My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 197 Cracking the Shaman Language

After Anruer passed the examination of the master elemental embodiment master, she could not immediately go to the temple to study like Xia Zuo.

The advanced training course in elemental visualization will occupy a large part of the spiritual ocean to accommodate a unique and extremely spiritual prop. Its purpose is similar to that of a meditation alchemy table.

This resulted in Anruer being unable to use spiritual media to instill knowledge, and could only attend classes according to the normal class opening procedures.

The next temple session is in a month and a half.

Before that, it was enough for two people to enjoy their time together.

Late that night, Anruer was meditating in bed, while Xia Zuo came to the study to be alone.

Earlier today, he drafted an outline of a research plan to strip away the toxic effects of elemental toxins.

He wanted to consider the details of the plan carefully at night when no one would disturb him.

To make a poisonous thing non-toxic while maintaining the property of being neutralized by detoxification is somewhat unbelievable in the eyes of an alchemist who is not deeply involved in the alchemy of poisons...

However, the existence of bait proves that neutralizing properties and toxicity are not inseparable. They are two independent properties.

Only because the two appear at the same time most of the time, people have the illusion that neutralizing properties and toxicity are of the same nature.

Just like the physical body and the spiritual body.

After truly entering a meditative state, you can realize that the body and the spirit body are not the same thing. The elements contained by the mages all exist in the spirit body, not the body.

Therefore, if you want to identify the difference between neutralizing properties and toxicity, you must invent a spell or prop to achieve an effect similar to [Soul Perspective], so that the neutralizing properties and toxicity can be separated and presented before your eyes.

Professor Kulov should have chosen to invent a spell to identify these two properties.

The reason is simple…

During the days when Xia Zuo was at Starry Night Academy, Professor Kulov lay in a comfortable recliner and meditated almost all the time. He never entered or left the rare object alchemy room where he studied alchemical props. He must have been weaving spells in the spiritual ocean.

Most master-level poison alchemists should have chosen this path.

After all, elemental poison crystals are used in the spiritual ocean. They are rich in spirituality, and all changes related to them are also based on spirituality.

Instead of going a long way and inventing a spiritual alchemy tool, it is better to weave spells in the spiritual ocean nearby.

Xia Zuo recognized this research and development idea, and he planned to do the same. If this path failed, he would consider inventing spiritual props.

In matters related to spiritual bodies, Xia Zuo believes that he may have an advantage over other poison alchemists.

First, he had to make sure of one thing:

Can he see or sense his blood servants in a meditative state.

Previously, due to interference from the protective barrier in the temple's teaching area, Xia Zuo was unable to sense the hematin servants when he entered the meditative state for the first time.

Now he wants to try again.

If that works...

Then maybe cracking the problem of neutralizing properties and toxicity will be easier than everyone thinks.

Xia Zuo activated [Hemogen Servant] and used this blood magic specialty to easily create a hemogen servant with a blood volume of 1000 points and a mental attribute value of 5 points.

If it weren't for the fact that he only had so much free mental attribute value, he would even want to make a hematin servant with a mental attribute value exceeding 10 points, further increasing the possibility that he could sense it in [Soul Perspective].

Xia Zuo cast [Concentration and Calmness] on himself, closed his eyes, let his consciousness sink, and the golden finger window popped up in his mind...

"It is detected that the host is entering a deep meditation/contemplation state, please determine the state you are about to enter."

Can this still be done?

Xia Zuo's consciousness froze for a moment. It felt like installing a system on a computer, and when it was turned on, the computer asked which operating system to start...

He muttered silently:

"Get into a meditative state."

"Entering a meditative state, 3, 2, 1...entering success."

A faint light appeared in front of his eyes, and Xia Zuo appeared above his body in the form of a spirit body.

He immediately tried to sense the hematin servants.

"There." Xia Zuo turned his head and looked to the side. There was nothing there, but the spiritual connection with the hematin servant told him that his servant was there.

This feeling is very strange...

It's like a person opening his eyes wide in the dark. Although he can't see anything, he can feel the other person's presence through touch or other senses.

Xia Zuo called up the template of the hemogen servant.

A ray of light flashed from the spiritual line connecting the spirit body and the body, and a template cross section appeared in front of him as if it had substance.

