The stonejaws were reveling in the cave, and heavy breathing began to appear amidst the noisy jubilation.

As a group of monsters with a strong desire to reproduce, the first thing they do after eating and drinking is pretty much the same: mating, falling down panting, and snoring into a deep sleep.

Xia Zuo waited quietly for the opportunity.

He temporarily withdrew his gaze from the eye-catching scene and returned to his ice cave to prepare.

What method is used to inject or take triggering agents to specific targets?

Xia Zuo has a wonderful idea.

He drew a hand-drawn map of the Stonejaw caves.

The combination of Hematin Servant + Crimson Curse is just right for the current situation.

He now has 50 [Spirit] points, which is 200 mental slots.

There are 100 small elements and 1 large element in the spiritual ocean, temporarily occupying 110 spiritual slots.

The spiritual medium carrying the knowledge of bait element occupies 40 spiritual slots.

The remaining 50 mental slots are idle.

In other words, there are about 12 points of mental attribute value, which can be freely controlled by Xia Zuo.

He planned to make 10 hemonic servants, each of which would be responsible for an area of ​​the Trogg's cave.

First mark the target with Hemonic Servants, then clear the target area by area.

In this process, the hematin servant will recover [vitality] on behalf of Xia Zuo - Xia Zuo has done experiments and it is feasible.

Xia Zuo spent some time, combined with the resuscitation potion, and made 10 hematin servants with 200 health points in one go, numbered No. 1 to No. 10 respectively.

He controlled 10 minions, flew out of the ice cave in a group, and flew into the stone jaw monster's cave against the cold wind.

The hemogen servants flew close to the cave ceiling, arrived at the designated location in half an hour, and locked all targets with hemogen markers.

After confirming that most of the stone jaw monsters in the cave were asleep, Xia Zuo set about setting up the magic circle for the poison-burning ceremony.

[Crimson Poison Curse] is a high-level spell exclusive to Poison Alchemists. It has a strange spell effect principle, secret spell fluctuations, and casts conditions that ignore space and geographical restrictions.

All of this requires the cooperation of the Jiangdu magic circle, otherwise Xia Zuo will not be able to accurately locate the target of the spell, causing the spell to accidentally backfire and bring a curse to himself.

Xia Zuo poured the triggering agent into an open porcelain jar, soaked his left hand in the venom of the triggering agent, and lightly pressed the magic circle on the table with his right hand.

He activated [Toxin Sense] and watched the changes in light on the magic circle.

A nearly transparent ring is suspended directly above the magic circle.

The triggering agent venom flowed into the palm of Xia Zuo's left hand, and countless small green light spots floated out from Xia Zuo's right hand.

These green light spots slowly floated upward and were swallowed by the transparent ring.

Xia Zuo turned his attention to the perspective of Hemonic Servant No. 1.

He controls the minion to come to the first target.

This is a stone jaw monster curled up on its side, sleeping soundly while hugging the leg bone of a giant bear.

Servant No. 1 got between his nose and scattered a handful of green light spots like a moth flapping its wings.

Then, Servant No. 1 flew to another target...

Repeat this step more than ten times until the first area is detoxified.

Everything was done quietly, without arousing the vigilance of any stone jaw monsters.

Xia Zuo raised his right hand and wrote the current time on the notepad next to the magic circle.

【20:14 pm. 】

Based on observations over the past few days, the Stonejaw's cave patrol starts from the leader's residence deep in the cave and ends at the cave entrance.

Every half hour, a patrol will set off, conduct a tour within 30 minutes, and then return to the camp next to the leader's residence.

The last patrol ended 2 minutes ago.

Theoretically, it would be 28 minutes before the patrol would find the deceased.

There is still plenty of time left for Xia Zuo.

He glanced at Servant No. 1's perspective.

The dozen Stonejaw monsters that had been given triggers were twitching slightly, reaching out and scratching as if they had a nightmare, and whimpering sounds came from their throats.

After a few seconds, they stretched their bodies, stretched comfortably, and then stopped breathing.

Groups of bright green light that only Xia Zuo could see floated out from these stone jaw monsters. Some of them were absorbed by Servant No. 1, and most of them quickly dissipated in the air.

The panel of Servant No. 1 changes.

【Vitality +3】

These 3 points of recovered vitality need to wait until Servant No. 1 returns to the ice cave before they can be mastered by Xia Zuo.

Xia Zuo asked Servant No. 1 to hide at the entrance of the cave to ensure that he would not be discovered, and then turned his attention to Servant No. 2.

The hemogen servants turned into death reapers tonight.

Under the control of the mastermind behind the scenes, they silently took away the lives of monsters one by one.

No one will know what happened to the Troggs tonight.

The time comes after 25 minutes.

10 hematin servants gathered at the entrance of the cave.

They flew together again, passed through the obstruction of wind and snow, and arrived at the ice cave where Xia Zuo was.

Xia Zuo held them in the palm of his hand, called up the character panel, and manually dismissed Servant No. 1.

A golden message comes to mind.

"It has been detected that the host is disbanding Hemonic Servant No. 1. This servant has 1 point of mental attribute value and 4 points of vitality attribute value. It is predicted that after dissolving, the host will recover 1 point of [Spirit] and gain 4 points of [Vitality].

"Are you sure to dismiss this servant?"

"Confirm dissolution." Xia Zuo muttered silently.

"Disbandment is successful. The host's [Vitality] increases by 3 points, and 3 usable blood patterns are obtained."

Xia Zuo dismissed the hemogen servants one by one and gained a total of 40 points of vitality and the same amount of blood streaks.

It only took a few days to harvest such a large amount of vitality, which was comparable to drinking ten apprentice-level rejuvenation potions.

This trip was a huge profit.

Xia Zuo secretly rejoiced.

He quickly cleaned up the ice cave, wiped away all traces of his life and alchemy, and used ice control to destroy the load-bearing structure of the ice cave.

After witnessing the ice cave collapse into nothing, Xia Zuo used wind movement and ice barrier to leave here.

Since then, the trip to the ice lake has ended.

There is no fierce battle, no collision of spells and rays of light, and no bloody killing.

Xia Zuo used fatal tranquility to get what he wanted without leaving any trace, without harming the weak Stonejaw monsters that had little benefit.

When he bypassed the Stonejaw's territory from the west shore of the ice lake and landed on the snowy mountain just north of the Ice Lake, the hematin mark left on the Stonejaw's body shifted.

This shows that the stone jaw monsters who died in their sleep were discovered by the patrol.

Xia Zuo looked back at the firelight on the horizon, and could vaguely see groups of rampaging stone jaw monsters rushing out of the cave with torches, searching for the whereabouts of the murderer around the ice lake.

The stonejaws were destined to gain nothing.

With their intelligence, they could only attribute the accidental life and death of their tribesmen to the deadly poison in the demon bears.

Xia Zuo rubbed his fingers to dissolve the blood mark, then transformed into a gas cloud again and disappeared into the vast snow-capped mountains.

As for the latent agent in the Stonejaw's body, it will disintegrate on its own after 24 hours.

Everything is under control.

Where is the next stop?

Xia Zuo was floating while recalling the plan for this trip in his mind.

The Pillars of Creation is an active volcano that may erupt at any time.

Its underground magma zone covers half of the frozen snowfield.

After walking tens of kilometers north from the ice lake and digging about 50 meters underground, you may find underground magma.

Countless underground rivers were heated by the magma belt and turned into scalding hot spring water, giving birth to many energetic monsters.

Xia Zuo thought for a moment, changed his direction slightly, and flew straight to the northeast.

On a certain mountain there, there was a large group of tall frozen snow monsters.

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