My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 182 The problem of wear and tear

The door of the alchemy room opened, and the sound of the door frame sliding on the rails brought Xia Zuo out of his thoughts.

He sat on his observation seat and moved his gaze towards the door.

Five advanced training students dressed similarly to him walked into the alchemy room.

"Xia Zuo?" A female student with a ponytail walked up to Xia Zuo and asked in an uncertain tone.

Her hair is flaxen, her forehead is relatively wide, her hairline is somewhat high, and she wears pink-framed glasses with thick lenses on her nose. She looks like a female researcher who focuses on alchemy research.

"Huh?" Xia Zuo was stunned, thinking that she looked familiar, but couldn't remember where he had seen her before, so he used the detection technique on her.

[Character Name] Emily Cardin

"Emily..." Xia Zuo remembered.

He had met each other in Starlight City in Starry Night Kingdom.

Emily was once one of the researchers sent by the Silver Moon Federation to the Western Continent, and was responsible for preparing alchemical materials for other researchers in Sbrier City.

It was she who provided important clues about the traitor Hemst to Xia Zuo and Dim who were investigating the researchers on the Eastern Continent.

"It's so rare to meet someone here who has been to Starry Night Island." Xia Zuo greeted with a smile.

"It's really you." Emily smiled sweetly, habitually twirling her hair around her fingertips, "The instructor said that a new classmate came here to study. He also said that he came from Starry Night Island and used the method of instilling knowledge. Come learn about bait. At that time, I was wondering if that person would be you."

Xia Zuo made a few operations on the armrest to retract the metal frame to the ceiling, and the stand holding the experimental sample in front of him was temporarily moved to the side.

The recruitment notice for Star Night Island researchers briefly introduces the remuneration after completing the research task. In addition to the rejuvenation potion, there is also a free master-level promotion assessment, which can save 1,000 points.

The fact that Emily can appear here means that after returning to the Silver Moon Federation, she took advantage of the free promotion assessment opportunity and was successfully promoted to a master biological material expert.

Xia Zuo's eyes quickly scanned the remaining students, but he did not see any other researchers who had gone to the Western Continent with Emily.

It seems that among that group of people, Emily may be the only one who has been promoted to the master level, or she may be the only one who chooses to have Master Adanawados as her mentor.

The other students in the alchemy room took a look at the two Xia Zuo who were talking, and then began to conduct experiments on their own.

Emily pointed to the corner, and the two of them came to a place far away from other students.

"I returned to the Silver Moon Federation a few years ago. I passed the promotion assessment in December last year and started further training at the beginning of this month."

Emily paused and said with some regret:

"What Hemster did is really regrettable. I didn't expect that he would collude with the devil and willingly become the evil servant of the devil."

Xia Zuo spread his hands and said in relief, "Fortunately, my companions and I stopped him. Although we couldn't get him out of the control of the strange demon, at least we didn't let him completely degenerate into a strange demon."

He changed the subject and continued: "My residence is in Poseidon City, Machina State. What about you?"

"My home is in Tambus State." Emily looked rejoicing, "Fortunately, I went to Starry Night Island to do research 7 years ago, otherwise my parents and I would have been affected by the invasion war of the Strange Demon Church. .”

Rexall once mentioned the experience of Tambus State to Xia Zuo.

He said that the Church of Strange Demons has eroded almost all the defense forces in the state, and only the strongholds of the resident mages and temple guards have not been contaminated by the Church of Strange Demons.

When the federal army arrived, Tambus Continent had become a paradise for strange demons, and only the garrison mages and temple guards were left to resist.

Rexor did not say anything about the casualties in that war, but from his description, we can know that people at the level of high-level mage and below would definitely be in danger of death when faced with that kind of situation.

It happened that Emily was doing research in the Western Continent at that time, and her family was temporarily staying in a designated residence in Silvermoon City because of the confidentiality measures imposed by researchers in the Western Continent, and they just happened to escape the disaster in Tambus State.

"In that team of researchers at that time, apart from me, Hemster was also from Tambus State."

