The cold-faced man's words sounded harsh, but they hit the point.

After Xia Zuo heard this, he realized that he had not done something.

He had to disperse the spiritual ocean on Servant No. 1 to prevent 4 points of spiritual attributes from falling into the enemy's hands at the same time.

"Thank you for the reminder, Master Seritus." Xia Zuo thanked him sincerely.

"Yeah." Cerites waved his hand, "I'm on duty in the building. It's rare to have a vacation to meditate."

"Xia Zuo, go on." Rexor threw over a training armor, "Serrit said it makes sense. I may have been negligent. Although I don't know how you obtained the operational intelligence of the Strange Demon Church. , but I have to remind you that if you know the information about the Strange Demon Church, they may also know about you."

"Huh?" Xia Zuo was stunned. He took the armor and put it on, then put on the mail armor and fixed the armor with the buttons on the armor.

"I'm not being alarmist." Rexor raised his shield and mace and said:

"There has been such a situation in the past history. So the old guys in the temple are very confused. They don't know how to reward you. If the reward is more, you may take risks again to obtain information and expose yourself to aliens. In the sight of the Demonic Church. If the reward is less... they are worried that you will be a little resentful."

Rexor looked at Xia Zuo who was arming himself and said:

"The information you provided was accurate and timely, which helped us destroy the plan of the Church of the Strange Demon to rescue the Blood Demon, and saved the lives of civilians in three cities. There are also many other trivial gains. For example, intercepting the alchemy breeding equipment of the Hidden-tailed Snake, and cleaning up the territory The mixed-blood mage and so on.

"So, how much reward do you think this information is worth? Tell me your true thoughts."

Xia Zuo scratched his head, thinking a lot in his mind.

Judging from the bald head's tone, it seemed that asking for tens of thousands of federal points wouldn't be a problem.

But the number of points is not his focus now.

Since knowing the mechanism of free attribute points, comprehensively improving the eight-dimensional attributes has become the most important thing.

"Well, Master, I want to continue training after taking adaptation potions No. 1 to 10, take subsequent potions, learn some protective spells that will make you feel safer, and learn some anti-detection spells."

The training of the Demon Hunting School is extremely cost-effective.

It can improve the four attribute values ​​of strength, agility, endurance and will at the same time, covering half of the eight-dimensional attributes.

"No problem. But you have to wait until you become a high-level mage before you can do it. In fact, the adaptation potions No. 11 to 20 are prepared for high-level mage. They will strengthen the spiritual ocean and make it more suitable for the seal. At the same time , your body will become stronger, your reactions will be faster, and your five senses will be more acute. By then, if you want to learn some easy-to-use seals, it will not be a problem."

Oh~ So, this is a matter of killing several birds with one stone.

Becoming a high-level mage means practicing meditation and improving mental attributes.

Strength, agility, endurance, will, perception, spirit...

In addition, after becoming a high-level mage, you can read the history of the era, and you can definitely borrow maps of the inland areas.

Isn't it a great thing to kill seven birds with one stone?

Don't worry about vitality, its attribute value is far ahead of other attributes.

Then all that's left is charm.

But what about asking for ways to increase your charisma?

Could it be said to a bald head... I want to make myself more handsome, more attractive, and more charming? Or make Anruer more attractive? Or to be more outrageous... introduce some women with high charm attribute values ​​to know?


Xia Zuo slapped his forehead to get rid of the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, and finally came up with a good idea.

He remembered that when Beatrice released her elemental body, her charm attribute value directly turned into a question mark...

This means that the mage class has a great influence on the charm attribute value.

"Master, do you think I can become an Archmage?" Xia Zuo asked.

Rexall said without thinking, "Absolutely. No pure-blood mage has ever failed."

"What about Anruer?"

Rexor thought for a few seconds, "Well... the promotion ceremony to become an archmage cannot rely on the help of others, so you can't help her..."

"What does the promotion ceremony look like?"

