In the grass where the corpse was crushed, Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 6 to search close to the ground, and finally found the revolver that had fallen deep into the grass.

This gun is a cheap product mass-produced by the Weapons Workshop in Stillwater Town. It uses small-caliber revolver bullets. (Note ①)

The maximum range is about 100 meters, the effective range is 40 to 50 meters, and the accurate range is only about 20 meters. It can barely be used as a secondary weapon in battles with acorn capsules.

From the appearance, this revolver is well maintained. The rear sight and front sight are polished and have no damage. The shooting accuracy should be guaranteed.

The original owner of the revolver also owned a bolt-action rifle. After running out of bullets in the rifle, he switched to the revolver.

However, Xia Zuo did not choose a bolt-action rifle with better range and accuracy because its appearance was too obvious and easily attracted attention.

Xia Zuo made Servant No. 6 grow in size and accommodate the revolver inside his body.

He received a message from Goldfinger at the same time:

"It has been detected that the host's No. 6 hematin servant contains a revolver. Are you forcing the servant to forcibly digest the item? It is predicted that the servant will suffer severe physical injuries."

No, no, no, of course it’s not digested. I’m not stupid. Xia Zuo twitched the corner of his mouth and tried to let Servant No. 6 float back to the original canopy, but found that it was very difficult and he could hardly lift the revolver...

Xia Zuo's eyes turned and he understood what was going on.

He called up [Blood Servant Enhancement], selected servant No. 6, and shared 8 points of strength attribute value.

The little boy probably has a strength score of 1 to 2, enough to pick up a revolver with both hands.

Not to mention the hemonic servant with 8 points of [Strength], the No. 6 servant easily floated up with the revolver wrapped around it.

It took off against the tree trunk next to it, returned to the original crown, hid the revolver under the leaves, then returned to the body, groped for the location of the ammunition bag, and took 10 rounds of revolver ammunition from it. Delivered to the canopy in the same manner.

"Hehehe~" Xia Zuo rubbed his hands excitedly and looked at Scarface, who was fighting the giant acorn capsule.

Those giant acorn pods seemed to deliberately keep the most threatening enemies here, alternately coming out of different tree trunks to attack Scarface, shooting a slime bomb and then immediately hiding in the trunk.

Scarface was so angry that he chased after a giant acorn pod, tore up an entire giant tree with a snake whip, dragged out the giant acorn pod hiding inside, and beat it.

When he vented his anger and sucked the giant acorn worm into pulp, and its body was covered with yellow-green mucus, he realized that the gunmen had already retreated far away.

"A bunch of cowards!" Scarface cursed in a low voice. He glanced around and saw that no giant acorn worms had emerged.

He rushed towards the gunman from the side to avoid being accidentally injured by projectiles.

Once Scarface is gone, there will be no one in the woods around Servant 6 who can spot it. It's a good time to try shooting with the Hemonic Servant.

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 6 to fly over the tree canopy and arrived at the edge of the battlefield. The sound of gunfire was still intensive and the environment was dark. There was no need to worry about exposing his traces.

He changed the right hand of Servant No. 6, held the revolver tightly, and aimed the revolver's sight at the acorn capsule that was spraying slime bombs not far away.

"Bang!" The bullet hit the acorn capsule


Servant No. 6 was also thrown into the air by the huge recoil, and the camera angle was spinning...

Xia Zuo spent some effort to stabilize it.

"Haha... it worked..." Xia Zuo laughed in a low voice.

Killing a small acorn capsule gives 3 experience points, and also unlocks [Pistol Specialization] and [Revolver Specialization].

The idea of ​​using hemonic servants to kill monsters and earn experience is completely feasible!

Just solve the recoil problem.

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 6 to fly away from the battlefield, intending to find a place far away from people to conduct research.

He sensed Servant No. 1 left on the ceiling of the Evil Beast Arena and asked Servant No. 6 to go somewhere in the Morgus Mountains, 30 kilometers northwest of Stillwater Town.

After confirming that there are no humans or monsters around.

Xia Zuo activated [Blood Servant Strengthening] to deliver a large amount of vitality to Servant No. 6, helping it condense into a 1-meter-tall human form. Its upper limit of blood volume also reached 800 points.

Xia Zuo asked Servant No. 6 to lie down on the ground, place his feet on the tree stump for strength, and shoot from a lying position.

"Bang!" A gunshot rang out, shaking away the birds resting in the forest, and the small animals in the nearby woods fled away.

And Servant No. only was it broken at the was also flattened by the recoil into a blood mass more than ten centimeters thick...the surrounding ground was also soaked with large amounts of scattered blood.

