My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 189 Artificial Prosthesis (recovery: 5,000 words per day)

Adanawados mentioned the word "finished product"...

Xia Zuo followed the opponent, thought for a moment and asked:

"Teacher, is the finished product you are talking about an elemental puppet?"

"It's not just elemental puppets. Elemental puppets are the product of our cooperation with tower scholars."

Adanawados shook his head, waved his hand and opened the stone door of the office, walked into the empty and bright hall, and walked straight towards a wall.

"The limb-splitting weapons of the Strange Demon Church focus more on alchemy equipment made from monster materials. Our Mage Temple focuses more on mechanical prosthetics."

Adanawados stopped in front of a wall and said in a serious tone:

“However, you have to remember that the mechanical prosthetic limbs of the Temple are not split-limb weapons.

“The term [split limb] means that part of the body must be discarded in order to be equipped with corresponding weapons.

"The mechanical prosthetics invented by our Alchemy School do not require the abandonment of part of the body. In fact, the starting point of the Alchemy School's development of mechanical prosthetics, an alchemical product, is not to use it as a weapon prop, but as an artificial prosthesis for medical purposes."

Artificial prostheses... Xia Zuo thought of the prosthetic arms and legs he had seen in his previous life... It is said that some biotechnology research teams are developing artificial prostheses that can be controlled by the brain to help disabled people return to normal. Life.

"Those guys in the Fighters Guild only know how to fight and kill. They are full of thoughts of cutting monsters into pieces. They often come to us with wounds all over their bodies to ask for potions."

Adanawados pinched his beard, widened his eyes, and hummed, "Without the mechanical prosthetics provided by our Alchemy School, few of them would be in full shape."

Uh... Xia Zuo looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose. He remained awkward and polite at the side, listening to his mentor complaining about the Warriors Guild.

Through this passage, he probably thought of the status of the alchemy bionic system in the temple...

This may be a win-win deal between the Alchemy School and the Warrior Guild.

The Alchemy School provides the alchemy bionic system to the Warrior Guild, and the Warrior Guild helps the Alchemy School use actual combat methods to test the reliability and specific combat performance of the alchemy bionic system.

To put it more socially... In the eyes of the Fighters Guild, the Alchemy School is just a bunch of idiots who provide props and potions for free...

In the eyes of the Alchemy School, the Warriors Guild is free coolies, hard-working experimental monkeys...

What a match made in heaven, no wonder they would go to develop the Western Continent together.

Xia Zuo suppressed the urge to twitch the corners of his mouth and watched his mentor outline the magic circle on the wall.

The two of them were facing the teaching tower of the Fighters Guild. On the wall in front of them, the stone bricks slid to both sides, and a transparent corridor woven with magic extended from this end to the opposite tower.

Xia Zuo followed his mentor onto the magic corridor, and the feeling under his feet was the same as walking on a hard marble floor.

Arriving in front of the outer wall of the warriors' guild's tower, Adanawados once again outlined the magic circle, letting the stone wall retreat to both sides.

The noisy sound rushed towards us, and the teaching tower of the Warrior Guild was unexpectedly crowded, much more lively than the tower of the Alchemy School.

"So many people?" Xia Zuo muttered.

"The training opportunity of the Alchemy School can only be exchanged for one month of training, which is the shortest of the four schools. The standard training time of the Warrior Guild is one year, the Demon Hunting School is half a year, and the Tower Mage is three years."

Adanawados answered the student's doubts and led him through the crowded hall.

The passing warriors saw Adanawados's dress and face. Although they may not know his specific identity, they still stepped aside to make way for him and nodded in salute.

Xia Zuo followed his mentor and walked forward amidst the attention of everyone. His expression was very calm and his hands were in his sleeves, like an honest little follower.

From the exchanges between people around him, Xia Zuo learned that these days were the days when the Warriors Guild held collective tests.

Today is a physical fitness test, and tomorrow will be a several-day actual competition.

Xia Zuo followed his mentor into an office.

The layout here is completely different from Adanawados' office, and the overall style is more like a rough sand training ground.