Rexor looked at the northern sky, "Go through the frozen snowfield, find the big volcano, and see the Pillar of Creation on the top of the volcano. If you get its approval, you can become the Archmage."

Snowfield Volcano Xia Zuo rubbed his chin and recalled that Tivanas had mentioned these two places when he awakened the Wind Movement Technique.

"Master, is there any way I can help her?"

"You want to give her part of the reward?" Rexor asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Well, yes. She is the one I worry about the most right now." Xia Zuo nodded in response.

"Lucky little girl." Rexor Mosuo, with his bald head, looked at the ground with twinkling eyes, "I thought about it carefully and found that this is a good proposal. The old guys in the temple will agree."

The bald man came back to his senses, picked up the hammer and knocked on the shield, "Okay. We will discuss the reward at noon. Let's train first."

At noon.

Xia Zuo was cooking in the low house of the manor while chatting with the bald head.

After hearing his idea of ​​rewards, Rexor carefully asked what high-level spells he wanted to learn, and then went to the temple alone.

The three steaming plates of grilled lamb chops placed on the dining table have become Xia Zuo's exclusive delicacies, used to replenish the satiety effect consumed in the morning and maintain the special effect of "full physical energy".

Xia Zuo picked up a piece of mutton chop in each hand and took a big bite, leaving his mouth covered in grease.

He summoned the perspective of Servant No. 1 in his mind.

The stadium was extremely lively at this time. Not only were the auditoriums full, but the open space next to the stadium was also full of standing spectators.

The goateeed host had to use a loudspeaker to shout, otherwise the noise from the audience alone would drown out his voice.

Xia Zuo glanced at the two warring parties on the playing field, suppressed the thought of watching the game, and controlled servant No. 1 to come to the ventilation duct of the playing field, activated the [Hemogen Servant], and created 3 200-point HP, 1-point New servants of the spirit – Numbers 4, 5 and 6.

While eating mutton chops, he controlled the hematin servants to disperse and hide in hidden corners of Stillwater Town.

Servant No. 1 still has 800 HP points and 1 mental attribute value left, and is still hidden on the chandelier on the ceiling of the arena.

No. 4 is hidden in a hospital vent, just above the lobby on the first floor.

No. 5 is hidden in the largest gun shop in the town. A rocket launcher hanging on the wall for display has become the temporary home of this servant.

Servant No. 6... Well... Xia Zuo wandered around the streets of Jingshui Town for a while, feeling a little hesitant.

The place name contains "town", but this place is definitely not small. It covers about one-half of the area of ​​Poseidon. There are so many places to was hard to make a choice for a while.

Oh, by the way~ Find the tallest building to stay so you can overlook the entire town.

Xia Zuo controlled servant No. 6 to come to the roof of the building, looked around, and flew towards a tall, castle-like building with a spire.

A sign on the roof of a tall building appeared before our eyes:

【Jingshui Town City Hall】

Under this line of words, there are three names with emblems.

[Ishu Group, Mishima Group, Jinshang Sword]

The top floor of the city hall is a steepled clock tower, and the clocks on all sides are broken...

Xia Zuo doesn't have time to check what secrets these floors have..

He had to eat quickly, then seize the time to meditate for an hour, and then continue training when Rexor came back.

Servant No. 6 should stay on the balcony on the 10th floor of the city hall.

Drill into the groove of the wall lamp housing.


Xia Zuo nodded with satisfaction, feeling much safer after dispersing the spiritual ocean on the blood element servant.

Moreover, it can monitor 4 places at once, which helps to understand the social environment deep in the interior.

"Dong dong dong..." There were footsteps on the stairs.

Rexor came over carrying a suitcase, "Xia Zuo, the temple has a conclusion."

He opened the suitcase on the empty tabletop of the dining table. Inside were two large metal boxes.

Rexor patted the box on the left, "There are many conditions for promotion to a high-level mage. Here are the props and materials needed for your promotion ceremony. You can go back and look at it. It will take at least 10 years to prepare from now on. time, so don’t rush and take your time.”

