When Field proposed studying this thing, Hillenburg sighed helplessly and said:

"Everyone, you may not know how difficult it is to develop a crystal array.

"It is true that this technology is unique to the Crystal Stone survivors. But it is the Tower Scholars who have improved it to the point it is today."

"Tower scholar?" Xia Zuo muttered in confusion.

The surrounding group members also showed puzzled or surprised expressions.

"Yes, it's a tower scholar."

Hillenburg nodded.

“I don’t know the specific situation.

“I learned about it from a good friend who has joined the Tower Scholar School.

"He said that the close cooperation between the tower scholars and the crystal survivors is actually comparable to the relationship between the Alchemy School and the crystal survivors. It is only because the two parties signed a silent contract that they did not publicize it."

Field couldn't help but feel a little regretful, "So, if we want to develop our own crystal array, we have to ask a tower scholar to help?"

"That may not work." Hillenburg shook his head, "To tell you the truth, a few years ago, when we started to develop combat puppets, I asked the castle administrator, and he made it clear that the crystal array Technology and other alchemy props or spells with similar functions have been blocked by tower scholars."

"Blocked? How did they block it? Is it because of the patent restrictions of the Alchemy School?" Field frowned, "I really can't understand whether the results of our own research, if we can apply for patent protection from the Alchemy School, will also be protected by them. Clamped?"

Hillenburg shrugged his shoulders slightly, "I'm afraid that's the case. As you know, Tower Scholars have a far better grasp of magic principles and elemental languages ​​than our Alchemy School. Maybe they can pass some difficult spells , making our research and development results invalid or even counterproductive, and we have no real evidence to prove that these anomalies are related to Tower Scholars."

A trace of dissatisfaction and depression appeared on everyone's faces.

However, unlike the depressed mood of the team members, although Xia Zuo also frowned, he was thinking about the connotation of the team leader's words.

In the previous life, if you wanted to make the command system ineffective or have counterproductive effects, what should you do?

Invading the command system, tampering with logical symbols and instruction sets, or erasing key data, or temporarily paralyzing the system, such as using electromagnetic interference devices

These operations are based on a thorough understanding of the physical architecture and software layers of the system.

So, the degree of control that tower scholars and crystal remnants have over the crystal array may be far beyond the imagination of all uninformed people?

Hmm. It's very possible.

After all, it is a technology that can command large-scale combat units. The Mage Temple will definitely try its best to keep its secrets and will never allow anyone to make imitations of it - if the imitations are controlled by the Church of Strange Demons, it will be really bad.

The timeout was over quickly.

Everyone returned to lie down on the soft sofa and synchronized with the battle puppet again.

Xia Zuo controlled two mechanical arms and placed the new weapons refined by Heubron next to his battle puppet.

This is not cheating, nor does it violate the rules of the game, but this is the only number of off-field support.

The light fixture on the base of the alchemy room was turned off and the game continued.

"Guys, we have to use our advantage. From now on, everyone should try to use underwater bullets to launch attacks, adjust the timing of reducing the power of the magic circle according to the distance of the target, and ensure that the underwater bullets appear again when they are close to the target. Supercavitation.”

Hubron said using the team's communication device:

"I made a rough estimate. If we only use underwater bullets, the firepower intensity will be about twice that of the opponent.

"That's our biggest advantage."

Hubron said to Field's team at the front of the line:

"Field, later you and the team leader's team will serve as the vanguard and advance into the opponent's area together.

"I will use improvised underwater sniper rifles to escort you.

"Alternate shooting while moving to suppress them. Don't let the other party target you easily."


"Daniel, your team and I will provide cover for the vanguard team and fire in all directions where mines are launched." Heubron said.


"If the opponent sets up an insidious trap and causes our combat strategy to fail, don't be discouraged. We must go all out and don't leave any regrets!"

Hu Bron roared, "Hoot! We will win!"


"Must win!"

