My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 156 Ascension Semi-finished Products

Home in the St. York Community.

It is now December 25th, 1am.

There is still light from the bright yellow alchemy lamp flowing out from the crack in the study door.

Xia Zuo rested his chin on his hands and clamped his elbows on the desk. His eyes were fixed on the perspective of Servant No. 5 and could not move away.

This was not because he was affected by the coupling ritual, but the scene in front of him was particularly eye-catching, and the information fed back by the detection technique was not good.

About 10 minutes ago.

The potions, powders and high-level bone capsules placed on the magic circle began to fly in Scarface's reading body.

The high-level bone sac drilled into the body from Scarface's nostrils. At that moment, Scarface's face was filled with pain at first, and then turned into extreme enjoyment. His body was suspended in the air, he bent over and hugged his knees, and fell asleep like a baby.

The flesh and blood on his body cracked like cracked tree bark, and pieces of skin detached from the outside of the body, forming a nest of flesh that wrapped the skeleton, internal organs, and the bone capsule in the center of the brain that were exposed to the air.

The ritual potion and powder became the materials for sewing the meat nest. After the two were mixed together, they bonded the meat nest tightly together like glue.

Now, there is new movement in this meat nest that is about one meter high and half a meter wide. There seems to be something struggling inside, trying to tear through the meat wall and break out of the nest.

When the flesh and blood on Scarface's body began to crack, Doom was so frightened that he retreated to the door. He stared blankly at the meat nest in front of him, his mouth wide open, and he almost forgot to breathe.

Xia Zuo quickly recovered from the brief shock.

As time went by, the color of the meat nest changed from the original bright red to dark gray. This change made him a little confused.

What meat would be dark gray?


Fritz met in the Western Continent, the first Transformer he killed after coming to the Federation, and the Transformer who was bombed by fireball on the ship but was never killed...

Without exception, they all have a dark gray appearance.

Only in the mature stage can they control their appearance and change the color of their skin to normal skin color, but once they start fighting, they will show their prototype.


What kind of coupling ritual is this? Is it actually a transformation ritual that transforms normal people into transformers?

The answer is about to be revealed.

The meat nest was violently agitating, and palm prints were reflected on the flesh wall. His fingers grabbed the flesh wall, trying to tear it open.

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 5 and burrowed deeper into the crack of the door. If anything went wrong, he would immediately run away.

"Hiss~~" Two gray hands came out of the flesh wall, pulled it left and right, and tore the flesh wall apart. The sound of the flesh wall tearing was the same as tearing paper.

A gray head poked out of the meat nest, breathing heavily, stepping on the lower body with both feet, turning around to tear off pieces of the flesh wall and put them into his mouth to feast on.

"Scarface...Carpenter..." Doom stepped forward cautiously, reaching out to pat the gray-skinned figure's back.

He was surprised to find that every time the other person ate a piece of flesh wall, a certain piece of skin on his body would turn into a normal color.

Doom retracted his hand, moved against the wall, and came to the front of the other party, "Carpenter? Your face..."

Carpenter put his head into his mouth and stuffed the fragments of flesh wall into his mouth, and said vaguely:

"Dum... I'm so hungry... wait until I finish eating... then..."

Xia Zuo releases the detection technique

[Character Name] Carpenter (Scarface)

[Identity 1] Senior thug of Evil Beast Arena

[Identity 2] Mature stage converter

[HP] 200/900 (moderate hunger)


[Blood pattern quality] 8

[Blood pattern characteristics] 73


[Agility] 6







[Character Specialties]

[Crazy Python V-type Alchemy Breeding Equipment], [Pseudo-Human Form (Activating)], [Transformer Form (Temporarily Unavailable)], [Blood Sensing·Incomplete], [Underground Talk Lv.8], [Unarmed Fighting] Mastery·Expert Level], [Two-Handed Weapon Specialization Lv.22], [Power Explosion Lv.8]…

Carpenter skipped the infancy and growth stages and directly became a mature stage transformer!

No wonder the prayer mentions "ascension."

However, his blood volume data, blood pattern quality and blood pattern characteristics are really too low, and are only slightly better than those of juvenile transformers.

Moreover, [Blood Sensing] is also incomplete.

Xia Zuo focused his thoughts on this entry and looked at its detailed description.

[Feature Name] Carpenter’s Blood Sensation

[Specialty Description] You have not yet received the blood of your master, and your connection with your master is still very weak. You need to obtain the blood of your master to enhance your induction.

[Speciality Effect] Briefly

There is no blood to contain the blood demon...

