Xia Zuo listened to the conversation between Doom and Scarface.

At the same time, the gunner team belonging to Servant No. 6 is about to set off, and the team is counting the number of people.

So, should we follow the gunman to the lumber factory? Or follow Scarface?

The so-called gunmen are actually mercenaries who use gunpowder weapons.

Most of them are equipped with bolt-action rifles, double-barreled shotguns, revolvers, and melee weapons such as knives, daggers, axes, etc. Only a few people choose long swords as weapons - because the blade of this thing is too long. , difficult to maintain, and easy to injure yourself and your companions in narrow terrain.

Some gunmen have strong hands-on skills and will combine a pistol with a finger-tiger to transform it into a finger-tiger pistol, or install a bayonet on a short-barreled firearm.

These people are usually veterans who either form a team with people they know or sit alone in a corner checking guns and potions.

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 6, walked around the convoy, looked at the gunmen one by one, and finally decided to follow the gunmen.

The purpose of this trip is to get the pistol and ammunition, so it's better to stay with the gunman.

Servant No. 6 floated back to the roof of the carriage and got into the gap in the skylight to wait.

In the beast arena.

After announcing the start of Game 6, host Doom walked backstage and asked his men to find a fully fueled four-wheel motorcycle and park it in the alley in the backyard of the arena to wait.

In the audience, Ross looked left and right, looked at the doorway backstage, then looked at the fat black man on the second floor, and said into Andrew's ear:

"Did you think it was a little strange just now? A thug handed the host a note...and Deshaun's face looked very bad..."

"It should be something about the lumber mill." Andrew thought for a while and said, "Scarface is Deshawn's top shooter, and even he was transferred there. This means that there may have been a monster attack there."

Andrew stared at "Sid" on the playing field and said:

"We have to keep an eye on Sid later and not let him take the alchemy farming uniform to the lumber mill. It is very close to the Morgus Mountains. If Sid deliberately wants to leave Stillwater Town wearing a wild V-no matter it is Whether he wants to do it or Deshaun arranged for him to do it, we can’t stop him.”

"Huh? Wait." Andrew seemed to have remembered something, lowered his head and thought and asked:

"Rose... let me ask you something. When Sid went on stage, did he wear weapons or alchemy clothes? How do I remember that he came out of the backstage wearing alchemy clothes?"

"Well," Ross pondered for a moment, "I recalled it, and I did come out wearing alchemy clothes."

"Something's not good...did they use a coupling method to install the V-type? This is very wrong." Andrew frowned and glanced around.

This is the time when the whole audience is most excited.

The surrounding spectators stood up and shouted, covering the two of them.

Arena goons protected the prize pool, while the host was still backstage.

"Let's go." Andrew lowered his body and crouched from behind the jumping audience towards the exit channel of the auditorium.

"Where are you going?" Ross was stunned and quickly imitated the opponent's movements, avoiding the thug's sight and followed closely.

The two walked into the corridor and entered the public toilet.

Andrew took out a beard from his pocket and put it on his face, then put on round black-rimmed glasses and covered his golden-gray hair with a hat, "Quickly disguise yourself, let's go find out about the situation in the lumber factory."

"Okay, okay." Ross said excitedly as he took out his fake beard and glasses and put them on, "It's finally time to get to work. I almost vomited from playing cards these days."

"Shh." Andrew pushed open the toilet door, raised the collar of his windbreaker to cover his face, put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker, walked towards the door at the end of the corridor, and walked calmly past the thug guarding the door without arousing the other party's alertness. .

Just at this time.

The gunmen's convoy set off, and they walked along the main road in front of the city hall. When they passed by the entrance of the Beast Arena, they happened to meet Andrew and the two.

Xia Zuo sat at his desk and saw Andrew and Rose through the perspective of Servant No. 6 attached to the carriage...

"Ha" Xia Zuo chuckled, shook his head and sighed, "What a coincidence."

As soon as Andrew saw the large number of gunmen in the car, he immediately followed the convoy and walked a few steps quickly, catching up with the carriage in front, jogging beside the coachman, waving his hat and shouting:

"Hey! Man, where are you going?"

