My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 20: Get on the bus first and pay the ticket later·Part 1

Three months later, Rosak City.

Without the rogue bandits, the circus was able to run smoothly throughout the Rossak Province. They performed well in the southern towns that they had not been to for a long time.

Xia Zuo optimized the colorful fire-breathing performance in his free time and added Snake and others to the scene.

The fire-breather, who was once a lone flamethrower, can now perform on stage with a crowd.

Snake beat the drums and green snakes danced on the ground. Hercules Poppy throws the Clown siblings over the flames, and Audrey catches them on the other side.

The weird purple flames passed under the clown sister, causing the audience to scream in surprise.

The clown brothers and sisters and the colorful flames became the focus of the audience, while Xia Zuo, the spitting person, became a supporting role.

But it doesn't matter, Xia Zuo doesn't mind.

He just hoped that he could leave something more for his friends before leaving.

Generous copper coins, fame that spreads all over the world, and vivid memories, at least one of them must be owned by the members, so that the care of him by the members will not be in vain.

Xia Zuo will not feel regret when he leaves.

The morning sun is rising and the morning breeze is refreshing.

Ever since the acquired affinity test started, the mornings in Rosak City have been particularly lively. Before it was fully light, there was a faint noise on the street.

"Xia Zuo, let's go."

Audrey pulled Xia Zuo, who was scurrying forward, and together they left the hotel and walked to the most crowded place in the city.

More than a year ago, Xia Zuo was only about 1.4 meters tall, much shorter than his peers in the city. Since joining the circus, he has eaten well and slept well all day long, and his size has quickly caught up.

Now with a height of 1.7 meters and a strong physique, he looks like a capable young man. The high bridge of his nose and the ever-present optimistic smile at the corner of his mouth make his handsome face more approachable.

"Sister, is it my turn?"

Xia Zuo naturally held Audrey's hand, and the two maintained a close relationship like brother and sister.

He no longer looked as childish as before.

Audrey also realized the difference between men and women and rarely held each other in her arms. It's just that occasionally I can't help but pinch each other's cheeks.

"It's almost your turn."

Audrey took out a piece of wood from her leather pocket and compared the numbers on it with the notice board in front of the inspection station.

"Come in, little one. You've been waiting for this day for a long time. Be good."

Audrey stuffed the pieces of wood into Xia Zuo's hands, pushed through the crowd, and pushed him through the door.

Starry Night Academy Admission Testing Station.

The place is much more spacious than when we first came.

Originally a one-story, two-room space, it was expanded into a three-story stone building with interlaced corridors.

Under the instructions of the staff wearing starry night robes, Xia Zuo stood at the end of the line waiting to be inspected.

Today is the third day of open testing for acquired affinity.

The inspection station distributes wood chips engraved with the entry time in order of age from youngest to oldest.

Before evening every day, the test results of the day will be announced on the notice board at the entrance of the testing station.

In the past two days, it was mostly children with bigger farts who were tested here. As you can imagine, no one has acquired affinity.

This is normal.

The so-called acquired affinity is accumulated over the years. Without hard training, the ability to resist damage from a certain element will not be born.

Only boys and girls of Xia Zuo's age have a slight chance of developing an acquired affinity.

"Little Merburn Riley, come with me. We are going to the next step of the test."

At the front of the team, a muscular, mature-looking young man followed the staff as he left the team and headed towards a room not far away.

He is the only person so far who can stay at the testing station after being tested.

There was a commotion and murmurs in the ranks.

"Who is that? Do any of you know him?"

"I know, I know. Little Merburn is the son of old Merburn."

said a boy with a sniffling nose.

…You seem to be talking nonsense…

Xia Zuo glanced at his mouth and turned his head to listen.

The boy with a sniffling nose wiped the clear water in front of his nose with his sleeve, "He is the son of a blacksmith in the south of the city. He is a bit dull and only helps his father push and pull the blower all day long."

Xia Zuo's mind moved and he cast a detecting spell on Xiao Moben who was about to enter the door.

[Character name] Little Merben Riley

[Identity] Rosac City, the son of the blacksmith at Merburn Blacksmith Shop

【HP】? ? ? (healthy)


[[Fire Resistance] 2%









[Character Specialties]

[Forging Master·Fire Temperature] For a long time, he helped his father drive the blower and control the flame temperature in the furnace, giving little Merben Riley a high degree of control over the fire temperature.

His spirit is much higher than mine. Xia Zuo looked at his own.


From 1 to the current 1.5, he got it entirely through reading, and even one free attribute point is useless.

