Adanawados paused and said with emphasis:

"If you can make a master-level bait... I will propose to help you instill the bait information for free at the internal meeting of the temple. Even if I can't help you avoid all the expenses, I will at least give you a favorable discount. .” doesn't really matter if there is a discount or not...Xia Zuo just wants to consume experience and suppress his level...

But, a discount is better than no discount.

Moreover, redeeming 500 points for a secret potion is indeed a huge expense. The saved federal points can also be used to redeem other secret potions that instill knowledge. Why not.

"Thank you, Master." Xia Zuo thanked him.

"Hoho~" Adanawados laughed, "Go and make bait. I look forward to your results. You should also take this manual with you. It contains the formulas for these five toxins."

"Okay, Master, I'll take my leave then." Xia Zuo bowed to the other party again, put the manual into his alchemy pocket, and left the mentor's office.

Alchemy room.

Five students in the same class are doing their own experiments.

Xia Zuo's arrival did not attract much attention, only Emily glanced at him.

Xia Zuo nodded in response to the other party as a greeting, then walked to the shelf, brought a large plate of basic toxins, and began to refine 5 types of compound toxins.

The skilled-level and expert-level complex toxins were not difficult for him, and he had finished refining them in the evening.

Master Level Poison Complex is a bit troublesome.

The school of alchemy gave it the name:

Replenish toxins.

During the promotion assessment, Xia Zuo had already experienced its difficulties, and experienced the difficulty again when refining it.

However, this does not trouble him.

In the morning of the next day, Xia Zuo produced three copies of perfect quality filling toxins.

Bait is a small part cut from the toxin, just like cutting a metal piece of a specific shape from an alloy plate. How many parts of bait can be cut from one toxin depends on the appearance, internal structure and space of the bait. volume.

Secondly, it also depends on the form of the toxin.

Some complex toxins are liquids, some are particles, some are gels, and some are even gases.

Non-solid complex toxins are obviously very difficult to cut.

Therefore, before cutting, the non-solid complex toxins must be processed, fused with specific oils, and made into solid spheres the size of fingernails through alchemical operations such as compression and condensation.

When Xia Zuo imitated bait, this step had already been completed by students of oil alchemy.

Now, he has to process the complex toxin himself.

The oil to be used is readily available in the alchemy room.

Xia Zuo spent another half day processing all five types of compound toxins.

At 7 o'clock that evening, we could finally officially start cutting the complex toxins.

He plans to start directly with the only master-level compound toxin!

When meditating last night, he deliberately spent the whole night memorizing the experience and insights of cutting master toxins recorded in the spiritual medium.

This part of knowledge has been included in the [Knowledge Reserve].

Xia Zuo was confident that he could successfully cut out master-level bait in the remaining 13 days through constant attempts in a shallow state of meditation.

In order to increase the success rate of cutting, a generous discount was offered...Xia Zuo decided to take a few risks and try using hematin servants to assist cutting.

Xia Zuo opened the door of the alchemy room, looked at the empty corridor, and then looked at the surveillance guards guarding the wall a few times, and then closed the door with a calm expression.

He stood in the empty and quiet alchemy room, called up his character template in his mind, and used his mind to invest 1 free attribute point in [Spirit].

Then, he activated [Hemonic Servant] and directly used the golden finger to create a hemonic servant with a mental attribute value of 1 point and a maximum blood volume of 300 points.

This method of production is faster and safer than entering shallow meditation and making hematin servants himself.

The whole process will only last about 10 seconds, and no spell fluctuation will be transmitted.

When the hematin servant the size of a blood dot appeared in the alchemy room, and it was still quiet inside and outside the house, Xia Zuo knew that the thing he was most worried about had not happened, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief...

The poisonous effect of the filling toxin dictates that it must be used in conjunction with other compound toxins in order to exert its due effect.

When used alone, the toxin only causes physical damage...

Master level body damage effect!

After reading the introduction in the manual, Xia Zuo tried to make the hemogen servant contain a filling toxin the size of a finger...

Just by allowing the replacement toxin to remain in the body, the hematin servant will suffer continuous damage with a blood loss of 500 points per hour.

If the hemogen servant is forced to absorb the replacement toxin, the blood depletion speed of body damage will be doubled to 1000 points/hour.

With such a violent deduction of blood, Xia Zuo would definitely not let the filling toxin stay in the body of the hematin servant for too long.

