Deep in the snowfield, 200 kilometers away from the Silver Moon Federation's Eternal Winter City.

A group of icy snow monsters covered with long white hair were stepping on the thick snow, moving their strong legs, and going back and forth between the settlement on the top of the mountain and the forest below the mountain.

Their arms are also covered with long white hair. Occasionally, strong winds blow by, blowing up the long hair, revealing their huge dark muscles.

The snow monster waved its arms, tearing at the tree trunk with the sharp grappling hooks on its fingertips, and broke a towering tree with its bare hands.

The big tree fell, crushing other big trees, and the loud rumbling sound echoed in the valley.

No need to worry about avalanches.

The snow monster has a body of at least 3 meters high and a walking distance of about 2 meters. If it runs like crazy, it only takes a few minutes to return to its home on the top of the mountain.

The clever snow monster swept away the snow on the way back to the village, ensuring that the escaping snow monster could climb the mountain without any hindrance.

Their wisdom is also reflected in the architecture.

Huge houses made of huge rocks are placed on the top of the mountain like tofu blocks.

The seemingly chaotic layout hints at the social class of the snow monster.

The higher the status, the more spacious the residence and the wider the area.

In addition, the prominent snow monster will be closer to the large hot spring located on the top of the mountain.

Wendigos have mastered spells that promote the rapid growth of animals and monsters.

They cast such spells on the spring water, and then pour it on the animals and monsters raised in the valley to obtain a steady supply of food.

In rare cases, snow monsters will also pour spring water with added ingredients into humans.

Just like what Xia Zuo sees now.

A group of naked humans were imprisoned in a stone cage by a snow monster.

They shivered and huddled together for warmth, huddled in the corner of the cell near the hot spring.

The cold wind brought intermittent warmth, barely saving them from hypothermia death.

Where did these people come from?

Xia Zuo hid behind the rocks near the hot spring, thinking about this problem.

He didn't dare approach the cage in his gas cloud form.

Because each snow monster has more than 15 points of [Spirit], all members are proficient in ice, wind and earth spells.

Pulling out a random Yeti can easily destroy a Stonejaw patrol without a Stonejaw mage.

According to Rexall, the Yeti is a truly high-intelligence monster.

Their stone buildings may seem simple, but they actually have certain automatic attack capabilities. They will regularly detect nearby intruders, fire ice spikes at them, and buzz to call the snow monster guards.

Xia Zuo turned into a gas cloud and hid behind a rock far away from the hot spring.

He took out the secret message ring and sent a secret message to Rexor.

While waiting for a reply, Xia Zuo made a hematin servant and used it to detect the situation of the snow monster settlement.


Except for the wendigos in the juvenile and aging stages, the wendigos in all other growth stages have more than 10 points of vitality.

It is not easy to poison the snow monster with the Curse of Crimson Poison.

Xia Zuo was a little confused.

These humanoid monsters with big heads and thick necks have good eating habits.

They sterilize the meat of their prey to completely eliminate toxins before cooking it.

As for fat, skin, tendons, internal organs and other materials, they will be used to feed animals and monsters, and will not be used as rations for snow monsters.

The success rate of spreading latent agents over a wide area is minimal.

Xia Zuo had to give up the poisonous curse.

At present, it seems that it is a better method to select lonely snow monsters and lure them into traps to kill them.

Xia Zuo recalled the blood element servants and began to build his own temporary base.

Taking into account the snow monster's higher intelligence and wider range of activities, Xia Zuo built the ice cave on the other side of the mountain, about 2 kilometers away from the snow monster's habitat.

As soon as he built the ice cave, he received a secret message from Rexor.

Xia Zuo glanced at the message, raised his hand and swept the ice around him, carving a place for the coming bald head.

Rexall said on the secret message:

A team of about 50 alchemists from the Kingdom of Wildhammer lost contact deep in the frozen snowfield.

According to several survivors who fled back to the northern cities of the Kingdom of Wildhammer, they were attacked by three giant frost dragons in the frozen snowfield.

No other survivor information is available at this time.

Rexor only said this much in the secret message, without revealing the specific identity of the alchemist.

But Xia Zuo thinks... this team of alchemists in the Wildhammer Kingdom are probably members of the Wildhammer Alchemist Association.

The humans he found in the Yeti colony were probably a group of Wildhammer alchemists who got separated from the large army in the frozen snowfield.

For the Temple and the Alchemy School, this group of people is a valuable talent cultivated with a large amount of materials and knowledge.

After receiving Xia Zuo's secret training, Rexor immediately reported Xia Zuo's discovery to the outer palace.

He has been assigned a rescue mission and will arrive at Xia Zuo's current location as soon as possible.

After the two reunited, they launched a rescue operation together.

Xia Zuo placed Rexor's secret message ring on the ice table and used alchemical powder to draw a magic circle to strengthen the spatial coordinates of the ring so that the bald head could locate it more easily.

Xia Zuo spent two days in meditation, and on the evening of the third day, he became bald.

Rexor's whole body was wrapped in swirling snowflakes, and his appearance was the same color as the snow. It was a more advanced form of [Ice Barrier].

He flew close to the ground at an extremely fast speed and arrived at the entrance of the ice cave like a big rolling snowball.

The snowflakes flew away, and the bald figure appeared among the falling snowflakes.

"How have the situation been in the past two days? Have the number of human prisoners been reduced?" Rexor asked as he stepped into the ice cave.

Xia Zuo waved his hand to seal the entrance of the cave, using the snow layer as a camouflage, and said at the same time:

"Two human captives froze to death, and the snow monster dragged their bodies into the snow monster palace on the top of the mountain. The condition of the rest is not very good, with severe frostbite and they may die at any time."

"Hmm..." Rexor sighed deeply, walked to the ice table and looked at the hand-drawn map on the table.

Xia Zuo introduced, "This is what I drew after my reconnaissance. The left is the surface map, and the right is the underground map. This group of snow monsters are very skilled in earth magic. They have almost hollowed out the mountain above the mountainside and built a huge underground area."

Rexor frowned and looked at the underground map on the right. The notes on it made the bald man's expression grow darker.

He tapped the small squares on the map with his finger and said in a rather ominous tone, "Have they mastered alchemy? 1, 2, 3, 4,... a total of 15 alchemy material warehouses and alchemy rooms. Biological Alchemy Room , Monster Alchemy Room, Herb Alchemy Room, Ore Alchemy Room, these snow monsters imprisoned the alchemists of the Wildhammer Kingdom, is it to extract the knowledge of mineral alchemy?"

Xia Zuo scratched his head, "I don't understand the language of snow monsters, so I'm not sure. But once, when I used a hemogen servant to sneak underground, I saw a group of snow monsters forcibly dismantling the alchemy metal box. "

Xia Zuo pointed to a square on the map, "Right here, an alchemy room covering an area of ​​hundreds of square meters."

He recalled as he said:

"Those metal boxes have the emblem of the Wildhammer Alchemist Association on them. Such boxes generally have an anti-disassembly function. If they are forcibly opened, the safety device in the box will immediately destroy the contents.

"The snow monsters seem to know this. They are very careful when dismantling the box. They will first use wind spells to deeply detect the internal structure, and then remove the security device of the metal box bit by bit."

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