As the least functional part of the Type VII snake's tail, the snake's tail only possesses 21 types of complex toxins, all of which are expert-level and there are no master-level complex toxins.

Xia Zuo identified these complex toxins one by one and made spherical samples. It took a total of 10 days to cut out their corresponding left baits.

Then, Xia Zuo refined the detoxifiers of the complex toxins and cut them into right bait.

There are still 3 days left until the end of training.

Xia Zuo completed all advanced courses in biomaterial science.

At this time, on the table in front of him were 42 glass bottles and a stack of bionic raw materials sealed in glass containers.

These things are the homework that Xia Zuo is about to submit to his tutor.

The 27 days of high-intensity alchemy contributed 3,700 experience points.

There are only 1,200 experience points left to level up...

If he hadn't spent experience transcribing knowledge before, Xia Zuo would definitely feel regretful.

Xia Zuo put the glass pieces and glass containers into the metal box and walked to the tutor's office holding the heavy box.

In the sun-drenched office, Adanawados was sitting at his desk reading a book.

There were several thick classics floating around him, and yellowed ancient parchment scrolls were slowly circling.

After he saw the figure coming from the door, he waved his hands and returned the books and parchments to their original places.

"Tutor, this is the homework I submitted." Xia Zuo placed the box in an empty space on the desk and unlocked it.

"Well..." Adanawados stood up, walked half a circle around the desk, opened the lid of the box with the hand of wind, and his eyes revealed a green magic light.

"The parts you picked don't have master-level poisons. I expected you to be able to complete the job so quickly."

He picked up a glass bottle from it, and mysterious blue eye-shaped lines appeared on his forehead.

Xia Zuo knew that the instructor was using the [Eye of Kolas] meditation method to observe the expert bait in the glass bottle. He slowed down his breathing and remained still so as not to disturb the other party.

One glass bottle after another was brought to Adanavados's eyes to look at, and a smile appeared on his old-fashioned face.

"Not bad, Xia Zuo. Whether it's the left bait or the right bait, the quality is very high, all of them are excellent quality."

He held up the glass container, carefully looked at the bionic raw materials inside, and commented at the same time:

"Oh... you chose to use No. 1331 alloy porcelain as the base material. This is rare. Its initial hardness is too high, and its toughness will decrease very quickly after contact with air at high temperatures. However, the Submersible Snake It is a cold-blooded animal, and its alchemy breeding equipment does not have the ability to create high temperatures. It is feasible for you to use No. 1331 alloy porcelain. Let me see what tanning agents you used..."

The secret blue eyes on Adanawados's forehead emitted a stronger blue light.

The surface of the bionic raw material is covered with a layer of faint blue light. The light penetrates into the material and is scattered from the edge cross-section.

"You used 67 different tanning agents and blended them about 300 times to give this bionic raw material enough properties. Very good!"

Adanawados put down the glass container in his hand with a smile, reached out and patted Xia Zuo on the shoulder.

"Your homework passed my inspection. From now on, you are a qualified bait alchemist, enough to enter the biological laboratory of Poseidon City as a bait researcher."

Adanawados cast the turquoise hand of wind, put the glass bottles back into the box, and then found the elemental servants guarding the wall, asking them to move the box to the free shelf.

"There are still three days left before the deadline for further training. What are your plans?" Adanawados led Xia Zuo to the desk and asked.

"Teacher, I want to use these three days to consolidate my knowledge of biological materials. After I return to the Federation and accumulate enough points, I will apply for the assessment to be promoted to master-level biological alchemist."

Xia Zuo paused and spoke out the level-pressing problem that he had remembered, "If you and everyone in the temple have already agreed on a discount, I would also like to apply to purchase the secret medicine that instills the knowledge of bait element."

Adanawados sat on the chair, pointed to the seat opposite, and motioned for the students to sit down.

He stroked his long beard, thought for a few seconds and said:

"The promotion assessment of Bioalchemy will not be a difficulty for you. It is also divided into three links. The first link is the basic knowledge test. You can get a score of 96 in the Poison Alchemy test. , which scored at least 90 points in the bioalchemy test.

