My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 196 The Special Functions of the Demon Hunting School

The alchemical breeding equipment of the Church of Strange Demons uses toxins as carriers of nerve signals.

This is because the resilience of flesh and blood can make up for the wear and tear, allowing toxins that are more stable than bait to exist in large quantities inside the body.

The Mage Temple can only use bait.

Because toxins can cause permanent damage and great loss to non-blood meat alchemical materials, from the perspective of material stability, bait is used as a carrier.

Let me ask, if the poisonous effect of the toxin is completely removed, while retaining the characteristic of one-to-one neutralization of toxins and antitoxins, then this non-toxic toxin can be used as a signal carrier!

If this illusion can be realized, then there is no need to consider the interference of energy fluctuations in the future, and [Light Energy Repair] can be used directly to repair the damage.

Instead of studying how to remove the toxic effects of other toxins, it is better to study elemental toxins and promote the [Toxic Crystal] meditation method.


It’s really a beautiful thing that kills two birds with one stone.

It turns out that Professor Kulov has been immersed in deep meditation to study elemental toxins, and there is such a deep meaning. He is really not at the master level, and it is impossible to figure out the intentions of the master alchemist.

Xia Zuo paced back and forth in the alchemy room, rubbing his hands excitedly.

He just needed to refine expert-level elemental toxins to improve his resistance. He took this opportunity to refine a sufficient amount of elemental toxins as a backup. He took some of the elemental toxins to condense them into highly toxic crystals, and used the emergency response department to resources to improve yourself to a limited extent...

This can't be said to be self-serving for public benefit... after all, it's related to a long-term mission.


Xia Zuo sat down at the table, took out a blank notepad, and began to write a formal research plan.

He didn't pay much attention to the two research tasks that were completed within a time limit.

Completing tasks in advance is a big no-no when it comes to fishing at work...why bother yourself? Just hand it in before the deadline.

Moreover, the two time-limited research tasks are not difficult, they are just the development of two skilled and other baits - it should be the experimental center of Tambus State, specially diverted in order to allow Xia Zuo to gradually adapt to the new work rhythm. I gave him two simpler tasks.

In short, the most important thing is to improve your panel properties in all aspects.

With this mentality, from the moment Xia Zuo stepped into the alchemy room until he got off work on time in the evening, he had been crouching at his desk writing plans related to elemental toxins.

He used [Blood Sensing] to chat with An Ru'er who had just gotten off work, and discussed going to see Janice on the weekend. Then he used the wind movement technique and arrived at the long-lost manor.

In the backyard, there was only a bald man sitting next to a tree trunk drinking.

Xia Zuo changed back to his human form, stepped forward and greeted:

"Long time no see, Master Rexor. Where is Master Seritus?"

It's not that he asked out of politeness knowingly, but he still had to say hello.

"He went to the territory of the crystal remnants. The plane connection point there was attacked by the strange demon church and needs assistance."

Rexor glanced at Xia Zuo, his gaze seemed to tell him, "I know you know where Seritus went..."

Xia Zuo pretended not to understand the other party's eyes and walked towards the weapon rack holding the mail armor and chain hammer. An inspiration suddenly flashed in his head.

"Master, shouldn't Tambus State be bordering the territory of the crystal remnants? Otherwise, how could the plane connection point between these two places be under pressure at the same time?"

Xia Zuo's two questions can actually be broken into several interrelated small questions. If the other party answers, he can make a series of speculations at once...

Rexor was already familiar with the alchemist in front of him, and he knew how curious he was about all kinds of unknown things, and the way he used different ways to get information could be described as cunning.

"No comment." Rexor responded expressionlessly.

After he finished speaking, when he stood up and walked to the training ground, his expression changed slightly, as if he had thought of something.

Rexor took out the hammer from his waist, shook off the chain, waved it a few times, and said:

"I know you have met Cresto. This should have happened after you entered the Scarlet Parliament. However, I am not going to ask her why she suddenly met you. I just want to train you as soon as possible. Then go where you need to go.”

Xia Zuo was puzzled, why did he feel that Rexor's identity was not just a person who helped the Scarlet Council spread the word... Why did he also have a sense of supervision in it...