The blood volume of Servant No. 6 suddenly dropped by 400 points.

Xia Zuo sat at the table, frowning and activating [Health Volume Recall], restoring 40 points of blood to Servant No. 6. He also recovered the blood stains scattered on the surrounding ground, and thought about the reason why Servant No. 6 had deducted blood.

The first shot before was triggered by a hand-shaped hemogen servant.

After the bullet was fired, the hemogen servant was thrown away by the recoil and moved in the direction of the recoil without resisting the force.

In the current shot, after the bullet was fired, the humanoid hematin servant chose to resist the recoil, but because its body was too fragile, its body was damaged by the huge recoil.

So I had to find something to use as a support to bear the impact instead of the hematin servant.

Each time you fire, have the hemogen servant secure the support before pulling the trigger.

Normally, the hemogen servants are allowed to move with supports, guns, and bullets.

…Isn’t this support just bones?

Give the hemogen servant a bone?

Bone grafting?

Bone magic?

Xia Zuo touched his head and realized that there was indeed a strong connection between blood magic and bone magic.

Bone magic provides bones to the hemogen servants to strengthen their bodies.

In digital terms, using bone magic to transform a hemogen servant is equivalent to adding [structural value] to it.

When shooting in the future, the structural value will be consumed first. As long as the structural value does not drop below 0, the blood volume of the hemogen servant will not be affected, and its appearance will not be deformed.

Bone is not the only choice of support material, metal objects can serve the same purpose.

For example, find a blacksmith to build a simple gun stock and bracket combination, so that the hemogen servant can fire bullets by holding the gun in a prone position.

In addition, alchemical materials with kinetic energy absorption effects can also provide a buffering function. Filling it into the body of the hematin servant may reduce the blood consumption when shooting.

But where to get brackets or kinetic energy absorbing materials?

Xia Zuo scratched his hair and felt a little difficult. He had fallen into a new bottleneck.

He found a notepad, organized his thoughts on the blank page, and imagined the ideal appearance of the hemogen servant.


Xia Zuo breathed a sigh of relief, took a few sips of the cool tea to refresh himself.

Two pictures appeared on the notepad:

The hemogen servant in the first picture looks like a triangle with a gun barrel inserted from the side.

It has a metal shell, a tripod that can be inserted into the soil, a barrel hole, and an observation hole. It is filled with a large amount of kinetic energy-absorbing materials to ensure that after firing the bullet, the hematin servant will neither lose blood nor be pushed by the recoil force to move. .

Second picture.

Hemonic servants have a canine-like appearance.

It is easier to fixate by standing on all fours, and hard bones are attached to the inside using bone magic.

When using a firearm, extend the barrel from your head, grab the ground with your four feet, and then fire.

Xia Zuo's eyes moved back and forth between the two pictures, then he suddenly slapped his head, opened "Elemental Body Comprehensive Interpretation" to the page introducing the human skeleton, picked up the pencil and drew a new picture on the new page.

The hemonic servants in this picture are in human form wearing weapons.

Kinetic energy absorbing materials are added to the palms, and the body is no longer made of bones, but solid steel structural parts.

Long structural members correspond to long bones.

Short structural members correspond to short bones.

Flat steel plates correspond to flat bones.

Rollers, gears, etc. correspond to the irregular bones at the joints of the human body.

When shooting, the hematin servant locks the locks on the steel structural parts, connecting the structural parts from the hands to the feet as a whole, allowing the recoil to be directly transmitted from the hands to the ground through the steel bars instead of using its own body to bear the impact.

Xia Zuo raised his notepad and admired his work under the bright alchemy lamp.

This is a hemogen servant with a human appearance, but its internal components are made of pure metal!

Not only can it walk, jump, and shoot like normal humans, it can also fly and transform.

If the connection structure of the steel structural parts is carefully polished and the flexibility of the joints is improved, it will be easy for this hemogen servant to perform difficult movements, and even brandish swords to fight enemies in close combat.

I need to give it a name to commemorate it.

Xia Zuo crossed his arms and thought for a few seconds, then picked up his pen and wrote on top of the painting:

【Hematin Guard Experimental Type v0.1.1】

He paused and wrote next to the name: "(tentative name)"

There is currently a shortage of materials and tools, so the process of creating the Hematin Guard can only remain on paper for the time being. The three paintings drawn are more like concept drawings, which are destined to be far from the final product.

Xia Zuo glanced at the clock on the table.

4:30 a.m. Silvermoon Federation time.

Gotta go meditate.

