My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 298 Shipborne Detection Array

Later that night on the same day.

Xia Zuo sent the four of Yanni away and waited for Dim alone on the top floor of the tower.

When Dim piloted the small airship and arrived over the Pisco Fortress, dawn just appeared on the horizon.

The residents and soldiers who woke up from their sleep and began to work for the day looked curiously at the airship next to the tower, and then started to work for the day under the urging of the rhythm of life.

Dim himself is a high-level mage who can fly. It only takes three hours at most to get from Starry Night Academy to Pisco Fortress.

He chose to drive the airship over in order to use the ship-borne detection array to search for the whereabouts of Shadow Demon in a large area.

The prerequisite for detecting a target is to know certain characteristics of the target - just like looking for an ordinary person to know his appearance and then perform facial recognition, when searching for a shadow demon, it is best to know the energy fluctuation characteristics of the shadow demon in advance. code.

Last night, after Beatrice brought Ellin back, she used enchantment to make a copy of the darkroom mark in Ellin's body.

Dim got a copy of the darkroom mark and drove the airship to the Pisco Fortress while debugging the ship-based detection array in the driver's seat.

When we arrived at the tower where Xia Zuo was located, the detection array had just been debugged.

In the airship, the two of them stood side by side in front of the holographic device, and the holographic terrain map of the Pisco Fortress was being quickly constructed.

"I told Yanni that there will be a strong spell wave spreading throughout the city later. Before the wave ends, it's best to put on the mage armor for yourself." Xia Zuo looked at the letter in his hand, " She wrote back and asked me, do I need to notify ordinary people in the city to go back to their houses, and at the same time take some protective measures for the monsters detained in the city? What do you think, Dim? "

"No need." Dim shook his thick finger, "The spell fluctuations of the shipboard detection array can only be felt by people or monsters who have reached the spiritual ocean standard. Monsters are thick-skinned and not afraid of pain, so don't worry about them. As long as they stay there Master Cheng just needs to take good personal protection."

Xia Zuo used communication skills to write another letter and send it out.

Dim reached out and pressed the button next to the array disk slot a few times. "The detection array is ready. It will start charging now. It is expected that the first detection spell will be released in one minute."

The two waited quietly for a minute.

"Ding." A crisp prompt sounded, and the instructions on the operating table turned from yellow to green.

Dim clicked the button, "Start detection."

An invisible spell wave was stimulated from the magic circle disk. After leaving the airship, the spell fluctuations quickly became stronger and the propagation speed increased sharply. It spread to half of the city in almost 3 seconds, and the entire city was scanned in 5 seconds.

"Didi, didi, didi..." More than a dozen red dots lit up on the holographic map of the city.

"These are the shadow demon's action traces." Dim pointed to the darker red dots. "The darker the color, the 'fresher' the action traces. Red to black dots like this represent where the action traces were produced. Within 48 hours. Those dots that are lighter than pink represent that the action traces were generated 100 hours ago.

Dim turned the wheel on the console and focused the detection direction of the detection array on the crimson dot.

Another minute passed, the magic circle was fully charged, and the detected waves were concentrated towards the northwest of the city.

"Beep beep beep..." A long row of red dots instantly appeared on the holographic map of the city, forming a red line pointing outside the kingdom's border.

"Oh~ It seems that when we took Ellin away last night, we still alarmed the shadow demon." Dim zoomed in on the holographic map, carefully compared the "freshness" of the red dots, and finally came to a conclusion, "Obviously, this damn shadow demon has gone to the mountainous areas outside the country. We have to chase him quickly."

Dim patted Xia Zuo on the shoulder, "You control the detection circle, and I'll pilot the airship."

"Okay, leave it to me." Xia Zuo nodded.

Dim sat in the cockpit and started the thrusters.

The airship slowly accelerated and sailed away from Piek Fortress, following the red lines on the holographic map and heading towards the mountains in the northwest.

"Dim, do you think it's possible that this shadow demon is looking for the monster cub?" Xia Zuo asked while controlling the detection direction of the magic circle.

"It's possible, but I'm not sure." Dim scratched his beard in confusion, "I'm not sure why a shadow demon helped a young monster escape from Masnuo City into a ravine. Could it be that this Is Shadow Demon a lover of monster cubs?"

It was not Shadow Demon who helped the monster cubs escape, but Ellin... Trish explain it to Dim.

However, Dim's words also reminded Xia Zuo of one thing:

The Shadow Demon is not interested in monster babies. To be precise, the Shadow Demon is only interested in human targets that can be swallowed by their shadows.

If it is assumed that Shadow Demon is on his way to find monster cubs, he must find evidence to prove that this group of escaped monster cubs is beneficial to Shadow Demon.

At present, there is no such evidence, and the hypothesis put forward by Xia Zuo is more like unfounded speculation.

But an hour later, the secret message from Beatrice made Xia Zuo and Dim 100% sure that this shadow demon was heading towards the group of monster cubs.

By the way, Beatrice's secret message also explained to Xia Zuo why Ellin was not worried about having her memory read.

When the shadow demon is promoted to the cube level, it will transform from a two-dimensional monster to a three-dimensional monster, and its body shape will change from a flat surface to a three-dimensional one.

In this process, in addition to changes in appearance, Shadow Demon will also undergo an important mutation.

Just like the initial mutation when the dragon was born, Shadow Demon's mutation is also a random mutation, and can only choose one mutation direction.

Since the body structure of shadow demons is not complicated, the mutation directions they can choose are relatively limited. In addition, there is a certain probability of passing the mutation intact to future generations during inheritance. Shadow demons, a kind of strange demon, have become strange demons. The most complete strange devil in the church.

The shadow demon master who controls the dark room plane has only reached the extreme level of manipulation of shadow energy before he can ascend the throne of the plane master.

In addition to shadow energy, shadow demons also have access to psychic energy.

When Xia Zuo was working in the Poseidon City Action Team, he used [Flesh Control] to identify the body toxins of the Cube Shadow Demon.

At that time, Xia Zuo suffered from a negative effect called [severe self-doubt].

This negative effect is the psychic ability controlled by the shadow demon. Anyone who comes into contact with it will be infected by its psychic energy and suffer from a mental illness such as severe self-doubt.

There are very few shadow demons who mutate in the direction of spiritual energy. After all, the boss of the shadow demon takes the shadow energy route.

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