"Master, are you saying that it is against the laws of the temple for Your Excellency Kristo to see me in advance?"

"No, no, it's just that she violated the agreement." Rexor shook his head and picked up the shield on the wall. "You are considered a member of the temple. Haven't you discovered the special functions of the four schools?"

When the bald man saw Xia Zuo's stunned look, he knew that the other party must not have thought of it.

"The Alchemy School and Tower Scholars are responsible for researching alchemical props and spells respectively. The Warrior Guild is responsible for cultivating elemental warriors and elemental warriors with low entry barriers and wide range of applications.

"Our demon hunting school has a small number of people and is the school least likely to be invaded by strange demons. Therefore, we will act as monitors of the temple while fighting against strange demons. Otherwise, I wouldn't have done it a few years ago. Went to Starry Night Kingdom for inspection."

"Oh, so that's it..." Xia Zuo figured out another function of the Demon Hunting School. No wonder whether he was a bald man or a cold-faced man, he looked old-fashioned and adhered to the rules.

Rexor moved his shoulders and said:

"If you fail to abide by the laws of the temple in the future, or violate the agreement with the Demon Hunting School, and do things other than what we have agreed upon, we will treat what you do as a potential hazard. treat.

"When the time comes, don't blame me and other witchers for being ruthless. This kind of cautious to extreme caution has saved the temple no less than a hundred times."

"Okay, let's start training." Rexor waved his chain hammer and walked towards Xia Zuo who had put on his armor.

The two have been using actual combat to help Xia Zuo strengthen his physical fitness.

But whether it was an illusion or the lack of training for more than two months, Xia Zuo always felt that the opponent's offensive was more fierce today, and the angle of attack became more and more tricky, even using tricks such as teasing.

Could it be that the bald man didn't dare to go to Cristo's voice, so he came to vent his anger on him, a newly born pure-blood mage?

Xia Zuo lifted up his shield and blocked the heavy hammer head with a bang. The chain of the hammer clattered against the shield surface.

"Focus!" Rexor shouted, raised his foot and kicked the opponent's shield, knocking Xia Zuo to the ground, who was stunned for a moment.

Xia Zuo rolled on the spot, took two steps back, and regained his center of gravity in a standard standing posture with a shield raised.

"I will leave Poseidon City in 7 days, but you still have 3 official mage-level adaptation potions that you have not taken. Do you want to waste all your efforts?"

Rexor spun the hammer twice and hit the opponent's shield again.

"You brat, I know you used your own innate spells to disguise your blood pattern features, and you were very careful not to use too much power to avoid exposing yourself."

When Xia Zuo heard this, he sighed helplessly.

Wearing mail armor only requires 7 points of strength, agility and stamina.

Therefore, he deliberately controlled the level of effort during training to 7 points of strength.

In fact, his [Strength] is 10 points.

Don't forget that the difference is only 3 points. In fact, calculated as a percentage, the difference is a full 40%.

Xia Zuo was previously worried about arousing Rexor's suspicion, so he never used his full power.

But the other party already knows it now

How did he know?

oh! understood.

It was Crystal and Rexall who talked about the [Balance] special light element, so the bald man was so sure.

Xia Zuo understood the cause and effect, twisted his neck twice to stand upright, and tightened his right hand on the handle of the main hammer a little more.

"Okay, Master, it seems that Lord Cristo has shared some information with you. In this way, you two can be considered even."

Xia Zuo swung the chain hammer, used the primary life alchemy stone to take a few mouthfuls of satiety potion, and refreshed the [full physical energy] that was about to end the countdown - he originally wanted the special effects to end naturally, and used training to squeeze out the remaining physical energy. When I feel hungry, I go home and enjoy the dinner cooked by Anruer. Now it seems that I can’t do that.

"Come on, kid, don't hold back. You can hide like a rock-backed herbivorous crab in the swamp. If I didn't know some details about you, it would be easy to be deceived by you." Rexor had an inexplicable look on his face. The smile seemed to be joyful for discovering Xia Zuo's little secret.