"The second step is to try out the new alchemy instrument, which is the observation seat. You have been using it for nearly two months, and this step is the least difficult.

"The third step is to use tanning agents to produce raw materials for the alchemy bionic system with specified characteristics. This step will involve bait, which is also very easy for you."

Adanawados raised a finger and said:

"I would rather suggest that you learn bio-alchemy on your own. As a branch of bio-alchemy at the master level, it is closely related to bio-material science. Generally, only those who have become a master-level bio-material master are qualified to learn it. This discipline.”

"As for the discount on bait knowledge..." Adanawados took out a manual from the drawer, glanced at the text on it, put the manual away and said:

"We have decided to give you a 30% discount. The exchange price for each Enlightenment Secret Medicine is 150 federal points."

150 points!


Xia Zuo's current citizenship level is A30, and he can get 450 citizenship points a month.

The more than two months of studying in the temple are equivalent to paid vacations. 450 points will be credited to the account every month. Counting the original remaining points, there are currently nearly 1,000 points available in the account.

Xia Zuo sat at the desk and asked:

"Teacher, if I want to learn biological alchemy, how many points do I need to pay? Can this part of knowledge be instilled with the secret medicine of enlightenment?"

Anyway, they are all used to suppress levels. Using experience to speed up the transcription of any kind of knowledge is the same. The only difference is the price.

"The science of biological refining and the discipline of Kit Kat objects are somewhat similar. They both require the use of refining diagrams and refining formations."

Adanawados waved his hand, and a piece of silver sand appeared beside him.

The silver sand flew to the desk and transformed into something like a bird egg.

"Kit Kat Object Learning arranges a smelting array in a high-temperature crucible to melt the metal into liquid form and refine it into the designated Kit Kat object."

Adanawados leaned forward, bent his arms on the table, pointed to the silver bird egg in front of him and said:

“In the field of biological refining, if the product to be refined is made of metal, then the refining equipment of Kit Kat Object Science will be used.

"If the refining product is a living thing, the refining array will be placed in the biological embryo. The refining servant will fuse the raw materials of the alchemy bionic system and the essence of the monster contaminated with elemental traces in the biological embryo. Make the alchemical bionic system we want.”

"Biological embryo?" Xia Zuo stared at the silver bird egg carefully, not recognizing what kind of biological embryo it was...

"To be precise, this kind of embryo is not a product of nature." Adanawados knew what his student was confused about and took the initiative to explain:

"In the northern region, near the frozen snowfield, there is an underground hot spring extending from the large volcano to the edge of the snowfield."

Within alchemy, there is a clear definition of hot spring. Its temperature needs to be higher than 20 degrees. The water quality components are harmless to the human body. At the same time, it must have a certain degree of mineralization and contain some mineral materials that are beneficial to the human body.

Although hot springs are liquid, they have become the subject of mineral alchemy research because of the mineral materials they contain.

"The mineral alchemist discovered a tiny creature in that hot spring that can make a living from mineral materials.

"They eat the mineral materials floating in the spring water and convert them into their own flesh in the body. The biological alchemists of the Alchemy School have studied for hundreds of years and discovered that this tiny creature can be fused with almost any alchemical material.

"After lengthy experiments, bio-alchemists developed biological embryos."

Adanawados stretched out his fingers, swiped from top to bottom, and cut the silver bird egg vertically, revealing the oval space inside.

"Similar to arranging the refining array of Kit Kat objects, we need to use adhesive to fix the refining array and the refining servant on the inner wall of the biological embryo, and then put the raw materials and the essence of the monster with traces of elements into it."

Adanawados closed his hands, and the silver bird egg that was divided into two halves was closed.

"Seal the biological embryo, soak it in hot spring water rich in mineral materials, and take care of it carefully for several days. The biological embryo will slowly collapse inward, covering the refined creature like a blouse, and will eventually be used as the refined creature. Nutrient absorption.”

"This is the rough process of making living things." Adanawados paused for a few seconds to let the students digest the new knowledge, and then said:

"As long as it involves the refining formation, it is definitely inseparable from the refining diagram. The difficulty of biological refining lies in memorizing the refining diagram."

