The second page of the study manual reads:

[The bait number is TP01-01-023. 】

The bait mentioned in the homework requirements is the bait that Xia Zuo identified today.

The process of refining bait can be divided into two parts.

The first part is to refine the compound toxin corresponding to the bait.

Product quality must be perfect, and completion must be 100%!

There is no room for error on this point.

Because in the second part, Xia Zuo needs to split the complex toxin, using an alchemy tool called a millimeter knife to cut the complex toxin into bait. This step will cause damage to the complex toxin, and its quality will inevitably deteriorate. reduce.

Refining complex toxins was very easy for Xia Zuo. In about an hour, he produced ten alchemical products waiting to be divided.

Before operating the millimeter knife, he had to fix the compound toxin to the bracket in front of the observation seat so that with the help of a high-magnification lens, he could accurately cut the compound toxin according to the appearance characteristics of the bait.

Every bait that can exist stably in the air has a fixed appearance and internal structure.

This is the result of a large number of cutting experiments. Other types have more or less defects in their appearance and internal structure.

When cutting complex toxins, Xia Zuo does not have to hold the millimeter knife with both hands, but uses the buttons and rockers on the left and right armrests to control the mechanical arm hanging from the ceiling, allowing it to move the knife head according to the operator's orders.

When a bait goes through the experimental process and enters mass production, the step of cutting the complex toxins will be completed by the magic alchemist.

Every rare item alchemist who is proficient in the study of elemental representation and strange objects can control several highly automated alchemy machines at the same time to cut complex toxins according to established operating procedures.

Jobs like this that are repetitive and require precision are usually taken over by rare item alchemists who specialize in automated production. This is the intersecting field of Elemental Embodiment and Kit Kat Object Studies. Only by completing these two alchemy studies can you gain access to this field.

Xia Zuo personally controlled the robotic arm to complete the cutting at this time, in order to prepare for the future development of bait.

Before the stable appearance and inner structure of a bait can be explored, the poison alchemist can only cut the complex toxin manually.

It took Xia Zuo an hour to complete the first cut.

“Only 77% complete”

Xia Zuo crossed his arms and stared at the stand in front of him with a slight frown.

The baits used as experimental samples all have a completion rate of over 90%.

77% of cutting products are not even considered defective and can only be blown away as dust.

Since coming into contact with alchemy, this is the first time that Xia Zuo has made a product with such a low degree of completion...

He walked to the operation panel of the bookshelf and pressed a few times, inputting the number of the bait. Then he stepped into the glass partition and read about the development process of this bait.

This kind of bait was discovered by a certain poison alchemist 110 years ago. According to later statistics, the alchemist tried nearly 10 times when cutting the compound toxin before cutting out a piece with a completion rate of 80%. product.

Hmm... It seems that it's not that Xia Zuo's cutting skills are not good, but that the difficulty of making bait is too high.

Using a millimeter knife to cut complex toxins is more like carving a tiny hollow wood sculpture using micro-carving.

Many times, due to the viewing angle, Xia Zuo was unable to see the position of the knife head and could only cut by feeling.

If we could find a way to always see the contact surface between the blade and the complex toxin, the product would definitely have a very high degree of completion.

Certain detection spells can achieve this effect.

However, when the spell energy comes into contact with the toxin, random consequences will occur. Either the elemental traces on the toxin are washed away by the spell energy, causing the poison effect to be lost, or the spell energy reacts with the toxin, causing confusion or deflection.

Therefore, when detecting toxins, spells like [Toxin Sensing] that enhance the ability to sense elemental light are generally used instead of directly releasing energy on the toxin itself.

The magic method doesn't work, and there is no good solution in alchemy...

Exploration in this area was shelved due to technical difficulties, which became an indelible scar in the history of the alchemical school's study of bait.

Xia Zuo walked out of the mezzanine of the glass partition, pressed a few times on the panel, and asked the robotic arm to put the books back into place.

He paced back and forth in the alchemy room, thinking that he had a way to sense the position of the millimeter knife head inside the toxin.

He had two ideas.

The first idea is to create a hemonic servant and share the perception attribute value with it.

Then, let this highly perceptive hemogen servant wrap the toxin, insert the millimeter knife deep into the servant's body, and cut the toxin while sensing the position of the knife head through Xia Zuo's connection with the hemogen servant.

