Early morning more than a month later.

The full-load operation test of the tower has been completed, but Xia Zuo will not be able to enter the trial operation stage in the near future.

Because today is the day to leave the Eastern Continent and head to the Western Continent.

There are a total of 5 super large airships on this trip. Except for the passenger airship that Xia Zuo and others are traveling on, the other 4 are cargo airships loaded with alchemy materials.

The Temple plans to build a teleportation hall in the Western Continent with a teleportation amplification effect covering the entire Starry Night Kingdom.

According to the design requirements, this teleportation hall needs to have a transoceanic teleportation function.

The extreme storm located in the middle of the ocean has become the biggest problem.

The temple discussed two plans.

One set is underwater and the other is in the sky.

Temple surveys have found that the depths of the ocean beneath extreme storms are not as violent as they are at sea level. When approaching the aphotic zone, the seawater flow speed and regularity have reached an acceptable level. It is feasible to build an underground transfer station suspended in sea water here.

In the second plan, the temple thought it would be a good idea to put the transfer station in the sky. The maximum height of the Extreme Storm is about 20 kilometers away from the starry sky. In this space, the weather is calm, there is the sun, there is light, and there is no high-pressure sea water. The only threat is the possible existence of strange monsters in the starry sky.

How to make a decision?

The wealthy Temple decided that it wanted both options.

The transfer station in the sky is used as a regular transfer station. It is used to stand on the bright side and attract the attention of the Strange Demon Church.

The underwater transfer station is an emergency building in an emergency and an insurance policy. For reasons of concealment, the construction of this transfer station had to be carried out quietly.

To this end, a careful construction plan was developed for the temple.

Before Xia Zuo set off, he got the specific plan from Kristone.

He was ordered to assist the team of giant builders in the outer temple to build an underwater transfer station.

The main responsibilities are to create and maintain special engineering puppets, remove environmental obstacles related to toxins, and secretly supervise everyone in the Giant Creator team.

All other passengers who are not participating in this project are required to meditate deeply in their guest rooms until they are awakened.

Anruer has no experience in underwater work, so she is not a member of the engineering team, and Xia Zuo needs to keep her secret.

On the 11th day after setting off from the Eastern Continent, the transoceanic airship team arrived at the center of the extreme storm.

After Xia Zuo waited for Anruer to enter deep meditation, he walked out of the room alone, joined the other group members, and descended to the underwater aphotic zone through the temporary shuttle track.

Counting from this day, in the next 60 days, Xia Zuo would only return to the airship during the rest time every few days until the underwater transfer station was built.

On the 10th day after the airship team set sail again, the scene outside the window suddenly changed from a stormy night to a bright sunny noon. The team officially bid farewell to the extreme storm and sailed into the waters near the Western Continent.

After flying westward for another three days, most of the passengers on the passenger airship were transferred to four cargo airships.

The passenger airship continues westward.

The cargo airship docked on an island and began to build a floating transfer station above the Ji Gen storm. After the construction of this transfer station is completed, it will rise into the sky with great fanfare and fly directly above the Extreme Storm.

The giant team of builders involved in the construction work will, after completing the work here, fly west again to build a teleportation hall in the former Starry Night City site in the Starry Night Kingdom.

On the passenger airship, Xia Zuo stood by the floor-to-ceiling window of the guest room, watching the cargo airship slowly land. His eyes scanned the outline of the island below, he thought for a moment and said:

"This must be Miter Island, right? I remember that when I was a teaching assistant, a student in the Poison Alchemy Department served as a marine and was stationed on the island... I don't know how Professor Kulov is doing now. After the school's enrollment expanded, it would be a luxury for him to meditate deeply for ten hours continuously. And Dim, the castle manager traveled all over the country. Now that the Starry Night Kingdom's territory has expanded, he may not be able to handle it. Alright."

"You really have a lot of emotions." An Ruer smiled at the side, "Are you planning to visit the former circus members?"

"This" Xia Zuo thought for a few seconds, "I do have this idea. But it may not be easy to find. After the circus disbanded, they dispersed to various places to live their own lives."

In fact, Xia Zuo has already made up his mind to find the members of Audrey's Circus.

This is related to a question hidden deep in my heart.

Why does the golden finger mislead the host to quickly level up?

Based on this misunderstanding, Xia Zuo clearly remembered that he had been thinking about how to gain experience faster for more than a year when he first traveled through time.

When he first joined the circus, Xia Zuo was the receptionist of the circus, responsible for selling tickets and arranging shows.

By chance, while rehearsing at the circus, he saw the scene where the fire-breather Vers breathed out flames, and he decided to become the fire-breather and replace Vers.

Wells had a bad behavior and became addicted to drugs. He even tried to steal money for drugs, which made Audrey, the eldest sister of the circus, very dissatisfied.

Xia Zuo's idea of ​​training Breathing Fire to replace Vails was approved by Audrey, and he has since embarked on the path of majoring in [Vitality].

Now it seems, is all this a bit too coincidental?

If Xia Zuo added not [Vitality] but any of the other attributes, he would not be able to become a pure-blood mage, which would trigger a series of encounters in the Eastern Continent.

What made Xia Zuo start adding [Vitality]?

It was that fire-breathing rehearsal in Viles.

What made Xia Zuo completely give up the mechanism of exploring free attribute points and add all the remaining free attribute points to [Vitality]?

It was when the circus stopped at the Pieg Fortress to perform that Vers left without saying goodbye.

Therefore, there is something wrong with Vers.

...It may be just a baseless guess, but Xia Zuo still wants to investigate Fars.

Let’s start by finding the eldest sister, Audrey.

Xia Zuo stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the guest room for a long time. It was not until the sun set low in the sky that he came back to his senses and went to the restaurant to eat with Anruer.

The passenger airship flew westward for three days, and a black line rose above the sea level, which was the outline of the coast of the Western Continent.

As we got closer, the medieval buildings came into view. Everything was the same as when Xia Zuo left, as if the place had not changed.

Soon, the airship arrived over the former Starry Night City.

The Starry Night Kingdom moved its capital to the Grand Canyon in the Storm Mountains two years ago and established a new Starry Night City. Starry Night Academy also moved there.

The old site of Starry Night City was transformed into an airship port city dedicated to docking visitors from the Eastern Continent. It is an airport city with many airship docks.

When the passenger airship docked at the dock dozens of meters above the ground, Xia Zuo and Anruer stepped off the airship, walked down the spiral staircase of the dock to the pick-up platform, and met Dim who was waiting here. meet.

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