"Everyone! The competition is about to begin!" The host looked towards the VIP seats on the second floor.

The position where the fat, dark-skinned man Deshawn was, was above the spinach handicap sign.

He looked at the current handicap ratio and the amount of banknotes in the prize pool, and made eye contact with several of his men who were buying lottery tickets. A smile appeared on his face, revealing his big gold teeth, and gestured towards the host. A few gestures.

The host received the order, opened his arms and shouted: "The game~~ begins!"

Jack was covered in red and black snake scale armor, spinning around the opponent in the center of the field like a python, and whipped the scarlet whip into the opponent's back with a swipe.

Sid picked up the heavy sword and used the weapon in his hand as a shield, holding it upright in front of him.

"Bang~" The snake whip collided with the broad sword blade. With a crisp sound, Sid's right hand seemed to be unable to exert any strength, and the heavy sword trembled obviously.

Jack looked at Sid suspiciously...could the other party really be the Sid with the injured right hand? So why wear a mask?

Jack used the length of the whip to roam in the middle distance and launch attacks against the iron net on the sidelines, repeatedly testing the strength of his opponent and increasing the strength of his hand again and again.

Sid held the heavy sword with both hands and took heavy steps. While enduring the whipping, he got close to the agile Jack. He and Silent Stone did not say a word even when the whip hit their necks, and did not even let out a cry of pain. come out.

Jack put the whip back into the snake head on his left arm, then waved his arm suddenly, and a whip filled with dark red light stretched out.

Xia Zuo knew that Jack was serious about it.

In previous performance competitions, Xia Zuo had seen the power of the dark red ray snake whip. Not only was it sharper, it could tear through metal armor pieces, and it could also leave behind poison with a powerful stiffening effect.

The price of use is huge physical exertion.

Xia Zuo predicted that with Jack's current condition, five lashes would be the limit.

The opponents in the first five games all offered to admit defeat when they saw the dark red whip.

But Sid took a different approach.

He took a few steps, held up the whip to his head, raised his heavy sword, protected his mask, and charged towards his opponent.

The pieces of armor on his body exploded during the whipping, and fragments of the armor were scattered on the ground.

Dark red mucus seeped into the cracks in the armor, but the toxin had no effect - there might be some kind of protective lining underneath the armor.

Jack whipped his opponent's ankle again, and the snake whip wrapped around Sid's right foot.

He was about to pull the whip and trip the opponent, but he saw Sid stepped on the whip with his other foot, relying on his size and weight to firmly fix the whip, preventing Jack from taking it back.

Sid took this opportunity to raise his heavy sword, and golden fire burst out from the blade.

Jack's snake tail had never been used today, and now it turned into a black shadow and sprang out from behind.

Sid's reaction was very fast. He tilted his head back and barely avoided the barb that pierced the bird's nest, but his mask was still blown off by the barb.

Jack was surprised to find that underneath the mask was indeed Sid's expressionless face.

The next second, Jack's neck was struck by a golden sword blade, and flames swept through his body.

Sid drew out his heavy sword, raised it high and struck vertically, and the broad blade repeatedly struck Jack's head.

The violent impact made Jack unable to recover, and the whip in his left hand was pressed by the opponent's body again, and he was in a state of being beaten.

Seeing that the opponent's helmet was about to shatter, Sid had no intention of stopping. Instead, he increased his strength, took a breath, raised the sword high, and then smashed the opponent's helmet with a clang, using the broad blade to smash the opponent. forehead.

Jack's body collapsed to the ground, and the red and black alchemical armor on his body decomposed into black dust, then turned from black ash to black smoke, and finally dissipated in the air, revealing the body with a mangled head.

Sid took back his heavy sword, picked up the mask on the ground and put it on again, raising his hands high to celebrate victory.

Only then did the audience realize that they had just witnessed the first drop of blood tonight.

Amidst the noise, Andrew stared at Sid on the playing field with a sullen face for a few seconds, called Rose, who shouted "Fortunately I didn't place a bet", and walked to the audience channel.

