"I remembered!"

Mars suddenly hit his palm, covered his mouth with his hand and said:

"You should be talking about Kaliman Freeze.

"He dropped out of school in the third or fourth year after entering school. My tutor at the time said that the well-behaved elements sleeping in his spiritual ocean accidentally escaped, causing him to lose his innate affinity and no longer be satisfied. The conditions of the school can only send him back to his hometown."

Xia Zuo raised his eyebrows and asked:

"Can you tell me the specific situation at that time?"

"Well..." Mars pondered for a few seconds and said:

"I remember Fritz as a very special student. He was about the same age as me, but his build and height were similar to those of an adult. He was extremely smart and had a very good memory.

"Like you, he is a student of Poison Alchemy. When I first learned the entry-level Elemental Embodiment, he was already a skilled Poison Alchemist."

Mars scratched his head in confusion, "Then a strange but normal thing happened."

"What's going on?" Xia Zuo asked with a wink.

Mars smiled awkwardly and said: "Students from Starry Night Academy are still very popular in Starry Night City. When wandering around the city on weekends, aristocratic boys and girls often come up to chat with them..."

Xia Zuo nodded. He never pays attention to such things, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't know about it or hasn't encountered it.

In fact, before Xia Zuo's reputation as a top student spread, he was stopped and talked to many times when he was walking down the street with An Ru'er.

After the results of the general education examination came out, his unkindness (he did not share his practical experience in poison alchemy) and his unsociable personality became widely known, and he became the best barrier to prevent others from chatting with him.

"Fritz was tall and strong, somewhat handsome, and had good academic performance. At that time, many aristocratic girls had entanglements with him."

Mars spread his hands.

“Then something happened.

"It is said that a certain aristocratic girl was instructed by the elders of the family to try to conceive Fritz's child, and before that happened, she put a powerful hallucinogen into his wine glass.

"That night must have been romantic, but the consequences were serious. Fritz suffered an elemental dissipation, lost the well-behaved elements in his spiritual ocean, and became an acquired affinity with no elemental resistance.

"The Starry Night Academy at that time had not yet admitted students who were friendly to him, so we had to send him back to his hometown. This is what happened."

After Mars finished speaking, he seemed to remember something, rubbed his chin and said:

"It's strange. Why didn't Fritz apply for admission after the academy started recruiting students with acquired affinity? Logically speaking, he could have returned to the academy to continue studying alchemy."

Xia Zuo knew the answer, but he couldn't tell...Dim had specifically told him not to reveal what happened while chasing Hemst to anyone other than the head of the hospital.

"Maybe he feels that what happened to him is too embarrassing... When he meets you when he returns to school, he will feel very tortured. After all, he once had the same conditions as you, but his identity at that time was completely different." Xia Zuo explained in a few words.

"Maybe that's the case." Mars shrugged his shoulders, "If he could be like you and ignore everything except studying and alchemy, maybe there would be one more person with outstanding alchemy potential. And the first type of alchemy talent who came to the Eastern Continent."

The two of them took steps towards the square of the teaching area.

Today is the day for advanced students to leave the temple collectively.

Queues formed in front of the teleportation rooms of each school, and the students stepped into the teleportation rooms one by one and returned to where they should go.

Mars is headed to Tambush State.

Under his mage robe is a set of federal-style clothing. When he reaches his destination, he can just take off the robe.

Xia Zuo queued up with Mars and chatted about things in the Federation.

The stone door of the teleportation room opened, and a teleportation crystal was suspended on the floor directly in front.

"Okay, it's my turn." Mars patted Xia Zuo's arm, "Goodbye, Xia Zuo. Keep in touch."

"Slow down, Senior Mars." Xia Zuo came back to his senses, waved his hand towards the other party, and watched the senior who had briefly met walk into the transfer room.

After the other party's figure was obscured by the stone door, Xia Zuo's expression became a little uncertain.

From Mars's description of Fritz, it is not difficult to find that Fritz is a person with higher attributes than his peers.

Fritz's blood pattern characteristics were definitely much higher than those of Mars and other students who were still underage at the time.

Not only that, the quality of Freeze's blood patterns is definitely also very good.

The quality of blood patterns is related to the lowest three attributes among the eight-dimensional attributes.