The information on the panel is all normal.

Is there any way for him to see his hemogen servants and interact with them in a meditative state?

Xia Zuo was thinking about his body, and suddenly an inspiration flashed in his mind!


That's right~ Why did you forget this magic school? It is the same magic school as the spiritual body school, and it is also related to the spiritual body.

Xia Zuo searched for knowledge related to the totem school in his mind. According to the "Introduction to the Spell School", totems and totem poles are the relationship between spiritual bodies and entities.

Totem is a symbol. When the caster attaches his spirit body and part of the spiritual ocean to the symbol drawn with special oil, the symbol will become spiritual and can be stored in the caster's spiritual ocean. .

If the totem is fixed to a specific alchemy tool, a totem pole can be made. This pole will also have spirituality. It is usually stored in the spiritual ocean, and can be summoned when needed.

Xia Zuoyi snapped his fingers and had a specific plan.

When he went to visit Janice this weekend, Anruer went to play with the little girl, while he went to the Mages Guild to redeem an introductory book to the Totem School. He still had a few hundred points on his citizen card, which should be enough to pay for it.

A few days later in the morning, today is Saturday.

Janice sat in the classroom and glanced at the wall clock on the wall. It was 11:15 in the morning. In 15 minutes, this difficult course on pharmacy principles would be over.

When the female professor announced that get out of class was over, she would immediately put on her schoolbag and run to the main entrance of the teaching building to reunite with her family who had been away for more than two months.

It's strange to say that although they are not related by blood, why do they feel that Anruer and Xia Zuo are as close to their mother...

Janice touched the hair on her forehead in confusion, picked up the pen and quickly wrote down what the professor wrote on the blackboard, and secretly prayed that when the professor asked her classmates to answer questions, they would click on her name so that she could finish the semester ahead of schedule. of class credit.

"Janice." On the podium, the female professor with two nasolabial tattoos knocked on the blackboard with the hand of the wind. "You answer this question. The golden beard grass picked in the morning is placed in an open-air straw basket in the evening. How to restore it to its bright green color in the early morning?"

"Use green phenol drops, professor." Janice raised her right arm and replied, "You cannot use green phenol oil because the beard grass is relatively fragile. Excessive dosage of oil will destroy the dried beard grass, so Only drops can be used.”

"Very good." The female professor nodded with satisfaction. Good students are different. Even though they seem to be distracted, they do not relax in listening to the lectures and thinking.

"This class ends here." The female professor cast several hands of wind and said while arranging the teaching aids suspended around the podium:

"I need to see your homework during class next Monday. Everyone must complete the after-school exercises with quality and quantity."

Janice listened to the professor's words and flipped through the textbook. All the so-called after-class exercises had been completed before class.

She packed her schoolbag and jogged out of the classroom.

In front of the teaching building, Anruer stood alone at the door waiting for Janice. She found her at a glance among the students.

"Janice~" Anruer hugged her and gently patted her back.

"Sister Anruer~Where's Uncle Xia Zuo?"

"He went to occupy a seat." Anruer smiled mysteriously.

"Huh?" Janice raised her head and blinked her eyes in confusion.

"Come with me, and you will know." Anruer took the other person's hand and walked out of the school.

In a restaurant with a theme of sweets, Xia Zuo sat at a small round table near the corner.

This store seems to be quite famous in the surrounding area. Every weekend, parents bring their children who have just finished school to eat here.

In order to cater to the consumer target, the restaurant is decorated with childlike innocence, and there is also a separate indoor amusement park for children who are full of energy after eating sweets to release their energy.

Anruer said that in the past two months, she had woken up from deep meditation several times to check the secret message ring. At the same time, she used blood induction to secretly eavesdrop on Janice's thoughts. Several times, she whispered in bed that she wanted to eat this restaurant. Desserts in the restaurant.

Therefore, there was a scene where Xia Zuo came to occupy a seat.

Xia Zuo watched Janice stuffing fruit cake into her mouth, watching her run to the amusement park, first standing aside to take care of the overall situation, then sitting on the empty wooden horse, and then chatting with several other little girls. Finally, we yelled and played together...

Xia Zuo had the illusion of becoming a father for the first time.