This idea is absolutely feasible.

Xia Zuo discovered a situation when he was controlling the Hematin Servant No. 6 to fly around the shooting device in Jingshui Town:

When a hemogen servant wraps up an item, in addition to activating [Flesh Control] and forcibly digesting the item, it can also sense the internal structure of the item. The higher the perception attribute value of the hemogen servant, the more and clearer the details of the props it can perceive.

Xia Zuo had 12 points of perception at this time. Although it was not enough to perceive all the details of the poison, it was still better than being blinded and stabbed.

In addition, there is a second idea.

He can activate [Flesh and Blood Control], create a tiny blood dot as a hemoglobin mark, attach it to the blade head, and learn the position of the blade head by sensing the position of the hemoglobin mark.

This idea is difficult to implement.

The main reason is that hematin markers may be dissolved by toxins. In principle, it is the same as using detection spells to detect toxins.

Since you are in the temple, making a hematin servant with a spiritual ocean can be easily detected.

Xia Zuo planned to only try the second idea.

His eyes scanned the walls, floors and ceilings of the alchemy room, and found no trace of spell-casting alarm arrays or props - because the energy fluctuations of such things would affect the fragile bait, the temple would not be there. Arrange them in the alchemy room.

This couldn't be better.

Xia Zuo retracted his right hand into the cuff of his robe, rubbed his fingers, and spent 1 point of blood to create a blood spot.

He took an empty glass container, sealed the blood spots into a double-layer glass piece, and placed it on the stand of the observation seat for observation.

The diameter of a blood spot is approximately 0.5 millimeters, which is comparable to the largest dust particles.

In the previous life, there was a name called "PM2.5", where pm is micron, and pm2.5 refers to dust particles with a diameter less than 2.5 microns (0.0025 mm).

Particles of this size can easily pass through the alveoli and reach the blood, so they are very harmful to the human body.

The 0.5 mm blood spot condensed by Xia Zuo... was more like a booger that would make the nostrils itch... not even harmful to the human body.

A millimeter knife is a knife used to cut millimeter-level props. Its blade thickness must be smaller than 1 mm to cut toxins.

Xia Zuo looked at it with a high-power lens. The thickness of the blade of the millimeter knife was about 0.2 mm. From the magnified appearance, it looked more like a sharp, solid needle.

Now, Xia Zuo needs to use a millimeter knife to cut the blood spots, trimming them to less than 0.2 mm before they can be attached to the knife head.

He gently turned the pulley on the rocker with his right hand, and used the millimeter knife to make a small stroke -


The blood volume of the blood point is instantly cleared, and the blood point disappears instantly.

Xia Zuo's eyebrows were the same, a little surprised by the result.

He thought for a while and changed his method to summon blood points.

[Spellcasting Instinct] This specialty allows him to cast spells instantly by silently chanting. As long as the power value is added to the name of the spell, the spell with the corresponding power can be released.

When casting blood magic, you can also use [Spellcasting Instinct] to adjust the amount of blood consumed by the spell.

A blood point with 1 health point and a diameter of 0.5 mm.

If you want to make a blood spot with a diameter of 0.1 mm, you only need to consume 0.2 points of blood.

Xia Zuo activated [Spellcasting Instinct], stared at the blade of the millimeter knife, silently recited the spellcasting sentence, and summoned an extremely tiny blood point.

This time it worked.

The blood spots are directly attached to the blade head, about 0.1 mm away from the tip, and will not affect the cutting of toxins.

The toxin waiting to be cut is a deadly toxin at the trainee level. The blood depletion speed is 70 points/hour, which is about 0.02 blood points per second.

A blood point with a blood volume of 0.2 will empty its blood volume due to the onset of poisonous effects and disappear into the air after 10 seconds of contact with the toxin.

Xia Zuo can help the blood point return blood by delivering vitality to the blood point, keeping its blood volume at full blood level.

With his total HP of 380 points, it is enough to last until the cutting is over.

Xia Zuo called up the template of the blood spot in his mind, and while paying attention to its blood volume changes, he cut the toxin according to the standard answer on the notepad.

About an hour later, Xia Zuo, who was multitasking, wiped the sweat from his forehead, breathed a long sigh of relief, and used his detection technique on the cutting products.