For Freeze, vitality, agility and endurance should be the three lowest attributes, but they are definitely higher than other students.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been chosen by the blood demon Qualuowuqi.

Just imagine if Xia Zuo had discovered the mechanism of golden fingers to reward free attribute points earlier.

For example, while making a living in the circus, he derived the rules of free attribute points through calculations.

Then he will definitely add points evenly in order to maximize the benefits of the upgrade.

The result of this is that the quality of the blood streaks will quickly improve.

At that time, Xia Zuo did not have the [flesh camouflage] to hide the quality of blood marks. He would inevitably be discovered by Qualuowuqi, the blood demon wandering in the Starry Night Kingdom, and be forcibly abducted by the other party. He would be forced to undergo a transformation ritual and become a degenerate. Be a transformer.

Thinking about it this way...it seems that his stupidity saved him...

Xia Zuo wiped the sweat from his forehead with some fear, thankful that he was not smart but was misled by his cleverness.

If he really degenerated into a member of the Strange Demon Church... with the style of the Strange Demon Church, he would probably be sent to the operating table to dismember his limbs after discovering his abnormalities.

Xia Zuo took out his pocket watch and looked at it.

1:10 p.m.

He glanced around and saw no sign of Emily, so he walked towards the teaching area of ​​the Alchemy School.

What happened with Fritz reminded him.

The Church of Strange Demons is like a poisonous snake in the dark. As long as it finds a flaw in its prey, it will spring out and bite its prey hard, dragging it into its own hole.

Xia Zuo must always be wary of the prying eyes of the Strange Demon Church. Even if there is a scarlet emblem nearby, he cannot relax his vigilance.

He called up his character template in his mind, confirmed that his blood pattern disguise was working properly, then put aside thoughts unrelated to alchemy and devoted himself to studying bioalchemy.

In the apprenticeship to proficiency stages of bioalchemy, the main learning task of learners is to memorize the habits, characteristics, physiological structures and feeding methods of tens of thousands of common organisms.

The teaching materials for these stages will use common language to describe the content to be taught, and strive to be easy to understand and remember.

There are obvious disadvantages to this way of writing:

The sentences are not precise enough and contain too much redundancy.

For example this sentence:

A symmetrical flower has 5 petals, 5 connate sepals, most of the stamens and pistils, a compound pistil, an inferior ovary, composed of rolled carpels, 5 chambers, and 2 ovules in each chamber.

If you use specific symbols to represent something, and use mathematical operation symbols to represent the relationship between things, the whole sentence will be much more concise.

For example:

*, K(5), C5, A∞, G(5:5:2)

Converting common language into the symbolic language unique to bio-alchemy is what expert bio-alchemists need to learn.

This will involve an expert-level textbook called "Biological Programming Application Guide."

This book records the characteristics and physiological structures of almost all living things in biological programs composed of symbols.

When using a biological program to describe a certain creature, you no longer need to create a separate biological data card. You only need to write out all aspects of the creature using symbols according to a specific writing idea.

The purpose of designing biological programs by the Alchemy School is to promote the connection between Bioalchemy and other schools to jointly develop alchemical bionic systems.

Imagine that the alchemy of strange objects uses a refining array containing a large number of symbols and graphics as a recipe for refining products.

And biological alchemy still uses common language as the language of recipes... Isn't it difficult to integrate with the alchemy of rare objects?

Every expert bioalchemist participating in the promotion assessment is required to only use biological programs during the assessment process.

After the biological material master begins to study the alchemy bionic system, the experimental results of the raw materials must all be composed of biological programs. Otherwise, the biological alchemist and rare item alchemist responsible for making the alchemy bionic system will not be able to accurately refine the product.

Xia Zuoxian spent 6 days memorizing all the master-level biological material knowledge on the spiritual medium, and then drank it to instill expert-level biological alchemy knowledge.

Considering that he would gain a lot of experience later, he chose to transcribe expert-level bio-alchemy knowledge by consuming experience.

After collecting this knowledge into the [Knowledge Reserve], Xia Zuo could figure out what the master-level biological material knowledge like a heavenly book was talking about.

After meditating in the dormitory for nine consecutive days, he walked out of the room on the 10th day, walked through the empty corridors and stairwells, and came to the alchemy room.

