My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 225: Green Eyed Spinel Snake

The upper ocean of the western Mediterranean.

This place is close to the boundary line between the Silver Moon Federation and the Crystal Stone Remnant territory, and navigation can only be done with permission from the federal army.

The Sea Castle in Lumington City dispatched two towing ships with navigation licenses to guide the Hillenberg team's comprehensive underwater alchemy room back to the Sea Castle.

This return trip does not require the Hillenberg team to control the navigation direction, and can be used for post-war summary.

Beside the conference table in the alchemy room, the members were sitting in their seats, calmed down from the battle, and there was still a little joy on their faces.

For a team composed purely of alchemists, winning the first battle is definitely a morale-boosting thing.

They either communicated in low voices with their companions, or summed up their experiences on notepads with pens in their mouths.

Hillenburg's figure appeared in a teleportation beam. He had just gone to meet alone with Clara Ordrill, the leader of the Alchemist Group. Under the supervision of guards in both places, they had a pure exchange of alchemy. As with other areas, this is a requirement of the Temple Law.

"Guys, I'm back. Clara O'Drill praised our underwater bullets. Haha, he laughed at himself that his battle puppet is as fragile as a bubble in front of underwater bullets." Hillenburg laughed heartily. .

"They must be very curious about this kind of bullet, haha." Field laughed.

Heubron also laughed a few times, but then he frowned, "If you ask me, with the alchemy qualifications of the spar survivors, it is not difficult to discover the existence of supercavitation. Maybe they will soon. developed.”

"Don't panic, Heubron. Hehe." Hillenburg smiled meaningfully and said:

“The feedback results on our underwater bullet patent will be out soon.

"The live footage of the battle just now was sent to the castle manager by the guards of the Sea Castle. If nothing else, Lumington City's Category 3 Disaster Response Department will help us make a strong underwater push. The patent application process for bullets.”

All the members laughed lowly.

Within the Alchemical School, patents are sacred and inviolable.

Once the patent application is approved, it will receive patent protection for up to 100 years.

During this period, anyone who infringes on the patents of others will be sanctioned by the Alchemy School.

Many times, alchemists who deliberately want to plagiarize other people's alchemical results can achieve the purpose of bypassing patents and imitating certain alchemical tools by controlling the degree of similarity.

But this approach may not work on underwater bullets.

Before the team applied for a patent for underwater bullets, Xia Zuo took some time to recall the information about underwater bullets in his previous life.

According to the introduction of the military museum, the use scenarios of underwater bullets are very limited.

Due to water pressure and material limitations, it can only be used within a range of 100 meters underwater, and can only be used in special operations by frogman troops.

The underwater bullets developed by various countries are basically the same. They are basically long bullets with patterns engraved on them.

Xia Zuo intended to help the team monopolize the patent for underwater bullets, so he applied for all underwater bullets of different sizes, specifications, and materials.

That’s a lot of expense!

Because of size, specification and material, every 1 to 3 parameter changes in these three dimensions is a new underwater bullet.

Especially the material.

Within the school of alchemy, there are as many as 110 mortal metals that can be used to refine underwater bullets, and there are thousands of enchanting materials evolved on this basis.

Due to limited funds, Xia Zuo only asked the group to apply once for Mortal Materials.

Even so, their one-time application for the underwater bullet patent included more than 460 sub-projects, and the total patent application fee was approximately 350,000 citizen points.

As an investor, Xia Zuo’s spare funds on hand were suddenly reduced to

[Federal Citizen Points] 21,700 points

It's worth it.

Xia Zuo has calculated that if imitators want to use enchanting materials to make underwater bullets, they will find that it is better to pay Xia Zuo a royalties and use mortal metals as raw materials. Enchanting materials It is much more expensive than patent royalties.

Secondly, the 350,000 citizen points that Xia Zuohua spent have begun to show results.

The Emergency Response Department of the City of Lumington is very fond of this cheap and lethal underwater bullet, and is willing to help you do your homework to reduce some application difficulties.

Their only condition is that they can get a good discount when purchasing patent rights from Xia Zuo in the future.

Xia Zuo agreed almost without thinking.

He had always avoided the trouble of socializing with people, and it would be nice to have someone do it for him.

In addition, Xia Zuo also knew that his underwater bullet patent was attributed to Hillenberg's team.

He signed a sharing agreement with the members, and a portion of the royalties recorded would be paid to the members of the Hillenberg group.

This amount of money is small but indispensable. It can strengthen the sense of identity and avoid gaps.

Xia Zuo still has this bit of self-knowledge.

At this time, everyone heard that Alchemist Alchemist had become interested in underwater bullets, and they immediately had the prospect that the price of the patent rights would rise. The smiles on their faces became more and more real.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic." Hillenburg pulled up his chair and sat down. "We won the battle just now wonderfully. But there are many details that we need to think and reflect on rationally."

"Let's start with me." Hillenburg paused and then said:

"I want to ask Kra Ordrill about the basic performance parameters of their battle puppets. Most of them have level 86 hardness, level 72 toughness, and are equipped with crystal array control modules..."