Several stout men with only covering cloths on their bodies were struggling with a few human-shaped sand figures on the sand. There was a dark-skinned man who looked like a teacher on the sidelines. He was hugging his arms and shouting at the students on the court with a straight face. scold.

He was wearing a brown and black cloak, with two scimitars, one long and one short, buckled at his waist.

Adanawados's lips wriggled without making a sound. He spoke a few words to the cloaked man in a special way, and then took Xia Zuo around the training ground and towards a downward staircase.

"The one just now was the sand warlock Hashasin, who is responsible for training sand warriors." Adanawados briefly introduced the origin of the cloaked man to the students, and then said:

"His personal student Plefen lost his left hand in a battle. Ordinary mechanical prostheses cannot meet the casting needs of sand spells.

"This series of spells requires the release of wind energy and earth energy at the same time in order to create sand. The sand warrior will choose to hold a scimitar in his left and right hands to assist in the casting, and at the same time use the scimitar to get close to the enemy. Fight."

Generally speaking, what kind of elemental energy is used depends on what kind of elemental resistance it has.

Sand warriors favor wind and earth energy, so their wind and earth resistance will definitely be outstanding.

When Xia Zuo passed by the sand before, some of the men in the covering cloth used detection skills. At this time, he called up the feedback results and saw that it was indeed the case. Their wind and earth resistances were all above 15%, and the other resistances were above 15%. Both series are only about 5%.

Among the eight-dimensional attributes, the sand warrior's agility and mental attribute values ​​are the highest, followed by endurance and will.

Judging from the panel data, this is a profession that uses sand spells and scimitar skills to engage in close combat with enemies, which is consistent with what Adana Navados introduced.

Those who can come to the temple to study are the best within the school.

The men wearing shielding cloths were all warriors who had practiced advanced breathing techniques.

They have taken the secret medicine of breathing many times, and undergone several mutations of ring breath insects. Their vitality attribute value is more than double that of ordinary mages, reaching the level of 8 points, and they have many similar abilities such as [Power Burst], [ Specialties brought about by mutations such as [Physical Explosion] and [Sand Walking].

Just as Xia Zuo's thoughts were swirling, the two of them came to the next floor from the stairs.

There are several people here wearing alchemist robes, playing with a set of medical chairs.

A burly man was lying on the seat, and an alchemist was still applying some kind of gel to his body.

A section of his left forearm was missing, and his entire left hand was severed from the root by something sharp.

Adanawados said to the alchemists who came up to greet them:

"You continue to arrange the healing ritual, and I will take the students to observe."

He pulled Xia Zuo to the wall, cast a spell to summon silver sand, and made two seats with the sand.

"These are the direct students of Master Qilan. They specialize in bioalchemy, potion alchemy and Kit Kat object science. They are responsible for refining bait and raw materials into finished products. Sometimes, they are also responsible for the alchemy bionic system for temple members. Healing work.”

Adanavados tilted his chin slightly and whispered in a voice that only Xia Zuo could hear:

"They are applying master-level anesthetic gel with anesthetic effects to Plefen. Mages generally have higher willpower than ordinary people. Members of the Demon Hunting School have the strongest willpower, followed by tower mages, and then the Warrior Guild. warriors, and finally the members of our Alchemy School.

"Plefen's willpower is very tenacious, and he has been recruited by the Demon Hunting School several times. If you want to put him into anesthesia, you have to use a master-level functional potion."

Xia Zuo asked quietly:

"Teacher, do you mean that it will hurt when installing mechanical prosthetics?"

Adanawados nodded and said:

“If the patient is not under anesthesia, the patient will feel strong pain, but it is different from ordinary pain.

"The pain points are densely distributed on the cross section, and the pain feels like tens of thousands of needles piercing the wound. This high-density pain source will eventually make the subject feel a strange itching, causing spasms, twitching, and extreme In this case, it will also cause serious elemental dissipation.”

"It's so dangerous..." Xia Zuo sighed.

He originally thought that the Alchemy School's process of installing mechanical prostheses on the injured was as simple as using a coupling ritual to install alchemy equipment...

