My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 261 Armor Protection Energy Shield

Spell creations constructed with [Shaping] require the caster to continuously input energy to exist for a long time.

This takes up the well-behaved element and weakens the mage's mobility and strength.

[Beam Ability Field] perfectly solves this problem.

Its effect is just like its name. It is a force field spell that restrains elemental energy. It is a high-level spell of the plasticity school.

The external manifestation of the beam ability field is a three-dimensional blueprint composed of blue lines and nodes.

The principle is quite complicated, but fortunately Xia Zuo had a golden finger to help him. He skipped the learning process by directly transcribing it, and easily mastered the method of casting the energy field.

He controlled the micro airship to land on the table, imprinted every detail of the micro airship in his mind, then entered deep meditation, and constructed the blueprint of the micro airship in the spiritual ocean.

When he opened his eyes, there was a clear blue outline on the micro airship.

Xia Zuo stopped supplying energy to the micro airship. The figure of this magical creation was slightly blurred, and then it became stable within the constraints of the blue outline.

Goldfinger sent a message:

"It is detected that the host successfully uses [Beam Ability Field] to restrain the target. Before the micro airship's Beam Ability Field blueprint is actively forgotten, the blueprint will permanently occupy 1 mental slot."

"It's done." Xia Zuo snapped his fingers and laughed.

Now it’s time to try something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.

He summoned a hematin servant and began to build a hard spell armor for the opponent, as well as a chain hammer and a shield.

Hmm... let's get another magic compound bow. As for bows and arrows, just use the blood arrows made temporarily by [Blood Art Attack and Defense].

Xia Zuo worked hard until noon, creating a human-height, fully armed hematin servant.

This minion has 10 points of strength and agility, 3 points of spirit, and a maximum health of 1500 points.

Its top and trousers are magic protective gear woven in the style of the Demon Hunting School's clothing. A large amount of earth energy is used, so the overall color is earthy brown.

On its head and back is a cloak with a hood, which can hide its figure and appearance.

As for weapons, they don’t need to be on you at all times.

As long as Xia Zuo uses the blueprint in the spiritual ocean, he can quickly equip the hematin servants with corresponding weapons.

The Hemonic Servant raises its hand and makes a virtual grip to hold the spell hammer shield and compound bow condensed in the air, just like it has an alchemy pocket.

Xia Zuo circled around the hematin servant and nodded with satisfaction.

"The appearance of this blood servant with its hood on is really nice. It looks like an assassin sneaking in to kill the enemy."

Xia Zuo stretched out his hand, grabbed the armor plate on the chest of the blood element servant and broke it hard. The spell armor was forcibly peeled off by him and disappeared into fragments.

The next second, the spell armor was repaired under the constraints of the beam force field. The elemental energy in the force field was redistributed and evenly distributed to each armor piece on the spell armor. The gap in the chest armor was filled with a new spell armor piece. .

As long as the energy in the beam ability field does not consume light, the magic protective gear has its own automatic repair function!

"Awesome. Haha~" Xia Zuo laughed and patted the hemogen servant on the shoulder, "From now on, you will be called the hemogen guard."

After speaking, Xia Zuo controlled the blood element servant to hammer its own chest and gave a chest-thumping salute.

"Hehe." Xia Zuo experienced the feeling of having a subordinate for the first time, and felt a little pleased... Although he had to control every move of this subordinate...

He sat back in his chair and wrote a rough draft of his tower blueprint.

It's approaching evening.

The sunset shone into the study, and three palms made of silver sand put down the pens and hovered in mid-air.

In one afternoon, Xia Zuo learned how to use silver sand and wrote the first draft of the tower plan.

Silver sand, exclusive to high-level mages, is not only a spell-casting medium that strengthens earth and wind spells, but also a multi-purpose prop.

It can be transformed into keys, locks, steps, lasso, trays and other props to help the owner complete trivial tasks with less time and effort.

When used with the Wind Hand, Silver Sand can make writing faster. In one hour, nearly 5,000 words can be written. Especially suitable for text workers who need to type a lot of words every day...

The price is only 10 mental slots, which is great value for money.

Xia Zuo dismissed Yinsha and took it back to his space pocket.

He picked up one of the many draft papers, glanced at the words and graphics on it, and said to himself:

"The tower can indeed fly, and can also change into other forms... The mage of the inner temple uses his elemental body to drive the tower to fight the starry sky demons, instead of stupidly using his elemental body to face the starry sky demons...

"There is no soil or ore in the Starry Sky Junction. After the tower is damaged, the caster needs to personally transfer energy to help the energy field repair the tower, or use shaping to construct a spell creation to fill the damaged part. Both of them are It cannot be separated from the energy provided by the caster..."

Xia Zuo put down the scratch paper, stood up and came to the window, looking at the red sun hanging low in the sky. "Alchemy materials can also be used as building materials for high towers. Enchant alchemy building materials with [Light Energy Repair] to obtain automatic repair." Ability. But this enchantment is very expensive, about 30,000 citizen points per square meter. I will go bankrupt directly..."

In terms of giving the tower automatic repair properties, enchanting [Light Energy Repair] is not a good way.

Xia Zuo had participated in the research and development of combat puppets and quickly thought of an alternative.

There are two alternatives.

First, arrange a set of energy rechargers for the tower to collect the overflowing energy and recharge it into the beam ability field to maintain the energy concentration in the beam ability field and always keep the integrity of the tower at a high level. level.

The essence of this plan is actually to build an [energy shield] system with elemental energy as the core and beam ability field as the framework.

The second option.

Use silver-eating insects bred by Wildhammer alchemists to repair alloy materials, which means using extremely hard metal to resist attacks.

Xia Zuo named this defense method [Armor Protection].

Whether to use armor protection or energy shield depends on the depth of Xia Zuo's wallet and the number of elements it contains.

Of course, it also depends on what kind of alchemy patent rights he can buy.

The white ox tongue sponge mastered by Hillenburg's team can only recharge water-based energy, while the tower's energy shield relies on earth-based abilities, and the two do not match.

Xia Zuo had to go to the Golden Wattle Utopia and apply to the Golden Wattle Alchemist Association for the right to purchase the entire series of energy rechargers.

Or he has to develop it himself, which is almost impossible.

If you choose the armor protection route, go to Lister from the Wildhammer Alchemist Association.

Xia Zuo was lost in thought in front of the window, and came back to his senses when the light of the setting sun disappeared from the horizon.

He sat back at the table, took out the secret message ring, and sent a secret message to his mentor Adanavados, asking him to help him connect with the Wildhammer Alchemist Association.

About half an hour later, Xia Zuo had just finished preparing dinner when he received a reply from his instructor.

After reading the message, he woke up Anruer and had dinner together.

After the meal, Xia Zuo used the wind movement technique and went to the teleportation room on the top floor of the Bosin Building.

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