The bald head patted the metal box on the right again, "Because Anruer has awakened the talent spell [Light Energy Sensing], the temple will support her promotion to a high-level mage. This box contains an amulet rich in spirituality. It It can be contained in the spiritual ocean. The longer it stays with its owner, the greater its power will be. There are specific instructions for using it in the box. Just take it back and give it to her."

"Okay. Thank you, Master." Xia Zuo wiped his greasy hands and tried to stuff the metal box into his alchemy pocket.

"They cannot be put into storage pockets." Rexor shook his hand and buttoned up the suitcase. "Spiritual props are incompatible with storage space. They can be accommodated in the spiritual ocean, but they cannot stay in the storage space for a long time. . You must remember this."

Xia Zuo took back his hand and asked: "Master, what does spirituality specifically mean?"

"The characteristic of entering the spiritual ocean through the soul is spirituality. The well-behaved element is the most typical example. If you want to know more, you have to learn the spiritual body school and the totem school."

Rexor glanced at the empty plates on the table, "Are you full?"

Xia Zuo patted his belly, "Of course."

"Then tidy up. Training will start in an hour." Rexall picked up the wine bottle on the wine cabinet and lay lazily on the single sofa.

It was around 6 o'clock that night.

Xia Zuo returned home after a day of training.

After entering the door, he first went to the study to put down his suitcase, then took a shower and changed clothes, and then went to the kitchen to talk to Anruer about the amulet.

There is no heavy physical work in the evening, and I will eat lighter than in the morning and noon.

Anruer prepared dinner and went upstairs to invite Janice to eat with her.

Janice sat down and took a sip of the sweet and sour tomato beef soup, "Suck it~~it tastes good~"

Anruer touched her little head, smiled lovingly, and put a tender and juicy steak on her plate.

Janice took a big mouthful of meat in her mouth, her cheeks bulged out, she squinted her eyes and raised her head slightly, looking like she was enjoying the delicious food.

Xia Zuo laughed at her expression and asked, "How did you learn oil alchemy?"

"Janice is great. She has a good memory, a simple mind, and is very focused on learning. Moreover, the content she learned was much deeper than what we learned at the time." Anru'er took over the conversation and said, "Yingrui Academy started from the first generation of oil When we started teaching, we were learning the fifth-generation oil. According to the curriculum of Yingrui Academy, it takes at least two years to complete a course of alchemy."

"Oh~ That's right." Xia Zuo nodded.

For the time being, he has only studied entry-level weapon alchemy at Yingrui Academy and exchanged textbooks for elemental concrete studies. He is not sure what the teaching arrangements for oil alchemy are like.

Xia Zuo gave a thumbs up to the little girl, "Not bad, Janice. Keep it up."

"Hmm~" Janice's eyes narrowed with joy.

She didn't know why...she always felt that she was very familiar with Uncle Xia Zuo and Sister Anruer, as if she had lived together for several years...but she had obviously lived in this house not long ago.

Hmm...I don't understand. Janice chewed the piece of meat and shook her head. Her twin ponytails were dangling behind her head. Her legs couldn't reach the ground and could only swing happily in the air.

after dinner.

Xia Zuo came to the study at the right time.

He didn't forget that there was a competition in Stillwater Town.

This is a great opportunity to observe bone magic.

Xia Zuo adjusted the perspective of servant No. 1 and placed it in the center of the field of vision, and then placed the perspectives of servants No. 4 to 6 in the corners.

In this way, there is a screen that can monitor all the servants.

Watch whichever one you want to see.

Anruer walked in with a fruit plate and waved her hand in front of her giggling lover, "What are you doing? You're smiling like this."

"Hehe~ I'll tell you later, I'm still researching it." Xia Zuo slapped the other person's buttocks, "I'll put the amulet into the spiritual ocean tonight. That thing is very useful."