Hubron aroused the emotions of the team members and ordered:

"Countdown and prepare for 1 minute, check ammunition and gun mechanism. The vanguard team is waiting for my command."

The group communication device goes silent.

Everyone is lowering their heads and groping for the alchemy tools on their bodies.

Hubron took out a portable tool and fixed the makeshift sniper rifle holder to a rock.

"Get ready to attack." Heubron took a deep breath and said:

"Field, advance silently, target B3:G2:A4, search for the opponent's flag."

"Copy that, we're off."

"Team leader, move forward silently, target F3:C2:B2, search for the opponent's flag."

"Received, set off immediately."

Field and Hillenberg's team quietly entered the area of ​​the crystal remnants.

Xia Zuo paid close attention to the situation of these two teams by monitoring the orb.

The field of view of the combat puppet is approximately 160 degrees in front of the mask, and cannot be seen from behind.

But the surveillance orb can.

This kind of alchemy prop, which is widely used in underwater operations and battles, is equivalent to installing a camera on the holder that can change the angle at will. Apart from a relatively narrow field of view and a limited viewing distance of no more than 15 meters, there is nothing else. Flaw, very suitable for guarding against backstabs and sneak attacks.

Within 5 minutes after launching the official operation, the two vanguard teams did not encounter the enemy, nor were they harassed by the opponent's surveillance puppets.

Hillenberg said in the group's communication channel, "The team of crystal survivors may be waiting next to the flag."

"This is very likely." Heubron said, "We should invent a movable underwater reconnaissance prop, just like the Eye of Gruffel. Let them replace us and go to the opponent's flag to find out. .”

Gruffel's Eye, a vision-based spell of the detection school, is a high-level spell, also known as the Eye of the Observer.

It summons a magical eye capable of rapid movement.

This magical eye is fragile and hidden, and the spell fluctuations are relatively weak, and it can map the surrounding scene into the mind of the caster.

Once it is attacked or mounted with a hard object, the observer's eye will shatter, causing the spell to be forcibly interrupted. Generally speaking, it is only used for reconnaissance behind enemy lines.

The body of the Observer's Eye is relatively fragile and cannot withstand water pressure.

At the same time, for reasons of concealment, it is not appropriate to enchant it with a water pressure drainage circle.

Therefore, Hillenberg's team did not list it as a required spell for underwater combat.

Hillenberg has a deep understanding of this kind of magic and has done some research. He said:

"Then this kind of underwater reconnaissance prop must be used as a consumable. When the enemy discovers it, he will definitely smash it to pieces immediately. We have to carefully weigh the refining costs and benefits. Oh, wait, let me see It’s their turn.”

Team Hillenberger immediately stopped moving.

The same goes for Field Squad.

"The flag of the crystal remnants is about 160 meters directly in front of me, corresponding to land parcel F4:B2:A1." Hillenburg paused, identified it carefully, and then said:

"I saw their team. All four teams were standing by the flag, in silence."

"It seems that they are waiting for us to come to the door." Heubron pondered the opponent's strategic intention for a few seconds, "Everyone is ready to attack. Team leader and Field, you stand back a little and use underwater bullets to fire alternately to greet them. The rest Everyone aims at block F4:B2:A1 and shoots."

"Xia Zuo." Heubron called to the control console, "Help us correct the trajectory."

"Received, give it to me." Xia Zuo stared closely at the surveillance orb and found a combat map and pencil.

"Count down 5 seconds and launch the attack. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, fire!" Heubron suddenly pulled the trigger of the makeshift sniper rifle.

A line of water shot out from the muzzle, carrying a little bit of blue light from the magic circle, and quickly and silently rushed towards the target hundreds of meters away.

Sniper rifles, also known as precision shooter rifles, require manually pulling the bolt to eject the shell casing and loading.

The barrel is much longer than most rifles and is airtight until the bolt is pulled.

This means that almost all kinetic energy is concentrated on the bullet, and the bullet's exit speed and accuracy will be much higher than that of semi-automatic or fully automatic kinetic energy firearms.