He put away the sketch of the Hematin Guard, controlled Servant No. 6 to store the revolver and ammunition, and took a detour back to the lumber factory.

Scarface and his party were repelling acorn pods near the frontline camp, and happened to be riding a freight carriage back to the lumber mill.

In front of the dormitory building.

After counting the number of people several times, the security director responsible for commanding the operation reported the battle situation to "Sid" with a gloomy face:

"Mr. Sid, a total of 22 gunmen participated in the battle just now, and only 15 came back. Most of them were not seriously injured, 4 had fractures, and 2 were seriously injured and fell into coma.

“The ammunition has been basically consumed, and everyone only has five or six rounds of spare ammunition left in their ammunition bags.

"The bodies of those seven people...may not come back. When the acorn capsules return to their nests, they may drag their bodies back."

"Yeah." Scarface snorted in a deep voice, "Tomorrow day during the day, let people pull the wounded back, pick up another group of gunmen, and get more ammunition. We must clear out this nest tomorrow night."

"Yes, Mr. Sid."

The supervisor turned around and told the exhausted gunmen to go upstairs to rest, and then asked the lumber factory security to come over and carry the wounded to the ward.

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 6 to hide the revolver and ammunition in a dry tree branch, then let it get into the gap in the window sill, and finally looked through the eyes of other servants.

Goateed host Doom has gone to bed.

Andrew and Rose, the two detectives from the Izhu Group, had a busy day and were now resting in the rented carriage. Andrew was responsible for keeping vigil while Rose was fast asleep in the carriage.

Xia Zuo stretched out and used [Blood Sensation] to leave a message to Anru'er that he would get up later today, then lay down next to her and entered into deep meditation.

It was around 9 a.m. that day.

Xia Zuo woke up from meditation, washed briefly and then went to the first floor to have breakfast.

Anruer left a message using blood connection, "I'll take Janice for a walk on the street, and I'll take her out for lunch."

Xia Zuo sensed their location - they were shopping in a large department store in the central city.

After breakfast, Xia Zuo took out the sketch of the Hematin Guard from the drawer in the study room and pondered the feasibility of making a humanoid Hematin Guard.

"Oh~ right." Xia Zuo snapped his fingers.

When he was studying Kit Kat Objects at the head of the Beatrice Academy, the other party once mentioned, "If you want to design a feasible alchemical product, you must first build an accurate model."

Xia Zuo stuffed his notepad into his briefcase, put on his warm windbreaker, locked the door of his house and walked towards the gate of the community.

His destination is Yingrui Academy.

First, he went to the Mages Guild, paid a sum of points in advance, and obtained the right to use the Rare Item Alchemy Room and the temporary access card to the Mortal Materials Warehouse.

After the use of the alchemy room is over, the specific fees will be settled.

It was the Winter Veil holiday, and most of the students in the school went home.

There are many idle alchemy rooms in the alchemy building.

Xia Zuo picked an alchemy room that has been used relatively frequently - the high number of uses means that the performance parameters of the alchemy equipment and alchemy props in this alchemy room are closer to the median under normal circumstances, making it easier to get started. of that category.

Designing a bionic human skeleton made of metal is a very complex project.

Fortunately, Xia Zuo's starting point was not to make a set of metal skeletons that were 100% consistent with the human body structure.

What he is pursuing is a simple transmission system that transmits recoil force to the ground.

It must be solid, durable, reliable, stable, and portable. At the same time, the key components must be simple and easy to manufacture. These are Xia Zuo's requirements for this simple transmission system. more thing to add.

In the foreseeable future, deep inland areas such as Stillwater Town will be the scope of the activities of the Hematin Guards.

Therefore, it is necessary to determine in advance what materials are available based on the local alchemy level and raw material conditions.

Xia Zuo summoned the perspective of Servant No. 1 in his mind and controlled it to wander around Stillwater Town, searching every corner of the city, including weapon shops, blacksmith shops, various entertainment venues, and rooms on the upper floors of the city hall.

Servant No. 1 ran everywhere he could get in.

Note ①: The small-caliber revolver bullets here correspond to the .38 revolver bullets in reality. In the future, unless otherwise specified, revolver bullets will be of this caliber.

Thanks to FireMan for the 10,000 points.

Thanks to Yu Shishi for the 1500 points.

Thanks to Quinton839, Book Friends 20171002212709600, FireMan, Flying Grapefruit Tea, Crow Feather, Yu Shishi, Book Friends 150204231220724, Wind Unleashed lzm, LZBC, Schrödinger’s Quilt, Blood Blue Earth for your monthly votes.

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes.

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