My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 160 Successful test firing, Spirit -5

In terms of heavy industry, Jingshui Town's manufacturing methods are more similar to the previous life, using more traditional smelting, forging, casting, and stamping processes to produce metal raw materials and finished products.

There was no signboard for the alchemy room in the entire town.

This means that Xia Zuo cannot control the hemogen servants and borrow other people's high-temperature crucibles and refining diagrams to refine the simple transmission system.

To get the ideal simple transmission system, you must place an order with a local workshop and customize the metal parts with specified sizes and specifications.

This makes Xia Zuo, who is used to using high-temperature crucibles to make metal objects, feel a little troublesome and cumbersome...

"What should we do?" Xia Zuo sat at the desk in the alchemy room, staring at the warehouse of a workshop through the perspective of Servant No. 1 and lost in thought.

We can only settle for the next best thing and piece together this transmission system using existing metal objects in the workshop.

Xia Zuo found a notepad, checked the inventory in the workshop warehouse, released the detection technique to confirm their specific parameters, and recorded key data on the paper.

The workshop where Servant No. 1 is located is a weapons workshop specializing in the production of firearms in the town. It uses a stamping assembly line composed of a single-action press to produce firearms. It requires manual loading and unloading. The production efficiency is not high, and the personal safety environment is relatively poor. ——Workers will basically have one or two fewer fingers.

The stamping parts of this assembly line are of poor quality and cannot produce parts for automated weapons. They can only produce relatively cheap products.

For example, the barrel of a bolt-action rifle, bullets, tripod...



Xia Zuo asked Servant No. 1 to retreat to a wooden box and look at the tripod wrapped in oilcloth inside.

These tripods, which have just been produced and are undergoing anti-rust maintenance, are configured for bolt-action rifles.

A bolt-action rifle is a rifle that pulls the bolt to manually load the gun. After shooting, the bolt is pulled again to manually eject the cartridge case.

Since loading and ejection of the ejection case are done manually and the barrel remains sealed before this, the bolt-action rifle is naturally airtight and has an extremely long range.

After installing a tripod on the handguard of the barrel, the stability of prone shooting is excellent, and it can be used as a makeshift sniper rifle.

After this tripod has been modified, maybe it can be used on a revolver?

Or is it that the revolver produced in Stillwater Town can be used as a revolver after adding a long barrel and a butt? And then attach the tripod?

It should be the former.

Because he didn't find modified parts for the revolver in the warehouse.

So I had to find a way to mount the tripod on the revolver.

Xia Zuo rubbed his chin and lost in thought, then controlled Servant No. 1 to untie the oilcloth of a tripod, lift the tripod, and place it at a closer angle for observation.

There was no light in the warehouse, only some light scattered through the cracks in the windows.

Xia Zuo took a sip of the night vision potion and saw the entire tripod through the perspective of Servant No. 1.

He picked up a pen and drew the pattern of a tripod on his notepad. Then he found materials in the Rare Object Alchemy Room, played with the Rare Object Alchemy Table, and refined a physical model of the tripod.

The federal Firearms Control Act clearly stipulates that no individual or organization can manufacture firearms by any means without holding a firearms manufacturing license.

In order to avoid breaking the law, when Xia Zuo was refining the model of the revolver, he deliberately made a piece of metal that had the appearance of a pistol.

He compared the gunpowder combustion energy of the revolver, calculated the kinetic energy of the machine parts (i.e., the recoil force), and then designed the most ergonomically efficient connection structure based on the existing materials in Jingshui Town.

These are all things taught in weapon alchemy.

After some calculations, Xia Zuo finally determined that only three strong bolt-action rifle straps were needed to secure the revolver to the tripod and withstand the recoil of shooting.

At this time, it was 3 o'clock in the morning in Jingshui Town, which was the darkest time.

Xia Zuo gave Servant No. 1 a sufficient strength attribute value and controlled it to roll up the tripod, rifle strap and a rope buckle in the weapons workshop warehouse.

Servant No. 1 opened the locked warehouse window, first put the props contained in his body into a dark corner outside the house, then got back inside the window and locked the window, and finally got out from the gap in the window, once again accommodated the props in the corner, and flew all the way Go to the woods outside the town and head in the direction of Servant No. 6.

Servant No. 6 flew out from the lumber factory and walked opposite Servant No. 1. In about half an hour, they met in the dark forest.

Servant No. 1 put down his things and returned to Stillwater Town.

Servant No. 6 took these things to the place where the revolver was hidden, wrapped the pistol, tripod and belt in oilcloth and hid them in a tree hole.

By the time all this was done it was already 12 noon.

