Half a month after arriving at Starry Night Academy.

Test flight platform.

Xia Zuo is renovating his tower.

After several rounds of testing, his tower was operating normally and passed various indicators.

The experience rewards from this series of work are amazing!

Each round of testing is divided into several projects, with various sub-projects within the project.

Every time a sub-project is completed, Goldfinger will give an experience reward.

For example, a small project was conducted to test the maximum duration of stable levitation. Xia Zuo levitated in mid-air for 3 days. Golden Finger gave him nearly 9,000 experience points, and the experience acquisition efficiency was extremely high.

This is also the case for other small projects.

After several rounds of testing, Xia Zuo was upgraded to 3 levels in a row.




[Agility] 40







[Free Attribute Points] 40

The joy of rapid upgrades is always short-lived.

After the test flight test was completed, Xia Zuo tried to repeat the test, but Goldfinger refused to admit it and only gave away 5% of the original experience reward.

Since stealing the chicken failed, let’s start with the next step.

Xia Zuo sat in the rest area next to the test flight platform, flipping through the list of tower auxiliary modules in his hand.

After killing the frost dragon, the mage army of the Kingdom of Wildhammer used a tractor beam to slow down the falling speed of the dragon's body.

This tractor beam comes from a special tractor beam device in the tower. The principle is to attach a spell target to the target and indirectly control the target by manipulating the spell target, thereby achieving the purpose of pulling.

There are many other alchemical devices with auxiliary functions.

For example, a winding beam device that slows down the target at an ultra-long distance, an energy skimmer that plunders spell energy, a long-range energy transmission device that delivers energy to other towers, a short-range jump thruster that transfers the location of towers ultra-quickly, and so on.

There is even a central control device that simultaneously controls a large number of combat puppets for coordinated operations. The core component is the crystal array controlled by the crystal survivors.

It can be seen that the Temple has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the tower, which has the dual attributes of a building and an aerospace vehicle, and has developed many tower functional modules for large-scale operations in the starry sky junction.

It can be said that as long as a few hundred eternal mages can be gathered for the temple, a fully-staffed starry sky junction tower army can be organized immediately to launch an all-round counterattack plan.

While Xia Zuo was selecting what he wanted from the dazzling list of functional modules, he sighed at the profound foundation of the temple.

At this moment, even if someone told him that there was a space tower capable of interstellar travel in the temple, he would not have the slightest doubt.

The list is so exhaustive.

It is hard to imagine how a temple civilization that has never left the planet developed a specialty product of the great era of the universe.

Xia Zuo selected the add-on modules he liked, drafted an order form and gave it to Beatrice, who would then forward it to the outer palace for him. When the teleportation hall at the old site of Starry Night City is completed, the additional modules he ordered will be delivered.

It will be delivered together with a metal box sent by Cristo.

Xia Zuo asked about time and space magic before, and Kristo gave part of the answer.

The other party made it clear that she would give Xia Zuo a tool to understand the laws of time and space. If Xia Zuo could learn by himself, it wouldn't matter if someone taught him the magic of time and space, because people who understand the laws of time and space will naturally know everything and can do it without anyone teaching them. He can master all time and space spells, and it is useless to teach people who don't understand...

Well...that's what Cristo said.

While patiently waiting for the "delivery", Xia Zuo meditated and studied in the academy.

Whenever he had free time, he went to Kulov's place to borrow a high-level alchemy platform and refined batch after batch of bait. The juniors and girls who were attending class were stunned and all exclaimed that Senior Xia Zuo was a veritable poison refiner. Madman, no wonder he was hired by Starry Night Academy at such a young age.

During the days when Xia Zuo was gaining experience, Starry Night Academy was progressing in an orderly manner in constructing an energy sub-plane and releasing monsters.

The plan for the sub-dimensional passage was submitted to the outer palace by Beatrice. After several rounds of discussions, the plan was approved.

A large amount of supplies will be delivered within the next eight months.

During this period, while Beatrice was preparing manpower and supplies, she also disclosed a limited amount of information to ordinary people outside the house to prepare them psychologically and try to reduce the psychological impact of these two events.

There was some slight turmoil in the kingdom, but it was still under control and did not cause much turmoil.

It's all going great.

Audrey also successfully entered Starry Night Academy and became Anruer's student after reselling the martial arts school.

Although the age gap between the two is relatively large, it does not affect the communication between the two parties.

After Xia Zuo quietly observed several times and confirmed that there was no minor quarrel between them, he put Audrey's matter aside and continued to work hard to gain experience.

Eight months flew by.

This morning.

An aerial team composed of hundreds of cargo airships set off from the old site of Starry Night City and sailed flamboyantly over the provinces such as Nanan, Rosak, and Sbreer, and finally landed in the clear morning dew of Qinrunhe. They arrived in the sky above Starry Night City in the radiance of morning light. With the whole city watching, they docked at the dock of the mountain range where Starry Night Academy is located.


Is there a dock next to Starry Night Academy?

Everyone clearly remembers that there was no dock there.

These U-shaped docks lined up on the mountain appeared out of thin air overnight, like a belt around the mountain.

Now, these docks are filled with majestic cargo airships, each of which is half the size of Starry Night Castle.

Hundreds of airships of the same size gathered together were enough to shock the entire city for a whole year.

From the tower terrace of Xia Zuo Starry Night Castle, overlooking the noisy and bustling urban area, countless people were rushing around to talk to each other and spread the gossip designed by Beatrice.

It is conceivable that the Starry Night Kingdom will be very lively in the next ten years.

Those who are capable and courageous can go to the western border to fight monsters, defend the kingdom's territory and earn military merit, which can be exchanged for better breathing techniques.

People who were willing to endure hardship and had far-sightedness moved to the west of the kingdom. Even if they did not go to the front line themselves, they could knock anvils, blow on stoves, move coals, and earn a lot of silver coins.

If you are pretty and understand people and the world, oh~ that would be great.

The card "Beauty" combined with any other card will become a sure kill, allowing you to reap the money from the pockets of soldiers, mercenaries, and alchemists.

"I really look forward to the scene of tens of thousands of people resisting the monster siege." Xia Zuo smiled dumbly, looked away from the city, and walked towards Beatrice's study. It was time to collect the "express delivery".

When Xia Zuo walked into the study, Beatrice took out several metal boxes from her alchemy pocket.

"These are the auxiliary modules of the tower." Beatrice pointed to the numbered metal box, and then pointed to the small metal box on the desk:

"That is what Kristo asked me to give to you. She said that it contains the [Sands of Time]. You should want to understand the laws of time and space, right? Every palace mage has understood the Sands of Time, but we Almost all of them failed, including me. So if you fail to understand the laws of time and space, don’t feel discouraged, this is a normal thing.”

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