The noisy lunch lasted until two o'clock in the afternoon.

Xia Zuo sent Anruer and Janice to the bustling commercial street, and then went to Yingrui Academy alone.

Compared with the magic books in the academy and those in the temple collection room, there is a big difference in the number and grade of the books.

Fortunately, what Xia Zuo wanted was not a high-level spell like [Soul Vision]. He only asked for an introduction to totems and totem poles, as well as a few magic books that could be used as reference.

After a while, he held a few books and walked into the meditation room in the academy.

Totem patterns and weaver language have the same origin, and both are based on the characteristic patterns of elements.

The Spellweaver language advocates combining and sorting the textures of elemental traits, and adding self-created symbols to expand the uses of elemental traits.

For example, 26 letters can be combined into phrases and sentences for use, and letters in different orders can be given specific meanings to achieve the purpose of use.

Totem patterns advocate strengthening the meaning of elemental characteristic patterns, pursuing the original, and opposing the expansion of elemental characteristic patterns.

In the eyes of this school, the characteristic patterns of each element cannot be modified, combined, or sorted. They can only be strengthened and consolidated to help them strengthen themselves.

The totem pattern then appeared, which was divided into three parts.

The most central part of the totem pattern is the essential pattern, which can only be written with elemental characteristic patterns.

On the periphery of the authentic lines are the main lines, written in shamanic language, used to strengthen the characteristics of the elements.

The outermost periphery is the secondary texture, which is used to protect and encrypt the main texture and essential texture so that they will not be destroyed or cracked.

When the Shamanic Society shared the knowledge of the totem school with the Mage Temple, it shared sets of major patterns, but did not hand over the shamanic language.

The books Xia Zuo got only had totem patterns like ghost drawings, without any annotations or references.

However, after including the book "Overview of Totem Patterns" into the [Knowledge Reserve], Xia Zuo's message from Goldfinger came to his mind:

"It has been detected that the host has successfully entered the "Totem Pattern Overview" and is compiling the unknown language in the entered knowledge...

"It is expected to consume 1,300 experience points. Do you want to compile it?"

Can experience be spent compiling a completely unknown language?

Xia Zuo recalled that this was the first time he had come into contact with this language without any comments, and it was also the first time that there was an option for compilation.

He looked at his experience status, [Experience] 8800/13000, and said silently in his heart:

"Confirm that experience is consumed for compilation."

A progress bar with a percentage value appeared in his mind. The cursor moved very fast. About ten seconds later, Goldfinger sent a congratulatory message:

"The shamanic language in this book has been successfully compiled, with a prediction accuracy of 86%. The new specialty [Shamanic Language Proficiency·Incomplete] has been added. The current specialty completion level is 3%."

Xia Zuo lowered his head to read "Overview of Totem Patterns". The curved words on it were no longer obscure graphics, but words with specific meanings.

He opened another book - "A Brief Analysis of the Totem Pole Principle".

This is a magic book with some annotations by tower wizards. It is a must-read book for every wizard who learns totem school magic. As long as you follow the steps above, you can use spiritual vines, branches, gems and other props. , make your own totem pole.

Among the many operations, one step requires the mage to inscribe totem literature. This step involves a large amount of shamanic language.

Xia Zuo spent some time memorizing the shamanic language in this book, and also spent 1,300 experience points to let Goldfinger compile them.

"Successfully compiled the shamanic language in "A Brief Analysis of the Totem Pole Principle" with a prediction accuracy of 88%.

"The compilation accuracy of the shamanic language on the "Totem Pattern Overview" has changed, and the prediction accuracy has increased to 92%.

"The completion rate of Specialty [Shaman Language Proficiency·Incomplete] increased by 3%, currently 6%."

Xia Zuo figured out something now.

Shamanic language is not a very difficult language to understand, but its writing format and sentence combinations are different from common language and alchemical language, which makes people feel obscure.

There must be many people in the High Tower Mage School who have compiled part of the shamanic language on their own, but due to the agreement between the temple and the Shaman Society, they can only use it themselves and cannot share it or circulate it in the public sphere.

Xia Zuo took out his pocket watch and took a look. It was already 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

He planned to try making a totem pole once and then go to Rexor for training.