[Quality] Completeness 85.5%, excellent

Only when the completion degree exceeds 90% is the bait element, otherwise the cutting will not be considered successful.

Xia Zuo glanced at the clock on the wall.

7:46 p.m.

At most, if you try again, you have to go to the dormitory and get ready for bed.

Xia Zuo stood up, walked around the alchemy room for a while, and then returned to the observation chair to continue cutting the toxins.

With the experience of the first two times, the completion rate this time reached 92%!

Then the message from Goldfinger came to my mind:

"The host was detected and a bait was successfully produced according to the standard answer. The reward was 20 experience points and a perception attribute value of 0.0020 points.

"[Identity 2] has changed, and the character template has been updated."

【Identity 2】Poison Alchemist

(New) [Identity Bonus 4]

When you successfully develop bait that you have never learned before, you will receive a large amount of experience and perception attribute value rewards.

When making bait according to the standard answer, you will get a full reward for the first successful production, and the rewards for subsequent repeated productions will be halved.

Xia Zuo read the information from Goldfinger, cleared up the alchemy room with satisfaction, put the bait he made into a separate glass container, and prepared to hand it to the instructor as tomorrow's homework.

He flipped through the study manual. The learning tasks for the next ten days were all about identifying and making bait that had been discovered by the Alchemy School. The difficulty gradually increased and gradually approached the difficulty of self-developed bait.

According to the study schedule in the manual, Xia Zuo will start researching unknown bait ingredients on his own on the 20th day.

With the help of blood points, his learning progress will be very fast. It is estimated that he will be able to enter the self-study stage in about 10 days.

Xia Zuo cleaned the alchemy room, took a shower, put on his robe, and walked in the deserted corridor.

The teaching area at night was quiet and deep. The alchemy lamps only illuminated the corridors. The elemental servants responsible for cleaning the floor were parked on brackets beside the wall.

When walking up the spiral staircase, Xia Zuo looked at the night-shrouded forest and tried to connect with his blood servants. It was still very difficult. He could not sense the location of the temple through the blood servants, let alone control them.

Xia Zuo shook his head helplessly and continued walking up.

There was a figure standing at the end of the stairs. When he saw Xia Zuo coming up, he said:

"As expected, you have been staying in the alchemy room doing experiments."

Xia Zuo raised his head, "Senior Mars, have you been waiting for me?"

"That's not true." Mars said standing at the top of the stairs, "I just finished my self-study and wanted to talk to you, but I found that you were not in the dormitory. When I was at Starry Night Academy, I heard about your self-discipline and hard work. , I didn’t expect that it hasn’t changed at all after so many years.”

Xia Zuo walked up the last step and walked side by side to the dormitory. "It is really convenient to instill knowledge. It helps me save the steps of preview and review. I just finished tomorrow's homework in the alchemy room."

"Oh? So fast? Have you already copied the bait?" Mars asked in surprise:

"How many times did you try in total?"

"Three times." Xia Zuo concealed the existence of the blood spots and roughly told the story.

After listening to this, Mars fell into deep thought for a short time, and then asked:

"Back then, when you were at Starry Night Academy, what was your score on the Giant Creation exam?"

"It should be a perfect score..." Xia Zuo recalled that at that time, the head of the school only announced the total score, and he got a perfect score... so a single subject also had a perfect score.

"So, your sense of space is very good. No wonder you can imitate the first bait in your life in a few hours." Mars seemed to have found an explanation that he could accept.

Xia Zuo didn't talk too much about this topic and instead asked:

"By the way, senior. Where will you go to work after completing your training? I am working as a toxicology researcher at the Category 3 Emergency Disaster Response Center in Poseidon City, Machina State. After my training is completed, I will also work as a biological laboratory worker. researcher."

"I will go to Tambus State and join the local Category 3 Disaster Emergency Response Department. It is said that there is a big project there. I will be the designer of the blueprints and will also go to the construction site to guide the construction." Mars did not hesitate. replied.

Uh... Architectural designer + supervisor? White hat + red hat? ...Xia Zuo blinked and imagined the other person wearing a helmet, holding back his smile.

Mars glanced at him strangely and continued:

"If you are in Poseidon City, you must know what happened before the Winter Veil Festival. Can you tell me what the specific situation is? The big project in Tambus State has a lot to do with that incident."

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