In the first round of shooting, the underwater bullets fired by Hubron and the attacks of the two vanguard teams fell next to the team of crystal remnants at the same time.

The reaction speed of the crystal survivors was very fast. After they detected the rapidly approaching underwater bullets, they immediately opened the water shield to deflect the projectiles.

Just when they thought that the fast-flying underwater bullets would be deflected, more than a dozen groups of supercavitation bubbles appeared out of thin air, like white fireworks, blooming around the crystal survivors.

Sand and gravel rolled, rocks shattered, seawater rolled wildly, and the fragile supercavitation brought astonishing destructive power, devouring everything around the bubble like a hungry beast.

The crystal remnant's water shield became the first meal of the supercavitation.

This water spell, which uses high-speed water flow to deflect projectiles to the open spaces on both sides, encountered a formidable opponent. Their water flow was ruthlessly cut off by the supercavitation, turning into trivial water splashes and scattered in all directions, barely able to disperse the fine particles. The long underwater warhead deflected away.

The crystal remnant blocked most of the underwater bullets, but because the water shield technique was forcibly terminated, the combat puppets that fed it energy inevitably fell into a very brief pause.

The remaining underwater bullets caused effective damage. They carried circles of bubbles and penetrated into the team of crystal survivors, tearing apart the reactive deflection shields blocking them in front of them.

The blessing master of the crystal remnant strengthened the output power of the resistance halo launcher. The bright yellow aperture surrounded the position and bounced the underwater bullets away, but it was helpless against the supercavitation bubble.

Two battle puppets underestimated the power of the bubbles, were confused by the illusion of bubbles' fragility, and had their arms torn off in an instant.

"The effect is outstanding!" Xia Zuo cheered, "Out of the 13 underwater bullets, 10 were blocked, and the remaining 3 severely injured two combat puppets. The crystal survivors have not yet realized that the damage caused by the supercavitation , they are condensing a more powerful water shield, there are 6 combat puppets about to launch mines, be careful to avoid them!"

Xia Zuo's reminder was timely. Within two seconds after his words fell, a large piece of water laser was shot over.

This kind of projectile, which explodes after colliding with a hard object, was deflected by the members of Hillenberg's team with water shields.

Although the rumbling explosion was very lively, it only caused two minor injuries.

After nearly 20 seconds, the two shots were going back and forth on the ground.

Xia Zuo scribbled on the combat map, quickly drew a few solid lines with a pencil, did some mental calculations and said:

"Hubron, adjust the gun horizontally 6 degrees to the right, adjust the muzzle vertically 2 degrees downward, and reduce the power delay to 1.2 seconds. This shooting direction is facing the large army of crystal remnants."

"Copy that." Heubron paused shooting, turned the gear with a ratchet wrench, clicked, clicked, clicked, the gear rotated slightly, the adjustment was in place, and continued shooting!

"Danielle, you move horizontally 7 degrees to the left. There is a tubular coral in the direction of the ballistic trajectory. Blow it up. Then you can directly hit the opponent's densely populated area. The delay in reducing the power is also 1.2 seconds." Xia Zuo said.

"Copy that." Danielle's team briefly turned off the fire and then fired again. They first bombarded the tubular coral with water mines. After hearing the sound of collapse, they switched to shooting underwater bullets.

The crystal remnant lives up to the advantage of the rapid response brought by the crystal array.

Except for the first round of mines used to search for the location of Hillenberg's team, which was not actively detonated, subsequent mines exploded before hitting the water shield. Pieces of fragments swept through the space around the opponent, and the sea water rose. Dust, but failed to slow down Hillenberger's group's offensive.

In the next few minutes, everyone realized that they had underestimated the power of underwater bullets! Including the Hillenberg Group!

When a mine is launched, it takes about 1 second to adjust the direction of the explosion port, set the detonation method and explosion delay.

