"Let me see how many stone jaw monsters are well developed and have reached the requirement of 10 points of [vitality]."

Xia Zuo used the [Snow Covering Technique] to disguise himself, crawling in the snow and looking at the ice lake.

Like a caretaker raising stone jaws, he checked the bodies of the stuffed monsters on the lake one by one.

The Detection Technique followed the sight of the stone jaw monster and fed back a series of information.






Basically, for every 50 Stonejaw monsters, there will be 1 qualified product with [Vitality] reaching 10 points.

Xia Zuo observed for half an hour and concluded a pattern.

Those stone jaw monsters with thick hair on their bodies, thick limbs, and fat muscles are actually of no use to them.

The more hair you have, the bigger you are, and the stronger your body hair and body fat are in resisting wind and snow, but the lower your [vitality] is.

On the contrary, if the stone jaw monster is skinny and skinny, has no body hair, and still looks energetic, then its [Vitality] must be more than 10 points.

This is somewhat counterintuitive, but it has racial characteristics supported by internal logic.

Obviously, for monsters such as Stonejaw, the evolutionary direction is to be lean and hairless, and eventually become almost like humans...


Except for their chins...

Their chins should be the only thing that doesn't change. All Stonejaws have uniformly fat chins that hang under their mouths like heavy sandbags, covering their necks.

Xia Zuo quietly recorded the information he observed.

Look at those Stonejaw monsters holding magic staffs.

According to Rexall, this stone jaw monster has good spell-casting ability, and is also called a stone jaw monster mage. It is good at earth and ice spells, and in rare cases, it can also master fire spells.

The Stonejaw mage's specialty spell is [Summon Freeze Golem] - a white rock golem that can be large or small in size and covered with hard rock.

The life level of the stone jaw mage is higher than that of the ordinary stone jaw monster, and the [vitality] is above 15 points.

If Xia Zuo wanted to recover their vitality, he would have to resort to surprise attacks or assassinations. If the Stonejaw mage summoned the frozen soil puppets, the situation would become complicated...

For regular temple mages, if they want to harvest so many monsters at once, they must travel in groups and divide them into combat units.

But Xia Zuo doesn't have to be so troublesome.

He is the poison alchemist.

If you want to accurately clear out certain targets in a huge group, Xia Zuo is far better than the demon hunters and the shopkeeper's mage.

This requires the use of triggering lethal poison.

Such toxins are produced in duplicate, one as a trigger and the other as a latent agent.

Latent agents spread through air, water, and food. After being inhaled or taken by the target, they will lie dormant in the body for a long time without causing any abnormality. When the incubation period is over, the latent agent will disintegrate on its own and become ineffective.

The triggering agent is administered through injection, oral administration, poison curse, etc. After combining with the latent agent, it will form a highly poisonous agent that will kill the target within seconds.

Xia Zuo avoided the Stonejaw mage and used the gas cloud form to wander around the Stonejaw's cave for two days, collecting enough biological materials for the Stonejaw monster.

He set up a temporary foothold on the south side of the ice lake, an ice cave hidden under the snow.

Xia Zuo took out the portable alchemy equipment from his folded pocket and used the collected biological materials of the Stonejaw monster to spend three days analyzing the compound toxins that are highly toxic to the Stonejaw monster.

He turned on all cylinders and immersed himself in refining the poison.

In the end, hundreds of bottles of highly concentrated latent agents were obtained, as well as 10 corresponding bottles of trigger agents.

The wind direction over the ice lake is very chaotic, and the strong winds from all directions gather here, hoarse and intertwine with each other.

Casting Lurking Agent Aerosol on an icy lake is not a good option.

Moreover, the latent agent aerosol has a very weak toxin light, which may be detected by the stone jaw mage.

Xia Zuo thought about it and came up with a good idea.


Stonejaw eats fish in glacial lakes all year round.

Now it’s time to give them a change.

Xia Zuo took a detour to the forest east of Ice Lake and captured a dozen fat, demonized giant bears.

These demonized giant bears have a fat layer as thick as three fingers. After processing, the yellow-brown fat can be used as a candle.

The meat of each part of the demonized bear has different textures, and humans can only eat a few parts.

But in the eyes of the Stonejaw, the demonized giant bear's entire body is full of food.

Every time Xia Zuo catches a demonized giant bear, he will inject the latent agent into various parts of the demonized giant bear dozens of times, ensuring that every layer of meat and grease from the inside to the outside is flowing with the latent agent.

He drove the demonized bear he had dealt with towards the ice lake.

The stone jaw monsters successfully discovered this group of demonized giant bears covered with scars, and they used human sea tactics to hunt the demonized giant bears.

The Stonejaw mage also took action.

Five Stonejaw mages stood together, guarded by Stonejaw guards.

They raised their stone staffs and summoned 5 frozen soil puppets.

These five puppets are twice as tall as humans, and billowing cold air escapes from their white shells.

The stone jaw mage controlled the frozen soil puppet and rushed into the center of the battlefield to fight with the injured and rampaging demonized giant bear.

Xia Zuo saw the power of the frozen soil puppet for the first time. The opponent was much more flexible than it looked. A series of difficult movements such as running to jump, high jumping to smash, rolling to dodge, etc. were all performed smoothly.

The frozen soil puppet's thick fist hit the snowy ground with a clang, covering an extremely large area of ​​frost-white soil.

The fierce and swift figure made Xia Zuo suddenly vigilant.

No wonder Rexall specifically emphasized in the intelligence that the stone jaw mage must not summon the frozen soil puppet.

Xia Zuo was secretly glad that he did not choose to fight head-on.

The stone jaw monster successfully killed the demonized giant bear, at the cost of more than 30 lives.

They transport the corpses of their kind back to the ice lake and process them together with the corpses of the demonized giant bears.

Cramp, peel the skin, peel off the fat, cut off the meat.

Dried meat, boiled fat candles, and used sinew and skin to make leather clothing and short bows.

Everything went in the direction Xia Zuo expected.

The poisonous light in the fat and meat of the demonized bear did not arouse the suspicion of the stone jaw mage.

It is normal for monsters to have toxins in their bodies.

The Stonejaws disposed of the bodies of the giant bear and its companions, and began to celebrate the harvest.

They lit candles made of giant bear fat on the edge of glacial lakes and in caves.

The warm firelight illuminated their writhing figures.

Pieces of bear meat skewers that are fragrant (for stone jaw monsters only), freshly baked in a simple earthen oven.

Xia Zuo was prostrate on a nearby hill, his eyes glowing with faint green light.

Watching the stone jaws eat giant bear meat rich in latent agents, watching the thin mist produced after burning candles being inhaled by the stone jaws...

Xia Zuo smiled with satisfaction.

Stonejaw monsters are really a bunch of simple-minded humanoid monsters with great mobility. It only took them one day to successfully infect the entire group with latent agent toxin.

The first phase of Xia Zuo's plan was officially achieved.

Now, it's time to move on to the next phase.

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