"In order to minimize potential harm, the subject must have good physical recovery ability." Adanawados pointed to Plefen lying on the seat and said:

"As a high-level warrior, he has undergone many transformations of the secret breathing medicine, and his body recovery ability is equivalent to taking 10 entry-level rejuvenation medicines.

"But it's not enough.

"In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Hashasin specially found 10 entry-level and 10 skilled-level new potions for Plefen."

Hearing this, Xia Zuo unleashed his detection technique on Plefen.


This is high energy that comes from spending money...

An entry-level freshman potion requires 2,000 citizen points. The price of the proficient level is doubled, and at least 4,000 citizen points are required to exchange for one.

It is conservatively estimated that Master Hashasin spent resources worth approximately 60,000 Silver Moon Federation citizen points in order for his direct students to be able to cast sand spells normally.


Xia Zuo secretly smacked his tongue.

The alchemists next to the operating table applied anesthetic gel to Plefen.

One of the alchemists took out an airbag from his alchemy bag and used a breathing mask and tube to connect Plefen's mouth and nose to the airbag's nozzle.

"Breathe in, Plefen, and inhale all the anesthetic mist into your lungs. We have calculated the anesthetic dose, and there will be no problem." The alchemist warned.

Pulufen's lungs slowly inflated, absorbing all the anesthetic mist in the airbag in one breath. At the same time, the anesthetic gel on his body quickly penetrated into the skin, and his eyelids became extremely heavy. In just a few seconds, He fell into a unconscious sleep.

Through the detection technique, Xia Zuo confirmed that Plefen had entered a state of severe anesthesia for 3 hours.

The alchemists beside the operating table released detection spells and confirmed this.

The raw materials and bait for the alchemy bionic system produced by Xia Zuo have been processed into a white bionic left hand.

The alchemist took out the bionic left hand from the sealed metal box, placed it next to Plefen's broken left arm, and aligned the wrist section of the bionic left hand with the left arm section.

This step requires the use of a lens manufactured by KitKat Object Science to ensure that the two cross-sections are accurately aligned with a deviation of no more than 0.01 mm.

After the calibration was completed, the alchemists lifted a heavy glass container, fastened it to two sections, and pressed Plefin's left arm down.

The leading alchemist pressed the button on the top cover of the container, and a circular gap appeared on the top cover.

He took out an elemental bottle from his alchemy pocket, turned it upside down on the top cover, let the elemental servant inside pass through the gap, and then immediately pressed the button again to seal the glass container.

"Teacher, why does that elemental servant look different from the common elemental servants?" Xia Zuo asked, looking at the four-color light on the elemental servant.

Elemental servants generally only have one element of light, usually the green light that represents the wind element - because elemental servants made with wind elemental energy have the characteristic of [constant suspension], which is very convenient to use.

"That is a high-level elemental servant made from four elemental servants and processed through enchantment."

Adanawados said patiently:

“They are all made by Plefen himself and contain within him the ocean of his spirit.

"In the field of bait science, high-level elemental servants are the best tools to release energy pulses, because they can release four series of energy pulses, three more than ordinary elemental servants.

"The high-level elemental servant possesses the master's spiritual ocean, which makes it connected with the master's mind. It can well convert the instructions from the master into energy pulses and transmit them to the mechanical prosthetic limb. The built-in probe of the mechanical prosthetic limb can then identify the energy pulse. The instructions on the device are passed to the driving element to execute the instructions."

Adanawados raised his left hand and pointed to the roots of the five lower fingers.

"The bait in the mechanical prosthesis is a consumable and must be added regularly. At the roots of these five fingers, there are five infusion ports for adding bait. The bait oil processed by oil alchemy can be infused through these five The infusion port is input into the mechanical prosthesis, and each infusion port corresponds to a level of bait oil."

"What an exquisite design." Xia Zuo nodded and thought of another consumable, "Teacher, how should I replace the probe that identifies the component?"

Adanawados turned his left hand, palm upward, and made a circle on the palm with his right index finger.

"In this part, there is a window that can be pried open. Inside is a cluster of modularly designed identification elements. The appearance is similar to a square piece of chocolate chip, with many fine probes at the bottom. Plefer only needs to move this piece Just snap off the identification component cluster and install the new one."

