"Hi~Dim, long time no see." Xia Zuo waved and smiled.

Dim is still the same as before, with a beard, thick arms, a leather armor and a long sword. Unless he smiles, he feels friendly, otherwise he has a serious face and is not angry or intimidating.

Dim walked towards Xia Zuo and Xia Zuo. He first crossed his arms and looked at each other for a while, then smiled, stretched out his right hand, and said while shaking hands:

"Haha, you two have changed so much. I thought I recognized the wrong person. Come on, follow me. The airship is ready. Let's go directly to the royal city. The head of the hospital has prepared a dinner and is waiting for you."

Dim took the lead into the suspended corridor and walked towards another dock, where several smaller airships were parked, each equipped with multiple propellers. They seemed to be specially prepared for rapid passage within the kingdom.

Xia Zuo walked beside Dimu and asked about the current situation of the kingdom.

Dim waved his right hand, made a splitting motion from the middle, and said:

"You may know that the professors of Starry Night Academy have officially separated from the top management of the kingdom. Now, Starry Night Kingdom is a country run by parliaments at all levels. Although the head of the academy is still the king in name, he is basically no longer the king. Will take care of the affairs of the kingdom.

"Our only requirement for the Kingdom Council is to steadily send enough students to enter the school every year to train more alchemist and mage apprentices. Apart from this, matters such as where natural disasters break out, where there are rebels, etc., do not matter. Within the scope of the academy's work, there will be resident mages stationed in various provinces and cities to deal with it."

Xia Zuo was aware of the plan to counterattack the alien demon lair in the starry sky, and clearly knew that Starry Night Academy was doing this in order to focus its energy on cultivating a large number of mages faster and better, and to prepare a reserve for cultivating a large number of eternal mages in the future.

All of this is inseparable from two elements, one is the spiritual carving knife, and the other is the bloodline awakener.

The spiritual carving knife is in Xia Zuo's hand. He is confident that he can use the carving knife to quickly cut the spirit body and create his own elemental body.

Then the biggest variable in the entire plan is the bloodline awakener.

Anyone who has unique and extraordinary power will become arrogant, arrogant and unruly.

It is definitely not an easy task to tame a group of bloodline awakeners and train them into mages loyal to the temple.

Thinking of this, Xia Zuo asked:

"Are there many bloodline awakenings entering the academy every year now?"

Dim's expression was slightly complicated, and a trace of worry flashed across his bearded face.

"The number is not large yet, but it is growing every year. A total of 110 students were enrolled the year before last, and there were only 4 bloodline awakeners among them. Last year, there were 120 freshmen, and 7 bloodline awakeners. This year, there are 125 freshmen, and there are 7 bloodline awakeners. The number of awakened ones has reached 11.”

Dim scratched his beard and said, "The most troublesome thing is that many freshmen did not awaken any bloodline when they entered the school. But one day they suddenly became bloodline awakeners and gained special abilities. This kind of awakening happened before our eyes. Example, which has a great negative impact on academic performance.”

Dim sighed.

"Hey, you also know. To be promoted to a mage apprentice, students need to pass the level of deep meditation and complete the first practice. For students who are acquired to be friendly, the success rate is less than 10%.

"Innate affinity is hard to come by, but things like awakening the power of bloodline happen from time to time. It is very easy to provoke students' nerves and stimulate them to study the so-called bloodline awakening method. Every day I have to catch a few who don't study well. , students who only know how to do evil things, confiscate their graffiti books and put them in a small dark room."

Xia Zuo rubbed his chin, looked at each other with Anruer, and said to Dim:

"Sounds like a big trouble. Does the head of the hospital have any plans?"

"The head of the college ordered Professor Barry and Professor Kemmings to jointly develop an alchemy instrument for detecting blood concentration, and conduct regular tests on students who are restless and eager to awaken the power of blood."

Dim smiled helplessly and shook his head, "Blood blood concentration is tested every two months. Gee, you don't know, the testing site is more lively than a party. All the students are gathered together, from all grades, it's noisy They kept discussing about whose blood concentration has become high again, and whose blood concentration has stagnated. Hum, if they had this energy when they were studying, the small black room wouldn’t be full all the time.”

The three of them walked and talked, and soon boarded a small airship.

Dim sat in the cockpit with his broad body, pressed the button with his finger, pushed the operating lever, and skillfully controlled the airship to drive out of the dock and sail to the west according to the instructions of the air beacon.

After flying out of the city wall of the old site of Starry Night City, large forests and mountains spread to the horizon. The commercial roads on the ground were bustling with traffic, and packhorses pulled carriages slowly forward in the mountains.

The airship here seems to be a symbol of identity and status. So far, Xia Zuo has not seen the second small airship flying in the sky.

Xia Zuo sat in the back seat and asked Dim:

"Are airships common in the kingdom?"

"No." Dim set up the autopilot, took out a carrot and chewed it, "The airship can only be used by professors from Starry Night Academy. To be precise, only high-level mages who have accepted the loyalty ceremony have this qualification. No one else, whether they are high-ranking officials of the kingdom or the mage stationed in the city, are allowed to come into contact with the airship."

"Is the carrot okay?" Xia Zuo asked, looking at the carrot in the other person's hand.

"Of course it's great. Humph, he's as energetic as a stallion." Dim took out two carrots and gave one to each of Xia Zuo and Anru'er. "I don't have to run around now, he's like a stallion every day." Soak in the stables and have fun with your dear wives. It's a pity that the mutagen of the Demon Hunting School will sterilize the recipient, otherwise, Carrot will have to enjoy the 'fun' of raising a child."

Speaking of his wife and family... Xia Zuo shook An Ruer's little hand. After discussion, the two decided to hold the wedding in the Starry Night Kingdom. If the dean agreed, they planned to get married in the school, and asked Professor Kulov and the dean to be their witnesses.

Xia Zuo felt that Anruer's hands were a little cold, which was a sign of her inner nervousness.

Xia Zuo changed the subject and said: "Dim, tell me about the bloodline awakeners in the academy. What types do they have?"

"The head of the hospital specifically asked me to talk to you about this." Dim took out a roll of sheepskin from his leather armor and handed it to Xia Zuo. "This is a list of all the people who have been imprisoned across the country in the past five years. A documented bloodline awakener. Take a look at it first, and then we’ll talk.”

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