Xia Zuo opened his notepad and looked at the material list for the coupling ceremony.

The serum of the Black Iron Python was used in the coupling ceremony, but other than that, there really were no blood-related props.

Therefore, the coupling ceremony of the wild V-shaped alchemy equipment is not an authentic transformation ceremony.

It passed a similar quick-fix method, turning Carpenter into a transformer with the ability to disguise himself as a human. However, due to the low quality of the blood patterns and incomplete blood magic skills, Carpenter could only be regarded as a semi-finished transformer. exist.

Xia Zuo wrote down his observations on a notepad and turned his attention to Carpenter's character template again.

His vitality attribute value is increasing little by little. Every time he eats a piece of flesh wall fragment, the vitality attribute value will increase by 0.1 points.

Xia Zuo counted silently. When Carpenter was full, he had eaten exactly 108 pieces of flesh wall fragments. The vitality attribute value increased to about 36 points, and the upper limit of blood volume reached 1,000 points.

The flesh wall is composed of the flesh and blood of Carpenter's original body.

Eating the meat wall is equivalent to eating yourself...

This sight didn't make Doom feel more disgusted?

Xia Zuo unleashed his scrying spell on Doom.



(Affected by the coupling ritual, some attributes are reset to zero.)

Does this ceremony also have its own wisdom-reducing halo?

The corner of Xia Zuo's mouth twitched, thankful that he was not affected by this negative effect.

After Carpenter ate the flesh wall, apart from changes in vitality and blood volume, he did not gain any new blood magic specialties.

He patted his belly with satisfaction, looked at Doom who was standing aside, waved his arms and struck a few poses, and touched his muscles.

"I feel empowered."

Doom pointed at the other person's face, "Carpenter, you have regained your appearance, and all those scars are gone!"

"What?!" Carpenter groped for a moment on his face. The smooth skin made him feel happy and sad at the same time. "What should I do? Do I have to wear a mask all the time in the future...or am I going to be disfigured again..."

Doom paced back and forth, arms crossed.

"Disfigured...we may not be able to do it.

"According to the black businessman... although the V-type and IV-type are only one generation apart, their performance is much different.

"After the V-type alchemy cultivation equipment is coupled with the user, it will bring powerful regeneration ability to the user. Unless it is [hit to a fatal vital point], no matter how serious the injury is, it can be recovered, let alone disfigurement. , it is completely possible to regenerate even a severed limb.”

The V-shaped alchemy equipment cannot neutralize vital parts. If Carpenter is hit by a bullet in the heart or brain, he will still die immediately.

Xia Zuo also heard another meaning from Dumu's words:

[Type IV alchemy equipment cannot give the user the ability to regenerate. 】

To be precise, alchemy equipment of type IV and below cannot turn the user into a transformer.

Xia Zuo called up the character template of Steel Fist Ogu.

He remembered that Ogu summoned the steel fist prosthetic arm from the dark room, and obviously used a coupling method to install the split limb weapon.

In Ogu's character template, it is clearly marked that he is only an arena thug, not a transformer.

Hmm...write it down...Xia Zuo picked up the pen.

Xia Zuo scratched his head and added, "It's best to just use mechanical prosthetics." 】

When Doom was worrying about Carpenter's appearance, the other person suddenly raised his finger and said, "Shh~ Doom, someone is coming."

"Where is there?" Doom listened intently, and the corridor outside was quiet.

Carpenter's expression changed rapidly, from confusion to surprise to sluggishness, and finally he forced out a smile and said, "I misunderstood. I just discovered that the Python V has a small function, it can change my appearance temporarily. "

Carpenter rubbed his face a few times, and when his hands left his face, his appearance changed to its original appearance of scars.

Xia Zuo knew that this was the blood demon conveying the blood secret message to Carpenter through blood induction, instructing it on how to use the [pseudo-human form] specialty.

"The V-shaped alchemy breeding suit is really magical. No wonder so many people are fighting for high-level bone capsules, and even the detectives of the Yishu Group are chasing after them." Doom carefully looked at the appearance of Scarface, and then He clapped his hands and said:

"You put on the human face mask of 'Sid', then put on his clothes, go to the No. 3 competition stage to practice your skills, and become familiar with the alchemy cultivation equipment as soon as possible. I'll clean up this place."

"Okay, Doom." Scarface looked down and saw that he was naked and talking to the other party for a long time... Why didn't the other party react at all?

He opened the closet in the corner, put on the heavy swordsman's armor coat, and then put on the human face mask.

