Five days later.

Xia Zuo produced bait corresponding to five types of complex toxins, a full seven days earlier than the deadline specified in the study manual.

He has some profound experience in self-developed bait ingredients.

Without the help of hematin servants, he would be able to develop a skilled-level bait cutting method after about 5 to 8 attempts.

This data is much better than the average level recorded in the textbook, and is consistent with the personality of a top-level potential alchemist.

It is very difficult to cut out expert-level and master-level baits that are stably present in the air.

If there are hemonic slaves to assist, the success rate is 100%, and the product quality is at least 95%.

If there are no hematin slaves...then it just depends on appearance. The success rate is less than 5%, and the product quality fluctuates greatly, ranging from 80% to 96%.

In addition to relying on hemogen servants, Xia Zuo also thought of a way.

He can add the free attribute points obtained in the future to [Perception], and then practice the [Eye of Kolas] meditation method to further strengthen the observation ability of the naked eye and greatly improve the efficiency of cutting toxins.

The inspiration for this idea came from Master Adanawados who was standing in front of Xia Zuo and telling his own experience.

Adanawados first learned the alchemy of poisons. After being exposed to bait and the alchemical bionic system, he studied the alchemy of strange objects in order to use the [Eye of Kolas] meditation method to better understand the alchemy of poisons. Make bait.

Xia Zuo stood quietly beside his mentor. After hearing this experience, he asked:

"Teacher, do you think I need to practice the [Eye of Kolas] meditation method?"

On the desk in front of Adanawados was Xia Zuo's self-developed bait.

He lowered his head and looked at the bottles and cans. He didn't know what he thought of, and said in a low tone:

"Of course, Xia Zuo. Practicing the [Eye of Kolas] meditation method is the only way for every alchemist who is interested in studying bait."

After he finished speaking, he gently swept his arm and put the glass bottle on the desk back into the metal box with the hand of wind.

"Follow me, Xia Zuo."

Sunlight shines on the glass dome, and one of the light beams is particularly bright.

After the two of them stepped into it, the light pillar suddenly brightened, filling the nearby space with a short burst of bright light. The next second, the bright light converged, and two figures disappeared from the office.

An old voice came from the dimly lit room.

“Last year’s Winter Veil Festival, the Temple intercepted more than 80 sets of Type VI and Type VII split-limb weapons in the Silver Moon Federation and other territories.

"The largest number of them is the alchemy breeding equipment codenamed Hidden Tail Snake."

Adanawados coughed lightly.

The alchemy lamps in the room lit up immediately, illuminating the surrounding culture tanks.

Xia Zuo's pupils dilated as the brightness changed, staring closely at the flawless white... uh... hognose snake?

Hog-nosed snake is an alias, and crocodile snake is the scientific name.

This kind of snake is non-venomous and harmless to humans. When frightened, it will expand its neck and make a loud hissing sound to scare the enemy. If the intimidation fails... it will coil its body, belly up, stick out its tongue and pretend to be dead...

To tell whether it is really dead or fake, just look at the position of its tail.

If the snake's tail is hidden under its body when its body is curled up, ready to use its strength to escape at any time, it is feigning death.

Hence the name lurking snake.

The snake in the tank is more than 2 meters long, with a snow-white body and black eyes. Except for its eyes and nostrils, the rest of its body is white.

"This is a type VII set of Alchemy Breeding Equipment for the Hidden-tailed Snake. After the user activates this set of alchemical farming equipment, he will change into the appearance of the Hidden-tailed Snake and possess all the positive characteristics of the Hidden-tailed Snake, and the effect of the characteristics is more powerful."

Adanawados turned sideways and asked, "You should have taught yourself the apprentice-level bio-alchemy, right? Then do you still remember the characteristics of the submerged snake?"

Xia Zuo recalled for a moment and said:

"Its white snake scales can reflect all light. An adult snake can control the type and intensity of reflected light to achieve optical camouflage to blend in with the surrounding environment.

“It has a funnel-shaped vocal area on its neck, and the sound it makes when it screams at full strength can startle any unprepared person.

"Its snakeskin material is special, and there is almost no sound or vibration when it moves."

