Xia Zuo carefully checked the alchemy equipment, then summoned his own tower to check the tower's energy field and alchemy device.

It was not until late that night that the inspection work came to an end.

Xia Zuo weaved a sofa out of silver sand, took a short break in deep meditation, and then began his first test flight.

Enter the tower, ignite the energy pipeline, detect energy readings, enter shallow meditation, and synchronize with the tower center

After completing a set of standard startup procedures, Xia Zuo sat in front of the control console and saw through the holographic device a total of six views of the outside of the tower, including front and back, left and right, and up and down.

He pushed the push rod, increased the energy output, and controlled the tower to fly smoothly off the platform and towards the star-studded night sky.

Doing work against gravity takes a long time.

The internal structure of the tower is under pressure, and the tower body is trembling like an old man with inconvenient legs and feet.

Since no hard alchemical materials are used as supports inside the tower, Xia Zuo's tower is far less stable than conventional towers when climbing.

Moreover, his mind must be connected with the tens of thousands of energy sensors on the tower to sense the energy distribution in the beam ability field in real time and guard against collapse and damage of the stance caused by energy imbalance.

The high pressure during the climb spread through Xia Zuo's body through the energy signal of the sensor, and he instantly felt like there were countless heavy lead balls on his body.

At an altitude of about 200 meters away from the test flight platform, the tower stopped climbing and turned to a floating state.

Xia Zuo needs to stay at this altitude for as much time as possible until he is fully adapted to the airflow and gravity at this altitude before he can further challenge higher places.

After stopping the climb, the tower's shaking amplitude quickly weakened, and the power of the energy pulse engine on the tower dropped from full load to about 50%.

Whenever a gust of wind blows, the energy pulse engine in the opposite direction will immediately increase its power, trying to control the deflection of the tower within a certain range near the current spatial coordinates.

This kind of energy mobilization in response to stress does not need to be controlled by Xia Zuolai himself, but can be left to the corresponding modules integrated in the energy pipeline system, saving a lot of energy.

I have to say that the top-of-the-line energy pipeline system purchased for 200 million is definitely worth the money~

The high-tower structure dominated by beam energy fields showed its advantages at this moment.

The weight of the beam ability field can be adjusted through the gravity array. Compared to a tower built with alchemical building materials, Xia Zuo's tower is more flexible in weight adjustment and can reduce energy consumption by appropriately reducing the weight.

Now Xia Zuo only needs to monitor the energy readings on the console and continuously deliver energy to the beam ability field.

From launching and climbing to reaching the specified height, the energy in the beam ability field dropped from the full 3.6 million points to 3.4 million points.

After adjusting the weight of the tower, the energy consumption during levitation was reduced to 20,000 points per hour.

After reserving the energy needed for a safe landing, Xia Zuo would have no problem levitating in the air for hundreds of hours.

Now that he has free time, Xia Zuo plans to implement a secret plan.

He summoned a hematin servant and disguised it as an inconspicuous dust.

The blood servant flew out of the tower, landed on the Storm Mountains despite the strong wind, and flew along the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

Xia Zuo's plan is to use the blood element servants to check the files of the Warriors Guild to find records of Vailes.

The Warriors Guild in Starry Night City is the latest, but you still have to think twice before using blood magic under Beatrice's nose.

For the sake of safety, Xia Zuo chose to bypass Starry Night City and go to Rosak City to check the mercenary files there.

A few hours later, the sky became dim and bright.

Xia Zuo's hemogen servants arrived in Rosak City.

It found the warrior guild in the city, and after a brief identification, it got into the window on the third floor.

The mercenary class in Vers is not high, and the confidentiality of the files is relatively low. His files, along with many mercenary files of the same class, are placed in the large archives room of the Fighters Guild.

Files are sorted by creation time.

Audrey once mentioned that Farse entered the industry earlier than the clown brothers, Hercules and Snake Dancer, and was somewhat famous in the northern city of Rosak Province.

Therefore, the time when Vers' file was established should be around 20 years ago.

Xia Zuo found the corresponding shelf, controlled the hematin servant to get into the file bag, and checked the information in the bag one by one.

At noon, Xia Zuo found what he was looking for.


【Birthplace】Rossak Province, Tarozik Village

[Year of Birth] Self-described as Starry Night Calendar 175



(Omitting some irrelevant content)

In the year 199 of the Starry Night Calendar, Vers joined the rogue group in the southern part of Rosak Province and participated in the attack on the village of Silova. In the same year, Vers was captured alive by the garrison of Piek Castle and executed.

Vails is dead?

Xia Zuo frowned, remembering what happened around the fortress after the circus left Piek Fortress.

In his impression, the defenders of Piek Fortress, with the help of the garrison mage, destroyed several underground alchemy rooms and several rogue strongholds, and captured a large number of rogues.

The city defenders dragged the bandits to the penalty ground in the city center for execution, and batch after batch of rebels were sent to the gallows and guillotine.

According to the records, among the group of people executed was Vails.

So... the carriage that picked up Vails from the hotel was controlled by a bandit?

Is this...a bit too ridiculous?

Think about it, when the rogues were raging, the fortress of Piek was strictly guarded, and the gate guards carefully checked every carriage entering and exiting.

A group of bandits drove a carriage into the city in plain sight, picked up members of the most popular circus in the city at the time, and successfully passed the second inspection of the city gate guards without letting the guards recognize Vails...

Is this possible?

Yes, there is, but the probability is relatively low

Xia Zuo rubbed his head and felt that there was an increasingly confusing ball of thread in front of his eyes. There were too many factors involved in tracing the whereabouts of Fels, many more than he imagined.

Maybe he was wrong from the beginning, and there was nothing wrong with Vers.

It was indeed a coincidence that he chose to focus on [Vitality].

But it is obviously unrealistic to want Xia Zuo to give up the investigation...

As a person who has received modern education, he clearly understands the truth of "accidentality is inevitable".

Only when the logic of the investigation results can be self-consistent and form a perfect closed loop will Xia Zuo recognize the results.

Xia Zuo thought for a while and decided to change his investigation method.

Traditional investigation methods rely too much on objective factors such as paper documents, eyewitness testimony, and material evidence.

Since magic exists in this world, it would be more convenient to use magic to investigate things.

Is there any magic that can be traced back to its origins?

Xia Zuo thought for a few seconds and felt that common detection spells would definitely not work.

But if we can realize the historical reproduction of local areas, we might be able to see the causes and consequences of the Vers incident.

What kind of magic can achieve historical reproduction?

A figure popped into Xia Zuo's mind - Kristo.

This veteran pure-blood mage masters powerful spells to manipulate time. You might gain something from asking her for time spells.

Xia Zuo dismissed the hematin servants far away in Rosac City, picked up the secret message ring and dialed a secret message to Kristo.

Due to the great distance and the obstruction of the extreme storm, it is estimated that this secret message will take seven or eight days to reach Kristo's hands.

Xia Zuo calmed down and tested the tower with peace of mind.

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