"Dex Lumber Factory!" the driver said with a glance, "A large monster lair was found there. Mishima is recruiting people. If you go to the city hall to sign up now, you might be able to catch the next train!"

"Thanks, man! Have a safe journey!" Andrew waved goodbye and looked a little solemn when he stopped.

Rose caught up, took a few breaths and asked, "Huhu... I heard it. A large monster lair. If Deshaun wasn't stupid, he would definitely let Sid pass. This can reduce a lot of casualties."

Andrew waved, "Follow me, let's hire a carriage and drive there."

The two of them ran all the way to the city gate on the north side, grabbed the driver of a public carriage, and stuffed a wad of banknotes into each other's hands, enough to rent the carriage for several days. Then they boarded the carriage, waved their whips, and sped up to catch up with the gunmen's team. .

Xia Zuo propped up his chin at the table and snickered at the perspective of Servant No. 5 - it was attached to the host Doom's body.

On the No. 1 court of the Evil Beast Arena, the last match ended without any casualties. The two players in the match simply won applause through a sparkling performance-style fight.

After redeeming their tickets, the audience began to disperse.

Doom stepped onto the stage, asked Scarface to rest backstage for a few minutes, then got on the quad bike and set off immediately.

After Scarface left, Doom glanced at the leaving audience and did not see the two Izhu Group detectives.

There is no such thing as a surveillance camera here...surveillance basically relies on people.

Doom questioned several thugs who were watching the scene, but all received replies that they had not seen the detective, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Damn...those two detectives must have noticed something. Where are they now?"

Doom came to the backyard sullenly.

Scarface has deactivated the alchemy suit and is wearing Sid's weapon to inspect the motorcycle. On the back seat of the motorcycle, there is a large suitcase pretending to contain the alchemy suit.

Doom stepped forward and whispered to Scarface who was about to set off:

"The two detectives are gone. They didn't go back to the Hongli Tavern. They were probably on their way to the lumber mill. I suspect they guessed something.

"When you get to the lumber mill, tell the security personnel not to let the detectives in. If they forcefully follow you into the woods, you will find an opportunity to let the two detectives die there.

"When the things at the lumber mill are finished, you, as Sid, injure a few guys, escape into the Morgus Mountains, take a detour back from the reservoir, enter the city as Scarface, and wait for me at my residence. .

"Remember, don't stay outside the city for too long. You must come back before evening the day after tomorrow. If those two detectives find helpers and attack you in the wild, your chances of winning are very slim."

Scarface sat on the motorcycle, wearing a weapon mask and a human face mask. He listened attentively to what the other party said. He nodded angrily and said, "Okay, I'll note it down."

He started the motorcycle, twisted the accelerator, and drove towards the street amid two plumes of black smoke from the rear and the roar of the engine.

Doom slapped the wall a few times in annoyance, gritted his teeth and said:

"Damn detective, it's so haunting! You'd better not follow into the woods, otherwise don't blame us for taking action."

Dicos Timber Factory is located more than 20 kilometers northwest of Jingshui Town.

Most of the workers in the lumber mill settled in Jingshui Town and would return to the city for two days of rest every one to two weeks.

There is frequent movement of people between the two places, and the Mishima Group specially built a relatively flat mountain road.

It rained a bit earlier today, and the soil on the road was a little soft. The carriage was a little difficult to walk, but it was still fast. It could take up to an hour and a half to reach the lumber mill.

The time on the road was a little boring, so Xia Zuo lowered his head and read the magic book.

The low sound of the engine came from the perspective of Servants No. 4 and 6.

Xia Zuo changed the perspective of Servant No. 6 and found that Scarface disguised as Sid was chasing after him.

He drove his motorcycle to the carriage where Andrew was sitting, nodded to Ross in the driver's seat, then tightened the accelerator and passed the carriage team.

"Andrew, Sid really went to the lumber mill." Ross turned to the car in surprise and said, "Your conclusion is really accurate. I wish I could have your knowledge and ability..."