The skin of this mask is relatively hard and cannot show any expression.

When Scarface pushed the door open and left, Xia Zuo thought for a moment. Carpenter's plan to summon the alchemy equipment might affect the perspective of Servant No. 5. It would be better for Servant No. 5 to still be attached to Doom.

Servant No. 5 next to the door flew over and got under Doom's lapel to stand by.

It was daytime.

Xia Zuo was training at Rexor and took advantage of his break to check on the status of each hematin servant.

Servant No. 1 is on duty above Arena 1 in the Beast Arena.

Scarface inspired the alchemy suit, transformed into a red and black python with arms and legs, and violently whipped several steel dummies on the playing field surrounded by iron nets.

The scarlet whip has a row of dense spikes.

The spikes look short and thin, but are very hard and sharp and can easily scrape metal shavings from the steel dummy.

The appearance of Jack's activated python's V-shaped reproductive suit is completely incomparable with Scarface. The former looks like a newborn snake, while the latter looks more like a ferocious giant python.

Servant No. 4 closely follows the detective Andrew of the Izhu Group.

The two detectives were playing cards and drinking in the tavern like salted fish, and were now fast asleep. They had no idea that the bone capsule had been made into an alchemy cloak and coupled to Scarface.

Servant No. 5 is on standby with Doom, the arena host.

Servant No. 6 hangs from a balcony high above the town hall.

It was late at night in Jingshui Town, and only thick black clouds could be seen, but no moon or stars could be seen. The streets were illuminated by street lamps and the lights of shops and pubs.

The clock tower of the city hall shows that the time difference between Stillwater Town and Silver Moon Federation is about 13 hours, and day and night are exactly reversed between the two.

Assume that the size of the planet under your feet is similar to the planet where you were in your previous life.

Stillwater Town is probably located more than 7,000 kilometers east of the Silver Moon Federation...

It would take at least a thousand hours to fly over this distance just by relying on the hemogen servants to fly in a straight line.

Xia Zuo made some insinuations and asked the bald head about the inland affairs in a curious tone.

Rexall abided by the law in this regard and resolutely did not reveal any information. Even the temple territories such as the Shaman Emirate, the Country of Truth, and the Demon Hunter's Hometown, except for mentioning the names, did not reveal any other information. .

Xia Zuo couldn't help but feel troubled, and didn't intend to continue asking, so as not to make the bald head suspicious.

He made up his mind to explore the depths of the interior with his blood servants who were seven thousand kilometers away.

Starting tonight.

Silvermoon Federation's 8 p.m.

Xia Zuo came to the study to be alone with a fruit plate.

On field 1 of the Evil Beast Arena.

Scarface disguised himself as Sid, [wearing an alchemy suit] and walked out from backstage, onto the playing field to show off his red and black snake-like appearance, while Andrew and the two watched from the audience.

Xia Zuo concentrated on controlling Servant No. 6 on the city hall building, making it fly downward against the wall. When it encountered an open window, he went in and took a look.

Servant No. 6 went around the rooms from the 2nd floor to the 10th floor. Most of these floors were dormitories, warehouses, archives and the like, nothing special.

Only the lobby on the first floor is the busiest.

Servant No. 6 turned into the noisy hall and hovered on the chandelier on the ceiling.

The signboard of Jingshui Town City Hall has the emblems of three organizations, but it is the Mishima Group that is really in charge.

The Ishu Group may not have many people in the town, and Xia Zuo has only seen two of them now - Andrew and Ross.

The Gold Merchant's Sword is more like a neutral arms dealer, doing business for everyone and not offending anyone. As long as anyone can spend money, they can buy what they want from its weapon shops, firearms shops, and weapon shops.

The Sword of Gold Merchant also has the function of issuing wanted orders, reward orders, and collection orders.

On the bulletin board in the city hall, there are notices related to Stillwater Town and nearby areas, ranging from recruiting lumber mill workers or searching for specific people and objects in the town, to recruiting people to clean up monsters in the suburbs, large and small. Notices were plastered all over the three-meter-high notice board.

The person who comes to pick up the notice should write down the number on the notice, then go to the counter to report the number, leave a deposit and his or her identity information, and then he or she will receive a token to go to work and a simple route map.

Xia Zuo discovered that these road maps were not written by the teller, but were sent from the room behind the counter.

He controlled Servant No. 6 to attach to a person similar to the lobby manager and follow him behind the door.

A large terrain sand table of 5 meters by 5 meters appeared in front of us. The sand table was filled with small flags of various colors, and there were numbers on the flags ranging from 1 to hundreds.

