Home in the St. York Community.

11:20 late at night.

Xia Zuo sat at the desk, folding his arms and staring at the pocket watch and clock on the table.

The pocket watch shows the local time of the Silver Moon Federation.

The clock corresponds to the time in Stillwater Town.

According to Scarface, they were going to clear out the acorn capsule worm's nest in the local evening...

Doesn’t it correspond to around 2 a.m. the next day in the Silver Moon Federation?

At that time, Xia Zuo should have been meditating deeply in bed.

Clearing out the monster's lair would take at least three hours, and it wouldn't be completed until five or six in the morning.

So, I have to take a leave from Baldhead?

Please take at least half a day and go there after lunch.

Xia Zuo thought for a few seconds and felt that the scene of clearing out the nest this time was relatively large and a rare opportunity. It was also an important part of the process of exploring the depths of the inland...

He picked up the bald man's secret message ring, dialed a secret message and sent it.

From the perspective of Servant No. 4, the two detectives have arrived at the reservoir.

The gate to the leakage lake reservoir is closed, and the metal notice board behind the door reads:

[Every year from July to August, the gates are closed to store water and floods.

[From December to February every year, the gate is opened to provide water to the downstream farmland. 】

It's December now.

The reservoir gate is slightly open, and the stored water flows out at a gentle speed and merges into the nearby river.

There are no permanent security personnel here. Only in the early morning every day, a patrol of motorcycle teams will come here to take a look.

Andrew took Rose over the wall, circled the entire reservoir, and found a more hidden route from Scarface's perspective.

At this time, the two were making traps using the props in their alchemy pockets.

From the perspective of Servant No. 5.

Doom learned from the returning men that the detectives from the Yiju Group stayed at the entrance of the lumber factory for a while and did not force him to follow "Sid" into the factory, and he was secretly relieved.

Doom had thugs guard the four gates of Stillwater Town, and they would keep an eye on the detectives as soon as they saw them, but there was no sign of them until late in the evening.

"Is it possible that he escaped from the boundary of Jingshui Town overnight... to gather people on the other side of the mountain range? Looking for help from the recovery team? And then come back to negotiate with us?"

Dim paced back and forth in his office, muttering:

"That's right...the two of them are quite smart and didn't choose to confront us head-on."

Doom thought he had found the right answer, but in fact he was far off.

Can't blame him.

Andrew disguised himself too well in the town and acted very cowardly. Even though he found the bone capsule in Fabien's body, he did not take advantage of him to hunt the black iron python in the Morgus Mountains...

In Doom's view, this is the performance of the Fearful Beast Arena and the Mishima Group... After all, this is Stillwater Town, Mishima's territory.

From the perspective of Servant No. 6.

Scarface led the first group of gunners to the frontline camp. The acorn worm's nest was in the forest about 1 kilometer ahead.

From the conversation between Scarface and his men, Xia Zuo learned the reason why the acorn capsule appeared here.

This is a monster with migratory characteristics.

They will migrate from the north of the Morgus Mountains to the relatively warm south of the mountains, north of Stillwater Town, every winter.

Dicos Timber Factory has a comprehensive plan for felling trees, cutting down some trees, maintaining some, and closing some.

When maintaining the forest, highly nutritious fertilizers are sprinkled to help the trees grow, which also becomes the best food for the acorn capsules.

When the Dix Timber Factory was maintaining the nearby forest, it spread some more fertilizer in order to increase the production for the next year. This attracted a swarm of acorn capsules that happened to migrate to the south side of the Morgus Mountains.

[Such things happen usually, but the number of acorn capsules is not so large. 】

Based on visual inspection alone, the number of acorn capsules that have invaded nearby forests this time has reached more than 200. Less than half have been eliminated in the past few days, and more than 150 are still occupying the woods under maintenance.

Xia Zuo recorded the collected information on the acorn capsules, then estimated the departure time of the gunner team, got up and left the study, and went to the bedroom to meditate for a while.

The next day, 2 o'clock in the morning.

Xia Zuo returned to the study and sat down with a cup of hot tea.

Today is December 26th, and the Winter Veil holiday is halfway over.

This holiday is really fulfilling.

Not only did I get training from the bald man, but I also got to see the customs of the deep inland.

It’s more cost-effective than a vacation on the sunny beaches of the southern part of the Commonwealth.

Because of Janice's incident this year, the vacation plan has been put on hold for the time being. Let's look for another opportunity to go next year.

Xia Zuo leaned back on the chair, temporarily put aside his disturbing thoughts, rubbed the warm teacup, and focused on the perspective of Servant No. 6.