Andrew stuck his head out of the car window and glanced at the motorcyclist who was about to leave. "There will be a day, Ross. Let's speed up and follow him. Try not to let him out of our sight."

"Okay!" Ross shook the reins and accelerated the pack horse. The carriage barely kept up with the black smoke of the motorcycle...

Silver Moon Federation time, 10:40 pm.

Xia Zuo walked out of the bathroom, sat back at the desk, and found that Andrew and the others had arrived at the lumber factory.

This place covers a huge area, with five or six warehouses for storing wood, and two open areas for drying and drying wood. The dormitories for security personnel and workers are in the same building.

Next to the gate of the lumber factory, the two Andrews were stopped by armed security guards.

"You two, this is the property of the Mishima Group. You don't have a permit and you can't go in."

The armed security guard said expressionlessly, "Don't think that I don't know who you are, detectives from the Ishut Group. This is not the place for you. Please go back."

Andrew looked at the other person from top to bottom without leaving any trace.

Combat boots stained with black mud, gun holsters filled with broken leaves, wet firearms, bandaged little fingers on the right hand, yellow-green water stains on the weapons that had not been wiped off, etc. Every detail caught his eye. .

"Okay, let's stay outside." Andrew looked behind the iron fence of the gate. Sid, who was talking to other security personnel, pulled Ross back to the carriage.

Andrew stood in the driver's seat and looked out at the conditions at the lumber mill.

He raised his hand and pointed at the yellow-green things on the roof and walls, "Do you recognize that one? Rose. I mentioned it to you on the way before coming here."

Ross took out a monocular from his pocket, "A mushy slime that cannot corrode wood and stone. It looks sticky, but has no smell..."

Ross turned the camera and looked at the wounded in the square behind the main entrance.

Most of them had bruises and swollen faces, and a few had splints on their arms.

There were five or six corpses covered with white cloth on the ground nearby. Judging from the appearance, the chest of the corpse was deeply sunken, as if something had broken the sternum and internal organs.

"Oh~ I know! It's an acorn capsule that can shoot sticky bombs!" Ross put away the telescope and said, "In that case, that large monster lair is the home of the acorn capsule."

"Rose. I have a bold guess." Andrew looked at Sid's back and said, "The guy with the alchemy equipment is not Sid, but Scarface."

"Ah? Why?" Ross looked surprised.

Andrew said in a deep voice:

"The Kuangmang Type I alchemy equipment only has torso armor, left arm armor and hand shield.

“Type II has more leg protection than Type I, and at the same time allows the user to adjust their explosive power.

"Type III is based on Type II, with the addition of tail spikes extending from the armor on the back.

“Only starting with type IV, you have a snake whip on your arm.

“The V-type has added a new face-covering helmet with the [Heat Source Sensing] function.

"Tell me, how much do all these things weigh together?"

"About twenty kilograms?" Ross said in an uncertain tone.

"22.5 kilograms." Andrew put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker and raised his chin towards "Sid" in the distance. "Look at this guy's motorcycle wheel mark. Does it look like he is carrying more than 20 kilograms of stuff?"

Rose's eyes started from the rear wheel of the motorcycle and swept along the tracks on the mud. "It's definitely not that heavy. I even suspected it was an empty box."

Andrew nodded, "That's right. The empty box means there is nothing inside, it's just a show for us to see. The Evil Beast Arena used a coupling method to install the alchemy equipment on this guy. Do you think he will be?" Sid'? Obviously not, only Scarface deserves this honor."

Ross clapped his hands and his mind changed, "These guys want to steal the bone capsule."

"Then what should we do now?" Ross glanced at Scarface, who was leading everyone towards the depths of the lumber factory.

Andrew opened his mouth, paused, then changed his words and asked: "Let me test you, what do you think we should do?"

Ross frowned and thought:

"In order to seize the bone capsules for themselves, the Evil Beast Arena must have thought up a plan to avoid exposing the secret, otherwise it will attract the recovery troops of the Izhu Group. In extreme cases, they may even attack us... so we must not follow them into the woods."