Emily recalled the days when she first returned to the Eastern Continent and said with some helplessness:

"Because of him, we were quarantined and reviewed by the Category 3 Disaster Emergency Response Department for half a month after arriving in the Silver Moon Federation. Because I and Hemst are from Tambus State, we were also detained Half a month. Only after the palace mage personally conducted an inspection and confirmed that I was really fine, was I allowed to leave the isolation point."

"Then will you still work in Tambus State in the future?" Xia Zuo thought for a moment. With the construction speed of the Alchemy School, the project to rebuild the state may be halfway through or even close to completion.

"Of course." Emily nodded, "I will work as a researcher in the biological laboratory of Lumington City, responsible for maintaining and improving the raw materials of the alchemy bionic system."

The two chatted about their experiences for a while. Emily glanced at the light on the wall, looked at the students who were controlling the lenses on the observation seats, and said:

"Let's finish today's practical work first."

"Okay." Xia Zuo and Emily walked back to their respective seats and sat down.

There are a total of 6 students in the alchemy room.

Xia Zuo is the only poison alchemist, and the other five are all biological material masters.

Their further study subject is biomaterial science, and they need to understand the relationship between the raw materials of the alchemy bionic system and bait.

Since bait no longer has toxic effects, and its functions and uses are far from toxins, these master alchemists born in the field of biological materials can skip the preparation of bait and directly learn the methods related to bait. knowledge in order to carry out research on raw materials for bait and alchemy bionic systems.

To put it simply... among the six people present, only Xia Zuo has the qualifications to prepare bait.

This difference makes Xia Zuo's learning tasks completely different from those of others.

Xia Zuo wanted to identify the bait in person, obtain all its characteristics, and prepare for the unknown bait in the future.

Emily and others can directly refer to the information recorded in the book and use baits with proven properties.

They were sitting on the observation seats, and the sample in front of them was the raw material of the alchemy bionic system—a porcelain piece with a smooth surface and a tiny hexagonal texture.

Out of curiosity, Xia Zuo also went to pick up a porcelain piece from the shelf and used his observation seat to observe the details of the porcelain piece.

Based on the relevant knowledge recorded on the spiritual medium, Xia Zuo discerned that this was an enchantment product using ceramic alloy as raw material.

Extremely tough, resistant to high temperatures, cold and freezing, and not afraid of water.

Its elemental energy conductivity exceeds 93%, and only about 7% of the energy is lost during the conduction process.

Bait is the carrier of instructions issued by the alchemical bionic system. The "instructions" it carries are elemental energy pulses with specific series, frequency, intensity, shape, and volume.

System, frequency, intensity, shape, and volume are the five dimensions that divide elemental energy pulses. In theory, these five dimensions can be used to create countless energy pulses, corresponding to countless instructions.

[Elemental Energy Pulse] is something that master level elemental masters need to learn. If Anruer comes to the temple for further training in the future, this is what she will learn.

The higher the elemental energy conductivity, the more complete the energy pulse will be when it reaches its destination, the clearer the instructions represented by the energy pulse, and the easier it will be to be recognized by the energy pulse identification component.

[Energy Pulse Identification Component] is what you need to learn at the master level of KitKat Object Learning. It is used to receive the bait and identify the instructions carried on the bait.

Return to the white tile in front of you.

Its surface is very smooth, and after magnifying it dozens of times, you can see many regularly distributed regular hexagons.

The sides of these hexagons are the paths of the bait.

Driven by energy pulses, the bait will flash along the sides of the hexagon at a speed of hundreds of meters per second, sending instructions to the identification element in one hundredth of a second.

The probe that identifies the component then identifies the command represented by the energy pulse in a shorter time.

Let's imagine.

There are countless high-speed vehicles on a highway, driving back and forth day and night, between their destination and departure point.

What would be a problem?

wear and tear.

The hexagonal patterns on the enchanted ceramic pieces will be damaged due to the energy of the energy pulse.

The probes on the identification components will melt during ultra-high frequency identification work due to material limitations.


The ideal raw material for the alchemy bionic system should be something that can be continuously regenerated and repair its own wear and tear.

The first thing Xia Zuo thought of was [Light Energy Repair] - this enchantment effect has been seen on the Yuan Energy Chain Hammer. As long as it is exposed to light, the Yuan Energy Chain Hammer can automatically repair wear and tear.

