As luck would have it, the shadow demon that Ellin encountered was unique and followed the path of spiritual energy.

The special function it possesses is [Fabricated Memory] - a strange ability that can weave false memories to resist [Reading Memory].

Shadow Demon had evil intentions when helping Ellin fabricate her memories.

It did not follow its agreement with Ellin and seal Ellin's true memory in a certain area of ​​Ellin's brain. Instead, it stuffed the real memory into the little head of the monster cub.

You don’t need to guess to know that Shadow Demon did this because he wanted to use his real memory to blackmail Ellin and make her a complete slave.

Now, what Xia Zuo and Dim have to do is to bring back Ellin's true memory before the shadow demon destroys the monster cubs.

Otherwise, this individual who first became a mage and then awakened the power of blood would become a veritable madman.

Shadow Demon's false memories are like a virus, slowly spreading in Ellin's head, constantly modifying other real memories.

According to what Beatrice said in the secret message, the false memory implanted in Ellin's body will eventually transform Ellin into a cold-blooded, cunning spy who is good at disguising herself, and will be deeply rooted in the ranks of the city's mage. middle.

After learning all this, Xia and Zuo immediately went all out to track down the Shadow Demon.

After searching all the way, the two finally discovered the shadow demon on the mountainside of a barren mountain in the evening.

The bright red sunset dyed the mountain forest red, and a ghost-like black shadow shuttled through the forest. It used the tree shadows everywhere as a springboard, jumping on the tree shadows and moving forward in a circuitous way, doing its best to avoid the sky. of behemoth.

Dim lowered the flying altitude of the airship, and the bottom of the cabin was almost close to the crown peak of the tree canopy.

Xia Zuo fiddled with the shipboard detection array, using both hands together, holding the joystick on the console and shaking it from side to side, trying to make the ring on the holographic map lock on the black shadow.

Once night falls and the sky becomes dark, the shadow demon can use the night to disappear into the dark night sky.

You have to catch the sun before it sinks completely below the horizon!

"It's done, Dim! The fort has locked the target!" Xia Zuo wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Dimra lifted the airship, the bow tilted upward, and a gun barrel protruded from the bottom of the cabin - this is a small pulse energy turret built into the airship. It can fire 10 energy pulse shells at a rapid rate with one charge. The power of the missile is as high as 100 points of power, and a single salvo can destroy a small mountain top. In order to prevent being affected by the explosion, the airship must climb to an altitude of 30 meters.

When the airship was out of the explosion range, Dim hammered the launch button on the console with his right hand, "Try the pain, Shadow Demon!"

"Bang bang bang!!" Short and dense explosion flames bloomed in the woods below, delineating a standard square bombing area within half a second, blocking all paths for the Shadow Demon.

"The energy reading of Shadow Demon has not disappeared, it is still alive!" Xia Zuo greeted Dim.

"Charging is complete, launch!" Dim pressed the launch button again.

Ten red fireballs spewed out from the barrel and rushed downward, adding fuel to the raging woods.

"Bang bang bang!!" Dust flew into the sky, trees were broken and fell into the sea of ​​fire, and the lush grass turned into dark scorched earth.

"The heat is just right! The Shadow Demon's energy reading is only one-third of its original value." Xia Zuo walked toward the hatch, "I'll seal it, and you hurry up and put out the fire."

"Okay, go and come back quickly." Dim waved back.

After Xia Zuo left the cabin, Dim turned on the power of the airship and circled around the edge of the sea of ​​​​fire several times, spreading large amounts of fire-extinguishing oil to contain the forest fire before the fire got out of hand. On the top of this small hill.

Xia Zuo used the flying technique to land on the ground, and at the same time activated the [Toxin Sense], following the poisonous smoke in the air and walking into the center of the sea of ​​fire.

Layers of spell barriers and spell shields were put on his body, blocking the flames and choking smoke that licked the corners of his clothes. Xia Zuo came to a pit without hindrance.

The cube shadow demon is crawling in the dark pit, seeming to be seizing the time to heal its wounds, and also seeming to be ambushing the enemy.

Xia Zuo will not give his opponent a chance to sneak attack.

He clapped his hands in front of him and displayed [Fire Shield], and the magic shield surrounding him ignited with blazing fire. At this moment, he seemed to be standing in the middle of the fire.

In order to withstand the bombardment of artillery fire, Shadow Demon consumed a large amount of shadow energy. At this time, facing Xia Zuo who was like a burning man, there was nothing he could do.

It neighed and turned into a wandering black snake, swimming on the edge of the remaining fire, trying to leave the sea of ​​​​fire.

Xia Zuo didn't catch up.

Ever since he mastered [Beam Ability Field], he has always wanted to try this spell in actual combat.

Xia Zuo pointed at the zigzagging black snake, and a red beam of light shot out from his fingertips.

This light followed Xia Zuo's will and built a wall of flames that could not be penetrated by the black snake wherever it passed. One after another extremely hot obstacles cut off the black snake's path, and finally trapped it in a very small hole. In a flame container.

The Shadow Demon had to reveal his true form, spewing black smoke to resist the burning of the flame container.

Xia Zuo suddenly grasped his right hand, and the square flame container collapsed and squeezed inward, turning into a red light orb the size of a fireball.

"It turns out that the beam energy field can really be used in this way~" Xia Zuo chuckled.

The set of operations just now has never appeared in textbooks. It is a completely new spell that Xia Zuo invented on the spot based on his understanding of the beam energy field.

The principle is to use a beam energy field to build an energy shield, and use this shield as a cage to seal the shadow demon.

This method of casting is faster and safer than casting the [Fire Cage] spell, because the beam energy field has a blueprint.

As long as Xia Zuo stores the blueprint in the spiritual ocean in advance, he can turn the blueprint into a substantial energy shield with just a thought during battle, which is at least twice as fast as traditional spell casting methods.

Xia Zuo suppressed his smile and waved to the red light orb.

The orb fell into the palm of his hand, and Xia Zuo saw a twisted black shadow bumping around inside the sphere.

Every time the Shadow Demon hits the sphere, the red light orb will lose more than 100 shield points.

Xia Zuo easily made up for this loss.

He looked at the dwindling fire around him and used the [Extinguishment Technique] specially designed for extinguishing fires to help Dim extinguish the flames.

After there was no more fire in the burned mountain forest, Xia Zuo used flying skills to leave the blackened land.

"Dim, it's done." Xia Zuo returned to the airship and shook the orb in his hand.

Dim looked closely at the orb in Xia Zuo's hand, "What is this thing?"

"Hehe, I used the beam energy field to construct the spell cage." Xia Zuo smiled proudly.

Dim was obviously stunned for a moment, his eyes widened, and he said with some disbelief, "The energy field... you are too extravagant. The spiritual ocean is so rare, you actually used it to contain the blueprint for this thing?"

Xia Zuo shook his hand indifferently, "It's not a big deal, Dim. My spiritual ocean is definitely enough, and it has something to do with my light element. I won't say more, otherwise it will violate the law."

"Oh~ Okay." Dim stopped asking after hearing the order. He scratched his beard and sat back in the cockpit. "Then let's set off and try to get back to the school before midnight."

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