Facing the cold starry sky monster model, Xia Zuo calmed down and asked:

"Your Excellency, are the spell resistance and physical strength of this star demon comparable to the real Splitfoot Bone Thorn Demon?"

"The spell resistance is the same as that of the real Splitfoot Bone Thorn Demon, but the physical strength is much different." Kristo stood aside and said, "After all, this is just a magical creation, not a real flesh and blood body." During the battle, the Splitfoot Bonethorn Demon will also use bones to further strengthen its internal organs... Well... the protective capability of this model is about a quarter of the actual situation."

Xia Zuo nodded, went to another corner of the training ground and stood diagonally from the model of the Starry Sky Demon, at least a hundred meters away.

At the junction of the stars, the distance between the two sides on the battlefield will reach one thousand meters or more.

At this time, relying on the caster to cast the spell himself will make it difficult to lock the target.

Therefore, the tower will be equipped with an alchemical device that assists in locking enemies, helping the caster to track the target, and a magic circle disk that enhances the effect of the spell will be used to greatly increase the casting distance and projectile flight speed.

Like Xia Zuo's favorite fireball technique.

A fireball with 100 power points has a maximum flight speed of 200 meters/second near the ground, a maximum flight time of 5 seconds, and a theoretical maximum flight distance of 1,000 meters.

After being strengthened by the tower, in a place where the air is thin and the gravity is relatively weak, like the junction of the starry sky, the fireball can fly at a speed close to 1000 meters per second, with a maximum flight time of more than 10 seconds. To a certain extent, the fireball reinforced by the tower is comparable to ultra-small missiles...

Xia Zuo raised his left hand, held it upward with the palm of his hand, and condensed a fireball the size of his head. The black hollow combustible object in the center of the flame was perfectly covered by the blazing light.

After making some preparations, he activated [Blood Magic Attack and Defense], summoned the blood magic shell and spell source inside the hollow combustible object, and then waved his hand to control the fireball to fly towards the model of the starry sky demon.

"Bang!" The fireball exploded, sparks flying.

In the strong light of the explosion, the small red dot of the magic source penetrated into the model against the high temperature and burning.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Four consecutive dull loud noises came from the model's body.

With each muffled sound, the model's lungs will inflate violently, gradually increasing in amplitude.

By the fifth muffled sound, the model's lungs bulged outward into balls, followed by a loud bang.

"Huh~" Xia Zuo breathed a sigh of relief, quite satisfied with the results of this test.

This was the first time he faced the alien demon in the starry sky. Although it was just a model, he finally succeeded in the first attempt.

Well...strictly speaking, it's not considered a success.

Because the Splitfoot Bone Spur Demon will act together with the multifunctional aberration, you can use the aberration to heal your wounds. Even without the help of the aberration, the Splitfoot Bonethorn Demon can use its own bones to temporarily suppress the injury and reduce bleeding.

The implosion part that can really kill with one blow is the head of the Splitfoot Bonethorn Demon. But the bones there are the hardest and the implosion is very difficult. Xia Zuo had to accommodate some more elements before he could implode that part.

Xia Zuo rested for a few seconds and looked at Kristo who was deep in thought.

"Sir, have you noticed my blood magic shell?"

Kristo shook his head slightly, "No, no. The fireball's flames and fire energy fluctuations completely covered up the existence of the blood magic shell. I think even the most powerful starry sky demon above the Eastern Continent would not be able to detect you. Hands and feet inside the fireball.”

Xia Zuo clenched his fist and waved it excitedly.

Kristo stared at Xia Zuo, "You seem to still have some energy left, right? In fact, the combination cast just now didn't have much negative impact on your vitality."

Xia Zuo scratched his head and said, "Yes, Your Excellency."

"Rexor told me that you have mastered the blood magic of [Hemonic Servant]. Did you get the inspiration from the textbook on making elemental servants?" Kristo asked.

Xia Zuo was mentally prepared for Cristo's inquiry, "That's right, Your Excellency."

"When you condensed the blood magic shell inside the fireball, what kind of blood magic did you use? [Flesh Control]? No...it can't be this. The vitality extracted by Flesh Control is both fragile and cannot exist at a distance of more than 5 meters away from the body. .You must have used special blood magic."

Kristo asked:

"Can you tell me what that is?"

Xia Zuo looked at Kristo with glaring eyes and pondered for a moment, "It's [Blood Magic Offense and Defense], a blood magic I learned on my own."

Kristo took a deep breath and pressed her right hand on her chest, as if to soothe her heart that was beating uncontrollably.

Xia Zuo noticed the other party's mood swings and asked cautiously, "Sir, is this blood magic very powerful?"

Kristo was silent for a few seconds and shook her head, "No, the effects and uses of this blood magic are relatively limited, not even comparable to the protective spells in the temple. But it is of great significance to you."

"Why do you say that?" Xia Zuo rubbed his brows, the other person's words sounded quite meaningful.

"Do you still remember my metaphor for the Western Continent?" Kristo asked.

"You said, it is like the Eastern Continent in the second era, that is, the era when the power of blood was just revived."

Kristo took out a thin book from her alchemy pocket.

Xia Zuo took it and read it.

There is not much content in the booklet. It lists the pure-blood mages who appeared in the Eastern Continent in the second era with time as the serial number, and briefly describes the history of pure-blood mages.

The pure-blood mage is the first bloodline to appear on the Eastern Continent among many bloodline powers.

The identity, appearance, age, etc. of the first pure-blood mage can no longer be verified. Firstly, it is because it is too old, and secondly, the pure-blood mage himself has mastered the blood magic that changes his appearance, so it is difficult for outsiders to grasp his specific whereabouts.

The temple only knows that this pure-blood mage calls himself Winster Burgust. After awakening the power of the blood mage's blood, he mastered at least ten types of blood magic on his own in just three years.

What concerns the temple the most is that any one of the pure-blood magics mastered by Burgust is the signature spell of other pure-blood mages.

For example, [Hemogen Servant] and [Blood Magic Attack and Defense] are high-level blood magic that only determines the principle of the spell and does not limit the appearance and effectiveness of the spell.

In the history of the Eastern Continent from the 2nd Era to the present, there are only more than 20 pure-blood mages who can master high-level blood magic, which is known as the rarest and weirdest blood magic.

The rest of the pure-blood mages can only master [Blood Arrow Technique], [Blood Shield Technique], [Transform Blood into Form], [Finger Blood into a River], [Draw Blood as a Prison], etc., which have strict restrictions on the appearance and effectiveness of the spells. Basic blood magic.

The blood magic mastered by pure-blood mages differs greatly, and the quantity and quality are very uneven, which triggers a war between pure-blood mages.

The mediocre pure-blood mages, together with other bloodline awakeners, besieged Burgust and several other naturally high-level pure-blood mages.

After killing the high-level pure-blood mages headed by Burgust, the mediocre pure-blood mages shared their remaining blood, inherited their opponent's blood magic, and degenerated into hybrid mages.

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