The man leading the gunmen was the supervisor of the lumber mill.

He took over the command of the team from "Sid" and led the gunmen deep into the jungle.

Towering trees cover the sky, making the forest a little darker and more solemn.

When the afterglow of the setting sun converges to the horizon, only the light of the lantern and the occasional moonlight falling from the gaps in the leaves are left in the forest.

Acorn capsules have no organs for sensing heat or night vision.

When they spray sticky bombs, they open their petal-like mouthparts.

There is a ring of faintly luminous lines inside the mouthparts - this predatory part is used to lure small animals at night and serves as a vulnerability for the acorn capsules in dim environments.

When a gunpowder weapon is activated, there will be a flash from the muzzle.

This problem can be solved with a muzzle kit impregnated with special oil. This type of kit is similar to a simple version of a flash suppressor, which can effectively eliminate muzzle flashes. Although it has a limit on the number of times it can be used, it is cheaper.

The gunner first covers the muzzle of the gun with a simple flash suppressor, then spreads out, advances in line, and shoots at the light directly in front. At the same time, he pays attention to avoiding the incoming slime bombs, so he can kill the acorn capsule relatively easily.

The only trouble is...

There are simply too many acorn capsules.

From the tree crowns and branches high up to the bushes and grass under the trees, acorn capsules of all sizes are everywhere.

When they started attacking together, a large area of ​​faint light lit up in front of everyone's eyes, as bright as stars.

"Enemy attack! Go behind the tree trunk to avoid the attack! Then fight back immediately!" The supervisor held the revolver with both hands and fired a shot, hitting the acorn pod 20 meters in front of him. Then he squatted down with his head in his hands, holding his head on his back. For the acorn capsule swarm, bury the head between the legs and protect the back of the head tightly with both hands.

The gunmen reacted quickly and immediately got behind the tree trunks, using thick trees to block the incoming slime bombs.

Only Scarface stood behind a big tree and did not squat down.

He hid his body in the dark shadows, ensuring that others could not see him, and then whispered the prayers of the coupling ceremony.

Purple-black silk threads emerged from his body, and the threads wrapped around his torso, limbs and head, weaving into a wild red-black V-shaped alchemy costume.

Xia Zuo took the lead and controlled servant No. 6 to stay away from him, letting the servant attach to the crown of a big tree a few meters away from the battlefield, overlooking the battle situation from a high place.

The dark woods did not bother him.

At the moment when the sun sank into the earth, he took a night vision potion. Now the picture he saw through Servant No. 6 showed a black, white and gray night vision scene, which was enough for observing the melee.

"Thud, tug, tug, tug~" Dozens of acorn capsules sprayed dense sticky bombs like a barrage.

The yellow-green acorn-shaped projectiles hit several unlucky gunmen and exploded into yellow-green slurry, covering the gunmen's backs.

The extremely viscous and viscous slurry required the shooter to expend great effort to pull it off from his body.

Fortunately, each of them was taken care of by the lumber factory and wore several worn-out windbreakers.

The gunman who was hit by the slime bomb simply took off his outermost trench coat, turned around, picked up the bolt rifle in his hand, and shot at the acorn capsules.

This allowed them to easily get rid of the shackles of the slime bombs, but it also reduced their defense. Without multiple layers of windbreakers to protect their torsos, the impact of the slime bombs became more obvious.

"Bang bang bang bang!" Gunshots continued.

The hit acorn capsule exploded with a pop, and then a new acorn capsule emerged in the same position.

Scarface put on the alchemical farming suit, but did not rush into the battlefield to harvest acorn pods at close range.

This will expose him to both slime bombs and his own gunner's bullets.

Xia Zuo estimated that the bolt-action rifle with the most powerful bullets would not be able to penetrate Scarface's armor, but after being hit by many projectiles at the same time, it would still fall into a very brief state of stiffness, allowing the difficult slime bullets to take advantage of it. opportunity.

Therefore, staying away from the center of the battlefield and attacking the enemy's key points is what those with alchemy equipment should do.

In this regard, Scarface and Xia Zuo thought the same.

He climbed to a high place holding the trunk, jumped a few times between the trunks, found a dozen large acorn capsules entrenched high up, and whipped them with a snake whip.

The scarlet snake whip made loud explosions in the air, and a large acorn capsule was hit. It exploded instantly like a ripe watermelon, and the internal juice and tubular viscera spilled to the ground.

From the perspective of Servant No. 6, Xia Zuo could feel the fishy smell.

