When the first ray of light in the early morning passed through the gap in the curtains and fell into the study, Xia Zuo was hugging his arms and enjoying the masterpiece last night.

A miniature airship with a volume of nearly 1 cubic meter is suspended above the desk, rising and falling slowly between the tabletop and the ceiling. The fan blades on the airship's propeller rotate at a constant speed, and breeze blows out from behind the fan blades.

This miniature airship is a magical creation of the Shaping Technique. It is suspended in the air by the alchemical gas in the air bag, rather than Xia Zuo controlling it with his mind.

The airship thruster is not a decoration either.

If the space in the room were not limited, Xia Zuo could even drive the thrusters to speed up the operation, allowing the miniature airship to move forward at a maximum speed of 10 kilometers per hour.

"Squeak~", the door was gently pushed open.

"You haven't slept all night." Anru'er walked in, and her eyes were attracted by the miniature airship filled with elemental light. "What is this? Huh? Is it a magical creation constructed by the shaping technique?"

"Yes, yes." Xia Zuo said with a smile, "How about it, is it awesome? Thanks to the props given by the mage of the inner palace, I built it in one night."

Anruer stared at the miniature airship and circled it, "Is its air bag filled with alchemical gas, or did you enchant it with the characteristic of constant levitation?"

"It's alchemical gas. I haven't started learning enchantment yet." Xia Zuo looked at the metal box on the table. There should be magic books on enchantment in it.

"By the way, I'll show you something fun." Xia Zuo pulled Anruer to a chair and sat down, then walked to the other end of the room.

He used the shaping technique to construct a disk, placed it on the bookshelf, supported it by the spine of the book, and used it as a simple target.

"Watch it." Xia Zuo pointed to the barrel of the miniature flight controller, and then pointed to the target on the bookshelf.

"3, 2, 1, launch."

As soon as the countdown ended, a small ball of light shot out from the mouth of the gun barrel, hitting the center of the target.

"Huh?" Anru'er widened her eyes curiously, "How did you do it? Did you use elemental servants to control the turret? Or did you manually cast a small spell? No, no, no extra spell fluctuations were transmitted. The firing principle of this fort has nothing to do with magic..."

Anruer has practiced the [Eye of Kolas] meditation method, and her sensitivity to spells and energy is comparable to that of a high-level mage. She is 100% sure that Xia Zuo did not use spells just now.

"This is what I use." Xia Zuoyi snapped his fingers.

A humanoid thing wearing magic armor and holding a small ball of light walked out of the cabin of the miniature airship. It put the "cannonball" in its hand on the ground and saluted Anruer in a decent manner.

Anru'er first laughed at the villain's funny actions, then stood up and looked closer, "What is this? An elemental servant that won't leak energy fluctuations?"

"Hehe." Xia Zuo chuckled and removed the armor from the villain's upper body, revealing his red body.

He looked at Anruer with a surprised face and explained, "This is my blood servant, a spell servant I constructed using blood magic. Since no elemental energy is used, there is no energy fluctuation."

"What a magical spell." Anruer stretched out her hands, grabbed the villain in her hand, and pulled the hematin servant out of the armor on the lower body like a cork.

While kneading the hemogen servant, which was as soft as plasticine, she murmured:

"It feels like water-soaked sand... There seems to be colored light in it... Is this your spiritual ocean, Xia Zuo? Did you transfer a small part of your spiritual ocean into it, just like when you made the elemental servants? Is the method similar?"

Xia Zuo opened his mouth and subconsciously thought of the nature of the spiritual ocean.

Considering that Anru'er had not yet met the Pillar of Creation, it was against the law to reveal to her the information about the Elemental Laws and Chaos Containers. Xia Zuo paused, thought for a second, and followed Anru'er's words:

"Ah, yes, yes. In fact, I was inspired by the classics on making elemental servants, and then I awakened the blood magic of condensing hematin servants."

Anruer rubbed her hands together and rolled the hemogen servant into a round ball, "Does the temple know that you know this blood magic? Does a pure-blood mage need to report something?"