Hillenburg spent 2 minutes briefly introducing the battle puppet of Arcane Alchemist.

The group members compared the oral content and wrote down the information on notepads.

“Overall, they were more probing in this friendly match.

"They deliberately lowered the basic performance of the combat puppets to about 85% of ours, and the battle strategy they adopted was completely conservative. They tried to use pure defense to induce us to reveal our hidden attack methods."

Hillenburg's words prompted a murmur from the group.

"So scheming."

"It feels like I've been trapped."

"No wonder they chose to huddle next to the flag."

Hillenburg knocked on the table, signaled the team members to be quiet, and said:

"This is not all bad. As I said before, the patent for underwater bullets is very important. We also need to have a unique trump card to widen the gap with other groups."

The team members turned their attention to the corner of the conference table.

Xia Zuo scratched his head modestly and smiled...

Before coming up with the idea of ​​underwater bullets, he had been mentally prepared to deal with the attention, but when he became the focus of everyone, he still couldn't help but feel nervous... his social phobia suddenly broke out.

"In addition, when I was communicating with Clara Ordrill, I discovered a drawback of underwater bullets." Hillenberg helped Xia Zuo out of the situation in time and mobilized the attention of the team members.

“The lethality of underwater bullets comes from the pressure difference caused by supercavitation.

"Kra Ordrill said that after being attacked by intensive underwater bullets, they guessed that the bubbles were tearing apart the combat puppets. They were planning to actively create a large bubble to resist the underwater bullets, but they were all destroyed by Field's cluster bombs. We have the power to test whether this idea is feasible."

Hillenburg turned his seat and looked at the culture tank in the alchemy room, and the team members also looked there.

Hillenberg pressed the control panel of the culture tank with the hand of wind, poured seawater into the tank, and created many bubbles, causing the seawater inside to roll like boiling water.

"Heubron, try firing an underwater bullet." Hillenburg said.

"Okay, team leader." Heubron picked up an underwater rifle from the weapon rack, inserted the barrel into the sleeve on the side of the culture tank, adjusted the power of the water pressure array, and buttoned the the trigger.

"Bang" "Bang"

As soon as the underwater bullet left the muzzle, it was disturbed by the bubbles. Before it hit the opposite tank wall, it deviated from its trajectory and hit the glass softly.

Slender long-rod bullets are indeed more susceptible to complex environmental factors, and there is no way to avoid this.

"This experiment is not rigorous enough, but it can prove that the idea of ​​the Arcane Alchemist has certain feasibility."

Hillenburg emptied the seawater in the culture tank, faced the conference table and said:

“It is normal for underwater bullets to have such a response method.

“If in actual combat, an opponent deliberately creates large bubbles to deal with underwater bullets, we need to be more flexible.

"The existence of the bubble weakens the supercavitation, but it also blinds the enemy's sight. We can switch to mines in time to attack them."

Speaking of sight... Xia Zuo raised his right arm with a thought in his mind.

"Xia Zuo, tell me, what do you think?" Hillenberg asked.

"That's it, team leader." Xia Zuo considered his words for a second, "I think we need to develop an auxiliary item that can continuously track the enemy. When I used the surveillance orb to observe the battlefield, I found that once the battle situation becomes intense, , sand and rocks fly randomly, and the sea water becomes turbid, both warring parties will lose their targets."

Hu Bron also raised his right arm, nodded and said:

"I agree with Xia Zuo's point of view. In fact, if the Arcane Alchemist chooses to travel quickly, the hit rate of underwater bullets will drop significantly. After all, the range of supercavitation dragged by its tail spit is narrow and far inferior to the fan-shaped shape of the mine. The killing surface is large.”

"That's a good suggestion." Hillenburg thought for a few seconds and asked Heubron:

"What did the federal army do? Is there anything we can learn from?"

"Well, team leader, if they are fighting in an aphotic zone environment, the federal army's approach is actually similar to ours, such as sonic detection, ballistic positioning, detecting spell light, etc. The difference is that if the army encounters a deception, it will Choose to cover areas where targets are likely to be with heavy weapons.”

Hu Bron spread his hands and said:

"The combat puppet we developed is more suitable for individual special operations. In the actual combat competition of the research and development competition, there is no opportunity to cooperate with other arms.

“So, I think we should put aside the militarized approach and use alchemist methods to solve the problem of tracking targets.

“Just like the Golden Wattle Sisterhood developed nectar tracking technology.”

"Sound advice, Heubron." Hillenburg nodded.

Danielle on the side intervened in the topic and said:

"We can add visualization functions to the tracking technology that will be developed to shorten the on-site reaction time and enhance the accuracy of pointing."

Hillenburg rolled his eyes in thought and muttered, "Visualization... tracking... let me think about it..."

He opened his desk with the hand of wind, took out the encyclopedia of underwater monsters written by himself, and searched for answers in the pages.

"Ha~ I found it. Fortunately, you reminded me, Danielle. The eyes of the jade-eyed spinel are just right to help."