The chain hammer in Xia Zuo's right hand circled around his side for several times. After the heavy hammer head rotated, it gained a lot of inertia, but his right arm remained motionless.

There is a technique in the chain hammer art to change the direction of rotation.

At this time, the chain hammer in Xia Zuo's hand was rotating clockwise along the horizontal axis, which meant that he planned to attack from bottom to top in the direction of the rotation of the hammer head.

A seasoned opponent will easily see through this.

But as long as you move your right hand horizontally to the left, the clockwise rotating hammer head will immediately change to a counterclockwise direction.

This is a commonly used change of direction technique used to temporarily change the direction of attack.

As Xia Zuo approached the bald head, he moved his right hand back and forth on both sides of his body, constantly switching the direction of attack to confuse the opponent's sight.

"Good control. Your wrist strength is better than that of a demon hunter apprentice." Rexor commented, letting his hammer droop naturally, raising his shield in front of him, and giving up the opportunity to attack first. Plan to respond to Xia Zuo's attack with a defensive counterattack strategy.

"It's an honor to receive your recognition."

Xia Zuo raised a smile and flipped his right hand twice instantly. The hammer head of the chain hammer quickly drew an "8", changing from rotating along the horizontal axis to rotating along the vertical axis. Following the inertia of the hammer head, his right arm swept horizontally. To the opponent's shield.

"Bang!" The impact of the metal collision was somewhat mitigated by the lining of the shield, but the loud noise still spread throughout the manor.

As soon as Rexor blocked the hammer head, he swung his right hand forward and quickly launched a counterattack.

Xia Zuo always remembers the lesson learned during the first training session:

Never retreat when using a chain hammer, as this weapon is only threatening when wielded.

He predicted the direction of the bald head's counterattack, raised his shield to block the path of the opponent's hammer head, raised his right hand high above his head, drew an arc with his forearm, straightened the chain of the hammer, and the hammer head It whirled around in a circle, and then smashed down again.

Rexor knew that the Hammerhead, who had not circled and gathered momentum, was not a threat to Xia Zuo, and a hasty counterattack would inevitably be in vain. He was experienced and focused on the opponent's next attack.

When Xia Zuo raised his hammer high to gain momentum, Rexor knew that his chance had come.

Before he grabbed the opponent's hammer head and smashed it down, he turned sideways to reduce the exposed body parts, and at the same time protected his vital parts with a shield to prevent him from evading the attack. Finally, he lifted his leg and kicked forward.

He moved his legs faster than ever before, and the soles of his leather boots stepped on the shield like lightning.


Xia Zuo was kicked out like a piece of paper, rolled down two meters away, and stopped after hitting the wall.

"Ahem..." Xia Zuo groaned and stood up, "You cheated, Master."

"This is not cheating." Rexor snorted. "This is teaching you to be cautious at all times. I want to give you appropriate pressure to prevent you from being too comfortable in training and from losing your life on the battlefield in the future. If you If you continue to use the method of accumulating momentum to attack without knowing how strong the enemy is, you will be defeated by a simple but swift kick like now."

Well, you have big fists and you are right.

The corner of Xia Zuo's mouth twitched, he took a breath and lifted the hammer again.

Rexall is very competent as a teacher.

His words may be a bit harsh at times, but they are all based on real-world experience.

When it comes to a decisive battle of life and death, unless you are 100% sure that the opponent has no more backup options, it is better not to attack with all your strength.

It is particularly important to test out the opponent's reality.

If the opponent's trump card is far greater than expected, then the battle will appear passive.

The depth of Xia Zuo's strength has been seen by Rexor at a glance. In the subsequent training, he returned to his previous defensive and counterattack posture and rarely took the initiative to attack.

Rexor deliberately speeded up the pace of training. His speed of accumulating momentum can be described as fast. The hammer head circled in his hand for half a circle, and he could accumulate the potential energy to the maximum that Xia Zuo could bear. Almost every time One shot was worth Xia Zuo's full blow.

From 6pm to 8:30pm, the sound of metal clashing in the backyard of the manor never stopped.