He has not experienced the death of a hematin servant yet, and he does not know whether the spiritual ocean in the servant's body will be returned when the servant dies.

In addition, the free attribute points on hand are already a bit tight... Any loss will reduce the number of free attribute points obtained during the next upgrade.

Xia Zuo was extra careful when cutting the toxins, stopping from time to time to glance at the blood volume of the hemogen servant, for fear that he would be too involved and fail to save the hemogen servant in time.

About two hours later, a slight ringing sound came from outside the corridor. This was the elemental servant responsible for telling the time, reminding the students to prepare for bed.

It's already 9:40 pm, only 20 minutes left before the prescribed bedtime.

Xia Zuo's expression changed, and he turned the wheel on the slider with his right hand, and the millimeter knife on the mechanical arm instantly left the toxin.

The hematin servant also immediately eliminated the replacement toxin from the body. Due to the loss of blood, its size was reduced from the original size of a palm to only the length of an index finger.

As the millimeter knife was withdrawn from the toxin, Xia Zuo's attempt tonight failed.

Two hours is not enough time to cut out master-level bait that is stable in the air.

Xia Zuo waved away the hematin servants, tidied up the alchemy room hastily, stored the compound toxins he made on a locked shelf, and then walked quickly to the dormitory amidst the ringing of the elemental servants' bells.

After returning to the dormitory.

Xia Zuo took a quick shower, then lay on the bed and reflected on his experience of cutting tonight.

The master-level bait was more difficult to cut than he thought.

Xia Zuo originally thought that 2 hours would be enough to complete the work. However, in fact, according to the feedback from the detection technique, it would take him at least 1.5 to 2 hours of cutting to produce a master-level bait with a completion rate of about 93%. white.

After entering a shallow meditative state, energy will continue to be consumed.

The same is true when cutting toxins.

During this process, the energy value decreases at a rate of approximately 18 energy points per hour.

The upper limit of Xia Zuo's energy value at this time was 75 points, which could barely meet the requirement of continuous cutting for 4 hours.

The only thing that worries Xia Zuo is the blood volume of the hemogen servant.

Cutting for 4 hours means that the hemogen servant will lose 1,600 blood points.

Xia Zuo's current upper limit of blood volume is 380 points, and he has 10 blood packs that can instantly restore 30 points of blood, 1 point of freely callable mental attribute value, and 10 free attribute points prepared for upgrades.

He is not planning to use these 10 free attribute points for the time being, and must leave them to his weak attributes, otherwise the number of free attribute points he will get during the next upgrade will be significantly less.

In this case, the blood servant he can make has a maximum health limit of 680 points...

Xia Zuo can transfer vitality to the hemogen servant to help the opponent recover blood.

Assuming that he starts cutting bait after restoring his blood, then he and the blood servant have a total of 1060 health points.


How to fill this 940-point blood regeneration gap?

Xia Zuo put his thoughts on his life alchemy stone.

His first reaction was to drink the blood-restoring potion while delivering vitality to the hematin servants.

This method is a bit expensive...

The most cost-effective is the large and powerful resuscitation potion - it can restore 60 points of blood within 180 seconds. The price in the Silver Moon Federation is 60 citizen points per bottle, which is equivalent to spending 1 point of citizen points for every 1 point of blood. .

940 points = 940 citizen points, which is only 60 points lower than the price of master alchemist promotion qualification... In order to cut a piece of bait, you have to spend so much money, it is not worth it.

Moreover, you will definitely have to deal with master-level baits frequently in the future, so you can’t always rely on spending money to regain your health, right?

Xia Zuo thought about it and thought of a better way.

He called up his character template in his mind and looked at the existing blood pattern data.

[Blood pattern quality] 30

[Blood pattern characteristics] 196

[Quantity of Blood Patterns] 50/100

He still has 50 blood patterns available.

As long as the level of [Hemonic Servant] is increased from Lv.0 to Lv.10, a lot of the basic blood regeneration speed occupied by the Hemogen Servant and Blood Relatives can be released.

Xia Zuo put his mind on the plus sign on the [Hemonic Servant] panel and invested 50 blood patterns at once, raising it to full level.

His basic blood regeneration rate returned to 100 points/hour.

After the blood volume drops below 25%, [Emergency Moment Lv. 2] will be triggered. At that time, his real-time blood return rate will be as high as 250 points/hour, which is enough to cope with the blood deduction of cutting toxins.