Xia Zuo returned the temporarily refined models to the furnace and allowed them to turn into liquid in a high-temperature crucible. He checked the alchemy room again and made sure nothing was missing before leaving.

First go to pay, then have lunch, and finally go to Baldou's place to train until night.

At 8 o'clock that night, Xia Zuo finally had time to continue making the shooting device of Servant No. 6 in the study.

An unnamed mountain more than 30 kilometers north of Jingshui Town.

Servant No. 6 comes here with a bunch of props.

It first flew above the tree canopy and looked around at the endless green woods. After confirming that there were no people around, it then got back into the tree canopy and fiddled with the strap of the bolt-action rifle, fixing the tripod and revolver together.

About 10 minutes later, Xia Zuo completed the modification work.

He controlled Servant No. 6 to set up a tripod on the ground, then used the palm-shaped Servant No. 6 to hold the handle of the revolver, aimed at the big tree not far away, and fired a shot.


The sudden sound of gunfire echoed through the woods and quickly died down.

The tripod inserted into the soil almost tipped over, but was stabilized by the palm-shaped Servant No. 6.

Xia Zuo adjusted the appearance of Servant No. 6, shaped it into a human shape, held the pistol grip like a real person, crawled on the ground and aimed at the big tree.


After the second gunshot, Servant No. 6 lost 20 blood points, but the tripod did not tip over.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 6 to turn the wheel and fired 4 shots in a row. The bullets all hit the target accurately. Except for the fact that Servant No. 6 lost some blood because of the fixed tripod, there was no other additional loss.

"Not bad, not bad, it finally worked."

Xia Zuo hugged his arms and nodded with a smile, quite satisfied with his masterpiece... But the shape of Servant No. 6 is a bit ugly... It looks like a red slime monster with a tripod on its body and a pistol in its mouth...

But ~ as long as you can shoot! There will be plenty of time in the future to transform the Hematin Guard into the desired appearance.

Servant No. 6 accommodated the entire shooting device into his body and tried to shrink his body.


The firing mechanism does not scale with its size, and once the Hematon minion shrinks, the tripod will extend out.

Xia Zuo scratched his cheek, feeling helpless.

Perhaps only the products of bone magic can change their shape and size with the hematin servants.

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 6 to pick leaves and attach them to his body, so that his traces would not be easily exposed when floating on the tree crown.

Servant No. 6 flew smoothly towards the lumber factory.

Xia Zuo took out his notepad and began to sort out the clues of bone magic.

Fabien was the first person he saw who mastered bone magic, and he is now dead.

But judging from the fact that after his death, the Evil Beast Arena sent Scarface to recover some of the flesh and blood tissue on his body, the Evil Beast Arena has some knowledge of bone magic and knows which parts of people who have undergone bone grafting transformation are worth recycling. of.

Therefore, in the Evil Beast Arena, there may be a room, a person, or a book that is closely related to bone magic and can guide thugs to recycle flesh and blood tissue.


Andrew, the detective of the Ishu Group, was the first to mention the bone sac, and he himself followed the bone sac here.

This means that Andrew and Rose must be carrying objects used to accommodate bone sacs, and even books such as textbooks and operating manuals.

Xia Zuo called up the perspective of Servant No. 4.

Andrew and Rose were checking their protective gear and weapons in the carriage.

The arc gun mentioned by Andrew is a bit like an enlarged tuning fork. After the two metal rods at the front are energized, they can release a powerful arc towards the target ahead after a short period of energy storage.

Tonight, everyone in the lumber mill will fight against the acorn capsules again.

At the earliest late at night, or at the latest in the early morning of the next day, Scarface will defect from the Beast Arena into the Morgus Mountains as Sid, and then return to Stillwater Town via the reservoir as Scarface.

When passing the reservoir, they will definitely be intercepted by Andrew and Ross.

By then, the scene is likely to be very chaotic.

Xia Zuo planned to take this opportunity to search Andrew and Rose's alchemy pockets to see if there was anything they wanted.

Earlier today, he asked Servant No. 1 to steal the tripod and strap from the weapons workshop.

Now I want to peek into other people's personal belongings...

Xia Zuo frowned, reflecting on whether there was anything wrong with what he did.

He took out a notepad from the drawer, which recorded the things he had set for himself that he should abide by when using the hemogen servants.

On one page it says:

[Third, you cannot touch the laws of the temple, whether intentionally or unintentionally, passively or actively, you cannot violate the laws. 】

[In short, the hemogen servant is not only a blood magic clone, but also a part of the main body. The principles, disciplines, laws, and orders that the main body must abide by, the clone must also abide by as much as possible. 】

Xia Zuo thought for a few seconds, crossed out the next sentence, and changed it to:

[Hemogen servants can make appropriate use of favorable factors in the surrounding environment on the premise of being absolutely secretive and obeying orders. 】

He paused and continued writing:

[However, after certain material conditions are met, relevant persons and forces must be compensated afterwards. 】

From idealism to realism.

