My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 252 Spiritual Ocean (2 in 1)

On the top floor of the castle tower of Starry Night Academy, there is a long corridor behind Beatrice's study. At the end of the corridor is the training room for learning spells.

About 6 years ago, after Xia Zuo became Beatrice's student, he walked into the spell training room for the first time. The abundant lighting, spacious space and soft wooden floor left a deep impression on him.

The content of the lecture at that time was related to the meditation method of Starry Night Academy.

Beatrice introduced the basic meditation method, [Incineration], [Eye of Kolas], and [Poisonous Crystal] meditation methods.

Today, Xia Zuo’s understanding of meditation is different from what it used to be.

Meditate persistently, insist on practicing basic meditation methods every day, expand your spiritual ocean bit by bit, and move toward a high-level mage step by step.

He will eventually take the path of the Archmage.

But there is one problem that has not been solved.

What are the stone walls of the spiritual ocean?

What is behind the stone wall?

Xia Zuo once asked Beatrice, and she only said that she would know the answer after Xia Zuo arrived in the Eastern Continent and entered the temple.

The days after arriving in the Eastern Continent were busy and fulfilling, and Xia Zuo gradually forgot about this problem.

So when the answer appeared in front of him, he was caught off guard.

Selina took him flying to the crater of the large volcano, using a layer of magic barrier to help him isolate the magma, then broke through the black smoke, ignored the splashing fire magma, and plunged headlong into the bubbling magma surface. In the red magma.

Xia Zuo followed Selena all the way down to the depths of the large volcano.

Countless black octahedral crystals are quietly suspended in the magma.

"You mean, this is our spiritual ocean? The human spiritual ocean? Do the monsters that can use magic also have a spiritual ocean? Are their spiritual oceans also here?" Xia Zuo glanced at the black crystals around him in astonishment. My head was filled with doubts.

Selina seemed to have anticipated his reaction, and said with a smile, "It's a bit hard to understand, isn't it? Every temple mage who arrives here needs some time to adapt to the new understanding of the spiritual ocean.

"There is only the spiritual ocean of humans here. To be precise, only humans will have the spiritual ocean. The principle of magic used by monsters has nothing to do with the spiritual ocean. The black crystal you see now is the original face of the spiritual ocean."

Xia Zuo touched the back of his head, pressed on his slightly swollen temples, rubbed his brows a few times, took a breath and said:

"Huh~ Selena, what you said has a great impact on me. I have to slow down."

You really need to slow down, take a good slow down.

What really shocked Xia Zuo was not the relationship between the surrounding black crystal and the spiritual ocean.

It's the dividing line on the wall of his spiritual ocean.

The first time he entered deep meditation, Xia Zuo discovered the difference in his spiritual ocean.

The overhead part of the stone wall is completely different from the rest of the wall.

In the small area above the head, the wall surface is smooth, without scratches or dents, and is as bright as new.

But the rest of the walls are mottled and almost dilapidated, giving them a feeling of having gone through many vicissitudes of life.

Two walls, old and new, appear simultaneously on the wall of the same spiritual ocean. This is one of Xia Zuo's biggest secrets.

Now, Selina told him that the surrounding black crystals were the spiritual ocean of the Temple Mage, and Xia Zuo himself was among them.

It's like Xia Zuo hid a pair of unwashed underwear and thought he had hidden them well, but someone dug them out and put them on the table.

Panic, fear, palpitations, and negative emotions are growing.

Xia Zuo rubbed his stiff cheeks, calmed down, and asked calmly, "So, Selina, where is my spiritual ocean?"

"This is it." Selena pointed to the half-meter-wide black crystal in front of her. "This is your spiritual ocean."

"Oh? Is it right in front of you?" Xia Zuo focused his eyes and carefully looked at the black crystal close at hand.

It has a jet black, matte finish.

Bright magma emits bright light without reflection on the black crystal surface.

It looks hard and stable.

The high temperature and pressure of magma have no effect on it.

Xia Zuo changed the angle, looked at the black crystal from top to bottom, left to right, and found no trace of cracks.

"You can reach out and touch the crystal. This will help you understand the nature and origin of the spiritual ocean." Selina said with a smile, not surprised by the temple mage's curiosity.

Xia Zuo raised his right hand and placed it on the black crystal.

A piece of mysterious information poured in from the palm of his hand, penetrated into his mind, and transformed into the language of elements, explaining everything to Xia Zuo.

"So that's it..." Xia Zuo murmured to himself. When he looked at the black crystal, there was no longer a look of fear in his eyes.

He now knew what the spiritual ocean was.

The spiritual ocean, the black crystal in front of you, is part of the elemental law of nature. It is the beginning and end of the law.

When we first faced starry sky pollution, nature provided humans with two ways.