"Okay~" Anruer walked towards the door, "I'll correct Janice's homework first."

Xia Zuo returned his attention to the perspective of Servant No. 1.

After the game yesterday, he put a hematin marker on Fabien's body.

During today's training break, Xia Zuo occasionally looked at Fabien's position. The opponent had not moved in the backstage of the competition venue and seemed not to be running around, so Xia Zuo dismissed the hemoglobin marker in advance.

When Fabien came on stage, his appearance did not change, he was still wearing a sloppy coat.

His opponent was a man of similar build whom the hosts called Jack the Stonebreaker.

Jack was shirtless and had a large area of ​​tattoos on his upper body. A blue-black spider pattern extended from his neck to his waist, covering his chest and back.

Jack raised the bone dagger in his right hand, pointing the tip of the dagger at Fabien, squinting at him sideways, with a sinister smile on his lips.

"Everyone, audience~" the host walked onto the playing field and waved his hands, "Today, the stage of the Evil Beast Arena welcomes two players who have undergone bone grafting transformation."

The host pointed at Fabien, "Yesterday at this time, Fabien used his bone spurs to brutally kill Iron Fist Ogu."

The host pointed to the other side, "Jack the Stonebreaker, the best at hunting his kind! Now, start placing your bets!"

The auditorium was noisy, with a large group of people holding a lot of money and surrounding the staff, clamoring to buy as many lottery tickets as they wanted.

Xia Zuo slowly scanned the auditorium, trying to see if the person who mentioned the bone sac yesterday was there.

"I remember it was golden-gray short hair... I found it."

The man was in the seat with Fabien's back to him.

Xia Zuo asked Servant No. 1 to move a certain distance over the man's head so that he could hear his explanation clearly during the game.

The audience sitting nearby asked the man with short blond hair, "Andrew, who did you buy to win?"

"Ross, we are not here to gamble." Andrew glanced at the other party.

"By the way, let's make some legal extra money." Ross has gray broken hair, looks much younger than Andrew, has a brisk tone and a lively expression.

"I'll pay, and if I win, I'll give you half. If I lose, I'm unlucky." Rose begged, "Please, Andrew. I have to bring Abigail a new pair of leather boots. She The ones on my feet are almost rotten to the heels.”

"If you don't do what you say, I will take care of you. Don't think about me helping you again." Andrew said, staring at the two figures on the playing field.

"Yes! Andrew. I promise to do it. I will leave the money I won to you for safekeeping. You should rest assured now." Ross clapped his hands happily.

Andrew glanced at the other audience members who were listening, and said calmly:

"Jack the Stonebreaker...well...his tattoos should be to cover up the signs of disease on his body. This shows that he has not modified the bone capsule, and the poison accumulated in his body flows out from the skin. Even if he does not die here, he will not die here." Fa'er will survive the next month. Whether he can exert his due strength is a question."

The eavesdropping audience immediately stood up and walked towards the nearby staff, apparently planning to place a bet for Fabien.

Seeing that the surrounding area suddenly became much empty, Ross asked in a low voice: "So who should we buy?"

"What would you do if you knew you were going to die?" Andrew muttered, "Why don't you give him a good fight and get some support?"

Ross snapped his fingers and walked towards the staff further away.

Xia Zuo realized that the identities of these two people might not be simple. They already had a tacit understanding with each other and had rich experience in surviving in this land.

He looked at Servant No. 4 who was left in the hospital, and controlled it to come to the competition field, intending to use it to track Andrew, the older of the two, in order to learn more information.

Andrew wore a stiff leather trench coat, a cashmere vest and shirt.

Xia Zuo placed Servant No. 4 on the inside of his shirt lapel so that his voice could be heard clearly.

When Xia Zuo finished all this, the game just started.

The host asked the audience to sit back in their seats, jumped off the competition field, and pulled the lever next to the competition stage.

Three layers of iron nets lowered from the ceiling and surrounded the two people on the field.

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