The gunmen fighting the acorn capsules below the canopy made a suppressed sound of gagging, but they did not dare to stop and had to pull the trigger at all times to fire bullets.

At this time, the two warring parties started a shooting race.

Whoever shoots quickly and accurately will have an advantage. Only by destroying the number of opponents as much as possible can victory be won.

Before setting off here, the lumber mill supervisor assigned a firing sequence to ensure that while some gunners were reloading, the team could still ensure continuous firepower output.

This gave the Gunners side a brief advantage.

As the amount of ammunition dropped sharply, or the lives of their companions were concentrated by slime bombs, this improvised team of gunmen gradually fell into disarray.

A small group of people retreated, shooting and retreating.

Several shrewd gunmen noticed their movements and retreated, transferring the pressure of facing the enemy head-on to other gunmen.

Those gunners who performed well unknowingly took on more attacks. As soon as several people emerged from behind the bunker, they were hit by several rounds of sticky bullets fired from different angles. They didn't even have time to scream. Then fell to the ground...

Xia Zuo took full advantage of the overall situation and wrote down the locations of the gunmen who died tragically. If no one could help them collect their bodies later, he wouldn't mind accepting their belongings.

"Hold on! Hold on! Keep shooting!" the supervisor yelled.

He turned around and saw nearly ten gunmen quietly retreating to the edge of the battlefield, "Come back quickly! Maintain the formation!"

The supervisor hid behind a tree and blindly fired two shots at the acorn capsules. Seeing that the gunmen were still hiding behind and just fired a few hasty shots to deal with the problem, he suddenly felt angry and cursed:

"You bunch of bastards! We paid a lot of money to hire you, not for you to come on vacation! Come back quickly and maintain the formation!"

It was too dark and the lights were out, so no one could see anyone clearly.

The supervisor cannot recognize who is slacking off.

Lazy people also have their own plans. If they just squat down and walk around to the front of the formation in the dark, the supervisor will have no choice.

The supervisor wanted to shoot at their feet as a warning, but he was also worried about accidentally injuring them and causing even greater panic.

Looking forward again, most of the gunmen on the front line were injured. A few squatted down and hid in the bushes and never appeared again. They probably started fishing...

And the acorn capsule…

The supervisor squinted his eyes and saw that there were still about half of the acorn capsules, especially the giant acorn capsules at high altitudes. Even if "Sid" was dedicated to dealing with them, there were only 8 left.

The slime bombs ejected by the giant acorn capsules are not only extremely sticky, but also surprisingly hard. After being hit, they will be covered in mucus and unable to move, or their internal organs will be crushed on the spot and they will die from internal bleeding within a short period of time.

After Scarface killed several giant acorn pods, he was besieged by his opponents and the situation became tricky.

He could only go around the back of the tree trunks and use the bending characteristics of the snake whip to attack them to avoid being hit by the huge flying slime bombs. The impact was a trivial matter, but the trouble was the stickiness. If it got stuck to the trunk, That would be bad.

Moreover, Acorn Capsules are not just resistant to shooting and whipping.

They have certain intelligence and will shrink into tree trunks to avoid attacks.

The giant acorn capsule is the eldest being in the group. After realizing the huge threat from Scarface, he decisively shrank into the thick trunk. He waited until Scarface harvested other acorn capsules, and then harvested them from the trunk. Get out and attack the gunman...

The gunmen's ammunition was almost exhausted. Many people touched their ammunition bags, and the fear of insufficient firepower came to their minds, and they instinctively evacuated back.

The morale of the gunner team quickly dropped, but the acorn worms still emerged from the tree trunks one after another to attack.

They moved among the trees through hollow tree trunks and holes dug in the ground, catching up with the gunmen and continuing to spray sticky bombs.

This was how I was chased all the way to the lumber factory several times before. In the end, I was able to repel the acorn pods with the help of the strong buildings there.

The scene repeated itself again, only with the addition of "Sid" jumping up and down on the tree trunk.

Seeing that the center of the battlefield was retreating, Xia Zuo lowered his head to record the position of the body on the notepad and controlled Servant No. 6 to get closer to the ground.

Directly ahead, under the third tree on the left, there should be an unlucky guy who was hit in the head...

Thanks to book friend 20211021070949200 for the 1500 points.

Thanks to Blood Blue Earth, Book Friends 20201112164438429, Losing Weight, Book Friends 20211021070949200, Red Dust Little Youxian, Ervya, Great God Zhu, fund mental, Book Friends 33021206511318, Chunxiao, Hello Teacher, for your monthly votes.

Thank you everyone for your recommendation votes.

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