My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 21: Get on the bus first and pay later·Part 2

A low hum came from behind the curtain.

After about 3 minutes, the movement inside became quieter, and the little girl's breathing stopped being rapid and returned to its normal state.

"Five minutes are up. Congratulations on passing the test. Remove your hand from the mouth of the bottle. Take this and go find someone outside."

Thales congratulated the other party cheerfully, and then shouted: "No. 7, come in."

Xia Zuo glanced at the dark-haired girl with joy on her brows, and used the detection technique to check the other person's attributes.


The name of the dark-haired girl is unknown.

She paused when opening the door and glanced at Xia Zuo secretly before leaving.

Xia Zuo was counting the number of people in the room when he felt a fragrance lingering around his nose. By the time he recognized that it was the smell of turpentine, the black-haired girl had already closed the door.

He shrugged his shoulders and counted the number of boys and girls again.

The tests in the room were conducted in order from females to males.

Corrie, the miller's daughter, who entered the room later, entered the curtain before Little Merben, the blacksmith's son.

Keli also chose an aqua blue element bottle. After covering the mouth of the bottle with her hand, she screamed in pain for three minutes and then became calm.

Keli's mental attribute is also 10 points.

Xia Zuo nodded secretly. It seemed that the attribute of spirit was very useful in this round of testing.

After 20 minutes, all girls completed the test and left the room.

Only the black-haired girl No. 6 and Keli Mueller passed the test, and the other girls gave up voluntarily in the first 3 minutes.

Xia Zuo couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl who gave up.

They obviously have sufficient mental attributes, but their willpower is relatively weak. Their attribute value is only 3 points, and they cannot even survive the pain for 3 minutes.

"The boys' test will begin next. Come in on the 9th."

No. 9 is little Merben Riley, ranked first among the boys.

He walked into the curtain, briefly greeted Thales, and then started testing. After a while, he started shouting and screaming, and kept shouting that it hurt.

Three minutes later, the screams of pain suddenly turned hoarse, causing everyone present to tense up involuntarily.

Why is the situation different from that of girls? ...Xia Zuo frowned and squirmed his butt uncomfortably.

Every girl who can enter the second round has 10 spirit points, while Xiao Moben only has 9 points.

Will a difference of 1 point have such a big impact?

Inside the curtain, Thales asked if he wanted to stop, but Little Merben refused, "I can... hold on."

The remaining 2 minutes passed with sobbing and heavy breathing.

When the girls took the test before, almost all the boys had smiles on their faces, as if they could easily pass the test as long as they were stronger than the girls and worked hard to survive the first 3 minutes.

Xia Zuo glanced around and clicked his tongue. Beads of sweat broke out on his forehead. The boys with weaker mental qualities had already tightened their pants.

"Congratulations, little one, you passed the test. Take this and go out."

When little Moben opened the curtain, his face was pale, his short robe was soaked with sweat, and there were black water stains on his chest and back. He staggered as he walked, as if he had just finished playing with a blower.

"Come in on the 10th."

No. 10 is thinner than Xia Zuo and is a descendant of herb collectors. He often follows herb collectors into the forest to look for wild herbs.

Within 3 minutes after he started the test, his performance was exactly the same as that of little Moben, but once he reached the 3-minute threshold, he let out a strange scream, and then there was no sound.


Taylor seemed troubled by the boy's stubbornness.

If it were a girl, she would have given up in the first 3 minutes. How could she push forward in the last 2 minutes like a boy?

In the past few dozen seconds, No. 10 groaned and woke up.

"Little guy, get out."

When No. 10 opened the curtain, his eyes were bloodshot. He couldn't tell whether it was from pain or the sadness of failing the test, which really shocked those who were paying attention to him. Under the gaze of everyone, he clung to the wall and staggered towards the door. His condition was much worse than that of little Moben.

In the following time, several more boys walked into the curtain, but no one passed the test. After learning from the experience of No. 10, many people gave up on the test within the first 3 minutes.

Xia Zuo frowned, reviewing the previously recorded character attributes in his mind, and discovered several details:

This test seems to be based on 9 o'clock spirit as the watershed.

For people with 10 points of energy, the test process was a bit painful, but they all passed without exception. They feel pain for the first 3 minutes, but then calm down for the next 2 minutes.

If you only have 9 points of spirit, it is feasible to rely on the will attribute like Xiao Moben.

Once it falls below 9 o'clock, you will be unable to withstand the pain for 3 minutes and will pass out directly.

With this comparison, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion.

10 points of spirit is the real starting point for acquired affinity with the mage.

Those who are born with elemental affinity have 10 or even more than 15 points of spiritual attributes at birth.

Among all those who entered the second round, except for Xia Zuo, no one's spirit was lower than 7 points.

They also have at least 3 points of Will.

7 points of spirit and 3 points of will are the prerequisites for generating elemental resistance under normal circumstances.

As for Xia Zuo…

Relying on the high blood recovery brought by vitality, he forced himself to be a fire-breathing performer, and continued to upgrade his level, and finally obtained the [Fire Resistance] provided by the status bonus.

If the attribute points are can enter the second round of testing like others...

…Goldfinger’s digital transformation is awesome!

Half an hour later, Xia Zuo was the only one left in the room who had not yet tested.

Thales shouted from behind the curtain, "Come in on the 17th."

Xia Zuo walked into the curtain with a smile, "Your Excellency Thales, long time no see."

"It's you, Xia Zuo. You are the youngest among the group today, so you are the last one."