The first way to appear is to climb the technology tree.

Steam engines, internal combustion engines, vacuum tubes, circuits, atomic energy, cold nuclear fusion, bionic humans, exoskeleton armor, artificial meridians and artificial Dantian...

Human beings in this world have explored many technological trees under the guidance of nature and developed a magnificent and sci-fi high-tech world.

But don’t forget that science fiction props are only as good as their users.

Starry Sky does not need to produce higher-level science fiction products, nor does it need to send alien monsters to invade on a large scale. As long as humans who control deadly weapons are corrupted, the entire human civilization can be easily destroyed.

This way of fighting against the stars ultimately ended in failure.

The city blueprint for the establishment of the Silver Moon Federation by the Alchemy School came from historical documents before the First Era.

The second path appeared after the first path failed. This is the power of bloodline that Xia Zuo is familiar with.

No matter how powerful a person's bloodline is, it is impossible to destroy all mankind, but he can protect himself and his loved ones around him, like nails rooted in the wave of monsters, firmly staying in place and fighting to the death.

The power of blood is what gives humans supreme personal power, allowing them to survive waves of monster invasions.

This approach also failed.

Xingkong personally entered the scene and sent out a strange demon with a higher level than the monster.

The alien demons possess a level of intelligence comparable to humans, but lack humanity and morality.

They are cunning, cunning, unscrupulous, and use all means to corrupt the strongest blood among humans.

If the temptation fails, then use the toughest and cruelest method to kidnap the strong bloodline person, seal off his will and senses, decompose his limbs, extract his bloodline, and use his bloodline to create deformed flesh and blood products.

The power of the bloodline retreated, and humanity was defeated.

The third path appears, and the laws of elements appear.

Elements are embodiments of the energy laws of nature.

Elements carry the energy laws of nature.

Human beings themselves cannot contain the elements. Once the flesh and blood body encounters the elements, the flesh and blood will immediately disintegrate. It is precisely because of this that the strange demons with flesh and blood alchemy as their core have not been able to get involved in the laws of elements.

In order for nature to allow humans to control the power of the elements, they must be given a container that can hold the elements.

This container is the spiritual ocean.

It is an independent creation of nature and can exist without the human body.

Nature has opened up an underground area to store the spiritual ocean in the safest place in the world, which is where Xia Zuo is now.

[Simply put, the spiritual ocean is the interactive interface between human mages and elemental laws. 】

When a human mage enters deep meditation, his consciousness will come to the inside of the black crystal under the influence of the laws of elements.

The "stone wall" they saw was the scene inside the black crystal. But the "stone wall" is not really made of stone, it is just a pattern set up by nature to facilitate human understanding of how to expand the spiritual ocean.

In essence, the "stone wall" is actually the crystal structure inside the black crystal, which is completely black.

The so-called practice of meditation and accommodating elements means using time, energy and financial resources to exchange the rights to use the laws of elements from nature.

Nature can directly give a person the supreme right to use the laws of elements.

But it won't do that.

Nature knows very well what human nature is like.

Human nature is full of contradictions and deviations.

Things that are easily obtained will never be cherished and cherished, and no one will devote their efforts and energy to it and develop its usage in depth.

The more difficult something is to obtain, the more obsession and desire humans will have, wanting to pursue it and study it wholeheartedly.

Only by making good use of this nature can the effectiveness of the elemental laws be most significant.

The spiritual ocean came into being, but it is not left to everyone's control like the power of blood. Instead, nature gathers the human spiritual ocean together for protection and supervision.

This is the reason why countless black crystals gather here.

Every temple mage must undergo a loyalty ceremony and contain a light elemental before being promoted to a high-level mage.

After this, they are qualified to step into the large volcano, see their own spiritual ocean, understand the nature of the spiritual ocean, and know the true nature of the law of elements.

The light element can destroy the betrayer's spiritual ocean and take away all the elements when the human mage betrays the temple.

The reason for this is very simple and the operation process is also very easy...

Xia Zuo closed his eyes, entered a shallow state of meditation, and felt the elements in the black crystal.

These elements are exactly the elements in his spiritual ocean.

The light element at the head led the followers and floated inside the black crystal.

If one day Xia Zuo betrays the temple, the light element will break through the black crystal and let the elements inside return to nature.

Centralizing Black Crystal means more than that.

When one day the strange demons are completely repelled and the starry sky no longer invades the planet, nature will destroy all the black crystals at once and take back the authority of the elemental laws from humans.

That's why it is said that the black crystal is both the beginning and the end of human beings' control over the laws of elements.

At this point, Xia Zuo has a new guess about Golden Finger.

Xingkong used the art of separation to destroy nature's first way to resist Xingkong.

