When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the hall of the Starry Night Castle, the airship of Xia and Zuo also docked at the dock of the tower.

Beatrice prepared the container to seal the shadow demon in advance.

Xia Zuo and Dim carried the metal box and walked into the sealing room amidst the faint singing.

Beatrice stood by the sealed container, tilted her head slightly to listen, and then asked:

"You... put a speaker in this box?"

Dim laughed, "Yes, head of the hospital. This guy used his annoying psychic abilities at midnight yesterday and said he wanted to make a deal with us. Xia Zuo and I wouldn't believe its lies, so we gave it to him directly. It’s a tough one.”

Dim opened the metal box and clicked off the gramophone that had been playing all night.

The shadow demon in the orb looked like he was dying, as if he had been scolded with vicious words all night long.

Beatrice picked up the orb and took a look at it, "Oh? A temporary sealed container made with a beam energy field? Did you make it, Xia Zuo?"

"Yes, teacher." Xia Zuo nodded.

"That's a good idea." Beatrice said with a smile.

She put the orb into the sealing container, closed the top cover of the transparent glass tube, and activated the sealing circle on the base of the container.

The black shadow that was originally swimming in the orb was immediately immobilized by a burst of cold spell energy.

Xia Zuo followed Beatrice's instructions and interrupted the connection with the orb. The energy in the orb quickly dissipated, revealing the shadow demon contained inside.

In the Silver Moon Federation, sealing the shadow demon requires a single room full of light and no shadow corners.

In Beatrice's case, the room she chose was full of shadows, but the shadow demon couldn't escape.

These two different sealing environments are caused by differences in schools.

The school of alchemy advocates starting from the principle of Shadow Demon's signature spell [Shadow Shuttle] and erasing the shadows that allow it to shuttle.

Beatrice is a tower mage born in the alchemy school, so she will naturally use faster and more convenient sealing spells to directly seal the shadow demon.

Both sealing ideas are feasible, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The Alchemy School saves energy, and the Tower Mage is more efficient.

After sealing the shadow demon, you have to start dismantling its body.

There is a shadow core inside the Shadow Demon, which is its "brain" and the core of the Shadow Demon.

As long as you use enchantment to transform the shadow core, you can use it to search for the location of Ellin's true memory.

The task of removing the shadow demon's body was left to the two masters of poison alchemy in the academy.

Xia Zuo and Kulov worked together and spent half a month preparing a large jar full of special antidote for the shadow demon.

Everyone hoped that things would continue to progress smoothly, but when the antidote was administered, a small accident occurred.

As we all know, there are traces of elements in the antidote.

When a large number of elemental traces came together, they inevitably caused some interference to Beatrice's sealing circle.

In the sealing room, Xia Zuo and Dim are pouring the antidote.

Just when the shadow demon was soaked in the antidote and its body was rapidly melting away, its voice penetrated the slightly weakened sealing circle and penetrated into the minds of the two people present:

"We...make...a deal...I...hand over...my psychic powers...you...let...me..."

Dim reached out and turned on the gramophone next to him, and "Praise to the Sun" played from the speaker.

As the bubbles in the sealed container become denser and denser, the energy reading of the magic circle further decreases, which means that the power of the magic circle is further weakened.

Dim turned the speaker volume up to maximum.

The shadow demon's figure began to twist and deform, and was about to be completely dissolved into the antidote. The shadow core in its body was already vaguely visible.

The singing in the room shook the tabletop slightly. Even so, Shadow Demon still exploded with all his strength, once again used his psychic ability, and bewitched Xia Zuo and Xia Zuo with almost inaudible inner words:

"The mission to find...Black Flag...sir...failed..."

"Lord Black Flag?" Xia Zuo was stunned.

Dim frowned on the side, "What is this guy talking about? What's the black flag?"

Their voices were drowned out by the singing from the speakers.

"Uh" Xia Zuo looked at the "stop" button on the console, patted Dim's arm, pointed at the button and shouted, "Should we stop!"

Dim scratched his beard and shouted, "Can we search the memory of 'Black Flag' from the shadow core!"

"For the shadow cores of other shadow demons, this is not difficult!" Xia Zuo shouted and spread his hands, "But this shadow demon has the ability to construct false memories! Even if we find that memory, it may be false of!"

While the two were discussing, the antidote continued to be poured into the sealed container.

Finally, in less than 30 seconds, Shadow Demon's body was disintegrated by the antidote, and a black egg-shaped object was suspended in the water.

Beatrice had made the enchantment prop to transform the shadow core two days ago. It was placed on Dim and looked like a compass.

Dim took out the enchanted compass and installed the shadow core in the groove on the back of the compass.

The hands on the dial swayed, pointing straight to the west of the kingdom.

"It's done. This thing can lead us to find Ellin's true memory. Let's go and report to the head of the hospital first, and then set off." Dim put the compass into his pocket.

The two left the seal room and walked into Beatrice's study.

Dim showed Beatrice the shadow core attached to the back of the compass and said at the same time:

"Head of the Academy, before the shadow demon lifted its body, it said that its mission to find Lord Black Flag had failed. Xia Zuo and I have never heard of this person. Maybe it wants to delay time, or maybe it really does. Another Master Black Flag is lurking in the kingdom. Do you need us to search for him?"

Beatrice controlled Yinsha's palm to put down the pen, and thought for a few seconds with her slender brows furrowed, "Lord Black Flag? Who is this? Is there a surname like Black Flag in the Strange Demon Church?"

"Let's do this," Beatrice snapped her fingers and said, "Don't worry about it, I will notify the outer palace. If it is like what this shadow demon said, it is here to find Black Flag, then It means that the so-called Black Flag is missing. The person who can allow the Cube Shadow Demon to penetrate deeply into the Kingdom of Starry Night will not be an unknown person in the Church of Strange Demons. The temple will send people to infiltrate and investigate."

"Okay, Chief."

"Okay, teacher."

Xia and Zuo nodded.

After the two left the study, they boarded the airship and flew to the mountains to the west.

Beatrice's expression became solemn after they left.

She took out a special notepad from her desk drawer and wrote a line of words on the page with special black ink:

[Starry Night Kingdom·Beatrice: We caught a cube-level shadow demon, and it mentioned "Black Flag". 】

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