Hillenburg laughed loudly, spread the pages of the book on the table, his eyes flashed excitedly, "I have a method that can help us track the target and also has the function of visualization."

Hillenburg took the page from his binder and held it in his hand to show the group.

“The eyes of the jade-eyed jade snake can see beams of light of a specific color.

"This special function brought by the mutant organ does not require the use of elemental energy and will not increase the energy consumption level of the combat puppet.

"The most important thing is that according to my research on the blue-eyed sapodilla snakes, their saliva contains unique markers that emit light beams that are difficult for ordinary people to see.

"These beams of light are not the light of elements, nor are they the light caused by sunlight or magic. Only the eyes of the jade-eyed spinel snake can see it."

Hillenburg looked at the anatomical diagram of the blue-eyed sapodilla with a smile, "I call this marker [blue-eyed beam marker], and when the blue-eyed sapodilla sees the special function of the beam, it It’s called [Blue Eyes Vision].”

"Team leader." Danielle raised her hand and asked, "You mean, we modeled the eyes and salivary glands of the jade-eyed sapodilla snake, made the corresponding alchemy device, and then installed it on the battle puppet? Um...I I’m not sure whether this green-eyed beam will be interfered by bubbles and seawater..."

Hillenburg shook his hand, "Probably not, Danielle."

He stretched out his finger and clicked on the text on the page, "Look, the place where I found the green-eyed sapodilla snake was close to an underwater volcano. The temperature there was extremely high, and poisonous gas erupted from the cracks in the ground. Bubbles Dense, in this environment, the diving room I was driving was still overtaken by the jade-eyed sapodilla..."

Hillenberg seemed to be more touched by that experience, and shared his experience of studying the blue-eyed sapodilla with the team members.

When Xia Zuo heard that when the Blue Eyed Spinel Snake activated [Blue Eyed Vision], its originally gray-white eyes would be covered with a layer of green film, he couldn't help but touch his head...

BiTong Beam Marker... Why do their functions of BiTong Vision sound so familiar?

According to Hillenberg's description, it is not difficult for Xia Zuo to think that the so-called [Blue Eye Beam] should be a kind of invisible light.

Biantong beam marker is a kind of biotin that can emit invisible light.

Blue pupil vision is an optical instrument that can accept invisible light of a specific wavelength. What is it called?

Xia Zuo grabbed his hair a few times and tried to remember the name of the thing he also saw in the military museum.

Infrared filter?

That should be the name.

Its principle is to block light in other bands and only allow infrared light to pass through. It is generally used in night vision products, detectors, communication devices or security monitoring fields.

If a special dye is added to the filter and the refractive index is changed, the filtered invisible light can be converted into visible light of a specific color.

So... the special function of the eyes of that blue-eyed sapodilla snake is almost the same as a light filter?

Interesting..Biological filters.

Xia Zuo nodded thoughtfully.

The alchemists at the conference table are discussing the principles of the special functions of the jade-eyed spinel...

Xia Zuo, who already knew the answer, pretended to listen...

After returning to the Sea Castle, Hillenburg's team first took care of the 16 battle puppets that had just experienced the battle, and then began busy research work according to each person's division of labor.

Xia Zuo is still the same as before, cooperating with Hillenberg to develop the alchemy bionic system.

Hillenburg approached the castle administrator and requested the deployment of an underwater warfare team.

He, Xia Zuo, and this combat team temporarily invited to help, drove another diving boat and sailed south for nearly two days, successfully capturing a group of green-eyed sapodilla snakes in the aphotic zone. .

This was the first time that Xia Zuo stayed overnight in Lumington City, and it was two nights in a row. It took him a lot of effort to appease his fiancée who was staying at home.

After returning to the Sea Castle, Xia Zuo went home to rest for a day...

At noon the next day.

When Xia Zuo arrived at the ocean observation room, most of the captured blue-eyed sapodilla snakes had been dissected, leaving only a few as living specimens.

Hillenberger carefully separated a green film from the eyes of the blue-eyed sasozoids.

This is valuable sample material. Use one copy and you will lose one.

Hillenberg's team prepared a total of 8 films, as well as 3 living blue-eyed sacrificial snakes as backup.

Hillenberg placed these 8 copies of the film, as well as the dissected blue-eyed sapodilla snake, in front of the trustworthy poison alchemist.

"Xia Zuo, Heubron and the others are improving their underwater sniper rifles. I have to help them."

Hillenburg patted the other party's shoulder and said, "For the time being, you will be responsible for studying the principles of the special functions of the Blue-Eyed Sacrifice. When Hubron's business is finished, I will come over and study with you."

"Oh, okay, team leader. I will do my best." Xia Zuo said honestly, watching the team leader lift the curtain and leave the experimental area.

Okay, I have to copy the answer from the military museum again.

When other people traveled through time, they were just civil servants. When I arrived, I became a porter of Earth’s technology. I was still the kind of porter who had to complicatedly transform science and technology into alchemy technology...

Xia Zuo silently complained a few words in his heart, and then settled down to study the jade-eyed spinel snake.

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