Xingkong uses strange demons to bring the second path to the brink of destruction.

The forbidden magic field dropped from the starry sky, fighting against the elemental laws of nature and threatening the third way.

Nature's counterattack is brewing.

It is planning the fourth way, which is the golden finger held by Xia Zuo.

The specific content and system of the fourth approach are currently unknown.

But Xia Zuo felt that his golden finger was more like a pilot.

Nature arranged a golden finger for Xia Zuo to test whether the fourth way is feasible.

This path is based on the laws of elements and has an extremely high lower limit.

Its upper limit is determined by the holder of the gold finger. The deeper the holder understands the gold finger, the higher the upper limit.

Is the truth really what Xia Zuo thought...

Xia Zuo doesn't know.

No one has ever told him in his ears how you got your golden finger and why I gave it to you instead of arranging one for others.

No one ever told him how to use Goldfinger correctly.


Xia Zuo frowned slightly.

He remembered something.

He asked Goldfinger many questions, but only received answers to three of them, one of which was wrong.

The question with the wrong answer is: What are the calculation rules for free attribute points?

Goldfinger’s answer is: the higher the level, the more free attribute points.

This answer couldn't be more wrong.

Free attribute points are obviously only related to the quality of the blood pattern. The three attributes with the lowest values ​​among the eight attributes determine how many free attribute points you can get for each upgrade.

When Xia Zuo was studying in the temple, he learned about the traitor Fritz of Starry Night Academy from Mars, and immediately discovered that Goldfinger had made a mistake in the "calculation rules of free attribute points".

At that time, Xia Zuo attributed this mistake to the fact that Goldfinger knew that there was a high-level blood demon lurking in the Western Continent, so he deliberately misled the host and did not give the correct answer to prevent the host from being noticed by the blood demon because of the high quality of the blood pattern.

Now it seems... the truth behind the matter may be far from simple as Xia Zuo thought.

Xia Zuo kept his eyes closed and asked in his heart:

"Goldfinger, what are the rules for calculating free attribute points?"

Goldfinger answered:

"The number of free attribute points awarded for upgrades is calculated according to specific rules. The higher the level, the more free attribute points you get when upgrading. More rules need to be explored by the host."


When I first asked, had Goldfinger said so many words?

Xia Zuo turned the message in his mind to the last page.

This page records the Golden Finger messages from the first few days after he traveled through time.

Two of the lines clearly stated Goldfinger's answer to the question, which was consistent with the answer given at this time.

It seems that Xia Zuo was worried about missing a large number of free attribute points, so he mistakenly thought that Goldfinger only said "the higher the level, the more free attribute points you get when upgrading."

Goldfinger was secretive in his answers, avoiding the important and taking the easy. He also deliberately guided the host to upgrade quickly, causing the host to miss the opportunity to obtain a large number of free attribute points, which made Xia Zuo very unhappy.

Although it was later proven that the Blood Demon had indeed been avoided, why not explain it clearly about the Blood Demon's gaze?

Moreover, the free attribute points given after upgrading are not automatically allocated by cheats.

If Xia Zuo had known the rules of free attribute points earlier, he could have been opportunistic and rationally used the calculation rules of free attribute points and various methods of suppressing levels to obtain a large number of free attribute points quickly and safely.

The more Xia Zuo thought about it, the angrier he became.

This golden finger seemed to be deliberately going against him.

While maintaining shallow meditation, Xia Zuo asked angrily in his heart:

"Goldfinger, I have explored the calculation rules for free attribute points, which are related to the quality of blood patterns. It turns out that free attribute points are not directly related to my character level. Why do you specifically emphasize upgrading as soon as possible?"

As expected, Goldfinger remained silent.

This thing seems to have a specific question-and-answer mechanism, and it will only respond to a few fixed questions, and it will be a rigid, unchanging response.

Xia Zuo sighed secretly, it was really tiring to deal with a system that couldn't be beaten with three sticks.

Seeing the many conveniences it provided, Xia Zuo decided not to ask further.

"Selena." Xia Zuo opened his eyes, looked at the glowing human on the side and said:

"I have seen the true side of the law of elements. To be honest, I was also worried that the power of elements would be abused by strange demons like the power of blood. Now it seems that my worries are unnecessary. Nature's recognition of human nature I know that my control over the laws of elements is deeper than I imagined. I recognize and accept the arrangements of nature."

"That couldn't be better, Xia Zuo. I'm happy to see that you can accept the existence of this black crystal. You are much easier to communicate with than other mages." Selina said with a smile on her lips.

"I have a question that I haven't answered yet." Xia Zuo spread his hands, "No offense, but your appearance makes me curious... Can you answer it for me?"

"Of course." Selena nodded and pointed upward, "Let's go to the sky and you will know the answer soon."

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