My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 270 Small water pipes have great potential

In the process of slaying the frost dragon, the mutated disaster-level bone sac was just a minor episode and did not affect the progress of the dragon-slaying work.

The temple did not intend to completely drive away the frost dragons, so the fleeing young dragons were spared and fled into the snowy mountains. A long-term effective marking oil was cast on the young dragon. When they grow up to become dragons, the temple will once again send out teams to cut leeks.

Two days later.

When the mage army killed the fifth frost dragon, the remaining four frost dragons finally discovered that their kind were being hunted by the temple.

Because Xia Zuo blocked the blood connection between the dragons, the dragons who came to support the No. 5 dragon did not know that there were nearly 300 temple mages waiting for them on the battlefield.

The mage army adopted various methods to kill the dragon, just to prevent the frost dragon from escaping. Now that the prey comes to your doorstep in a group, it is simply a dream come true.

Rexor, Cerites and Tyson, the three masters of the outer temple, each restrained a giant dragon.

The tower group fires [blazing rays] to instantly kill the current target. After the alchemist team has disposed of the current target's body, the tower group will go to kill the next target instantly.

This day was a feast of dragon slaying. One batch after another, dragon materials were sent to the advance base, and then transferred to the warehouse of the outer hall teaching area and the headquarters of the Wildhammer Alchemist Association.

Xia Zuo is the most leisurely person.

The dragons rushed up to die in a swarm, saving them the trouble of blocking blood-related induction. The hematin servant hiding under the bald collar has absorbed a few more balls of life force. It is a beautiful thing to see the vitality attribute value rising.

Xia Zuo learned [enchantment] in the tower while fishing.

This spell is a high-level spell of the enchantment school.

Its principle is simpler than expected.

First, use the identification technique to identify what the target prop is, and obtain the spell code of the target prop.

Then, according to the statement format and logic of the Spellweaver language, the spell code of the target prop is changed to achieve the purpose of enchantment.

There is a simple and clear way to determine whether the changed spell code is feasible, and that is to see whether the enchanted props will undergo abnormal conditions such as disintegration, distortion, and ablation.

After enchanting, if the enchanting characteristics take effect normally and there are no changes to the props, then the enchantment is successful and the changed spell code is feasible; otherwise, the enchantment fails.

From the perspective of using the Spellweaver language, this language is similar to Xia Zuo’s previous programming language. Both have the same purpose: no matter how weird or complicated the statements are, as long as they can work normally, this will enough!

Thinking of this, Xia Zuo smiled silently and looked at Rexor who walked into the tower.

"Okay, it's all over. The nine frost dragons, one or the other, have all been turned into alchemy materials." Rexor stood by the wall and waved to Xia Zuo, "You can teleport back directly later. Poseidon City. Regardless of whether the Wildhammer Alchemist Association can give you a favorable discount, I will give you a message. As for the rewards of the dragon-slaying mission, we will settle the settlement with you after the outer hall has finished counting the loot."

"Okay, Master, you're done."

Xia Zuo dismissed the hemogen servant on the opponent's collar and successfully recovered 200 points of vitality - a huge sum of money contributed by the nine frost dragons.

He suppressed the secret joy in his heart, followed Rexor towards the teleportation crystal, and arrived in the city of Poseidon in the flashing white light.

In the blink of an eye, two months passed.

Janice is practicing deep meditation in the academy for the first time, and it will take some days before she wakes up.

Anruer is expanding her spiritual ocean day after day, and in two months at most, she will be able to meet the Pillar of Creation.

During this period, Xia Zuo received several messages from the outer palace, all related to the research and development progress of the Wild Hammer Alchemist Association.

Here's the thing:

After getting the dragon blood and liver of the frost dragon, Wild Hammer is using the fresh dragon blood to try to imitate it. After successfully producing the bionic silver-eating insect, Desolate Hammer will conduct cost accounting and give Xia Zuo a satisfactory quotation.

As a senior alchemist master, Xia Zuo knew very well how difficult the research and development of bionic alchemy tools was, so he did not urge Huanghammer to speed up the progress.

While waiting for the quote, Xia Zuo completed the first version of the tower blueprint.

How much does it cost for a tower with basic functions that can protect against 500 power attacks?

The numbers Xia Zuo calculated almost made him suffocate.

Approximately 10 million citizen points.

This only includes the cost of building materials processed through enchantment, and does not include the time cost of making the beam energy field blueprint and building the tower frame.

If you want to pursue higher tower protection capabilities, you have to add money, add money, and add money.

Ultra-high-performance alchemical alloys, led by Mimar alloy, have hardness and toughness exceeding level 200 and cost at least 10,000 citizen points per square centimeter. Enchant [Light Energy Repair], 300 citizen points per square centimeter.

According to gross estimates, the tower with the highest surface protection capability would cost at least 10 billion citizen points.

Faced with the overwhelming demand for funds, Xia Zuosheng had the idea of ​​​​abandoning the [armor protection] route.

He turned to research on [Energy Shield].

With the goal of combating starry sky pollution, Xia Zuo calculated the minimum performance requirements for energy shields.

According to the information given by Kristo, what the Eternal Mage has to deal with at the junction of the stars is the scattered strange demons that have broken through the smoke blockade of the Pillar of Creation.

Generally speaking, excluding multi-functional aberrations without attack capabilities, the Eternal Mage needs to face no more than 10 enemies.

According to statistics from the Inner Palace, in an interception battle of this intensity, the tower suffered an average of 10,000 points of damage per second, and the average battle duration was about 60 minutes.

In normal combat, the tower's energy shield needs to withstand 36 million points of damage.

Simply list the inequalities:

The energy shield upper limit + energy shield recovery speed x combat duration \u003e 36 million can meet combat needs.

The upper limit of the tower's [Energy Shield] will be restricted by the shield's energy field blueprint.

The higher the shield limit, the larger the beam field, and the more mental slots the blueprint occupies.

A normal mage's mental slot must be obtained by practicing basic meditation methods on his own.

But Xia Zuo was different. He used his mind to click on the character template, and dozens of more mental slots could be instantly created.

So, is it possible that Xia Zuo can build an unprecedented tower that only uses [energy shield] to defend against attacks?

The towers of other mages will have the appearance of stone bricks and the image of a tall spire.

But Xia Zuo's tower is purely a tower-shaped beam energy field. It contains no building materials except energy.

Is this possible?


Moreover, there is much to be done.

Xia Zuo did the math.

An energy shield blueprint with a maximum shield value of 36 million points needs to occupy 360 mental slots, which means it requires 90 mental attribute values.

This is not a problem, Xia Zuo can achieve it with the free attribute points accumulated in his hand.

The upper limit of the shield value is 36 million points, and the same amount of earth energy needs to be charged.

Faced with the huge energy demand, Xia Zuo's energy output capability is only a "small water pipe", which can output about 100 points of earth energy per second.

However, he is durable.

As we all know, outputting energy consumes energy.

Even if you become a high-level mage, you can continue to output energy at full capacity for about 8 hours at most. After all your energy is exhausted, you need to meditate deeply for at least 6 hours.

Xia Zuo doesn't have this problem.

As long as he activates [Blood Sacrifice Casting], he can charge the tower shield with energy 24 hours a day.

Fully loaded, with a shield value of 36 million points, it only takes about 4 days to be fully charged after being idle.

The cycle for the starry sky monsters to impact the smoke layer is 5 to 7 days...

"So, I can now withstand the beatings of the Starry Sky Demon?"

Xia Zuo felt a little incredible when facing his calculation results.

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