Ross pushed away the crowd in front of the prize collection table, walked beside his companion and said:

"Andrew, will Sid be the one to use the Python V-type alchemy equipment tomorrow? The Evil Beast Arena is a good plan. It not only earns ticket money, but also allows one of our own people to experience an alchemy equipment. By then, They will peel off the alchemy cloak from Sid's body and hand the bone capsule to us, and this mission will be over."

Andrew stopped and looked at Sid who was digging out the bone sac on the playing field. He was skillfully dissecting the corpse with a short dagger. He fumbled under the liver and tore up the spiderweb-like white thing. A bone capsule—a white cocoon-shaped object the size of a finger—was found in the cotton-like mass.

"They configured the bone capsule into a secret medicine to mount Jack's alchemy equipment. Instead of using a coupling ritual to couple the alchemy equipment to Jack." Andrew asked: "Do you know what this means?"

"Well, it means that Jack doesn't have that much money to buy the materials for the coupling ceremony?" Rose said in an uncertain tone.

"Jack really doesn't have that much money, so he can only choose to drink the secret medicine to mount the alchemy breeding equipment. Moreover, after coupling with the breeding equipment, the connection between the breeding equipment and the user is deeper, the performance is more powerful, and it is easier to have... accidents .”

Andrew emphasized the last two words and paused, "Let's go. Let's talk about it back to the tavern."

Ross continued to think about the meaning of the other party's words. He had a premonition that things had changed in an unknown way, and quickened his pace to keep up with Andrew's pace.

Xia Zuo carefully pondered the conversation between the two, then controlled Servant No. 5 who was hiding in the gun shop to come to the competition venue. Just before the host was about to enter the backstage, Xia Zuo had Servant No. 5 attached to the host's coat.

The Goatee host and the staff gave some instructions, asking the thugs to keep an eye on the nearby passage and lead Sid, who was waiting aside, into the underground passage deep in the corridor.

Under the light of the alchemy lamp, the two walked down the stairs for a while and came to a corridor lined with iron doors.

After entering one of the doors, Sid took off the mask of the weapon, and then lifted up the human face mask on his face, revealing the scarred face.

"Good job. Ho ho... Jack did a good job too. He helped you lift the mask so you didn't have to do it yourself. I think the audience, as well as the detectives from the Izhu Group, should have seen 'Sid' face."

"What should I do now?" Scarface handed over the human face mask.

The host took the human face mask and pointed to the clothes hanging on the wall, "Put on your clothes, go say hello to the two detective gentlemen, dispel their doubts, and then come back for the coupling ceremony. Mr. Deshawn paid for it himself, I bought all the ceremony materials for you. You have been waiting for this day for a long time, and I am very happy for you."

The scarred face raised a smile, and the scarred face was a bit ferocious. He took off his weapons, put down his Yuan Neng epee, put on his usual black jacket, opened the door and left.

The host took out many bottles and cans from the metal box on the ground, squatted on the floor and got busy, seemingly arranging a coupling ceremony.

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 5 to come to the top of the secret room, squinted at the glass bottle, and kept casting detection spells to confirm his identification results.

He found a notepad and recorded the materials needed for the coupling ceremony of the Wild Python V-shaped Alchemy Clothes. Then he compared the pattern on the floor and drew the entire ritual circle on the page.

The purpose of the Beast Arena couldn't be more obvious.

This bone capsule is estimated to be a high-grade, high-quality main material for colonial clothing, and it itself has extremely high value.

It aroused the greed of the Evil Beast Arena, leading these people to take risks and use cunning tactics to seize it.

What's not sure now is...

Was it the Mishima Group that ordered them to do this, or was it a secret conspiracy among Deshawn, Goatee Host and Scarface?

No matter what the possibility is...

This does not prevent Xia Zuo from recording the materials and magic circles of the ceremony in detail, observing the process of the ceremony, and gaining knowledge of alchemy and equipment cultivation.

Having said that, if the Evil Beast Arena succeeds, it will be even more difficult for Andrew and Rose to get the bone capsule back.

Inside Hongli Tavern.

Next to the card table in the corner of the hall on the first floor.