"Not bad." Adanawados nodded with slight approval, "The V-type and above submersible tail snake alchemy breeding equipment has the characteristics you mentioned. Each time you upgrade a model, the characteristics will be more powerful. V-type submersible The invisibility effect of tail snakes can be discovered using high-level detection spells. If you want to discover Type VI hidden tail snakes, you have to use high-power high-level detection spells."

He paused and said somewhat dullly:

"If you encounter a Type VII Hidden-tailed Snake Alchemy Breeding Equipment... it will be difficult to detect it just by using detection spells. You will need to use special alchemy equipment."

Adanawados stretched out his hand to sweep the culture tanks in front of him, "Fortunately, the stealth effect of the latent tail snake alchemy breeding equipment is not perfect, and there are still subtle differences with the surrounding light. If we can completely master the Type VII submarine By using the method of making the tail snake, we can decipher the invisibility principle of this set of alchemical breeding equipment and obtain all the parameters of the invisibility effect."

He pressed on the culture tank.

The snake in the tank was hit by several beams of light emitted from the base, and was broken into several sections in the air. Countless poisonous lights visible to the naked eye appeared on the sections.

Xia Zuo activated [Toxin Sensing] and his eyes couldn't help but condense.

The complex toxins on Type VII snakes are not lower than expert level.

Alchemical breeding equipment uses complex toxins as a carrier to transmit instructions.

The level of the compound toxin corresponds to the complexity of the command.

In other words, there are no commands below the expert level on the Type VII Submersible. Every action made by its user has a series of auxiliary commands to help the main command accurately convey the user's intention.

"You have completed the advanced course in poison alchemy ahead of schedule and have enough time to study biological materials."

Adanawados touched his beard and said:

"You have developed three skilled-level baits on your own. As promised, I grant you permission to stay in the teaching area of ​​the temple for an additional nine days.

"Later, I will give you the secret medicine that imbues you with expert-level bioalchemy knowledge. This is your reward for developing expert-level bait on your own.

"Nine days are enough for you to memorize the knowledge in the spiritual medium.

"The next month will be the same as this month. You will be studying the raw materials for the alchemy bionic system in the alchemy room.

"As for the reward for self-developed master-level bait, the outer palace is still discussing it. I will tell you in time when the results are available."

Adanawados took out another study manual, put it in Xia Zuo's hand, and said at the same time:

"Your homework when studying biological materials is to study this type VII snake, select a part from its body, identify the complex toxins and develop the corresponding bait, as well as the alchemy bionic system that matches these baits Raw materials.”

"This" Xia Zuo flipped through the study manual and felt a little dizzy...

He had never systematically studied bioalchemy before, let alone had any experience in alchemy in a bioalchemy room.

At this time, thanks to the knowledge gained from the spiritual medium, he could understand the instructor's words and understand the terms in the manual.

But he had no impression of the meaning behind each noun and the corresponding experimental operations...

It's like suddenly asking someone who's been a mason for many years to repair a truck...not knowing where to start.

"It's difficult, isn't it?"

Adanawados laughed and said:

“I took that into consideration.

“The situation of a biological alchemist at the expert level is similar to that of a poison alchemist. There are very few teaching materials specified by the alchemy school, and most of the time is spent doing experiments and refining biological materials.

"So, the secret medicine I am about to give you contains the experimental experience of several biological alchemists. After absorbing the knowledge of the secret medicine and training in the alchemy room for a few days, you will be able to find that familiar feeling ”

"So that's it." Xia Zuo nodded slowly.

For people like him who rely on enlightenment spells to gain theoretical knowledge, what they lack most is practical experience.

Now, this gap has been filled with the secret medicine provided by the instructor, which saves a lot of effort.

Adanawados looked at the culture tank and said:

"This batch of advanced students will finish their courses today. The next batch of students will arrive in two months.

"During this period, the alchemy room is temporarily at your disposal.

"You can choose a part of this alchemy equipment and bring it to the alchemy room. When memorizing the knowledge on the spiritual medium, you can use it as an example for analysis."

After being reminded by his instructor, Xia Zuo remembered that Mars and Emily were about to leave the temple...

His eyes glanced back and forth on the Hidden-tailed Snake alchemy breeding equipment that was broken into several sections by the beam.

Judging from the information fed back by the detection technique, this set of alchemy farming equipment has high resistance to wind and earth elements, and the completion rate is around 60%.

The head part of the snake is the most difficult to study. If you choose it, you will face the brain of the snake...