When Xia Zuo panted and sat down next to the training ground to drink water, his sore and numb arms trembled as he lifted the kettle, and it took a lot of effort to prevent the water from spilling.

"Huh~ Master, your physique is really amazing. It doesn't look like you put in much effort." Xia Zuo took a sip of water and looked at the bald head with a normal expression.

Except for a few drops of sweat that were about to dry up, there was no sign of fatigue on Rexor's face. Xia Zuo was very curious about how high his endurance attribute value was...

Rexall took a sip of wine and sat down on the chair, "You won't be much worse than me in the future, just take your time."

Xia Zuo called up his character template in his mind, looked at the slowly growing strength, agility and endurance, and asked:

"Master, how do you judge whether a person is hiding a backhand or deliberately concealing his strength? Can this information be obtained only through constant battles?"

"The best way is to fight him directly and test him gradually." Rexor said with his chin raised:

"In addition, certain spells in the detection school can help you identify the general condition of a person's physical fitness. However, this kind of spell is not suitable for mages who are proficient in change spells, and those like you who have special means to disguise themselves. The person is invalid.

“If the spell doesn’t work, we can also use some props to achieve the same purpose.

"There is a monster called the Ringing Stone Killer Crab. It will disguise itself as a stone, wait for its prey to approach, and make a sharp sound to scare the target. Then it will quickly tear the prey into pieces with its sharp claws and put the pieces of meat into its mouth."

Rexor took another sip of wine and said:

"The stone shell of this kind of monster can block most detection spells, so it is difficult to find them on rocky beaches and deserts.

"But we know its habits, it likes to eat animals with warm blood.

“In view of this, we have produced baits that the ringstone killer crab cannot refuse. These baits are living creatures and have certain aggressiveness. They can consume the ringstone killer crab’s physical strength and make the ringstone killer crab easier to kill.

"So, if you want to find out the details of the enemy, you have to use [a bait that is full of temptation and has a certain resistance] to force them to show part of their strength."

Xia Zuo nodded as if he had some understanding.

"Okay, today's training is over." Rexor slapped his thigh, stood up and walked towards the low building, "Go back early. We will continue training at the same time tomorrow. You'd better put in more effort, otherwise there will be real dangers." You may not be able to drink the rest of the adaptation potion.”

"Okay, Master, I'm leaving then." Xia Zuo put down the kettle, took off his mail armor, put on his windbreaker, and used the wind technique to turn into a wisp of breeze, drifting towards his home in St. York Community.

When Xia Zuo returned home, Anruer had just heated up the dinner.

She held her face in her hands and sat at the dining table, watching her lover devouring steak and macaroni, and said with a smile:

"I'm going to take the promotion assessment for Elemental Embodiment Master next week. During the day today, my supervisor checked my spiritual ocean and it has met the minimum requirements for the assessment."

Xia Zuo unleashed his detection technique on her.


"It seems that the results of your latent cultivation are very good~" Xia Zuo cut off a piece of steak and put it in his mouth, "Has the supervisor told you what will be assessed?"

If Anru'er's supervisor hadn't said anything, Xia Zuo planned to reveal the information he knew to Anru'er through [Blood Sensing].

"Well, she said it will be divided into three parts, just like your promotion assessment." Anru'er recalled it, clasped three fingers and said:

"The first part is a basic knowledge test, which will be very difficult. It is not just as simple as answering questions, because you need to use the dancing light technique to write the answers using the trajectory of light.

"The second step is to try out the instruments needed at the master level. I saw them when I was working as an energy researcher, and they are crystal containers that assist in weaving light. I think this step should be the simplest.

"The third step is to make an elemental puppet controlled by a high-level elemental servant. The examination room will provide the raw materials for the elemental puppet. The supervisor did not elaborate on the specific examination requirements."

"You must be fine." Xia Zuo blinked at her and said in his heart, "During the exam, you can always ask me for help. I will free up those days."

"Yeah~" Anruer narrowed her eyes and nodded with a smile.

Did this lead her to evil... Xia Zuo scratched the back of his head...


Happy New Year!

Thanks to book friend 20200403124752798 for the 2500 points.

Thanks to book friend 20210728150445662 for the 500 points.

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