There is no television in the Silver Moon Federation, and there is no media channel such as live news broadcasts that can transmit information extremely quickly.

People want to know about major events in a certain place, usually through newspapers or rumors.

Apart from these two ways, you can only learn about the situation in other areas at work. The higher your alchemy qualifications, the more real content you can access, but it is limited to non-core parts.

During the Winter Veil Festival, Xia Zuo went to Rexor for training every day, and the latter once gave him some precautions in this regard:

Externally, it is necessary to have a unified voice with Poseidon City's Category 3 Disaster Emergency Response Department, and can only disclose what is officially allowed.

At this time, what Mars wanted to ask was probably the details of the incident, such as which blood demons appeared and how many strange demons were participating in the exhibition.

Unfortunately, Xia Zuo, one of the protagonists, cannot tell him the truth, otherwise his secret will be exposed.

Xia Zuo shrugged his shoulders and said casually:

"At that time, I was arranged to go to a safe house and spent two days in deep meditation. When I came out, the northern city of Poseidon was being rebuilt. It is said that the teaching team of the Strange Demon Church brutally killed the northern city. civilians, but they still used bombs to blow up several buildings.”

Mars asked: "Then they evacuated through the darkroom?"

"Yes, yes." Xia Zuo nodded, acknowledging this official statement.

"Hmm..." Mars said thoughtfully: "It seems that this is true. In ten days, I will go to Tambus State to strengthen the barrier that isolates the darkroom."

"What exactly is a darkroom?" Xia Zuo asked doubtfully.

He couldn't hold back on this issue for a long time, especially after discovering that the split-limb weapon was related to the darkroom, his curiosity in this regard became more and more intense.

Mars' eyes were a little confused.

"Actually... I'm not too sure. With my qualifications, I can't access the secrets of the darkroom yet.

“However, my mentor Master Tyson said that darkrooms appeared in the last era.

"At that time, almost all mages and warlocks regarded it as a transit plane for transmitting spells. Later, a shadow mage found the key to that plane and took the entire plane as his own. After he took refuge in the Church of Strange Demons After that, that plane was transformed into a dark room by the Strange Demon Church, which was used to release the split-limb weapons and the teachers of the Strange Demon Church."

Mars paused, "You should know what planes are, right? This is mentioned in the "Introduction to Spell Schools"."

Even if Xia Zuo doesn't read "Introduction to Spell Schools", he still knows what planes are... After all, after playing so many games in the previous life, he will always have some understanding of this aspect.

The teleportation spell is an extremely complex spell that involves several schools of spells, the most critical of which is the transfer of planes.

Simply put, a plane is a huge space that can exist stably outside of nature.

If the storage space in the storage pocket can be several thousand cubic kilometers in size, it can also be called a plane.

Xia Zuo recalled what he had learned and nodded in response.

Mars continued:

"Since that plane was transformed into a dark room, the Tower Scholars have been looking for a new plane to serve as a transit plane for teleportation. They finally found a suitable plane, which is the one we are using now. I don’t know the specific location and plane characteristics, I only know that as long as the connection point between the new plane and nature is strengthened, the invasion of the dark room can be prevented.”

The two of them came to the door of the dormitory while chatting.

Mars stopped and said, "The connection point between the Silver Moon Federation and the new dimension is in Tambus State. The invasion of the Winter Veil Festival caused the protective barrier at the connection point to loosen."

Xia Zuo pondered for a moment and asked:

"Senior, is it really okay if you tell me this?

Thinking back carefully, Mars seems to really trust Xia Zuo. He once revealed the inside story of the general education examination to Xia Zuo at Starry Night Academy.

"It's not a secret." Mars smiled, "Haha, it's just that you pay too much attention to alchemy and don't communicate with other people, so you don't know."

"That's it." Xia Zuo smiled awkwardly. His bad habit of being "autistic" would probably never change in his lifetime.

"In fact, even if I don't say it, you will know it." Mars said:

"When entering the protective barrier of the transit plane to maintain the connection point, the team will be led by the Archmage. Each team member will carry a lot of elemental puppets. You know, the elemental puppets will use the alchemy bionic system. Maybe, I will use it in the future. Bring the bait and raw materials you made."

Mars patted the other party's arm and said, "Your spiritual medium should have this part of knowledge, but maybe you haven't read it yet."