The snake's neck has a sound-producing device, and it is also the connection point between the snake's head and the snake's belly. The difficulty of research is second only to the snake's head.

Thinking about it this way... Snake Tail should be the most difficult fill-in position to research.

Xia Zuo reached out and pointed at the bottom of the tank, "Teacher, I choose that section."

"A wise choice." Adanawados pressed a few times on the operation panel in front of him, controlled the robotic arm to take out the 30-centimeter-long white snake tail from the culture tank, put it into a double-sealed metal box and handed it over. To Xia Zuo.

Xia Zuo picked up the metal box and followed his mentor into a glowing floor. In a flash of light, he returned to the original glass dome office.

"This is the secret elixir that instills expert-level knowledge of bioalchemy."

Adanavados used his wind hand to take the triangular glass bottle from the nearby shelf and warned:

"Be sure to remember all the existing knowledge in the mental medium before drinking this potion, otherwise the knowledge instilled later will overwrite the original knowledge."

"Yes, Master, I remember." Xia Zuo bowed and saluted, took the metal box and the secret medicine and left the office.

In front of the dormitory.

Xia Zuo first stored the metal box in the alchemy room, and then knocked on Mars' door.

"Oh~ Xia Zuo, I was just going to find you." Mars opened the door and invited the other person to come in and sit down, while he walked to the closet to sort out the clothes he wanted to take away.

"In the past few days, you have been immersed in making bait, so I didn't bother you." Mars put a pile of clothes into the suitcase. "How did you finish your homework? You must be fine."

"It's all done. I also got an extra reward. The instructor allowed me to stay in the teaching area for a few more days to digest the expert bioalchemy knowledge instilled with the secret medicine before starting the next stage of the homework."

Xia Zuo took out his secret message ring from his alchemy pocket and threw it to the other party, "Take it, senior. If you need anything, use it to contact me. I think I still have some abilities in the field of poison alchemy."

Mars put away Xia Zuo's Secret Message Ring and took out his own, "I may disappear frequently for a month. You know, I have to go to the transit plane to maintain the connection point, and the Secret Message Ring doesn't have the ability to cross positions. convey information face-to-face.”

"Say hello to Professor Allen, Mrs. Morton, and your sister Miffy Morton for me. I haven't had time to thank her for taking care of the circus." Xia Zuo and Mars walked out of the room together.

"It's so rare that you still remember the circus people. This was more than ten years ago, right?" Mars said with a smile as he walked:

"Have you ever thought about going back to Starry Night Island? The Silver Moon Federation seems to be recruiting researchers."

"Maybe, maybe not." Xia Zuo said ambiguously. Several faces appeared in his mind. The past of the Western Continent flashed by, and he immediately thought of a strange but curious name.

He lowered his voice and asked:

"Mars, do you know Fritz?"

"Who?" Mars was a little confused, with thoughts in his eyes, and his steps slowed down. "In my impression, there seems to be such a person. The name is very familiar, but I can't remember who he is for a while."

While tracking down the traitor researcher Hemst with Deem, a convert appeared.

It sneaked into Sbriel City, stole Hemst's body, and attempted to bring it to the Blood Demon Qualuouch.

Fritz is the name of this transformer.

Dim used fireball to hit the fleeing Fritz.

When eradicating the roots, Dim mentioned that Fritz was once a student of Starry Night Academy. After being bewitched by Qualuoqi, he accepted the transformation ritual and became a transformer.

When Xia Zuo tracked down Hemst, it had been about 10 years since he followed the research team to the Western Continent, and Qualuowuqi was attached to him and smuggled to the Western Continent.

This means that Fritz's fall occurred within a few years before Xia Zuo entered Starry Night Academy.

"Fritz is also a student of Starry Night Academy. He is an innate affinity person like you." Xia Zuo said.

"Really? Let me think about it..." Mars was lost in thought, muttering the names of several boys.

Xia Zuo pulled him to the edge of the corridor, avoiding the students coming and going, and patiently waited for the result of the other person's thinking.

Asking about Fritz was purely out of curiosity.

Think about it, a naturally friendly student who lives in Starry Night Academy and receives the attention of the castle guardian Dim, his tutor, and the head of the school all day long, how can he have the opportunity to come into contact with the Blood Demon?

Xia Zuo especially wanted to understand the reason.

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