Ross sat on the chair a little uneasily, threw a few cards on the table, and his eyes drifted to the door of the tavern, where a tall figure walked in. The other person's face was covered with wrinkles and scars.

Andrew was much calmer, staring at his cards. He didn't open his mouth until heavy footsteps approached the card table and said:

"Scarface, what do you want from us?"

Scarface's expression remained unchanged, he put his hands on the backs of their chairs, lowered his head and said:

"How are you guys? The boss asked me to go to Dix Lumber Factory immediately. There are some restless guys making trouble there. I have to leave quickly. In the next two days, the host of the Evil Beast Arena, Doom, will Come entertain you two."

"It seems that the trouble in the lumber factory is quite difficult, and you actually need to go there in person." Andrew nodded and said, "Thank you and Doom for your hospitality. I will wait here for what I want."

Scarface stood up straight and glanced at the jacketed thug leaning against the wall. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he was stopped by an anxious Ross.

"Scarface..." Ross took a deep breath, pretended to be calm, looked at the other person's ferocious face and asked:

"Are you going to install the alchemy equipment on Sid? How will you install it?"

Scarface touched his uneven forehead and said with a smile, "Use the safest way. Ho ho... play slowly, you two."

Scarface walked towards the tavern door.

After his figure left, two jacket thugs leaned against the doorframe of the door, one on the left and one on the right.

A thug in a jacket also walked out of the passage through the back door of the tavern, leaning against the wall next to the passage.

Roston felt something bad, moved his butt towards Andrew, and asked in a low voice:

"I feel like they have bad intentions...What should we do now?"

Andrew raised his chin to the side and said with a raised voice:

"Sit back, play cards with peace of mind, and pass the time. Let's talk about it in two days. At most, the mission failed, it's no big deal."

"Oh" Rose sat back down and continued playing cards uneasily.

Xia Zuo opened the notepad that recorded Andrew's personal information.

It is clearly recorded above that Andrew is a man of steady character and experience.

What he said just now with a deliberately raised voice was not only to comfort Rose, but also to send a message to the jacket thugs nearby who were staring at the two of them:

[I know you are causing trouble, but I don't want to cause trouble. 】

Will Andrew be so calm as to not meddle in other people's business and let the beasts in the Arena steal the bones...

Maybe even his follower Ross doesn't know.

Xia Zuo guessed based on intuition...


It's really possible for Andrew to do this.

In this land, if you want to live a prosperous life, you must either have sufficient personal strength, or have a large organization as your backer, and be very smooth yourself.

So far, Andrew is clearly the latter.

Xia Zuo wrote this question on his notepad.

At the same time, the name of the arena supporter was recorded: Doom.

In the underground secret room of the Evil Beast Arena.

Scarface pushed open the door and walked in, and said to the goatee man Doom who was inspecting the ritual circle:

"Those two detectives from the Ishu Group are trying to find out how we install the alchemy equipment."

"Don't worry about them. Mr. Deshawn has already made arrangements." Doom pointed to the magic circle on the ground, "Stand up, I'm ready."

He directed Scarface to put his feet in the correct position, and while pouring powder or potion into the empty bowl on the magic circle, he said:

"Let's check the next action plan again.

"After you complete the coupling ceremony, put on the human face mask of 'Sid' and go on stage to compete. The next two days will be enough for you to become familiar with the alchemy cultivation costume.

"You'll hurt me in two days. Be gentle then. I'll be busy helping you organize everything..."

Doom continued:

“You fight your way up from here, escape from the Beast Arena, and escape to the Catfish Forest to the south.

"It would be best if those two detectives didn't come after you. After you receive my signal, take off the mask of 'Sid' and take a detour to Dicos Lumber Factory. After the detectives leave the boundaries of Stillwater Town, follow the convoy back. .

"If those two detectives are desperately trying to catch you...then you and the guys lurking in the Catfish Woods will entertain them for me and Mr. Deshawn."

Doom arranged the magic circle, put his hands on his hips and grinned:

"The murderer who killed the detective was Carpenter, who participated in the massacre of a branch of the Ossie family.

“In order to avoid being pursued by the knights of the Ossi family, he disguised himself as heavy swordsman Sid and lurked in Stillwater Town for five or six years, gaining Deshaun’s trust.

