The door to the teleportation room leading to the Kingdom of Wildhammer.

Xia Zuo stood stunned for a while and quickly came to his senses.

He touched his head, suppressed the throbbing in his heart and asked, "Your Excellency, you said that blood is the medium of blood curse. So how did the pure-blood mages in the inner temple cast a blood curse on the half-blood mage? Holding the half-blood mage in his hand blood, and then cast a spell?"

Rexor shook his head, "It's not that troublesome. In the temple, all the pure-blood mages except you have had their offspring kidnapped by the Strange Demon Church. According to the style of the Strange Demon Church, the blood of pure-blood mages has long been taken away. Mixed into the body of the mixed-blood mage. The same mixed-blood mage has at least 4 or more pure-blood mage bloodlines. In other words, without the blood of the mixed-blood mage, at least 4 pure-blood mage can lower it. Blood curse. If you have blood in your hand, the effect of the blood curse will be greatly enhanced."

But my descendants were not abducted by the Demonic Church, so why can I still be cursed from the air when I don’t have the blood of a hybrid mage? ...A series of question marks flashed through Xia Zuo's mind.

What Qualuowuqi, Ufaris...these blood demons and their transformers have no blood relationship with me. Why can I cast a blood curse on them without blood?

Xia Zuo was full of doubts, but didn't dare to show it.

Standing in front of him was Rexor, a bald witcher who was strict with himself and abided by the law. If he knew that Xia Zuo had not only learned the blood curse long ago, but also successfully cast the spell without a medium, he would definitely get to the bottom of it.

Xia Zuo flipped the blood magic scroll in his hand and turned the conversation to the main topic, "It sounds like I will be safe during the operation. Then leave it to me to block the frost dragon's blood connection. "

"Let me think about what else I haven't said..." Rexor pondered for a moment, "By the way, have you learned the advanced curse seal?"

"Earlier today, I learned how to use Silver Sand by the way." Xia Zuo said.

"That's good." Rexor took out a leather bag full of potion bottles. "These are potions that enhance the effect of the seal. You can take them and use them. The expenses will be reimbursed by the outer palace."

After Xia Zuo put away his leather pocket, Rexor took out a hooded cloak and said, "Put this on. Your identity as a pure-blood mage is not suitable for disclosure yet."

Xia Zuo put on his cloak and hood, his vision trembled for a moment, and when he looked down again, he saw that he was shorter. He stretched out his hand to touch his face, and felt the thick fog on his fingertips.

"This cloak covers your appearance and body, changes your voice and tone, and is immune to detection and some genre-changing spells." Rexall lifted the anti-peeping barrier, "As long as you don't take it off voluntarily, No one will find out your identity. But it’s best to say less, and I will help you deal with other people. As for the discount you can get for buying bionic silver-eating insects, I will help you get it after this mission is over."

Rexor paused, "From now on, I will call you Hades."

"Okay, Your Excellency, you're done." Xia Zuo found that his voice had turned into a neutral voice with a cold tone.

The two stepped into the teleportation room and disappeared in the light of the teleportation technique.

The name of the Kingdom of Desolate Hammer contains the word "desolate", but in fact it is not desolate at all.

The country is dotted with majestic Grand Canyons. The melted snow water from the frozen snowfields converges into fast-flowing rivers and enters the valley, and then disperses into countless tributaries, delivering abundant water resources to the residents in the Grand Canyon.

The cliffs on both sides of the Grand Canyon were hollowed out and transformed into various buildings such as residences for Wildhammer residents, commercial streets, mineral smelters, and breweries.

Above the Grand Canyon is a large flat ground.

But no one will live on earth.

Because the soil here is severely acid-eroded, the ground environment is harsh, and there are no natural vegetation. It is impossible to plant food, cultivate fruit trees, or raise cattle and sheep. Even wild animals are rare.

In the Wildhammer Kingdom, the only thing that can continuously "grow" from the land is ore.

The total amount of ore produced by the Kingdom of Wildhammer every year exceeds half of the total output of the Temple Territory. The other half comes from the land bordering the Kingdom of Wildhammer.

It can be said that the Kingdom of Wildhammer is a country lying on the mines. They feed on bread mines and live on metal mines.

Every time you walk on the street, you can smell the smell of accelerants, refined powder, and burning fuel.

As soon as Xia Zuo arrived at the teleportation room of the Wild Hammer Alchemist Association, he felt extra "enthusiastic".

"Why is it so hot?" Xia Zuo adjusted the parameters of [Steady Skin] and lowered the body surface temperature to 18 degrees. Only then did he feel cool and comfortable.

"There is a big furnace under our feet." Rexor said with surprise:

"A large furnace covering an area of ​​more than two thousand square meters. It provides energy to the entire headquarters of the Wildhammer Alchemist Association. It is said that there are 3 to 5 furnaces of this size deeper underground, but they are not in use." The Alchemists' Guild uses them as backup furnaces."

"Oh my God," Xia Zuo sighed, "if all the big furnaces are turned on, will this place be blown up to the sky?"

"Probably... not..." When Rexor said this, his tone was uncertain, and he obviously had no confidence, "Never mind this, this is a matter of the Kingdom of Wildhammer. We are outsiders, so we should not inquire more. good."

The two walked out of the transfer room and walked into a long corridor made of beige rocks. There were long skylights on the ceiling. The midday sun shone straight into the corridor, casting a row of bright light beams.

In front of the stone door at the end of the corridor, Liszt was holding something that looked like an abacus, and kept turning the picks with his right hand, making a continuous clicking sound.

Xia Zuo quietly released his detection technique and learned that the "abacus" in the opponent's hand was a flat container specially made for busy people, called a secret message platter... Up to 20 secret message rings could be placed on the plate to facilitate the user to quickly Read and reply.

Liszt heard the footsteps, raised his head, temporarily put down the secret message platter and said:

"Master, you are back. Is this person next to you the helper of the inner palace?"

"Yes, Liszt." Rexor pointed at Xia Zuo, "Just call him Hades. You also know the special nature of the inner temple. They will disguise themselves and use pseudonyms."

"Okay, Your Excellency. I know the rules." Liszt opened the stone door behind him and led the two of them into an extraordinarily spacious underground square.

When Xia Zuo saw the architectural style of the Wildhammer Kingdom for the first time, he immediately felt like he was in a mountain city in his previous life.

The corridor just now was about 1 meter deep underground, corresponding to the first negative floor of a normal building.

But facing the underground square at this time, Xia Zuo found himself on the top floor of a five-story building, more than 20 meters above the ground of the underground square.

Looking around, there are buildings carved out of the rock walls.

The rock corridors on each floor are decorated with evergreen potted fences. Between the buildings are streets paved with stone bricks. Hanging baskets hang from the ceiling above the streets. Several water pipes protrude from the baskets, spraying hazy and cool water mist downwards. There is also a light bulb facing the ground on the base of the hanging basket. It is estimated that the hanging basket will transform into a chandelier at night.

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