"Good day, Master. We are discussing things about the Creation Crystal." Xia Zuo stood up and saluted.

"Oh, no wonder. Lei Suo won't be so worried when faced with the siege of strange demons. Only the source of the Creation Crystal can make him look worried."

Seretes patted the bald man on the shoulder and said:

"Let me tell you, even if the Creation Crystal really comes from the stars, it's not a bad thing."

"Are you going to talk about your 'mutual use' theory again?" Rexall took a sip of fruit wine.

"Don't you think what I said makes sense?" Seretes said, holding his arms.

"Whether it's a starry sky monster or a creation crystal. We humans are still here, which means we have what they need. In this case, why not make good use of the elemental laws and clever elements that the creation crystal gives us? .”

Seritus shook his hand, "Of course, the premise for me to say this is that the Creation Crystal is also starry sky pollution. If it is really a creation of nature, that would be a different story. We absolutely support it unconditionally."

"That's all for this topic. Business is important." Rexor took the last sip of wine and threw the bottle into his alchemy pocket. "Let's go, let's go join the main force and try to get the No. 3 dragon today." Take it."

"Go slowly, two masters." Xia Zuo watched the two people leave and sat back on the chair.

He took out a bottle of sparkling water from his alchemy pocket and drank a few sips, sweeping away the gloom in his heart with the satisfaction brought by the happy water.

Let’s put aside the question of the origin of the Creation Crystal for now.

Xia Zuo opened the magic book at hand and continued to learn [Magic Enchantment].

Time flies by while reading.

From the perspective of the hemogen servant, Rexor's voice suddenly came:

"Get ready, Xia Zuo, Dragon Blood No. 3 is coming."

Xia Zuo stood up in excitement and walked to the console to take over the dragon blood.

A few seconds later, a crystal container filled with hot dragon blood appeared on the operating table.

Xia Zuo held the crystal container, activated [Blood Sacrifice Casting] and [Blood Curse], and accurately cast the interference curse on Dragon No. 3.

The information coming from his mind briefly stunned him:

"Warning! It has been detected that the interference curse cast by the host through [Blood Curse] is being resisted. Since [Blood Curse] has reached Lv. 10, the backlash caused by this failed spell casting has been exempted."

There is a problem with Dragon No. 3!

Xia Zuo mobilized double the clever elements and cast a interference curse with 100 power points on Dragon No. 3.

This time it worked.

Xia Zuo took out the secret message ring and sent a secret message to Rexor in flight, informing him of the abnormality of Dragon No. 3.

The mountain range where Dragon No. 3 is located.

When Rexor returned to the tower to bring Seritus, the commander of the mage army, Dalevik, was not idle either.

Dailivik learned from Tyson that his opponent might be hiding his strength, and immediately sent a secret message to the outer palace asking for help.

He summoned his archmages, set up a temporary teleportation array, and welcomed 50 high-level mages who had been summoned.

The moment Rexor and the three appeared high above the mountains, the lightning bombardment of the towers began.

"Be careful, Dragon No. 3 hides its strength." Rexor looked at the secret message ring and said to Dalevik.

As if in response to what the bald man said, among the dozen or so ball lightnings emitted by the tower group, except for the ones at the front that exploded, the rest all returned the same way they came from, straight back and forth. Smashed into the towers.

"It's [Projectory Reflection]. I didn't expect this giant dragon to master this spell." Dalevik looked very calm as he watched the ball lightning explode above the towers.

A mature mage knows how to deal with spell backlash. Backlash caused by external forces, such as projectile reflection, has long been recorded by mages on the list of spellcasting accidents that must be paid special attention to.

The ball lightning hit the invisible magic barrier outside the tower group and exploded like fireworks. Countless twisted electric whips struck the shell of the tower.

These raging currents in the tower group are sucked into the tower by a force, and stored through the energy circuit into the alchemical battery specially created for electrical energy.

A terrible spellcasting accident disappeared in an instant.

"Roar!" A roar resounded through the sky, and the dragon No. 3 flew out of the cave, with a large group of ice and snow servants behind it.

The ice and snow servants withered in the wind and quickly turned into a roaring whirlwind of ice and snow that swirled around the giant dragon. After two or three seconds, the ice and snow condensed into a set of cold frost armor covering the dragon's body.

The ruby ​​on the back of Dailivik Mosuo's hand issued a new attack command.

The formation of the tower group changed.

From the original flat circle, it becomes a three-dimensional cone. Standing at the top of the conical formation is the Archmage's tower, and the other towers are arranged downward around the central axis.

The tower on the next level transfers energy to the upper level. After the tower on the upper level receives the energy from the next level, it adds its own energy and sends it to the higher level.

With each level passed, the spell's power is doubled.

Finally, when the spell energy converged on the Archmage Tower at the tip of the formation, the spell power reached a terrifying 1,000 points.

"Buzz buzz..." More than a dozen red [blazing rays] shot out from the top of the tower, dyeing the white snow on the mountaintop red.

The blazing rays were concentrated at one point, melting and penetrating the dragon's snow armor in an instant.

"Bang!" It exploded, the dragon's head exploded, boiling blood and broken bones fell to the ground, and the dragon's roar in the wind suddenly stopped.

The frost dragon, which was roaring to heaven and earth before, trying to counterattack the mage army, could not even utter a whimper before it died, and turned into a headless dragon corpse and fell from the sky.

"It's just a small thing that some alchemy materials are missing. It's better than letting it cause trouble." Tyson smiled, already anticipating the dragon's fate.

Dalevik rubbed the gem on the back of his hand again.

The towers released white [traction rays], which slowed down the falling speed of the dragon's body - the dragon flew a bit high before it died, and it was necessary to manually slow down its falling speed, otherwise its internal organs would fall. Turned into mud.

The only embarrassing thing is that because the position where it died was too high, Xia Zuo could only watch a large ball of life force drifting away in the wind and snow...

When the corpse of Dragon No. 3 fell gently and gently on the snow stained red by dragon blood, the killing mission was completed.

A team of Wildhammer alchemists enters the scene to collect alchemy materials.

Liszt received the instructions from Master Tyson. He led people into the dragon's body from the belly of the dragon and directly found the bone sac located in the spine.

This time the bone sac was twice as big as the last time, and it took two alchemists to use the Hands of Wind to lift it out of the dragon corpse.

Tyson saw the black lines on the bone sac and said firmly:

“The black lines are a sign of bone sac mutation.

“If the mother of Dragon No. 3 had a calamity-level bone sac, during inheritance, the bone sac of Dragon No. 3 should be a calamity-level bone sac without black lines.

"There are black lines on the bone sac of Dragon No. 3, which shows that its bone sac is a mutation of the disaster-level bone sac, rather than genetic. In other words, the mother of Dragon No. 3 does not have a disaster-level bone sac. , the crisis hidden in the frost dragon has been lifted."

Rexor nodded, "Yeah, I think so too."

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