"Kelly Mueller, come with me, let's do the next test."

Another person was taken to the room after the test.

This time it was a girl wearing a strapless grosgrain dress.

Her long flaxen hair hangs down to her back, and her wavy smooth hair is tied into a ponytail with a red hair rope, revealing her white neck and smooth pink shoulders.

"The Miller's Daughter."

The snotty boy raised his chin in the gaze of everyone, seeming to enjoy being watched.

"Her family is very rich. Half of the flour in the city is ground by her family."

Xia Zuo looked at Keli's slender back and threw out the detection technique.

【Character Name】Kelly Mueller

[Identity] Rosac City, daughter of miller Muller

【HP】? ? ? (healthy)


[[Water Resistance] 1%

[[Wind Resistance] 1%









[Character Specialties]

[Mill Control·Water Power] Long-term monitoring, maintenance, and improvement of water-powered mills allowed Corrie Muller to develop an understanding of the water element

[Mill Master·Wind Power] Long-term monitoring, maintenance, and improvement of wind mills allowed Keli Murray to develop an understanding of the wind element.

Keli's mental attributes are 1 point higher than Xiao Moben's, and her willpower is 1 point lower.

Could it be that her family spent a lot of money to collect many books and props for her that can improve her mental attributes?

Xia Zuo joked to Goldfinger in his mind, "Who are you fooling by putting question marks on the character's specialties even though he has the ability to make money?"

In the next ten minutes, teenagers and girls from different family backgrounds were brought into the room.

They all developed slight elemental resistance after being exposed to certain things for many years.

The one that appears most often is [Earth Resistance].

Most of the people who have acquired this resistance are the descendants of herb collectors.

[Fire Resistance] is the rarest resistance.

After all, flame is a dangerous thing, and only a very few professions will come into regular contact with it.

The vast majority of people have at least two kinds of resistance, but there are only a few people like Xia Zuo and Xiao Moben who only have a single resistance.

After the sniffling boy was eliminated, Xia Zuo calmly placed his hand on the completely transparent glass ball.

Red lines, symbolizing fire resistance, emerged on the surface of the smooth glass ball.

"Xia Zuo...oh, I remember, you are the fire breather of Audrey Circus, right?"

The staff member on the side chuckled kindly and said, "Audrey will definitely be worried when you leave. Come with me, let's do the next test."

Xia Zuo followed the other party's steps and asked in confusion, "Isn't acquired affinity enough?"

The staff member hesitated for a few seconds, seeming to consider whether to say something.

He rubbed his light blond hair, and finally stopped and whispered:

"Acquired affinity alone is not enough. Without innate affinity, you will suffer great pain when practicing meditation. People with acquired affinity are just better than ordinary people, and they are also subject to elements entering their bodies. torture."

"Thank you for your answer. I am Xia Zuo from Rosak. What about you?"

Xia Zuo smiled sincerely, stretched out his right hand and shook it lightly.

"I'm Mars Morton. If you can pass the second test, I wouldn't mind chatting with you more."

Mars opened the door, made a quiet gesture to Xia Zuo, and whispered, "Come in quickly, it's already started."

Xia Zuo nodded to Mars and thanked him. He took note of the man's rare hair color and planned to find out more after the test was completed.

Mars waited for Xia Zuo to enter and then closed the door gently.

In the center of this room is a square area surrounded by thick curtains, and the specific situation inside cannot be seen clearly.

Surrounded by a row of wooden chairs, the boys and girls waiting for the test sat in a circle along the wall.

Xia Zuo sat down on the wooden chair closest to the door and waited patiently for his number to be called.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency. I can't stand it anymore."

A girl came out of the curtain with a lonely look, and a familiar voice came from behind, "No. 6, come in."

Xia Zuo raised his eyebrows and recognized that it was Thales Meso, the resident mage of Rosak City.

The person whose number was called was also a girl. The curtain was drawn as soon as she walked in.

Taylor's gentle voice floated out from behind the curtain, "Little girl, you have two acquired affinities. So, you can choose one from these two element bottles."

"Aqua blue and cyan... I want the aqua blue one. Sir, I like this color." Girl No. 6 said after pondering for a few seconds.

"Okay. Uncork the bottle and cover the mouth of the bottle with your palm."

Xia Zuo heard a crisp "pop" sound, followed by a suppressed low cry:

"Sir, something is digging into my hand, causing me a little pain."

"Stop and feel it. Hold on for 5 minutes." Thales said softly.

The little girl seemed to say something again, but the words turned into a grunt mixed with pain.

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