He took out his pocket watch and took a look at it. "Okay, let's stop talking here. It's time to turn off the lights."

"Good night, senior." Xia Zuo unlocked his door with the pendant, said goodbye to him and walked into the dormitory.

He first went to the bathroom, took a comfortable shower, and then lay on the bed and entered into deep meditation.

He carefully browsed through the spiritual medium with the appearance of a parchment scroll, and actually found the content related to maintaining the connection point of the transit plane.

This content is located at the last part of the entire textbook and belongs to the application guidance teaching of bait element.

Xia Zuo read it briefly, then settled down and memorized the knowledge in the spiritual medium according to the normal learning sequence.

Noon 15 days later.

Xia Zuo sat on the observation seat and used the detection technique on the cut bait in front of him, and received the feedback information of "95% completion."

He picked up the pen and made a tick on the study manual at hand.

At this point, the courses on imitation bait are over.

In the past ten days, he has copied an average of two kinds of bait every day, completed all the copying operations at twice the speed of ordinary students, and copied more than 30 kinds of bait in total.

As the level of the imitation object increases, the difficulty of imitation increases, and more and more experience and perception attribute value rewards are obtained. A total of 4400 experience points and 0.44 perception points were obtained.

Now, you can start the next step.

Xia Zuo needs to develop a bait that has never appeared in the alchemy school, and its grade is at least proficient level.

Before that, he had to report the experimental situation to his instructor and obtain the specific requirements for self-developed bait from him.

He put the bait he made into a metal box with excellent sealing, and carried the box to find his mentor who was playing with the alchemy table in the office.

When Adanawados saw Xia Zuo coming, he put down the mixing stick in his hand, waved away the pen writing in the air, and wiped the water stains on his hands with cotton cloth.

He looked at the metal box in the student's hand and asked with a smile:

"Has the imitation work of 32 kinds of bait ingredients been completed?"

"Yes, Master." Xia Zuo handed the metal box to the other party.

Adanawados opened the box on the desk, his eyes revealed green magic light, and he used a higher level of poison sensing to carefully detect the bait in the box on one side.

"Yes, the quality is above excellent." He picked up a glass bottle from it, "Oh~ there is even excellent quality bait, which was cut almost unscathed. Perhaps, I should let you learn from Qi Physio-alchemy, the bait you produce in large quantities will definitely be of good quality."

Excellent quality refers to a completion degree between 90% and 95%.

Excellent means that the completion degree is above 95%, but not 100%.

Product quality will affect the experience rewards obtained.

In Xia Zuo's eyes, if he could produce high-quality bait in large quantities... wouldn't it mean that he could quickly learn a lot of experience?

He had to admit that he was a little moved.

"Master, do you mean that after I am promoted to a master-level biological material master, I will learn the branch of rare object alchemy?"

Adanawados looked at Xia Zuo who downplayed his promotion to the master level, smiled warmly, and said:

"The promotion test of Alchemy of Strange Objects is no easier than that of Alchemy of Poisons. Without several years of accumulation, it is impossible to pass. If you are determined to dedicate yourself to Alchemy, you can indeed do so, just like me, Poison, Biology, rare objects, oils, learn each advanced alchemy one by one, and finally devote yourself to basic alchemy and develop new basic alchemy materials."

After he finished speaking, he waved to Xia Zuo, gesturing for him to follow him.

The two walked past several rows of glass display cabinets and stopped in front of a culture tank displaying ape-like creatures.

"This is the V-shaped alchemy breeding suit of the Angry Giant Ape of the Church of Strange Demons. The experimental sample you encountered in the third stage of the promotion assessment came from its lower left arm."

Adanawados pressed a few times on the operation panel in front of the culture tank.

The octahedral crystal around the tank projects a white beam of light, which falls on the alchemy equipment, splitting it into several pieces, revealing the scarlet flesh inside.

"The V-type Alchemy Planting Equipment is completely different from the Type IV Alchemy Planting Equipment. Type IV Alchemy Planting Equipment will only replace part of the user's body."

Adanawados took out a telescopic staff from the cuff of his robe, pointed at the limbs of the giant ape, and said at the same time:

"There are two ways to install the alchemy equipment - mounting and coupling. Regardless of the installation method the user adopts, when activating the alchemy equipment, part of his body will be replaced with the help of the darkroom secrets of the Church of Strange Demons. Into alchemy breeding equipment.

