Being able to withstand an attack and winning a battle are two different things.

Xia Zuo knew this clearly.

Facing the thick-skinned starry sky monster, [Immolation Technique] is particularly important.

This spell is a master-level spell of the evocation school. Because it is too powerful, difficult to prevent, and easy to cause accidental damage, it is classified as a controlled spell by the temple.

Implosion can be used in two ways.

For relatively weak hostile creatures, just insert the source of the spell into their bodies and detonate it. This is the use of implosion as an internal explosion.

Another usage, specifically targeting powerful hostile creatures with protective internal organs, huge size, and tough bodies. It is difficult to detonate a magic source in such creatures. Resonance destruction can be used.

Take humans for example.

The natural vibration frequency of human internal organs is 3 to 20 times per second.

Set a magic source in the human body to resonate with the human internal organs. Through resonance, increasing the amplitude of internal organs can cause organ displacement, blood vessel rupture, organ bleeding, etc.

It sounds similar to Xia Zuo's infrasonic weapon in his previous life, but there are essential differences between the two.

Infrasonic weapons set up seismic sources around the target and propagate infrasound waves through media such as air to cause resonance.

The implosion technique puts the source of the spell into the target's body, directly creating resonance in the opponent's body. There are no special requirements for the vibration propagation medium, and it can be used even in a vacuum environment.

The difficulty of casting the implosion spell focuses on the step of putting the source of the spell into the target's body.

The appearance of the spell source is a bright red light spot.

As long as the Star Sky Demon is not stupid, he will definitely avoid the source of the spell or simply shoot it down.

So if a fireball flies towards you, what will the Splitfoot Bonethorn Demon do, relying on its bone shield?

In all likelihood, it will not take the fireball to heart, and will directly resist the fireball, laughing at the opponent's overestimation in the explosion of sparks.

This is the best opportunity to insert the source of the spell into the body of the Splitfoot Bonethorn Demon.

The only difficulty is how to hide the source of the spell in the fireball.

Xia Zuo sent a secret message and asked about Rexor and Kristo.

The two answers were basically the same: there was no way, because spells couldn't be superimposed.

When different types of spells meet together, the elemental energy in them will blend, causing the spell to become unstable, or even explode in advance to cause backlash.

Xia Zuo tried it in the school's spell training ground, and it was indeed like this.

As soon as the fireball and the magic source overlapped, an uncontrollable explosion occurred.

Faced with this situation, Xia Zuo smiled after thinking for a while and thought of a sexy trick.

He summoned a fireball with 100 points of power, put his hand into the flames, and felt the speed of blood loss - excluding fire resistance, the blood loss was 100 points per second, which was exactly the same as the power of the spell.

Next, he summoned a hematin servant with no fire resistance and threw the fireball at the opponent.

The fireball exploded, and the blood volume of the hemogen servant instantly dropped by 500 points.

Conclusion: A fireball with 100 power points burns at 100 points of damage per second, and the explosion damage is burning damage x5.

Theoretically, Xia Zuo could put a blood magic shell with 1,000 health points on the source of the implosion spell to ensure that it could withstand burning and explosions and successfully approach the starry sky monster.

Where is the best part of the fireball to hide the source of the spell?

Xia Zuo had already thought about this.

When he first learned to cast the fireball technique, he discovered that there was a hollow spherical black flammable object in the center of the fireball.

Put the spell source in a blood magic shell, then stuff it into a spherical combustible object, using combustibles and flames to cover up the existence of the blood magic shell.

The above is the plan that Xia Zuo came up with.

Whether it is feasible or not needs to be tested by professionals.

Xia Zuo first sent a secret message to Bald Hair, asking him to be his sparring partner.

Rexor replied simply and refused directly. He clearly said that he was still running around for the Wildhammer Alchemist Association, but he didn't say what the specific mission was, so Xia Zuo didn't ask any more questions.

There are very few people who know the identity of Xia Zuo, a pure-blood mage, and even fewer who have the strength to help him test his spells.

After thinking about it, Xia Zuo sent a sparring request to Cristo.

He mentioned in the secret message that he wanted to test a composite spell that combined blood magic and elemental magic, and he had to find an opponent who could detect blood magic.

Xia Zuo received a reply soon, and Kristo agreed to the sparring request.

In the teaching area of ​​the outer hall, there is a closed spell training room.

The layout and decoration style here are similar to the training room at the head of Beatrice's courtyard. A large transparent skylight is used as the ceiling, and hard stone bricks are used as the wall. On the wall are wall lamps that provide light at night.

On the training ground, Kristo listened to Xia Zuo's description, gently twitched her chin and said:

"You mean, you used a layer of blood magic shell to wrap the source of the implosion spell, and you want to see if I can detect that layer of blood magic shell, right?"

"Yes, Your Excellency." Xia Zuo nodded, "I think if you can't find the blood magic shell, the Starry Sky Strange Demon won't find it either."

"That's right... the energy of life itself is the most secretive among many energies. If you can avoid my detection, it won't be a problem to hide the source of the spell in front of the starry sky demon. But"

Kristo frowned slightly, "But, is your vitality strong enough? Will you fall into a situation of insufficient vitality because you have to help the blood magic shell resist the flames?"

Xia Zuo called up his character template and looked at it.



[Healing speed] 450 points/hour

[Negative Status] Poisoned by Toxic Crystals (50 levels)

After triggering [Emergency Moment], the blood recovery speed can be increased to 1000 points/hour and 1500 points/hour.

Theoretically, with sufficient blood packs and supplements, Xia Zuo can cast the spell combination of fireball and implosion three times in a short period of time without worrying about falling into a low blood state.

"Well, Your Excellency, the combination spell I conceived is not mature enough, but I can already withstand the consumption of life force." Xia Zuo said thoughtfully, "I can probably cast it once an hour now. If the frequency is higher, it will be possible The vitality is gone."

"Once an hour." Kristo looked at Xia Zuo deeply, "Then let's give it a try."

She pointed to a corner of the training ground, where she used evocation spells to construct a target with an internal physiological structure, and used transmogrification spells to change the appearance of the target into a Splitfoot Bonethorn Demon.

"You cast a combination of spells on it. Its internal structure is the same as the real Splitfoot Bone Thorn Demon, and the vibration frequency of its internal organs is also the same."

Xia Zuo looked at the nearly 5-meter-tall Xingkong Yimo and felt a sense of oppression.

This was the first time he had seen such a realistic starry sky monster model.

Sharp, spike-like teeth emerged from the mouth that was split to the base of the ears; the two inverted triangular black eyes were scarlet; the legs and arms with recurved joints were thick and strong, with red muscles bulging; a set of skeleton armor The breath of death escapes from the bones that are as gloomy as hoarfrost covering the body...

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