Xia Zuo asked Servant No. 6 to float directly above the terrain sand table, pondered the proportions and methods of copying, tore out more than 20 blank pages, traced the terrain sand table bit by bit, and recorded it with a contour map.

Jingshui Town is located in the center of a basin, surrounded by lakes and wetlands. There are mountains in the distance, and several mountains surround the basin. There are only a few mountain roads that allow vehicles to smoothly go around the mountains.

Mishima Group has many industries here.

All the entertainment industry in the city belongs to Mishima.

Three pastures, two cemeteries, a lumber mill, a reservoir, a slaughterhouse, a fishing company, two docks and other facilities and organizations outside the city are also assets of the Mishima Group.

These are just industries related to people.

The monster's lair, the caves where magic mines are dug, and the strongholds where magic grass is collected are also firmly controlled by the Mishima Group.

It seems like... Jingshui Town should be in the hinterland of the Three Island Group's territory?

Xia Zuo crossed his arms and glanced at the map on the table.

Jingshui Town is really a nice place.

It is high on all sides and low in the middle. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack after guarding the main road.

There are large trees called pond trees in the wetland. Its wood is moisture-proof, hard and fire-resistant, and can be burned after drying in the shade.

There are many precious magic mines and magic grass distributed in the surrounding mountains.

It’s simply a feng shui treasure!

Hmm~ Not bad, it’s worth exploring.

I just used this map to study how to use hemogen servants to spawn monsters in the wild.

After learning that alchemical cultivation equipment and mechanical prostheses were related to the secret rooms of the Strange Demon Church, Xia Zuo thought of a better idea to arm the hemogen servants.

Gunpowder weapons are easy to pick up and operate, and require no elemental energy to power them.

Xia Zuo planned to borrow a small-caliber pistol and ammunition from Servant No. 6, who was responsible for going out of the city to spawn monsters, and go to the suburbs to try using gunpowder weapons to spawn monsters.

What needs to be solved now is the source of firearms and bullets.

The best way is to "touch the body" rather than burglarizing a gun shop or arsenal.

The kind of unfortunate person who is alone in the wild and is attacked by monsters is the first choice.

Secondly, in places where there are a lot of casualties, picking up a gun sneakily is also an option.

Remember the Dicos Lumber Mill that Scarface mentioned?

Something really happened there, and Scarface wasn't just making it up.

The Mishima Group not only recruited thugs from its stronghold in the town, but also openly recruited locals and outsiders.

It is said that a lumberjack from a lumber factory accidentally discovered a large monster lair buried in the forest when he was cutting down trees in a deep mountain forest, which attracted a large number of monsters to attack the lumber factory.

The situation there seems to have suddenly deteriorated today. The Mishima Group has increased the reward for the collection order and urgently needs a large number of skilled gunmen to help.

Xia Zuo found a group of gunmen who were about to set off for the lumber factory on the avenue in front of the city hall.

He asked Servant No. 6 to attach himself to the roof of the carriage and wait for departure.

Just when Xia Zuo was about to read the spell book on the Curse of Crimson Poison to pass the time, the perspective of Servant No. 1 changed.

There is still one duel left in Venue 1 of the Evil Beast Arena.

Doom, the goatee-bearded host, was shouting to arouse the audience's emotions when he was suddenly stopped by one of his subordinates, who thrust a note into his hand.

The fat black man Deshawn gave Doom an order:

[After the game, let Sid take a motorcycle to the lumber mill to clean up the mess there. I believe you can arrange it. 】

Doom looked up at the VIP seats on the second floor.

The black-skinned boss nodded to him, with a very solemn look on his dark face, and made a gesture with his right hand that meant "things are difficult."

The careful arrangements were forced to change, which made Doom feel even more stressed.

He took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, walked towards the scarred face who was resting on the iron fence, covered his mouth and whispered:

"You have to go to the lumber factory. You are needed there. I will arrange the vehicle and keep an eye on the two detectives from the Izhu Group."

Thanks to the Dervish in the Cinder Tower for the 100 points.

Thanks to Yu Shishi for the 500 points.

Thanks to book friend 20211021070949200 for the 1500 points.

Thanks to the ascetic monks of the Ashes Bell Tower, Tian Xingjian is a novel fanatic, book friend 20200122180624777, Flint Light, The Sound of Wind, Don’t Understand the Leaves, book friend 20211021070949200, Shu Yu Guo Yu Si for voting monthly!

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes!

Jingshui Town is a more important map later, so I will introduce it in detail.

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