"Teacher, do the aborigines in the western and central parts of the country live in these large valleys?" Xia Zuo asked, pointing to the mountainous area on the sand table.

"They have moved to the kingdom." Beatrice drew a few circles on the hills on the west side of the Storm Mountains. "I settled them in these places. I have retained some of their customs and social structures. Slowly acclimate them to life in the Kingdom.”

"So, the western and central areas are completely depopulated?" Xia Zuo asked.

"Yes, except for the research team assigned by the outer hall, there are no aborigines there." Beatrice tapped a few times on the mountainous area and put down several small flags with numbers. "In the past few years, the outer hall has a total of Six research teams have been sent. Four of them are studying the unique minerals and plants of the Western Continent in the mountains."

"Well," Xia Zuo thought for a while, "If this is the case, we can set up the sub-dimensional passage in the central mountainous area. This not only takes into account concealment, but also ensures that the sub-dimensional signal covers as many areas as possible. .”

"At the beginning, that's what I proposed." Beatrice drew a line on the map, marking a mountain range in the central mountainous area. "This is the most ideal construction location, enough to cover the entire Western Continent. But later I changed my mind"

Beatrice paused and looked at Anruer, "Girl, you should go back to the room first.

"Okay, teacher." Anru'er stood up wisely and waved her hand towards Xia Zuo, "I went to my room to meditate."

"Yeah." Xia Zuo nodded towards her.

After Anruer left, Beatrice put up a barrier to prevent prying eyes and continued the topic.

"Do you know that the Temple wants to take the initiative to release some monsters in the Western Continent?" Beatrice asked, "Has Kristo told you about this?"

"She told me." Xia Zuo thought for a moment, "She said... Ordinary people in the Starry Night Kingdom are not threatened by monsters and neighboring countries. They live too comfortably under the care of the Alchemy School and the Warrior Guild, and lack the awareness of potential threats. Mental preparation.”

Beatrice tapped her chin, "Yes, she is right. From the perspective of planning for a rainy day, it is better for us to let them come into contact with dangerous monsters early than for them to be unable to resist the star monsters in the future."

She stretched out her hand and drew a circle on the map close to the western border of the kingdom. "If you want to release monsters, the mountains adjacent to the border are the best choice. It can not only make the residents of the kingdom feel urgent, but also control the movement of monsters." It’s within our field of vision.”

Xia Zuo looked at the circle drawn by the other party and the mountain range where the subdimensional passage was planned to be built, and immediately understood why Beatrice changed her mind, "Because the distance between the two locations is too close, right? "

"That's right. The sub-dimensional passage is too close to the monster release point. It's not safe enough." Beatrice said.

"Then let's arrange the passage to the sub-plane..." Xia Zuo looked towards the mountainous area in the western part of the continent, then turned his head and looked to the other side, which is the eastern coastal area.

Xia Zuo's eyes lit up, and an idea popped into his mind, "Teacher, I have an idea. There are two teleportation transfer stations in the East and West continents, one in the sky and one under the water, one bright and one dark. We can imitate this idea. , set up two sets of secondary planes. One is in the trench on the eastern coast, and the other..."

Xia Zuo thought for a moment, then reached out and clicked on the Storm Mountains legend on the map, "Another set of sub-dimensional passages is set up here, on the top of the mountain near us."

Beatrice bent her arms and put them on the dining table, supported her chin with the back of her hand and said:

"The construction plan for the two sets of light and dark subdimensional passages is the same as what I imagined. The idea of ​​placing one set in the trench is also the same as mine. But we have differences in the ideas of the other set of subdimensional passages. I I originally thought you wanted to place it in the Western Mountains... Can you tell me your specific ideas?"

Xia Zuo thought for a moment and said a few words, "Authority, cohesion, model, trump card."

Beatrice's eyes narrowed and she suddenly felt unclear.

"That's right, teacher. Based on my personal experience in my early life, although the common people in the kingdom know the existence of Starry Night Academy and know that the mage is a big shot, it is difficult for them to realize the specific gap between them."

Xia Zuo pointed to the teacup and said:

"To give an inappropriate example. Common people drink from solid wooden wine glasses, thinking that precious metals are a symbol of status. They naturally assume that mages will drink from wine glasses made of precious metals... However, in fact, most of us do not drink. This It is a conceptual gap in eating habits.

"If we want them to understand why mages rarely drink alcohol, we have to let them know meditation, spells, thinking and other terms that are abstruse and difficult to understand for them. This is a very difficult thing."

Xia Zuo rubbed his palms lightly, "It can be said that the current authority of Starry Night Academy is based on the high-ranking officials of Starry Night Kingdom. When common people see the nobles respecting the academy's mage, they will think that the mage is the superior of the noble, and the mage is also a member of the aristocratic system. a part of.”

Xia Zuo spread his hands and said, "We all know that is not the case. Nobles are nobles, but they are ordinary people no matter what. There is a huge difference from the mage of the academy."

He pointed to the Storm Mountains on the map.

"Construct a massive sub-dimensional passage here for residents across the country to observe and demonstrate the authority of the school. Before more bloodline awakeners appear among ordinary people, we can further consolidate the prestige of Starry Night School and suppress possible instability in the future. factor.

"For example, those who have just awakened to the power of bloodline have embarked on the extraordinary road and their self-confidence is inflated. However, when they see the sub-dimensional passage on the mountain range, they will feel scared and understand the gap between themselves and the school. The authority of the institution will be like a nail, firmly pierced into their hearts, and then spread to ordinary people through their mouths.

"For ordinary people, which one is more convincing between the nobles praising the nobility of the mage and the bloodline awakening people's respect for the academy mage, it must be the latter!"

"Nice idea... You have done a good job analyzing the mentality of ordinary residents... I lack similar life experiences."

Beatrice took a breath and let it out slowly, "I was born in a noble family. I always thought that the way to maintain authority was through isolation and mystery... but I never considered the misunderstandings and ambiguities that would result. You are right, Xia Zuo. The authority of the academy should not be based on the worship of the nobles. We should use majestic magic creations to show the true appearance of the academy to the residents of the kingdom."

Beatrice composed herself and said: "Just the reason of 'authority' has already moved me. But I also want to hear what the other three terms have connotations."

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