In the double-sealed metal box, the tail of the Type VII Hidden-tailed Snake alchemy breeding equipment lay quietly in the box waiting for the arrival of the alchemist.

Xia Zuo took an alchemy lantern from the wall that released a faint blue light.

The place passed by the faint blue light immediately shows the internal physiological structure, veins and arteries of different thicknesses, the ring-shaped interlocking snake tail bones, and even the subcutaneous fat with energy-absorbing and noise-reducing effects. The layers are also fully displayed.

Xia Zuo released the detection technique on the snake's tail, and there was an additional [Biological Program] entry on the feedback prop template, which recorded many symbols unique to the biological program, and each symbol represented a structure of the snake's tail.

"It's so convenient~ I don't have to write biological programs myself~"

Xia Zuo rubbed his chin and sighed silently, his eyes full of joy.

As early as when he was studying poison alchemy, Xia Zuo discovered the peculiarity of golden fingers.

The detection technique will directly give all the known information about the detection target based on the host's [Knowledge Reserve].

Not only can it deduce the toxic effects of complex toxins based on the basic toxins used in the complex toxins, it can also help Xia Zuo save the tedious process of translating biological programs, so that he does not have to go through the pain of writing biological programs.

It can be called the best companion for alchemy masters!

Xia Zuomei happily put the snake's tail into the closed operating table and dissected it through the glass.

There is a complete set of standardized experimental procedures for developing raw materials for alchemy bionic systems through biomaterial science:

The first step is to identify the biological programming of the experimental target.

With the help of Golden Finger, Xia Zuo directly obtained the complete biological program, which was equivalent to obtaining information such as the poisonous effects of complex toxins through detection while studying reading materials.

In order not to expose his abnormality, he had to identify the experimental target again with his own hands, just like when studying poisons.

The second step is to summarize the characteristics that the raw materials of the alchemy bionic system must have based on the information recorded in the biological program.

For example, the Type VII snake's tail has amazing bouncing power.

After identification, its muscle material has a toughness level of 35, so the raw materials of the alchemy bionic system must also have a toughness of 35 levels.

The third step is to process the raw materials according to the characteristic requirements.

An oil called tanning agent is needed here.

Tanning agents are a sub-discipline of oil alchemy.

Soaking raw materials in tanning agents and following specific alchemical recipes to allow the raw materials to absorb the tanning agents can change the properties of the raw materials.

For example.

A certain alloy ceramic tile can have a maximum toughness of 40 levels. The initial toughness is level 0. Every time the toughness increases by 5 levels, the hardness decreases by 1 level, and the initial hardness is level 10.

The alloy porcelain pieces are soaked in tanning agents to obtain level 35 toughness while reducing the hardness to level 3.

If the characteristics are required, the hardness must reach level 5.

Then the alloy porcelain is soaked in a tanning agent that can increase the hardness - this step may slightly reduce the toughness.

The alloy porcelain piece is repeatedly immersed in a tanning agent that improves toughness or hardness. If both toughness and hardness finally meet the requirements, the experiment is considered a success.

This is the idea of ​​using non-biological materials to create an alchemical bionic system.

If it were done with biological materials, it would be another way.

The biological material master must first cultivate the corresponding creature—a certain body part of it must have level 35 toughness and level 5 hardness.

Then, this part of the body is dyed - soaked in dyeing oil.

Finally, through alchemical means, the required biological materials are peeled off.

Because the step of cultivating organisms is extremely time-consuming and energy-consuming, and the cost of mistakes is relatively high.

Therefore, as of today, the master biological material masters of the Alchemy School mostly use non-biological materials to make raw materials for the alchemical bionic system.

Xia Zuo also plans to do the same.

From identifying the snake's tail, obtaining the biological program, to selecting the tanning agent for processing, the entire process lasted nearly seven days.

Except for returning to the dormitory to meditate every night, Xia Zuo never left the alchemy room, not even the Fountain Square.

His hard work in alchemy resulted in six bionic raw materials that met the characteristics.

Next, we need to see the compatibility between these raw materials and bait, select one of the raw materials with the best compatibility as homework, and give it to the instructor for inspection.

Note: The biological program draws on the flower program in reality.

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