Xia Zuo stopped on the top of a mountain, turned around and looked at the gathering place of snow monsters.

After he connected the tower with the spacecraft, he gained a new understanding of the Mage Tower.

If the mage tower can really be transformed into a kind of aircraft, then the temple's roundup of all monsters that touch the tower-related spells will have another meaning.

The temple is preventing monsters from taking off, which is directly related to the pollution of the starry sky.

This kind of internal and external connection may greatly strengthen the monsters, and may also trigger the invasion of new strange monsters or monster species.

The temple may have already understood this matter, so it adopts the toughest attitude towards the monsters in the territory, either directly eliminating them or putting them into bio-alchemy cultivation tanks, or strictly restricting the development of spells and alchemy levels.


Something doesn't feel right.

Xia Zuo frowned and thought.

Has the Church of Strange Demons mastered the method of taking off?

The temple obviously has no good way to deal with the forbidden magic field and cannot forcibly interfere with what happens in the forbidden magic field.

Thinking of the appearance and panel data of the high-level alien demon monitor, Xia Zuo believes that it is not impossible for this super large alien demon with its own permanent suspension characteristics to fly to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

What would happen if the Strange Demon Church had a direct connection with the starry sky and was further strengthened?

Xia Zuo thought of the forbidden magic field.

This kind of thing that can seal the laws of elements is unlikely to come from nature.

The forbidden magic field is most likely related to some kind of props given to the Strange Demon Church by Xingkong.

At this point, a set of persuasive internal logic has been formed regarding the relationship between the starry sky, aircraft, natural laws and forbidden magic fields.

Of course, it is only convincing to Xia Zuo.

After all, the information he can master now is limited, and when he speculates on the relationship between various things, he will inevitably bring subjective assumptions.

Xia Zuo looked at the fire in the snow monster settlement, gradually calmed down and continued on his way north.

After drifting north for more than a hundred kilometers, Xia Zuo had to move forward on foot.

Snowflakes as big as the mouth of a basin fell overwhelmingly. The strong wind swept the falling snow and slapped it on Xia Zuo's Qiyun body. Within a few seconds, Xia Zuo's ice barrier would collapse and his blood volume would drop sharply.

After experiencing his body being blown away by the wind several times, he landed on the ground honestly, covered his face with a hood and mask, tightly wrapped himself in a brightly embroidered cloak, and braved the cold wind, step by step. Heading towards the huge mountain peaks on the horizon.

The wind and snow became more and more fierce. Every time Xia Zuo walked a certain distance, he had to stop, dig into the snow layer, and use [Ice Control Technique] to build an ice cave for him.

The oval ice layer three fingers thick wrapped him like an egg, insulating him from the wind and snow outside.

Suddenly separated from the roar of the wind and entering a narrow and quiet space, Xia Zuo felt a profound sense of loneliness.

He seemed to be in a deserted world of ice and snow.

Time is meaningless here because it is snowing all over the sky from morning to night.

Facing the wonders of nature, a mage's magical attainments are insignificant. Any mage will let go of his inner arrogance and subconscious superiority here and pay tribute to the great nature.

The attributes on the character template have also become extremely fragile.

Even with the help of elemental shells and body components, as well as the assistance of many blood magics such as [Blood Sacrifice Casting], Xia Zuo's blood volume has continued to rise and fall.

There were cold wind blades and chilly air everywhere, attacking his body from all kinds of weird angles all the time.

He could only huddle in the ice shell "egg" under the snow layer, use [Heating Technique] to keep warm while panting tiredly, and enter meditation in a highly tense mental state, for fear that he would enter a state of suffocation and die unknown. Not white.

Day after day passed, and Xia Zuo couldn't remember how many times he had used [Pathfinding Technique].

Until he missed his footing and accidentally stepped into a puddle of snow mixed with ice slag.

Using the snow-covering technique necessary for walking in the snow, he quickly lifted his feet out of the snow water and floated on the water that was half ice slag and half ice water.