But underwater bullets don’t have to be so troublesome. You just need to adjust the shooting angle, inject the corresponding elemental energy into the gun, and adjust the delay time to reduce the power of the magic circle. Generally speaking, the firing interval should not exceed 0.5 seconds. If you are skilled enough, If so, it can be reduced to 0.3 seconds.

The shooting speed is faster than the opponent, and the bullet flight speed is more than twice that of the opponent. It consumes less energy and is powerful.

In a head-on firefight, the crystal remnants were definitely no match for Hillenberg's group.

"Two more opponents fell!" Xia Zuo shouted.

Hubron ordered:

"Field, lead the team to avoid our ballistic trajectory and move forward. Team leader, continue shooting to cover Field's team."


"Come on, Field! We will do our best to suppress them." Hillenburg increased the energy output as he spoke, supplying most of the energy to the underwater rifle in his hand.

Dense underwater bullets hit the water shield one after another. The sight of the spar survivors was lost in the violently shaking white bubbles. For a moment, they were unable to detect the movements of Field's team in time...

Or maybe they just can't muster the energy at all.

After discovering that water shields had little effect on underwater bullets, they tried stone shields and sand shields in turn, but they had no effect. In the face of the pressure difference of supercavitation, unless the hardness level reached above 100, they were all useless. No difference.

"Hubron, we are only 30 meters away from them." Field paused and lost a few numbers, "1, 2, 3...the remaining 8 people from the opponent are all next to the flag. Should we make a bet? Cluster bombs to blow them all up?”

There is a hidden way to win in Capture the Flag mode, which is to eliminate all enemy targets.

"Okay, Field. Throw accurately, you only have one chance." Hubron said.

Field raised his right fist behind a rock that served as a shelter, signaling the team members to stop, "Use my mine magazine as a cluster bomb. Quick, put all your mines in it."

On the back of Field's battle puppet, there is a metal tank like an oxygen bottle, which contains uncharged mines.

After the tank is disassembled, it can be thrown out and used as a cluster bomb. The detonation method is delayed detonation or manual detonation.

Field took the mine from his teammate, stuffed it into his own magazine, and poured almost all the energy into it. When the magazine was filled with blue light, he shouted:

"cover me!"

The team members raised their guns and fired, creating a barrage and blocking the view of the crystal survivors with dense bubbles.

Field took the opportunity to run forward wildly, twisting his body outside the explosion radius of the cluster bomb, and the magazine in his hand flew out of his hand in an arc.

A beautiful blue tail flame was ejected from the rear of the magazine, reaching the heads of the crystal survivors, and then falling straight down.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The sea floor trembled slightly, and the huge explosion echoed in the trench, weaving into a soul-shaking roar.

There were at least 60 mines stuffed into this cluster bomb, which could severely dig around the flag of the crystal remnants several times, and there would be absolutely no chance of any survivors.

The roar of the explosion lasted for nearly three minutes before slowly descending, and the dust in the sky gradually sank into the sand bed.

"Bang~" The alchemy room of the spar survivors turned on the lamp on the base, using the yellow and white lights to indicate that they were admitting defeat.

"Yeah! Win!"

"Hahaha! We won!"


"Underwater bullets turn out to be so powerful!"

Waves of cheers rang in Xia Zuo's ears, and he laughed happily.

Although it is a friendly match, friendship comes first and competition comes second, but I am happy when I win the game~

Heubron clenched his fists and waved, patting the improvised sniper rifle that had fallen apart, full of hope for the Hillenberg team's success.

Just 10 seconds before Field's team dropped the cluster bomb, the improvised sniper rifle reached its limit and exploded into parts with a bang...

Hubron's action of pulling the trigger was interrupted.

At this moment, he came to his senses from the frenzy of battle and glanced at the status of his teammates in just a few seconds.

It was a fighting state in which people and guns resonated. As long as people pulled the trigger, they could fire bullets to attack the enemy, without having to worry about the detonation method, explosion direction, detonation time and other messy parameters.

Pulling the trigger and popping, popping, is the real joy of shooting.

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