In this way, you not only save money on drinking potions, but also perfectly absorb the damage. It is a win-win situation.

Won twice~

Xia Zuo laughed with satisfaction, released [Concentration and Calmness] on himself, entered deep meditation, and continued to memorize the knowledge on the spiritual medium.

The 17th day of training.

Xia Zuo walked out of the dormitory at 6:30 in the morning.

Outside the corridor railings, there is a scene of mist shrouding the forest. The sun shines down from the eastern sky, dispersing the fog lingering in the forest. The vibrant green forest is filled with golden and white brilliance.

Xia Zuo looked at the beautiful natural scenery for a while, took a deep breath, let the fresh air stay in his lungs and the tip of his nose for a moment, and then slowly exhaled it.

He walked into the alchemy room, consumed several blood packs, and made a hematin servant with a maximum health volume of 600. Then he sat on the observation seat and quietly waited for his blood volume to be full.

Using hematin servants to assist cutting is equivalent to turning on perspective...

In this case, even an alchemist with average alchemical potential can produce qualified bait.

Xia Zuo's alchemy potential is top-notch.

As long as he doesn't make mistakes, he can definitely cut out the finished product.

It's approaching noon.

A tired laugh sounded in the alchemy room.

Xia Zuo rubbed his sore eyes, took a sip of enhancement potion with the Life Alchemy Stone, and used the detection technique on the cutting product in front of him.

[Quality] Completeness 96%, excellent

Goldfinger then sent a message:

"Successfully developing master-level bait of excellent quality by yourself will reward you with 1,500 experience points and 0.15 perception attribute points."

1500 points?

so much? Almost upgraded, right? Fortunately, there are some experience gaps left...

Xia Zuo was stunned, opened the character template, and checked the experience status.


When I was imitating bait before, I would identify and produce 2 to 3 known baits every day, and I would gain an average of 260 experience points every day.

After developing the master-level bait, I am still 1460 points away from upgrading...

Xia Zuo thought for a few seconds, entered deep meditation, and consumed 3,000 experience points to speed up the transcription of knowledge on the spiritual medium.



【Spiritual Medium】

【Transcription progress】


The transcription progress jumped sharply.

Xia Zuo instantly felt a lot of words and graphics pouring out of his mind. After they stayed in his mind for a few seconds, the character template was blurred. There was a swirling suction force coming out of the four words [Knowledge Reserve], which just appeared. All the knowledge has been absorbed into the [Knowledge Reserve].

Half of the knowledge on spiritual media is a master-level textbook on poison alchemy, and the other half is a master-level textbook on biological materials.

After the transcription progress exceeded 50%, Xia Zuo immediately completed the textbook on poison alchemy and also memorized a small part of the knowledge on biological materials.

This feeling of gaining knowledge easily made him intoxicated for a long time. He didn't come back to his senses until he heard the sound of walking outside the door - his classmates in the same alchemy room were about to do experiments, so he had to clean up quickly.

"It's amazing..." Xia Zuo sighed silently, waved his hand to disperse the hematin servants, and submitted the master-level bait to the metal box where he worked.

The moment the door of the alchemy room was opened, he had already started making the next master-level bait.

It is somewhat astonishing to produce a master-level bait of excellent quality in just two attempts.

Xia Zuo planned to deliberately make a few defective and scrapped products to make himself look less outstanding.

This was not done to fool the instructor, Master Adanawados, but just so as not to attract the attention of his classmates.

After Emily entered the alchemy room, she curiously looked at Xia Zuo who was attentive. After discovering that the other party was researching bait ingredients, she gave up the idea of ​​saying hello and walked to her alchemy table to start working.

That day at 9pm.

Xia Zuo reset the observation seat, shook his numb arms, and arranged his metal box.

Emily and the others just left the alchemy room a few minutes ago. They did not go back to the dormitory to read in the evening like they did the previous few days.

This may be because their training is coming to an end.

Due to the presence of his classmates, Xia Zuo has been unable to use hemogen servants to assist in cutting toxins.

With his true strength, he successfully destroyed two master-level poisons... and got a pile of waste residue and a little experience reward.

Starting tonight, Xia Zuo will change his meditation plan.

The deep meditation time every night is no longer used to memorize knowledge, but to fully operate the basic meditation method to open up the spiritual ocean.

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