This is the change Xia Zuo made after the hematin servants arrived in Stillwater Town.

The Silver Moon Federation's material conditions are too abundant, and its alchemy level is also high. Many problems can only be exposed in backward places like Stillwater Town.

This change is inevitable.

Evening in Stillwater Town.

Scarface sets off with the gunmen as planned.

In order to better deal with the giant acorn capsule, he changed his attack method.

In the leather bag he carried behind his back, there were 10 powerful fragmentation grenades.

He would use his alchemy suit to climb up into the tree canopy, then wait for an opportunity to throw a grenade at the giant acorn beetles with their open mouths, blowing them away.

It's dangerous

In case it missed... the fragmentation grenade fell into the crowd, injuring or killing one of our own...

Ho ho

That would be perfect.

Scarface was hidden under a double mask, and his tongue hungrily licked his lower lip.

The guy who calls himself the master in his mind showed him a miracle in the dormitory last night, completely making Scarface surrender.

The master promised him that as long as he passed the test, he would teach him the correct use of Kuangmang's V-shaped alchemy equipment.

The content of the test is to devour three living people at once to please the master.

Devour three living people

Scarface used humble words and said that he might not be able to eat that much

The master told him not to worry, he would know how big his appetite was when the time came.

Scarface walked at the front of the team, turned his head and glanced at the meat behind him, and selected a few that looked more delicious to serve as tonight's dinner.

"Attention. We are about to arrive at the lair." The supervisor raised his arm, signaled the team to stop, and said to the gunmen:

"Last night, we cleaned up at least one-third of the acorn pods. Today we have nearly half more people than yesterday, and we will definitely be able to take down these worms. Everyone check their ammunition bags and how many pods they have on them. Layer windbreaker…”

Scarface watched the supervisor inspect the gunman, his eyes unwavering.

He silently walked to the shadows aside, and according to the plan drawn up before the war, he took the first step to detect the giant acorn capsules on the tree crown.

Scarface raised his hand, changed his gestures, recited a prayer silently, summoned the alchemy equipment, and jumped and moved on the tree crown.

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 6 to follow him.

The shooting device was hidden in a tree hole not far away, and Servant No. 6, which turned into blood spots again, did not attract anyone's attention.

There was a reason he chose to follow Scarface.

Just now he released the detection technique and found that there were strange changes in Scarface's character template.

[HP] 1000/1000 (????)

[Spirit] 2-5→-3 (affected by unknown effects, spirit -5)

The mental attribute value is negative!

However, the quality and characteristics of blood streaks have not changed.

This was the first time Xia Zuo encountered this situation.

When he took the acquired affinity test, he found that he needed to have a mental attribute value of 9 points to pass the test.

At that time, he felt strange, why was it 9 o'clock and not 10 o'clock?

Now figured it out.

Because the mental attribute value is calculated from 0.

Progress towards positive numbers, from 0 to 9, 9 is exactly the 10th number.

Progress in the negative direction to -9, which is also a number of 10.

So on the premise that the mental attribute value of 9 points will undergo a qualitative change, what will happen to the mental attribute value of -9 points?

Xia Zuo stuffed his mouth with the fruit sent by Anruer. The sweet juice flowed between his teeth and soaked his mouth and throat, but it failed to solve the doubts in his heart.

Scarface stopped at the top of a big tree.

Eight giant acorn capsules poked their heads out from the canopy in front of them. Their mouthparts, shaped like budding corollas, opened and closed slightly, just like a sleeping person breathing with his mouth slightly open.

The acorn worm was not alarmed by Scarface.

This should be the best time to sneak up on the enemy with a frag grenade.

But Scarface chose to watch indifferently, watching the gunmen and the acorn worms below face each other, shooting at each other.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

"Puff puff puff puff..."

Dazzling acorn-shaped slime bombs and bullets pierced the night sky, weaving into a noisy symphony in the dark forest.

Scarface took out a frag grenade from his pocket and waited quietly.

Xia Zuo saw the other party's movements through the perspective of Servant No. 6, and for a while he didn't understand what Scarface wanted to do... why he didn't attack the giant acorn capsule...

Xia Zuo had no choice but to keep his composure and patiently observe Scarface's every move, releasing his detection technique from time to time to see if there were any new changes in the opponent's character template.

Thanks for changing this ID. I spent 30,000 points, a certain supermarket, pout expert, and the color of hope for my monthly votes.

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes.

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