By teleporting the crystal to the teaching area of ​​the outer temple, Xia Zuo met Rexor who was waiting at the fountain sculpture square.

Xia Zuo contacted his mentor, but the person who came was bald, and he couldn't help but be a little confused.

"Good day, Your Excellency." Xia Zuo waved his hand and said hello.

"Let's talk as we walk, Xia Zuo." Rexor patted the other party's arm and walked towards the teleportation room at the other end of the square. "You have seen the Pillars of Creation, and you know that pollution in the starry sky will cause flesh and blood to disintegrate, right? ?”

"Yes." Xia Zuo walked beside the bald head and nodded, "Your Excellency Kristo said that I am immune to starry sky pollution, but he still does not recommend that I use my body to participate in the battle of starry sky monsters."

"Then what do you think..." Rexor paused, "Can silver-eating insects be immune to starry sky pollution? Suppose the tower mage uses the silver-eating insect repair technology on the tower. They drive the tower to the starry sky junction , fighting against the alien demons in the starry sky. The silver-eating insects will inevitably be affected by the alien demons in the starry sky. In this case, wouldn’t placing a large number of silver-eating insects in the tower be the same as inviting the alien demons in the starry sky to come in for a visit?”

"Oh..." Xia Zuo frowned and thought. He had not considered this when constructing his tower plan before. "I don't think the silver-eating insect is immune to starry sky pollution. Because it is a monster in itself."

Xia Zuo looked at the bald head, "We have to use bioalchemy to develop a bionic body of silver-eating insects. Use bionic silver-eating insects to replace the functions of native silver-eating insects in the silver-eating insect repair technology."

"Yes." Rexor nodded, "The Wildhammer Alchemists thought so too. And they already have a complete set of bionic plans. It's just that something went wrong when collecting raw materials and they ran into trouble."

Xia Zuo rubbed his chin and asked:

"Let me guess, the trouble you are talking about has to do with the frost dragon, right? Could it be that the bionic silver-eating insect uses the material of the dragon?"

Rexor stopped at the door of the teleportation room, put his hands on his waist and said, "You guessed it right. The team of Wildhammer alchemists who were trapped in the frozen snowfield were heading for the frost dragon. The specific situation , when you arrive at the base of the Wildhammer Alchemist Association, Liszt will explain it to you. This involves silver-eating insect repair technology, and you must confirm that you can accept the confidentiality contract of the Wildhammer Alchemist Association before I can take you there."

"If I can help, can the Wild Hammer Alchemist Association give me a discount?" Xia Zuo asked.

"Hmm..." Rexor stroked his bald head, "I can't make the decision on this matter, but I think that with you here, hunting the frost dragon will be much easier. If your performance meets the requirements According to Huang Zhui’s expectations, discounts are negotiable.”

Xia Zuo thought for a while and asked, "So, have you arranged specific work for me? Can you tell me what it is?"

Rexor waved his hand to set up a privacy barrier, crossed his arms and said:

"I knew that with your cautious temperament, you would not directly agree without knowing the plans. Well, I can reveal some information."

"I swear that I will not reveal it to anyone else." Xia Zuo swore skillfully.

Rexall stretched out his hand in the open space between the two of them and used illusion magic to draw a topographic map of the frozen snowfield.

"In the past ten days, all the demon hunters in the outer palace have been mobilized to search for the whereabouts of the frost dragon in the frozen snowfield."

Rexor dropped three red dots on the map, "These three frost dragons are the three that attacked the alchemist team. Before Liszt and others evacuated, they projected separation marks on these three frost dragons. Oil. We easily tracked the lair of these three dragons."

Rexor stretched out his hand and scanned the map, lowering 6 more red dots.

"These six frost dragons were marked with separate marking oil. I and other demon hunters personally checked the marking oil and determined the location of each frost dragon's lair."

The nine red dots marked by Rexor are located deep in the frozen snowfield, each on a tall snow mountain. These snow-capped mountains are at least fifty or sixty kilometers apart from each other.

"The Outer Palace and the Kingdom of Wildhammer jointly carry out this dragon-slaying mission. The target is the nine-headed frost dragon."

"Nine heads?" Xia Zuo was a little surprised, "You want to kill all these frost dragons?"

"Yes, no one will be left behind. Although the ancient dragon level has not yet been born among the frost dragons, and the temple has not yet obtained the complete frost dragon spell list, the temple no longer wants to retain their territory in the territory."

Xia Zuo took a breath and suddenly thought of the reason why the temple did this, "Is it because they can block teleportation spells?"

"Yes. Dragon magic that can block teleportation threatens the foundation of the temple's existence. Xia Zuo, you should understand what I mean." Rexor said solemnly.

After the darkroom plane was controlled by the Church of Strange Demons, the founders of the temple lived in a miserable state. It was not until they discovered the super-giant crystal and obtained a new transit plane that things improved.

It can be said that the most taboo thing for all the immortals in the temple is to have people or monsters interfere with teleportation matters.

The potential threat must be completely eliminated before the frost dragon can give birth to an ancient dragon-level existence.

The Demon Hunting School wanted to kill the dragon, and the Wildhammer Alchemist Association wanted dragon materials. The two hit it off and came together to hunt the frost dragon.

Xia Zuo nodded thoughtfully, "So the Demon Hunting School and the Wild Hammer Alchemist have joined forces? You have so many people... How can I help?"

Rexor spread his hands and said:

"Although the adult frost dragons are separated in different places, they are very united. After any frost dragon is attacked, it will immediately report to other members and ask for support. They fly extremely fast in the blizzard, with a maximum speed of half Hours later, reinforcements would arrive at the battle scene. Liszt's team was besieged by three giant frost dragons because they failed to kill the target in time.

"There are many ways for frost dragons to communicate with each other, such as dragon roar, dragon language, ice and snow servants, etc. But the most secretive one is the blood relationship induction."

Rexor took out a blood-red spell scroll, "We need a pure-blood mage to help us cut off the blood relationship between the frost dragons. Originally, it was a pure-blood mage from the inner temple. Now this I’ll leave the errands to you.”

Rexall handed over the spell scroll, "This is the blood magic scroll written by Kristo. You can use it to learn [Blood Curse]. I have to remind you that this blood magic is used by pure-blood mages to deal with mixed-bloods. The first choice of mages, it is also the signature spell of pure-blood mages. If you use it indiscriminately, the location and specific identity may be deduced by the half-blood mages. Be sure to use it with caution."

When Xia Zuo took the scroll, he felt a little weird... He had learned this blood magic a long time ago...

He touched his nose and said, "Okay, Your Excellency. I remember it. Can the dragon's blood connection be cut off by just using a blood curse?"

"No, it's not enough." Rexor raised two fingers. "We need two more things. One is the interference curse. You have already learned this spell. I don't need to say more. The other is the frost dragon's spell." Blood, blood is an important medium for blood curse. With it, your blood curse will have a clear direction."

"Blood is the medium of blood curse?" Xia Zuo was stunned for a few seconds, and inexplicable thoughts suddenly emerged in his heart.

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