"Teacher, have you heard of the tragedy that happened in Tambus State of the Silver Moon Federation?" Xia Zuo asked.

"Selena (Ms. Starry Night) mentioned it to me." Beatrice said, "It is said that the entire state has fallen, and only the resident mage and the temple stronghold have not been breached by the strange demons. If the support from other states is delayed a little later, Son, the mage stationed in the city and the guards at the temple stronghold can only retreat temporarily."

"I have studied this case in depth." Xia Zuo pondered for a moment and said:

"The cause of the whole incident was a couple of mages who were seduced and corrupted by the Church of Strange Demons. Both of them are official mages of the action team. The husband first became a spy of the Church of Strange Demons. After the wife discovered her husband's strange behavior, out of emotion, factors, she concealed the truth from her superiors and cooperated with her husband to obtain information about the local defense layout. If the wife could have reported her husband in time, all tragedies would not have happened."

Xia Zuo shook his head helplessly, "I have seen one such example. In the emergency response department building in Poseidon City, a pharmacist in the pharmaceutical team became a servant of the Blood Demon, even at the expense of his own life. , delivering blood patterns to the sealed blood demon to help him survive. Afterwards, the action team investigation found that this man’s wife had long known that her husband had fallen, and she also chose to remain silent because of emotional factors.”

"I used to think that it was the wives' infatuation that led them to make wrong choices. Later, I learned the reason after studying the laws against official mages."

Xia Zuo pointed at himself, "High-level mages like us, once they betray the temple, they will die at the hands of the light element in the spiritual ocean. This is the price of gaining power, and it is understandable. The fate of a formal mage who betrays the temple , starts with permanent imprisonment and ends with death penalty. Imagine if an official mage fell into the trap of the Church of Strange Demons due to a moment of negligence, but he has not caused any major losses, what would he do?"

Xia Zuo spread his hands and said, "He will make the same mistake again and again. Since he will be imprisoned for life anyway, there is no turning back. Let's just get more benefits from the Strange Demon Church and strive to be taken over to the territory of the Strange Demon Church." .”

Beatrice frowned, "It does happen. This is a thought that normal people would have. So we should always stay vigilant and beware of any potential temptations. In addition to instructing formal mages to strictly demand themselves, the only way is to give them Each person is given a light element..."

"No, teacher. You and everyone in the temple have fallen into a misunderstanding."

Actually...Xia Zuo felt a little helpless to complain.

Rexor, Seretes, Cresto, Beatrice, Sereboleina and other old guys in the inner and outer temples were all born in the medieval background, and none of them have experienced the culture and legal system of modern civilization. Influence, everyone has only one thought when facing a crime:

Torture, extreme punishment, leaves no room for negotiation.

Even in the Silver Moon Federation's restraint bill, there is no trace of the word "surrender". Anyone who makes a mistake must accept severe punishment, even if he is not subjectively malicious, even if he does not hurt others, even if he takes the initiative to confess his mistake and beg for forgiveness.

Think about it, if the Temple Inquisition was willing to consider lenient punishment after the criminal surrendered, many tragedies could actually be avoided.

But the old guys don’t know and can’t think of this level.

In their eyes, only those with similar status to themselves deserve understanding and forgiveness. This is clearly reflected in Neoxat.

It is almost impossible to persuade such a bunch of old die-hards to accept [surrender]. This is the limitation of the times caused by the environment in which they were born and grew up.

It took Xia Zuo a lot of effort to make Beatrice, who was born in a medieval aristocratic family, understand the benefits of surrendering.

"I roughly understand what you mean, Xia Zuo. Now that I think about it, it is exactly what you said. If the official mage of Tambus State can take the initiative to surrender to the action team, not only Tambus State will be saved from disaster , the temple can also catch the strange monsters lurking in the state in time." Beatrice rubbed her swollen temples, the impact of what the other party said was too great, and she needed to slow down.

She picked up the teacup, took a sip, took a break, and then asked, "But what does surrendering have to do with the subdimensional passage?"

There is a gap as big as an undergraduate course in sociology between these two things.

The release of monsters is not just as simple as strengthening the precautionary awareness of the residents of the Starry Night Kingdom, its impact is very complex.

It involves the breaking down of social classes, new commercial profit-making projects, the reshaping of residents' values ​​and worldview, spontaneous changes in residents' habits and customs, and many other matters.

Each item taken individually will cause a series of social problems.

When these problems arise all at once, with the current operating mechanism of the Starry Night Kingdom, there is a high probability that trouble will occur, and then Beatrice will dispatch the academy mages to solve it, and use the ruthless spells of the academy mages to suppress it.

But don't forget the existence of the power of blood. When the time comes, those who resist the academy's mage will not only be ordinary people and warriors who take illegal breathing secret medicine.

It is worth noting that in the list of bloodline awakeners provided by Beatrice, more than 80% of the awakeners were awakened outside the school.

"Teacher, I saw such a person on the list. From the time he awakened the power of blood to the time he entered the school, there was a gap of three months, right?" Xia Zuo took out the parchment and asked.

"Yes. He comes from the most remote place in the west of the kingdom." Beatrice looked worried, as if she somewhat understood the relationship between surrender and the sub-dimensional passage.

Xia Zuo said, "In the current calm situation in the kingdom, it will take up to 3 months for an awakened person who awakens the power of blood outside the school to be accepted into the school. Just imagine, if the monster is released, the kingdom will If it falls into turmoil, how much longer will it take for the school to accept those with bloodline awakenings?"

Beatrice sighed slightly, "In that case, the bloodline awakeners awakened at the border of the kingdom may never enter the school."

Beatrice held her forehead and said, "I think I discovered where I went wrong. Not getting involved in the kingdom's affairs for a long time made me forget the difficult problems that the kingdom encountered when it expanded its territory more than 20 years ago. At that time, there was a lot of energy The boys and girls who met the ocean standard were bewitched by the indigenous rebels and joined the camp to resist the Starry Night Kingdom. There were also many innate sympathizers among them. This was something that once made me feel regretful and heartbroken..."

Beatrice trembled and raised her head to stare at Xia Zuo, "Oh! I understand, Xia Zuo. I understand. This is the benefit of surrendering. They don't need to be executed..."

A tear welled up in Beatrice's eyes. She immediately closed her eyes, gently covered her eyes with her right hand, and took a few deep breaths.

Xia Zuo said in a soft voice:

“When the Lamb has gone astray and has not yet made a great mistake, we should appropriately forgive his sin and save him from the abyss of degradation.

“The subdimensional passage built on the Storm Mountains will become a world-famous spectacle.

"It is the authoritative symbol of the school, but it should not be a burden on the hearts of those who have awakened their bloodline. Instead, it exists like a holy place, and is the light that guides the guilty lamb back from the lost path."

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