go to the Demon Hunter's manor.

On the day I received my reward, I redeemed my license.

Xia Zuo can now fly legally in Poseidon City.

The cold weather had no negative effects on gas cloud patterns.

Because Xia Zuo has recently developed a new eating habit.

He will first eat normally to fill his stomach, and then activate [Flesh and Blood Control] to accommodate the food in his stomach into his body, thereby superimposing the satiety effect.

Every morning, he would stack up 4 layers of fullness effects and get the [full physical energy] effect before going out.

This whetted his appetite.

An Ru'er knew the reason for Xia Zuo's increased appetite through blood induction.

But Janice didn't know that.

When she had breakfast at home on the first day, her eyes widened and she watched in amazement as Xia Zuo stuffed the food in bite by bite and muttered, "Uncle Xia Zuo is really good at eating..."

Xia Zuo smiled at her, showing his white and sharp teeth, "You should also eat more. Supplement your nutrition. Only then can you be as beautiful as Sister Anruer."

Janice looked at Anru'er beside her and stuffed a large mouthful of milk, oatmeal and hard-boiled eggs into her mouth. She would only put down the utensils until her belly bulged after each meal.

In the past few days after living at home, the lines on her cheeks became softer, and her thin and delicate physique gradually improved.

It is estimated that in a year at most, she will be able to catch up with her peers in height.

Just like Xia Zuo who made a living in the circus back then.

In the backyard of the manor.

Rexor and Ceretes are sparring. The two steel swords collided together, causing sparks to fly.

Xia Zuo turned into a human form beside the training ground and quietly observed their movements.

Rexall once mentioned that the sigil spell was designed for combat.

Xia Zuo could feel this every time he watched the two of them sparring.

As long as the bald man makes specific gestures with one hand, plus the matching short spells, he can cast a powerful shield spell to withstand all types of attacks.

Or it could instantly spray out a raging wave of flames and sweep across the training ground, or it could create a large area of ​​​​slowness that slows down the opponent's movements with a wave of its hand...

The two master demon hunters practiced for more than half an hour before stopping to rest.

Rexor took back his sword, took out a potion from his pocket and handed it to Xia Zuo, "Here, drink this No. 3 adaptation potion. Then we will start training."

Xia Zuo took the glass bottle and took a sip without even frowning, as if the No. 3 adaptation potion was as tasteless as water.

Serites looked at Xia Zuo, whose expression had not changed, and couldn't help but ask: "Don't you think the potion is bitter? There is no change in your body?"

"Uh" Xia Zuo scratched his head and said:

"I didn't drink it, but used my natural magic to directly digest its medicinal effects.

"If I drink it normally, I will feel uncomfortable in my heart and liver. But if I use the innate spell, these adverse reactions will not occur. I don't understand why this is the case."

Xia Zuo discovered this by accident, driven by curiosity.

He felt pain in his internal organs when he drank the adaptation potion, but Goldfinger did not remind him of any negative effects.

This shows that this adverse reaction is not a physical injury or exposure to toxins.

Seritus took a sip of the strong wine to dispel the cold, "I roughly know the reason. The pain caused by the adaptation potion is purely caused by the strong effect of the potion, and it is not toxic in itself. Well... Rexor said you It can absorb multiple functional potions at one time. In other words...the innate spell you used is the kind of innate spell that forces the body to accommodate foreign objects, which is more common in blood magic."

He looked at the bald head, "You also guessed it, right?"

"I guessed it, but that and saying it are two different things." Rexor clapped his hands, "Xia Zuo, put on your armor, let's start training."

"I think it's better to say it." Cerites patted Xia Zuo on the shoulder, "This can remind him to be careful. Don't let your guard down just because your innate spells are powerful and mysterious. You know what I mean. What it is, boy. I admit that one of your innate spells is useful, but it’s best to stay vigilant, otherwise it might harm you.”

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