Thales still looks like a simple and honest middle-aged man, with expectation shining in his eyes.

After Xia Zuo sat down, his eyes glanced at the empty bottle on the low table in front of him, feeling a little confused.

This bottle is several percent wider than an ordinary medicine bottle. The glass of the bottle is much thicker, and the frosted surface has rhombus patterns.

There is an alchemy lamp that emits a faint light behind the curtain. Apart from the light reflected from the glass, the bottle does not look like it contains a luminous substance.

"You only have fire resistance, so use this elemental bottle of red light to test it."

Thales leaned back in his chair and said slowly, "It doesn't matter if you didn't pass the test this year. You can still participate next year. But don't work too hard. No matter what happens in this round of tests, I can't touch you. do you understand?"

Red light…

Is there really something in this bottle?


"I understand, Lord Thales."

Xia Zuo raised his head and blinked, not sure if the other party had picked up the wrong thing.

Thales didn't know what he thought of, and smiled kindly, "Stop looking at me, turn the hourglass over and start testing. I won't open the back door for you."

Xia Zuo threw the scrying spell into the bottle with hesitation.

"Discovering unknown things, unable to obtain more detailed information due to low spirit and perception."

There really is something... Is it because I don't even have 2 points in mental attributes, so I can't see the red light?

Xia Zuo smiled awkwardly and did not explain the small misunderstanding between the two. He turned the hourglass upside down with his left hand and started timing. He uncorked the bottle with his right hand and covered the mouth of the bottle with his palm.


Xia Zuo sucked in a breath of cold air, and the pain in his palm was as sharp as breaking. The feeling... was even more burning than the unignited hot potion dripping onto his face when he breathed fire.


Thales tilted his head slightly and looked at Xia Zuo, feeling that the other person's reaction was more obvious than the others, "Do you want to stop? Just leave your palms away from the mouth of the bottle."

“No need to”

Xia Zuo's teeth collided together, making a clicking sound.

He closed his eyes tightly, pressed the mouth of the bottle with his right hand, and focused on the character template in his mind.

[HP] 27/28 (eroded by unknown things)

[blood return speed]

[[Basic blood return speed]

1.62 points/hour.

[[Real-time blood return speed]

1.62-200→-198.38 points/hour.

The basic blood recovery rate is 1.62 points/hour. At this time, in the face of the blood deduction speed of up to 200 points/hour, it is like a drop in the bucket.

Adding all the 6 free attribute points in hand to the spirit will not help. There is still a big gap between the 7.5 spirit points and the minimum threshold of 9 points.

Do we really have to wait until next year to test again? ...Xia Zuo hesitated amid the chill caused by the severe pain.

Let's take a look... I don't know what the blood loss rate will be after 3 minutes.

With a thought, he switched the calculation unit of blood recovery speed to "points/minute".

[HP] 27/28 (eroded by unknown things)

[blood return speed]

[[Basic blood return speed]

0.027 points/minute.

[[Real-time blood return speed]

0.027-3.33→-3.03 points/minute.

Time is passing by second by second, and the 3-minute threshold is getting closer and closer.

Xia Zuo changed his sitting position, put the element bottle between his legs, and held his right hand firmly with his arm and upper body.

Thales sat opposite and shook his head helplessly.

This scene had been repeated too many times today, and Xia Zuo would faint from pain when the time came.

3 minutes are up!

The blood deduction speed instantly doubled to 10 points/minute, which corresponds to 600 points/hour.


Xia Zuo screamed in pain, rolled from his chair to the ground, and almost kicked over the table.

Thales controlled his arms and did not help the other party. As the examiner, he is not allowed to have any physical contact with the candidates.

"Xia Zuo..."

Thales looked at the young man who was rolling on the ground but did not fall into a coma with confusion on his face. He immediately thought of the young man who escaped from the hole where he narrowly escaped death and walked alone in the forest for two days...

"What a strong will."

Thales sighed silently and leaned back in his chair.

At this time, Xia Zuo could clearly feel the source of pain in his palm.

It was something like a dozen fine needles, repeatedly piercing the skin, flesh and bones of the hand. You can't see anything, but you can imagine the scene of a needle piercing your palm and coming out from the back of your hand.

The reason why he didn't pass out at the 3-minute mark was all due to the character's specialties brought about by Goldfinger's digital transformation.

[Immortal Body] Before the blood volume drops to 0, you will not die even if you are hit in a vital point, and any injuries will be repaired by themselves as the blood volume increases.

This special feature gained after the digital transformation is far more than the literal effects.

Based on his own experience, Xia Zuo roughly figured out the relationship between blood volume and character status.

Blood volume \u003e90%.

His five senses are normal, his thinking is quick and his reactions are sensitive.

As long as the instantaneous blood loss does not exceed 10% of the upper limit of blood volume, no matter how much pain you suffer, as long as you calm down and concentrate, you can suppress the pain.


As the blood volume decreases, vision will gradually become blurred, and thinking and reactions will gradually slow down.

Find a place to sit and rest for a while. A good rest can help you recover from muscle soreness or dizziness.

When the blood volume is above 50%, you will not fall into coma due to pain, hunger, poisoning, etc., but you will still feel dazed and dizzy.

When the blood volume is below 50%, I will have a headache and nausea almost all the time. If I am caught by a negative state at this time, I will most likely faint.

The blood volume is below 20%...Xia Zuo has never experienced this before, and he will probably fall to the ground and be unable to get up with just a slight push.

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