"There is no need to report." Xia Zuo nodded his head, "With the light element here, there is no reason for me to do things that harm the interests of the temple. Moreover, you may not know that pure-blood mage is in the temple, The only blood magician who does not need to report a spell list. The only requirement the temple has for me is to keep a low profile and try not to use blood magic openly."

"Oh~ So that's it..." Anruer shook her head up and down.

She put the round hemogen servant on the table and looked at Xia Zuo with more envy in her eyes, "It would be great if I knew how to do blood magic."

Xia Zuo tilted his head slightly, frowned and looked at the ceiling, "When you say that, I seem to have forgotten something... Wait a minute, let me think about it..."

Xia Zuo called up his blood magic list, looked down from top to bottom, and paused on the explanation of the effect of [Blood Relation].

He clapped his hands and smiled, "Haha, I remembered it as soon as you reminded me. In fact, you can learn blood magic."

He raised his index finger in front of his mouth to signal the other person to stay quiet, then stood there and closed his eyes, focusing on the [Blood Relatives] panel.

This spell entry comes with a sub-entry called [Blood Relative Management].

On the [Blood Relatives Management] panel, Xia Zuo can adjust the attributes and blood magic shared with blood relatives.

On the [Shared Blood Magic] interface, he checked [Hemonic Servant].

Then came the message from Goldfinger in my mind:

"It has been detected that the host is sharing blood magic with blood relative Anruer. Please touch the target to confirm the sharing operation."

Xia Zuo opened his eyes, held Anruer's right hand, and silently said, "Confirm sharing."

A few rays of blood-red light flashed in Anru'er's eyes, and she closed her eyes subconsciously, feeling the strange rhythm in her head.

"It's amazing... It's like learning spells with a spell scroll..."

Anru'er opened her eyes, and the corners of her mouth couldn't stop curling up.

"Look, look. Is the way I condensed the hematin servants right?" Anruer sat on the chair, took a deep breath, quickly calmed down, and entered a shallow state of meditation.

She found the empty element bottle from Xia Zuo's desk, used her mind to outline the elemental lines, divided her spiritual ocean, and skillfully condensed the hematin servants according to the method of making elemental servants.

At this time, Xia Zuo unexpectedly received a message from Golden Finger:

"It has been detected that the blood relative Anruer is making a blood servant. Because he has not learned [Flesh Control], he cannot use his own life force. Do you want to share the blood magic [Flesh Control] with him, or pay 10 points of life force on his behalf?"

Xia Zuo scratched his head and then realized that the prerequisite of [hematonic servant] is [flesh and blood control].

He pondered for a moment and chose to "pay 10 points of vitality" instead of sharing [Flesh Control] with Anru'er.

The reason for this is mainly based on safety considerations.

The vitality requirements of [Flesh and Flesh Control] are relatively strict, and it will consume blood. If you are not careful, you will end up with broken limbs.

It's better to keep this dangerous blood magic in your own hands. At worst, when Anru'er summons hematin servants in the future, Xia Zuo will "pay the bill" for her.

After Xia Zuo's blood volume was deducted by 10 points, the hematin servants in the element bottle successfully condensed.

Anruer closed her eyes and observed the study through the perspective of the hematin servant.

Her blood servant jumped out of the bottle, ran for a short distance, jumped on Xia Zuo, grabbed his coat and climbed up.

Xia Zuo reminded from the side, "Hemonic servants can fly. Just like elemental servants."

"Wow, really? Let me try."

The hematin servant took off from Xia Zuo's coat and flew crookedly to land on top of his head.

"It's really possible." Anru'er was as happy as a little girl who discovered a new toy. "This is much more interesting than the elemental servant. The 360-degree viewing angle is twice as wide as the elemental servant, and it can fly freely."

Anruer controlled the hemogen servant to get into the micro airship and saw the internal structure of the ship.

She played with the turret and thrusters for more than half an hour.

After Xia Zuo confirmed that Anru'er's spirit ocean would return after disbanding the hematin servants, he coaxed her into the bedroom and urged her to step up her practice of basic meditation.

Xia Zuo himself washed up, found something to fill his stomach, and returned to the study to meditate.

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