Adanawados touched his beard and looked at Xia Zuo with warm eyes, "I heard Beatrice say that your ability to memorize pictures is better than memorizing words, is that right?"

"Yes, mentor." Xia Zuo nodded in response, "I didn't feel any difficulty when memorizing the diagram. Even the diagram for the elementary life alchemy stone took only five or six nights to memorize. .”

Adanawados took out a palm-sized parchment roll from the drawer and placed it in front of Xia Zuo with the hand of wind.

"Here is a trainee-level creature refining diagram. Take it back first and try to memorize it. If you can memorize this refining diagram within 5 hours, I suggest you redeem it with federal points for creatures. Refining teaching materials to learn the science of biological refining instead of taking the secret medicine of enlightenment. In this case, your spiritual medium can be used to carry the information of bait element."

Xia Zuo untied the parchment scroll and quickly glanced at the symbols and graphics on the scroll.

If the refining diagram of Kit Kat object science looks like a sea of ​​geometric figures, then the refining diagram of biological refining science looks like the roots of plants and the blood vessels of animals...

The lines are curved and twisted, with varying thicknesses, connecting figures like hearts and lungs.

The earth element has a trait called [Nurturing]. When paired with the water element's [Nurturing] trait, it can release many high-level spells that promote the growth of living things.

Such spells that change the appearance and internal structure of creatures are collectively classified as the transformation genre.

Biological refining is the process of biological creation from scratch, which involves growth and change.

The colors on the creature refining diagrams are mostly earthy brown and aqua blue, which is in sharp contrast with the red Kit Kat object refining diagrams.

"Teacher, five hours is enough." Xia Zuo glanced at the symbols on the refining diagram and found that they were all related to biological programs. He added with a positive tone:

"I think if I copy it a few times, I'll be able to remember it almost, and I can report the results to you in the afternoon."

Adanawados swept his right hand in front of him, dispersing the silver sand remaining on the table. There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, "Then you go and remember, I am waiting for your good news."

"Yes, Master." Xia Zuo bowed to his mentor and left the office with steady steps.

Memorizing the creature refining diagram will also give experience rewards.

At the beginning, after Xia Zuo memorized all the master-level Kit Kat object making diagrams, including the bonus of [Book Combination], he gained a total of 400 experience points, which took up a total of 60 evening self-study hours, which is about 180 hours.

After mastering the biological program, memorizing the biological refining diagram is as easy as drinking water...

It only took Xia Zuo 1.5 hours to include it in the [Knowledge Reserve].

In order not to surprise his mentor too much, Xia Zuo meditated in the dormitory for two or three hours before going out to find his mentor.

In front of his mentor, he used pens and watercolor pens to accurately draw the biological formation formation he had just learned on the blank parchment.

Adanawados was quite happy about this, and was particularly happy that he had received a student with such outstanding alchemical attainments.

"Hoho~ Xia Zuo, you are really good at memorizing pictures."

Adanawados controlled a wooden box and put it down next to the desk.

"This is the science of biological refining, from the apprentice level to the skilled level. I can make the decision and give it to you at the price of 420 federal points. The expert-level and master-level biological refining diagrams have to wait for you to advance. Only those who are master biological alchemists can come into contact with it. This is a stipulation of the temple law."

Adanawados took out a wooden box one size smaller, which contained Xia Zuo's familiar secret medicine of enlightenment.

"This is a secret medicine that records information on 500 kinds of bait. You can take it back too."

"Thank you, mentor." Xia Zuo thanked the other party solemnly, took out the citizen card from his alchemy pocket, and handed it over with both hands.

Adanawados took the student's citizen card and summoned an elemental servant - let the elemental servant do the errands for deducting points.

After he verified Xia Zuo's talent for making pictures from memory, he was in a very good mood.

"Please put this box of parchments away first. Then follow me to the teaching area of ​​the Fighters Guild."

Adanawados waited for Xia Zuo to pack up the wooden box, then called for him to follow him and said at the same time:

"The set of raw materials and bait you developed has entered the trial stage. Let's go see how it goes, and take you to see the finished product of the alchemy bionic system."

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