Xia Zuo shivered due to the sudden imbalance of his center of gravity. He glanced around with confused eyes, then turned to look at Feixue behind him.


Xia Zuo opened his mouth, unable to describe the scene in front of him in words.

An invisible towering barrier stood half a meter behind him.

In the space outside the barrier, strong winds swept across the earth, and the vast ice and snow were the only colors between heaven and earth.

Within the barrier, that is, the entire space extending from where Xia Zuo was standing to the foot of the big volcano, the temperature actually returned to above zero.

As soon as the cold wind entered the barrier, it immediately became soft and docile, blowing into the brim of the hood like a spring breeze and ruffling Xia Zuo's hair.

The snow slid into the barrier, slowly melting into snow water, seeping into the bottom, leaving behind puddles of crystal water.

When snowflakes drift into the barrier, they will melt quickly like marshmallows at the entrance, turn into raindrops and sprinkle on the ground, causing splashes and ripples on the accumulated water.

Xia Zuo took a deep breath, "It's amazing."

He felt deeply about this journey into the frozen snowfield.

Even if human beings have mastered the power of elements and become archmages or palace mage, they are still tiny individuals when faced with the majestic power of nature.

Xia Zuo looked up at the sky, his eyes suddenly filled with astonishment.

There was no blue sky and white clouds as expected, no clear sky with bright sun shining brightly, only thick black clouds.

The black clouds are very far away from the ground, but with the naked eye you can see the rolling cloud waves on the surface of the clouds. They look down on the ground like unpredictable ghost faces, making every human being who looks up to the sky fearful.

Xia Zuo's eyes moved from the clouds above his head to the north.

A towering black smoke column thrust into the sky, sending billowing smoke high into the sky.

The root of this smoke column is connected to the crater of the large volcano, and a faint red fire can be seen.

"It feels like this Pillar of Creation is like a big black umbrella opened..."

Xia Zuo sighed with emotion, gradually came back to his senses, turned into a gas cloud, and floated towards the big volcano.

After walking a few hundred meters, Xia Zuo saw many unruly elements flying in the air before his eyes.

They fly together. Under the leadership of the big element, the small elements shuttle freely like meteors.

The further you go, the more uninhibited elements become, and the looks that come together become more diverse.

Shooting stars trailing their tails, strips of colorful gas clouds, fluffy air masses that sparkle, spheres hovering in the sky, and spirally spinning nebulae.

There is even a group of unruly elements forming a humanoid creature that waves to travelers visiting the large volcano

Uh..wait a minute.


Are there other temple mages here who participated in the snowfield trial?

Xia Zuo was stunned for a moment, then released his detection technique towards the luminous human who was flying here not far away and waving his arms.

The name of the character is unknown, the eight-dimensional attributes are all question marks, and the identity, race type, etc. are unknown.

The luminous human flew extremely fast and arrived in front of Xia Zuo almost instantly.

He was wearing a simple white mage robe, and all exposed skin was covered with a shell flowing with elemental light, like a human being made of some kind of luminous crystal.

"Congratulations~ Another temple member has arrived here." The luminous human stopped in front of Xia Zuo, his voice sounded like a lively girl.

She opened her hood, letting the four-color luminous hair spread over her shoulders, looked at Xia Zuo with her four-color eyes, and greeted with a smile:

"Are you Xia Zuo? Kristo told me about you."

"Hello." Xia Zuo looked at the outline of the other person's face.

Although her face is also covered with elemental light and her eyes are as bright as flashlights, it does not prevent Xia Zuo from judging that the other person has the appearance characteristics of a Silver Moon Federation human being - a straight nose bridge, deep-set eye sockets, and thin eyes. Lips, and slightly protruding cheekbones.

Xia Zuo couldn't tell for a while whether the other party was a human being or some kind of magical creation or alchemical product..

"I am Senebolina, you can just call me Selena."

The luminous human waved his hand and motioned for Xia Zuo to follow, "I know you have doubts, and I will explain it to you later. Let's go to the crater first."

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