When you redeem totem genre books, some cheap spiritual props will be given for free.

Xia Zuo reached out and pressed a few times on the operation panel in front of him. The floor next to him turned over, revealing two branches sealed in transparent glass bottles.

If one does not understand shamanic language, the learner will only know that this branch is rich in spirituality, but will not know the specific reason.

Xia Zuo used the [Shaman Language Proficiency] with only 6% completion to release the detection technique on the branches.

[Item name] Gelsanda’s tentacles

[Prop Type] Spiritual Plant

[Item Level] Unknown

[Prop quality] Completion degree 90%, excellent

[Related Resistance 1] Earth Resistance

It can be engraved with totem patterns with the characteristics of earth elements.

[Related Resistance 2] Water Resistance

It can be engraved with totem patterns with the characteristics of water elements.

[Props description]

This is a spiritual prop that can accommodate 60 totem pattern words.

[Props Effect]

After holding this prop and entering a meditative state, you can engrave this prop in [Soul Perspective].

Hmm~ Not bad, except that the grade cannot be found out, all the necessary information is available.

Xia Zuo cast [Concentration and Calmness] on himself, skillfully entering a meditative state as his consciousness sank.

The spirit body appeared above the body, but the surroundings were still dark.

Xia Zuo looked at the spiritual branch in the body's hand, stretched out his right hand that emitted light, and picked up the "branch".

At this time, the "branch" in Xia Zuo's hand had a faint light, which was its spiritual body. Its entity still remains in the hands of Xia Zuo's body.

Xia Zuo held the spirit branch in front of him, used his free left hand to outline the totem pattern, and engraved a pattern called [Rejuvenation Totem] on the spirit paper.

There is no room for error in this process, and it must be completed within the stipulated time. At the same time, the number of words used in the totem pattern text must not exceed the upper limit that the spirit paper can hold, otherwise it will result in wasting all the previous efforts and wasting a piece of spiritual material.

When Xia Zuo inscribed the last word, a thin thread stretched out from his spiritual thread, and the other end of the thin thread automatically tied the spiritual branch, and the message from Golden Finger came to his mind:

"It was detected that the host successfully made a trainee-level protective totem pole, and soul-binded it. The character template was updated, a new entry [Totem Pole Space] was added, and a new spell [Totem Mastery] was added."

[Item name] Protective totem pole

[Prop type] Totem genre product

[Item Level] Apprentice Level

[Prop quality] Completion degree 90%, excellent

[Related Resistance 1] Earth Resistance

[Related Resistance 2] Water Resistance

[Props Effect]

Consume earth and water energy to summon this totem at a designated location within 5 meters of you. This totem will continue to exist until it is destroyed or recalled.

This totem will increase the physical protection ability of the designated target within 5 meters after being summoned.

The totem's effect is shared among all designated targets within range.

【Totem Pole Space】1/6

The upper limit of space capacity = mental attribute value/4, round up the remainder.

[Spell Name] Totem Mastery

[Spell Type] Totem style, comprehensive type, summoning type

[Spell level] Formal spell

[Spell Stage] Basics

[Associated energy] is related to the associated resistance of the totem pole

[Spell Power] Not applicable

[Spell Effect]

After activating this spell, the specified totem can be summoned or recalled, or the location of the specified totem can be moved.

Your totem pole level cannot exceed the level of this spell.

Xia Zuo's [Totem Mastery] is only at the level of formal spells.

According to "A Brief Analysis of Totem Pole Principles", he can make and use totem poles from apprentice level to proficient level, expert level and master level totem poles. He needs to learn high-level totem mastery.

Generally speaking, only mages who specialize in the totem school are qualified to learn high-level totem mastery.

For Xia Zuo, totem mastery at the formal magic level should be enough.

Xia Zuo summoned his first totem pole in the quiet room. After entering the soul vision, he saw the totem standing beside his body. He had some guesses about how to see the hematin servants in the soul perspective. .

First, you have to find a spiritual material that can carry the hemogen servant.

Secondly, engrave the hemogen servant on the spiritual material and make it into something similar to a totem pole, so that you can interact with it in the soul perspective.

Thanks to Huang Maple for the 1500 points.

Thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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