While the two were talking in a low voice, the high-level elemental servant got into the gap between the two sections, and Plefen's body twitched.

"Da da..." The figure on the recliner twitched more and more violently, and his body collided with the chair, making a series of noises.

Facing the trembling subject on the recliner, the alchemists standing by were not surprised and calmly tightened the opponent's belt buckle to secure him firmly and prevent him from falling off the recliner.

Plefen's left forearm was pressed by the glass container and became the only part that did not shake.

"This is the most difficult step." Adanawados stroked his beard and said:

"The high-level elemental servant is gradually integrating itself with the nervous system of Plefen's left forearm according to the pre-specified operating procedures."

Xia Zuo asked, "Teacher, are the operating procedures for high-level elemental servants also formulated by these alchemists in front of you?"

"It's not exactly a masterpiece of our alchemical school, Xia Zuo. Drawing a neural map is a very complicated skill."

Adanawados said gently:

“Our current level of alchemy is not enough to support us in describing the full picture of the human nervous system.

“Some spells from the spirit school can barely do this, but they have many limitations and can only depict their own neural map.

"Plefen went to learn the inner vision effect in the spiritual school, and spent three months drawing his own neural map.

"Based on his neural map, our school of alchemy created an alchemical nervous system that is compatible with his neural network, and then the tower master used the language of the knower to write the operating procedures for high-level elemental servants."

Adanawados looked at Xia Zuo with a look of understanding, pointed at Plefen, and said:

"The way he uses the spiritual ocean as a medium to connect himself to mechanical prosthetics is coupling. Observe him carefully for an hour and see what changes he has."

Xia Zuo squinted his eyes to look at the figure on the recliner, and used his detection technique again.


The mechanical prosthesis that is being coupled to the Alchemy School will lose 3 points of vitality every 10 minutes (affected by the host's resistance).

Xia Zuo released the detection technique on his white left hand again.

[Prop name] Unknown model mechanical prosthetic limb

[Prop type] Biological alchemy products

[Item Level] Master Level

[Props Quality] Completeness 100%

【Installation method】

Coupling (current synchronization rate is 7%, expected to reach 100% in 3 hours)

[Props Description 1] The raw material designer is Xia Zuo

[Prop Description 2] 120,000 kinds of bait ingredients are needed

[props characteristics]

Earth affinity: It can be used as a strengthening medium for casting earth spells. The strengthening effect is related to the host's earth resistance.

Wind affinity: It can be used as a strengthening medium for casting earth spells. The strengthening effect is related to the host's wind resistance.

Combining strength and softness: This item has 42 levels of toughness and 22 levels of hardness, which is equivalent to the left hand wearing metal protective gear.

Accurate calibration: Accurately calibrate the identification components, drive components, bait bins and other components, and make corresponding adjustments to reduce the failure rate of this prop.


Forecast minimum demand:

Prosthetic coupling: 60 points of vitality, 30% earth resistance, 30% wind resistance, 1 high-level elemental servant.

Xia Zuo called up the prop template of the Python V-shaped alchemy equipment, and compared the two, he found obvious differences.

The alchemy equipment produced by the Church of Strange Demons requires the user to have no elemental resistance, while the mechanical prosthetic limbs of the Alchemy School have minimum resistance value requirements.

In addition, the alchemy cultivation equipment of the Strange Demon Church, whether mounted or coupled, will increase the user's [vitality] to varying degrees.

The mechanical prosthetic limbs of the Alchemy School are just the opposite. They will deduct a lot of vitality attributes in exchange for a high spell strengthening effect.

It is conservatively estimated that when Plefen, who has 35% earth and wind resistance, uses this mechanical prosthetic limb to cast spells of these two types, the power of the spell will be increased by at least 35%, which is equivalent to holding 35% more magic. Earth and air elements.

No matter how you calculate this transaction, you won't lose money.

Thanks for the 100 points I received from Poison.

Thanks to book friend 20181124105709160 for the 100 points.

Thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes.

I have recovered from the previous setback and am back to updating 5,000 words per day.

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