Enchant the key parts of the alchemy bionic system with light energy repair... maybe it can resist wear and tear.


The energy fluctuations caused by [Light Energy Repair] are very weak on a macro scale and can almost be ignored. It is just a layer of hazy white light appearing on the surface of the object.

However, at the mesoscopic scale, the energy fluctuations of light energy repair will affect the quality of the energy pulse, causing serious loss, and the instructions represented will not be recognized by the identification components...

The alchemy school's response is to infuse special oils that isolate energy fluctuations into the alchemy bionic system so that energy fluctuations such as light energy repair and similar enchantment effects cannot affect the energy pulses.

This method works.

The Tower Master and the Alchemy School worked together to continuously develop new raw materials and extend the lifespan of the Alchemy Bionic System to several years.

The most typical representative work is the elemental puppet that replaced Xia Zuo and was abducted by the blood demon Ufaris into the Church of the Strange Demon.

The elemental puppet is the pinnacle of the Mage Temple and represents the forefront of the alchemical bionic system. After each modification, it can operate continuously at high intensity for hundreds of hours, with a total service life of more than 30,000 hours.

But after all, there is no way to escape the ending that it will be scrapped when its lifespan is up - of course, it may also be an explosion. The Mage Temple will not let the Strange Demon Church get its cutting-edge technology. there anything that can be continuously regenerated?

Xia Zuo thought of himself and his blood element servants.

Theoretically speaking, as long as his blood regeneration speed can keep up, [Immortal Body] can take effect, and there is no damage that cannot be repaired.

As long as he wants, he can make thousands of different blood points as instructions, and then compile a complete set of logic systems and instruction sets for the hematin servants who receive the instructions... There is no need to worry about the problem of wear and tear, as long as Recovering blood can easily solve many problems that plague the alchemy school.

But what's the point of doing this?

Xia Zuo scratched his head.

He felt that the ideas in his mind were very popular, but he couldn't tell what they were of use. He couldn't think of the significance of doing so at the moment.

Forget it.

Stop thinking about it.

Xia Zuo pressed the button on the left armrest to restore the metal frame, walked to the shelf, and loaded a large amount of raw materials for the alchemy bionic system on a tray.

It's 1:22pm now.

Xia Zuo has identified the alchemical reaction and energy reaction of bait.

The next step is to identify the compatibility between bait and the raw materials of various alchemical bionic systems.

Only those baits that do not react with the raw materials and can exist stably on the raw materials are suitable to be used as carriers of energy pulses.

Before Xia Zuo officially started, he first entered into deep meditation on his seat and carefully reviewed the relevant step instructions before proceeding with the identification.

The time came to 6 o'clock in the evening.

Xia Zuo put down the pen in his hand, loosened his wrist, and looked at his classmates. Some of them were used to using the hand of wind to write, and some, like Xia Zuo, preferred the feeling of writing by hand.

The door of the alchemy room opened, and Adanawados walked in.

The students stood by their desks with their hands down, quietly waiting for the instructor to check today's homework.

Adanawados waved his hand, and the notebooks on the student's desk flew to him and spread out in front of him.

He commented a few words on the homework of several students. Before reviewing Xia Zuo's homework, he waved to them to stand next to him.

"Everyone, this is your new classmate, Xia Zuo."

With a ceremonial smile, Xia Zuo nodded to his classmates, which was regarded as saying hello and officially acquainting them.

Adanawados looked at his homework, nodded with satisfaction, put the notepad back in Xia Zuo's hand, and announced that get out of class was over.

The students walked out one by one after their instructor left the alchemy room.

Xia Zuo discovered that after reaching the master level, almost every alchemist has some social anxiety... Without necessary communication, the alchemists living under the same roof will not talk about things other than alchemy work...

The same goes for Emily.

After an afternoon of calm experiments, she saw Xia Zuo's enthusiasm quickly retreating. She said hello to him, then left the alchemy room and returned to her dormitory to review today's lessons and preview tomorrow's homework.

Xia Zuo also deliberately kept a distance from the opposite sex out of consideration for his marital status, so he was happy to do so.

He was the only one left in the alchemy room.

Xia Zuo opened the study manual brought by the instructor to check what the homework would be tomorrow, planning to arrange it tonight.

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