Ross emphasized, "We should return to the town immediately, use the communicator in the municipal building to contact the nearest stronghold, and ask them to send a recovery team over."

Andrew shook his head, "I can bet you that after the trouble in the acorn worm lair is solved, Scarface will not step out of the lumber camp gate. He will go directly from the Morgus Mountains back to Stillwater Town to hide. Anyway, escape. It's Sid, and it has nothing to do with his scar face. He can find an excuse and still get back on the stage. Moreover, he can permanently distance himself from the bone sac."

"Then what should we do?" Ross rubbed his head, looking a little depressed, and found that the two of them seemed to be trapped in some kind of dilemma that was difficult to solve.

"There is always a way to think about it. If you were Scarface, what would you do? To be precise, what instructions would you receive from Doom?"

Andrew pondered for a few seconds, then his eyes lit up, he picked up the reins and sat on the chair, "It's done, Rose. I have a plan. Let's find a place to study the map of Stillwater Town first."

The two of them returned along the original road in the carriage, then left the main road and came to a lake.

Andrew drew a few circles on the paper map, "Reservoir, fishing village, port... If you want to return to Jingshui Town secretly, there is only one way!"

Andrew clicked his finger near the upper right corner of the map, "Sluice Lake Reservoir."

"Bah bang bang." Xia Zuo applauded while sitting at his desk.

What a wonderful reasoning.

He actually completely reasoned out what Doom said to Scarface.

Nothing went wrong.


From the perspective of Servant No. 4.

Andrew hugged his arms and solidified the topographic map of the reservoir, "We have to get to the reservoir before Scarface and ambush him there."

"Is it just the two of us? We don't even have mechanical prostheses, we only bring two sets of weapons... we shouldn't be able to defeat the Crazy V-type," Ross said.

"I plan to give him something cruel." Andrew patted the pocket of his windbreaker. "To deal with the illegal V-shaped clothing, you can definitely use the arc gun. At that time, I will be responsible for attracting Scarface's attention, and you will do it in the dark. He gave me a few hard strokes."

Rose's eyes sparkled when the other party mentioned the arc gun. When he heard that Andrew asked him to control the arc gun, he couldn't help but clenched his fists and said, "Okay! Look at it. I got perfect marks in the shooting subject."

The two detectives fed the packhorse some food, and after the gunmen's convoy passed by, they drove the carriage toward the reservoir.

From the perspective of Servant No. 6.

A convoy of gunmen entered the lumber mill gate.

The gunmen got out of the car according to the instructions of the security personnel and followed Scarface, who was disguised as Sid, towards the depths of the lumber mill.

Carriage convoy 5 picked up the wounded and several corpses from the lumber mill and set off back to Stillwater Town.

Servant No. 6 caught up with Scarface and attached himself to the collar of the opponent's weapon.

"Where are the two detectives? Have they come in?" Scarface asked as he walked - maybe because his face was wrapped in two layers of facial protection, his voice was very muffled, and the security personnel next to him didn't feel anything was wrong.

"Mr. Sid, I chased those two detectives away. They didn't make it into the lumber mill."

"Oh, what a pity." Scarface's mouth was hidden behind the mask, and he stuck out his tongue and licked his lower lip, seeming a little regretful.

He looked at the security guard who had just spoken, "You stay here, and when the second group of gunmen comes, you bring them over."

"Yes, Mr. Sid."

Scarface led the team through the warehouse and factory area, and a path leading deep into the woods appeared in front of them.

Several freight wagons transporting wood were parked aside and were now used as vehicles for the gunners.

Scarface stopped beside the carriage, turned around and faced the temporarily hired gunman and said:

"Guys! This time we have summoned 22 gunmen from Jingshui Town to clear out the nests of acorn caterpillars. The lumber factory has set up a simple camp in front, where there is enough fruit, cheese, water and dried meat. Everyone can Rest there until evening, and when everyone arrives, we can set off again."

Scarface waved his hand, "Now, get in the car!"

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