"Carpenter got the Alchemy Breeding Equipment this time, and finally had the strength to face the knights of the Ossi family, so he couldn't wait to betray the Beast Arena and escape from Stillwater Town."

Doom took out a wanted poster from his arms, with a portrait of Carpenter on it - it looked somewhat similar to Sid's human face mask... but Xia Zuo was sure that Carpenter and Sid were not the same person.

"If the detectives question me, I'm going to give them this wanted poster. Let them and the damn Ossie Knight track down the unfounded Carpenter."

He shook the bounty, making a swishing sound, and pocketed it.

"Six years ago, you used disfigurement to escape the pursuit of the Knights of the Rose.

"Now, not only have we helped you get rid of the crime completely, but we have also installed you with the Python V-type alchemy breeding equipment, which is one of the most advanced breeding equipment on the market.

"No one would know that Sid, who looks somewhat similar to you, has been locked in a secret place for a long time.

“I originally wanted him to take your place and accept the trial of the Ossi family, and even the evidence was prepared.

"Who knew that a brat with a high-level bone capsule would suddenly appear and disrupt my plan.

"Fortunately, I made adjustments in time, persuaded Mr. Deshawn, and helped you buy everything you need for the coupling ceremony.

"From now on, just obey our arrangements obediently. Our plan cannot be without you."

Scarface raised his right hand and fist bumped with Doom in celebration, "I promise to obey your orders. This plan is really great, and your brain is flexible. No wonder Mr. Deshawn values ​​you so much. Let's get started."

Xia Zuo sorted out the ins and outs of the incident on his notepad and wrote down the name [Osi Family].

From the perspective of Servant No. 5.

Doom stood on the wall away from the magic circle, took out a parchment scroll from his pocket, spread it out in front of him, and showed the words on it to Scarface.

"Scarface, you must recite the ritual prayer above accurately to activate the magic circle. You can speak slowly, but you must not make mistakes. You first recite it silently several times, and then read it out loud. After the magic circle is activated, you Don’t do anything, you can’t move until I let you move. Got it?”

"Okay, Doom."

Scarface held his breath and frowned as he looked at the parchment. The dozens of lines of text arranged vertically on it brought him no less pressure than Jack in colonial clothes.

"It's really hard to pronounce. It's obviously a common language. I know every word when it's broken down, but when it's put into a sentence, I can't understand what it means..." Scarface complained softly.

"Be patient, this is a test that must be passed." Doom said with emphasis.

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 5 to come behind Scarface, looked directly at the parchment, and recorded the words on the scroll in reverse order rather than sequential order to avoid triggering unknown events.

Since then, the list of things needed for the coupling ceremony of the Python V-type alchemical breeding equipment has been obtained.

When Xia Zuo put down the pen, Scarface just said:

"Dum, I should be fine, I won't pronounce it wrong."

"Okay." Doom nodded, "Let's get started."

"Disciples dripping with blood, a distorted illusion of the flesh..."

Xia Zuo raised his eyebrows.

Isn’t this the line that Nuk’alofa, the butler of sperm and flesh, delivered in a fashionable manner?

Is there another deeper meaning?

He shifted his gaze from the notepad to the perspective of servant No. 5, and controlled the servant to retreat into the crack of the door. If something unexpected happened, he could escape from here as soon as possible.

Scarface continued reading in a slow and steady tone:

"Ascension exists outside the walls of flesh and bones. Everyone who studies this volume knows that flesh and bones themselves have no walls..."


Xia Zuo looked at the notepad and carefully figured out the meaning of this phrase.

Influenced by his previous life, when he heard the word "ascension", his first reaction was that he had the "ascension" in Eastern culture.

But that's not the case.

In the lingua franca of the Eastern Continent, "ascension" specifically refers to promotion across stages, and is a rather literary term.

For example, from a mage servant to an official mage all of a sudden, skipping the mage apprenticeship stage is an ascension.

Like when Xia Zuo was learning Kit Kat Objects, he made an exception and was promoted from the trainee level to the proficient level, which was also a kind of promotion.

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