"Types I to IV Furious Giant Ape, after being activated, will replace the user's arms and legs. Type V Furious Giant Ape, when first installed, will only replace the user's chest and abdomen, but As its completion level increases, it will eventually replace the user's entire body."

The teaching staff tapped the giant ape's head.

"Wrap it here, the brain. After the brain is replaced by the V-shaped furious giant ape, the user will become a puppet of the Strange Demon Church and become a semi-finished mature transformer."

Xia Zuo already knew this information through the adventures of the hematin servants in Stillwater Town.

What the instructor said undoubtedly confirmed that his deduction at the time was correct.

Xia Zuo pondered for a moment and asked:

"Master, what is the secret of the darkroom?"

Adanawados explained patiently:

"The Secret of the Dark Room is a form of shadow magic.

“The shadow demons of the Strange Demon Church can use the darkroom to transport designated props to designated locations.

“This kind of spell that uses the darkroom as a transit plane to transmit specific props is the secret ritual of the darkroom.

"Its casting requirements are very demanding and requires a strong connection between the prop and the target to ensure that the transmission result is accurate."

Adanawados pointed his teaching stick at the great ape's arm and turned the conversation back to the main topic.

"Look here. You have identified the compound toxins on this arm, and you have also produced the corresponding compound antidote.

"The complex toxin on this arm is similar to the bait used in the alchemy bionic system. It is mainly used to transmit nerve signals and help the user of the alchemy equipment control the alchemy equipment.

"The vitality of monsters is far stronger than that of ordinary people and most mages. When using monster materials to make alchemical breeding equipment, toxins can be used as the carrier of nerve signals."

Adana Navados paused and then said:

"The Alchemy School has a very clear idea of ​​cracking the alchemy cultivation equipment.

"First, the poison and drug alchemists work together to create a compound antidote to remove the compound toxins on the alchemy equipment.

“Then the bio-alchemist will use the alchemical instruments manufactured by Kit Kat Objects to separate the nervous system on the alchemy equipment and study its structure and principles.

"Finally, the poison alchemists and biological alchemists use bait and alchemy bionic systems to imitate the scene."

Adanawados looked at Xia Zuo, who was standing aside with his hands hanging, "Generally speaking, the compound toxins contained in the alchemy equipment will be the baits contained in the imitations we develop."

He stretched out his hand and gestured on the culture tank, "There are still 5 types of compound toxins in this set of V-type Furious Giant Ape that have not been made into bait."

He took out a palm-sized manual from his alchemy pocket, unfolded it to one page and handed it to Xia Zuo for inspection.

"Choose one of these five complex toxins and make it into bait as your homework."

Xia Zuo glanced at the contents of the manual...

Among the 5 kinds of compound toxins, there are 3 kinds of proficient level, 1 kind of expert level, and 1 kind of master level compound toxin.

The higher the grade of the compound toxin, the more complex the internal structure of the corresponding bait will be, and the more difficult it will be when cutting with a millimeter knife.

Adanawados stroked his long beard and said:

"Your learning progress is very fast. You have 14 days to make bait. You can try several more compound toxins. This assignment only requires you to submit one type of bait. If you are here In addition, other baits have also been produced, and I will give you additional rewards based on the quantity and quality of your products."

"Extra reward?" Xia Zuo's eyes lit up!

Adanavados stroked his beard and nodded with a smile, "Every student who is studying for advanced studies will have such an opportunity. If they complete their homework beyond the limit, they will get an extra reward - high-quality expert-level freshman potions. But you and I both know, You are different from them, and the rebirth potion doesn't mean much to you. So, I thought of a reward suitable for you."

He stretched out his index finger, pressed it on the manual, and traced the names of the complex toxins on his fingertips.

"Produce skilled-level bait, and I will allow you to stay in the teaching area of ​​the temple for three more days.

"After making expert-level bait, I will take out a new enlightenment secret medicine and instill in you the knowledge of bio-alchemy from apprentice level to expert level. After you return to the Silver Moon Federation, you can participate with a little preparation. The assessment of a master biological material engineer has been completed.

"If you can make a master-level bait..."

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